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jaklyons 06-05-2010 11:38 AM

[QUOTE=Sad But True;18015805]You win a tenner; I have to have been there to know it's a s[SIZE="2"]h[/SIZE]ithole.

Tenner says you're a c[SIZE="2"]u[/SIZE]nt.

I win a tenner.[/QUOTE]

Universal balance is maintained.

Sad But True 06-06-2010 05:46 PM

[QUOTE=Squirrel;18015842]Yeah but going there and having an account aren't the same thing.

You seem to try really hard at everything. Like at humour and other stuff, I can see a clear amount of effort you're putting in. I bet you rewrite your posts several times and plan them while your machine is booting up.[/QUOTE]

Haha not really. Nice to know you're thinking so much about it though.

Squirrel 06-07-2010 07:16 AM

Yeah again, just doesn't seem a genuine response. I bet you're completely different off the net tbh.

Sad But True 06-07-2010 08:25 AM

Off the net I'd describe myself as easy going, open, friendly, funny. I'm not trying to be anything; it's not worth my time to try and impress some people on the internet or construct this entirely different persona.

Bruce E Kinesis 06-07-2010 08:43 AM

Anyone who claims not to act differently IRL is bullshitting

I've met some dudes off another forum IRL, got on fine but they didn't behave like they did online

Sad But True 06-07-2010 09:12 AM

I don't try to act differently; if you met me a real life and decided that I didn't act the same then fair enough, but it isn't my intention.

It's not like I'm trying to play the cool guy or big myself up. I'll tell you all the many boring and un-cool things about myself if you want.

El-Ahrairah 06-07-2010 09:55 AM

[QUOTE=Bruce E Kinesis;18019564]Anyone who claims not to act differently IRL is bullpoopting

I've met some dudes off another forum IRL, got on fine but they didn't behave like they did online[/QUOTE]

It's easier to be unfriendly online. You don't have to look into people's eyes.

Bruce E Kinesis 06-07-2010 10:03 AM

[QUOTE=Sad But True;18019626]I don't try to act differently; if you met me a real life and decided that I didn't act the same then fair enough, but it isn't my intention.

I'm saying nobody is the same, and it's not because of "trying" or "not trying"- it's just because person to person interaction is very different than what is essentially instant letter-writing between ourselves on here.

Squiz' attempts to extrapolate real life personality traits from your online persona seems to be rather futile for that reason.

Modern Iconoclast 06-07-2010 10:35 AM

[QUOTE=El-Ahrairah;18019721]It's easier to be unfriendly online. You don't have to look into people's eyes.[/QUOTE]

You also can't punch someone through the internet.

Squirrel 06-07-2010 10:42 AM

[QUOTE=Bruce E Kinesis;18019746]I'm saying nobody is the same, and it's not because of "trying" or "not trying"- it's just because person to person interaction is very different than what is essentially instant letter-writing between ourselves on here.

Squiz' attempts to extrapolate real life personality traits from your online persona seems to be rather futile for that reason.[/QUOTE]

I am sure you will agree he comes across as rather simple. In a charming way.

Bruce E Kinesis 06-07-2010 10:53 AM

Whereas I deliberately use longer words online in order to demonstrate in a painfully unsubtle way that my vocabulary is extensive, with the subconcious intention of ensuring my opinions hold weight.

And I dunno man, I have loads of friends who can't do maths, or don't have much of an opinon on politics, or whatever; but lots of those people are still 'interesting'.

SBT, what's your favourite thing to cook? If you had to give half your money to a charity, which would it be and why? Which of your parents are you most like, and why?

Squirrel 06-07-2010 12:18 PM

I just can't take him seriously.

The Transporter 06-07-2010 01:20 PM

[quote=viciouscycle;18015065]I'm listening to Baroness, saw them when they opened for [B]Coheed and Cambria[/B], hadn't heard them yet though

Their drummer is a riot, that kid was fun to watch[/quote]
Saw Coheed in Chicago and then in KC this past Friday. Best band ever? I think so.

Kuffuffled 06-07-2010 02:02 PM

They're ok, but Claudio harmonizes his voice is every ****in song, it gets really irritating

Sad But True 06-07-2010 02:32 PM

[QUOTE=Bruce E Kinesis;18019816]Whereas I deliberately use longer words online in order to demonstrate in a painfully unsubtle way that my vocabulary is extensive, with the subconcious intention of ensuring my opinions hold weight.

And I dunno man, I have loads of friends who can't do maths, or don't have much of an opinon on politics, or whatever; but lots of those people are still 'interesting'.

SBT, what's your favourite thing to cook? If you had to give half your money to a charity, which would it be and why? Which of your parents are you most like, and why?[/QUOTE]
I like to cook either some nice pasta and veg, and make my own sauce, or curry, again with making my own sauce, but I don't often get time to anymore.

I'd give half my money to cancer research, because my aunt (luckily) recovered from mouth cancer and I think it's a really worthwhile cause that helps millions of people. Second choice would be Amnesty International, because I donated to them before, but had to stop because I couldn't afford to run my car/buy food, and because my family has had experience with them and they were fantastic.

I much prefer my dad because he's much easier going and actually communicates with me rather than spewing some mindless diatribe with such arrogance it's actually amusing to watch.

How about you?

Bruce E Kinesis 06-08-2010 06:50 AM

[QUOTE=Sad But True;18020003]I like to cook either some nice pasta and veg, and make my own sauce, or curry, again with making my own sauce, but I don't often get time to anymore.[/QUOTE]

The thing I made most recently that I really thought turned out great was Spinach and Ricotta savoury pancakes with nutmeg, a tomato sauce underneath to stop them drying out in the oven, and cheese on top.
I'd give half my money to cancer research, because my aunt (luckily) recovered from mouth cancer and I think it's a really worthwhile cause that helps millions of people. Second choice would be Amnesty International, because I donated to them before, but had to stop because I couldn't afford to run my car/buy food, and because my family has had experience with them and they were fantastic.[/QUOTE]

Two of my favourites. Cancer research is a great one because you have an oppurtunity, in effect, to help literally millions of people, some of whom haven't even been born yet.

[QUOTE]I much prefer my dad because he's much easier going and actually communicates with me rather than spewing some mindless diatribe with such arrogance it's actually amusing to watch. [/QUOTE]

I wouldn't say I prefer my dad, but I'm definitely more like him. It actually kinda scares me how much my dad and I have in common; when I was younger I swore I'd never turn into him, but some things are just too inevitable.

JCBitB 06-08-2010 02:28 PM

[QUOTE=Bruce E Kinesis;18012470]Mastering with all the lights on 0dB the whole time might seem like a modern curse, but it's actually a 'vintage' way of doing things.[/QUOTE]

It's a vintage way of doing things without any of the benefits that come with what made it the "vintage" sound in the first place. You get wonderful distortion and compression from running hot to tape, but you don't get that with digital.

The loudness war is funny to me, especially in heavy music. Bands come in wanting everything to sound BIG, loud, and mean. They just don't understand that you get big, loud, and mean, by having contrasting elements in your composition. Its not voodoo and knob twiddling that does it. All the faders go up to make it as big as possible, and then they get compressed so you can get 'em up even louder and hit harder, and it's akin to a dog chasing it's tail.

I want to hear humanity in the music I listen to. Sure metal sounds "better" when it's sample replaced and smashed, but to me metal isn't supposed to sound polished and perfect. I think it's supposed to sound genuine, frenzied, and passionate.

It's all a symptom of greater problems in the culture of music making, made worse by the fact that the whole game is shifting and rearranging, but that's a whole 'nother rant to be ignored on another day...

AG 06-08-2010 02:36 PM


Did tons of housework today, including using my Dad's chainsaw to cut some tree stumps down to ground level (and then chop them into logs) and then split them.

Also went to B&Q to check out how much stuff costs (mortar/lawn fertiliser/splitting axes etc) and I think I've got about £45 of wood chopped for free!

Dad also dropped off a garden fork so that's something else I don't have to buy - and he's offered to buy us a freezer as a housewarming gift, which is lovely.

Also refitted/fixed the outside doors and put up a shelf for my vivarium. When we get back from our US holiday I'm going to get a couple of Geckos again.

On a mobile internet atm untill we contact our ISP to get stuff sorted here.

mnemonic 06-09-2010 02:00 AM

hey lod look what i found


wheres purple_hazer

Sad But True 06-09-2010 03:52 AM

AG what do you do for a living now? I'm sure you've probably told me already but I have a god-awful memory.

Squirrel 06-09-2010 06:35 AM

He works part-time on a fish/meat counter or something i think.

Finishing up uni too.

fingers mccoy 06-09-2010 06:43 AM

hopefully getting a job as a baker this summer

will be epic

Sad But True 06-09-2010 09:02 AM

[QUOTE=Squirrel;18022910]He works part-time on a fish/meat counter or something i think.

Finishing up uni too.[/QUOTE]
Ah, I sees. I can't wait to get my own place. Properly though, not studenty accomation, actually going and looking for a place to live.

[QUOTE=fingers mccoy;18022918]hopefully getting a job as a baker this summer

will be epic[/QUOTE]
Where at?

fingers mccoy 06-09-2010 09:05 AM

[QUOTE=Sad But True;18023003]
Where at?[/QUOTE]

loopy lorna's in edinburgh

Sad But True 06-09-2010 09:22 AM

[QUOTE=fingers mccoy;18023005]loopy lorna's in edinburgh[/QUOTE]

That looks cool. I think I'm gonna work at my local over the summer, it gets mega busy because it's got the best beer garden in the area so I'll hopefully make some cash. And since I'm not going any festivals or going on holiday this year, what should I spend my money on?

Squirrel 06-09-2010 09:27 AM

I'm looking forward to having my own place I think.

I dunno what i'm gonna do with myself though, I don't enjoy anything or have any hobbies. I'm permanently bored and I think i'd go mad in my own place ..

Sad But True 06-09-2010 09:31 AM

No hobbies at all? Hmm. You don't really play guitar anymore do you?

Sad But True 06-09-2010 09:33 AM

[QUOTE=Bruce E Kinesis;18021236]The thing I made most recently that I really thought turned out great was Spinach and Ricotta savoury pancakes with nutmeg, a tomato sauce underneath to stop them drying out in the oven, and cheese on top.


Back-tracking a bit here but oh well.

Moaner, how would you make these? They sound awesome.

Squirrel 06-09-2010 09:44 AM

[QUOTE=Sad But True;18023024]No hobbies at all? Hmm. You don't really play guitar anymore do you?[/QUOTE]

Nah, I was always **** and there's no one to jam or play with around here.

Sad But True 06-09-2010 09:47 AM

Sucks dude.

Do you read much? Watch films? Like to use your hands? Photography? You still doing the boxing/gym/etc?

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