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pedro durruti 06-17-2004 01:32 AM

Ok, so bands like Black Flag, Circle Jerks, Gorilla Biscuits, Minor Threat, Wasted Youth, Youth of Today are all old school hardcore bands? And "old school hardcore" is just another sub genre of punk such as... street? What about bands like Rise Against, Thought Riot, and Strike Anywhere (I mean I know they are melodic hardcore, but I want to know if they would belong in this thread)? I listened to some sample songs of American Nightmare (except it was their other name) and I'm pretty sure Sk8 said they were hardcore, and they sound completely different from every band I have listed so far.

BuddyBigsby 06-17-2004 01:46 AM

[QUOTE=ihatecelebrities]Ok, so bands like Black Flag, Circle Jerks, Gorilla Biscuits, Minor Threat, Wasted Youth, Youth of Today are all old school hardcore bands? And "old school hardcore" is just another sub genre of punk such as... street? What about bands like Rise Against, Thought Riot, and Strike Anywhere (I mean I know they are melodic hardcore, but I want to know if they would belong in this thread)? I listened to some sample songs of American Nightmare (except it was their other name) and I'm pretty sure Sk8 said they were hardcore, and they sound completely different from every band I have listed so far.[/QUOTE]

Yes, old school hardcore is correct. Rise Against can go in this thread, all hardcore is welcome. As for the American Nightmare songs, you said you checked out the music they made under Give Up the Ghost, meaning their last album, which they experimented very much on. That album isn't the best (it works, but not the best) for trying to figure out what hardcore is. Listen to "AM/PM" by them if you want an idea. The other reason GUTG/American Nightmare didn't sound like the bands mentioned is because they are modern hardcore, an evolved form of Black Flag, etc., and of course they are completely different from Rise Against and Strike Anywhere because melodic hardcore and hardcore are different genres.

PS. As long as we're on the subject, if you want a really good band that sounds like they came from the 80's hardcore punk scene, check out Hit the Deck.

BuddyBigsby 06-17-2004 02:13 AM

In Pieces and Thrice would be what I think to be melodic hardcore. Strike Anywhere, etc. always came off as melodic punk to me.

munk 06-17-2004 02:29 AM

does anyone over the age of 14 even listen to this music?

BuddyBigsby 06-17-2004 02:32 AM

Better question: Does anyone care what Newby McNewbster has to say about something he knows nothing about?

munk 06-17-2004 02:40 AM

lol dont get hostile (unless you really are just 14 then ill understand)

my point is, i play guitar (and a few other instruments) and i have grown an appreciation for well done, thought out music. but to the point, my friend is very much into all these "Core" bands, (made me download that am/pm song by her favorite band american nightmare) and i just sat here listening to it like wow, this sucks.

i guess im being hypocritical, i probably would have loved music like this when i was little because its all obnoxious and ****, but i dunno, its not really music and its pretty silly when people compare openly non melodic "noise" to music.

i suggest you guys check out a few bands like Godspeed or Mogwai, Explosions in the sky, Mum, and A silver mount zion, they are whats called "post rock" or "advanced", very melodic, listening to Godspeed and listening to am/pm by american nightmare, the contrast between beauty melody and progressiveness and the blandness and noise of am/pm, is just awe inspiring.

Jedi Jesus 06-17-2004 02:51 AM

bland? hardly.

Luxor 06-17-2004 09:36 AM

[QUOTE=munk]lol dont get hostile (unless you really are just 14 then ill understand)

my point is, i play guitar (and a few other instruments) and i have grown an appreciation for well done, thought out music. but to the point, my friend is very much into all these "Core" bands, (made me download that am/pm song by her favorite band american nightmare) and i just sat here listening to it like wow, this sucks.

i guess im being hypocritical, i probably would have loved music like this when i was little because its all obnoxious and ****, but i dunno, its not really music and its pretty silly when people compare openly non melodic "noise" to music.

i suggest you guys check out a few bands like Godspeed or Mogwai, Explosions in the sky, Mum, and A silver mount zion, they are whats called "post rock" or "advanced", very melodic, listening to Godspeed and listening to am/pm by american nightmare, the contrast between beauty melody and progressiveness and the blandness and noise of am/pm, is just awe inspiring.[/QUOTE]

I listen to all the "core" bands, [i]and[/i] Godspeed, Mogwai and Explosions In The Sky. :smoke:

shane italian 06-17-2004 10:12 AM

You don't have to have sheer talent to play ambience.

syrUsbilt 06-17-2004 11:01 AM

I don't think the title of this thread is "let newbie try to pwn everyone into submission, then make them listen to music we dont want to". If that [i]were[/i] the title your comments wouldn't be so out of place.

And just because you may not think a song is "thought out" it doesn't mean it's bad. Hardcore isnt meant to be technically challenging, its meant to be like raw energy put into musical form. If you dont like it get out.

Pete 06-17-2004 11:06 AM

[QUOTE=munk]lol dont get hostile (unless you really are just 14 then ill understand)

my point is, i play guitar (and a few other instruments) and i have grown an appreciation for well done, thought out music. but to the point, my friend is very much into all these "Core" bands, (made me download that am/pm song by her favorite band american nightmare) and i just sat here listening to it like wow, this sucks.

i guess im being hypocritical, i probably would have loved music like this when i was little because its all obnoxious and ****, but i dunno, its not really music and its pretty silly when people compare openly non melodic "noise" to music.

i suggest you guys check out a few bands like Godspeed or Mogwai, Explosions in the sky, Mum, and A silver mount zion, they are whats called "post rock" or "advanced", very melodic, listening to Godspeed and listening to am/pm by american nightmare, the contrast between beauty melody and progressiveness and the blandness and noise of am/pm, is just awe inspiring.[/QUOTE]
Jesus crappin' Christ in a toilet full of mucus! :eek:

Put your prog-rock next to Converge or Dillinger Escape Plan, and let's see who's the most progressive and technically accomplished.

dudetezz 06-17-2004 12:23 PM


Im done.

BuddyBigsby 06-17-2004 01:50 PM

[QUOTE=munk]lol dont get hostile (unless you really are just 14 then ill understand)

my point is, i play guitar (and a few other instruments) and i have grown an appreciation for well done, thought out music. but to the point, my friend is very much into all these "Core" bands, (made me download that am/pm song by her favorite band american nightmare) and i just sat here listening to it like wow, this sucks.

i guess im being hypocritical, i probably would have loved music like this when i was little because its all obnoxious and ****, but i dunno, its not really music and its pretty silly when people compare openly non melodic "noise" to music.

i suggest you guys check out a few bands like Godspeed or Mogwai, Explosions in the sky, Mum, and A silver mount zion, they are whats called "post rock" or "advanced", very melodic, listening to Godspeed and listening to am/pm by american nightmare, the contrast between beauty melody and progressiveness and the blandness and noise of am/pm, is just awe inspiring.[/QUOTE]

I've known about those bands for a while. The only good post-rock that I've heard is Explosions in the Sky and Pelican, and I like some Mogwai. G!YBE and A Silver Mt. Zion just don't do it for me.

FinchBulldog 06-17-2004 02:30 PM

A Static Lullaby, Finch, Funeral For A Friend, The Used, Story Of The Year (borderline), Newer From autumn to ashes, thursday, my chemical romance, etc.

Niblade 06-17-2004 02:42 PM

I'm just curious, what would you consider the Deftones then? As far as their sound is concerned anyway. I was just wondering.

will 06-17-2004 02:47 PM

[QUOTE=munk]lol dont get hostile (unless you really are just 14 then ill understand)

my point is, i play guitar (and a few other instruments) and i have grown an appreciation for well done, thought out music. but to the point, my friend is very much into all these "Core" bands, (made me download that am/pm song by her favorite band american nightmare) and i just sat here listening to it like wow, this sucks.

i guess im being hypocritical, i probably would have loved music like this when i was little because its all obnoxious and ****, but i dunno, its not really music and its pretty silly when people compare openly non melodic "noise" to music.

i suggest you guys check out a few bands like Godspeed or Mogwai, Explosions in the sky, Mum, and A silver mount zion, they are whats called "post rock" or "advanced", very melodic, listening to Godspeed and listening to am/pm by american nightmare, the contrast between beauty melody and progressiveness and the blandness and noise of am/pm, is just awe inspiring.[/QUOTE]

I am 14 and have a very wide range of music - i listen to most of the 'core' bands as descibed in the thread, to mogwai, explosions in the sky, and other melodic post rock, but my taste in music also reaches classical, jazz, pop/rock, and ska. I am sick of constantly being catogorised as an obnoxious teen who only listens to non melodic noise and nu-metal. Sure, I enjoy noise bands (converge, norma jean and the like...) but don't you all think that it is time to stop analysing sub-genres, criticizing people for their music taste, and stereotyping young music fans, and time to start paying attention to what really matters - the musicians, what they stand for, and whether or not the music is what you like?

BuddyBigsby 06-17-2004 02:48 PM


[QUOTE=FinchBulldog]SCREAM-O Bands:
A Static Lullaby, Finch, Funeral For A Friend, The Used, Story Of The Year (borderline), Newer From autumn to ashes, thursday, my chemical romance, etc.[/QUOTE]

This is false information this kid just got from MTV, please disregard it.

Niblade 06-17-2004 02:49 PM

Just as well, I used to think that the only thing "core" bands had going for them were their drummers, they are some great guys. Now I listen to the music for the pure energy of it. Zao's 5 Year Winter really makes you want to move. On the same line, Symphony In Peril are just as good, they are some talented guys to write the way they do. I just think it's crazy how some of them are even able to go so far as to write songs that just don't have any repeating factor. Almost like a story. It has a beginning and an end, just continuous new riffs, no chorus, no repetition, at least not all the time. Then again, I play guitar, and I like to listen to guitars, all kinds of them. It's just incredible what they do sometimes.

Sorry, just had to post my 2 cents. I've been watchin' for so long that I gave up keepin' quiet.

Johnny EPHC 06-17-2004 02:55 PM

[QUOTE=FinchBulldog]SCREAM-O Bands:
A Static Lullaby, Finch, Funeral For A Friend, The Used, Story Of The Year (borderline), Newer From autumn to ashes, thursday, my chemical romance, etc.[/QUOTE]
:lol: :lol: This si the funniest thing I've ever read in my life. :lol: :lol:

BouncingSouls87 06-17-2004 03:49 PM

This forum is really intresting I never could tell the two metalcore and hardcore apart, but this really helped me understand. Because Im slow and
what would Glassjaw be considered?

BuddyBigsby 06-17-2004 04:41 PM

GlassJAw kind of have their own thing going on. They have a little bit of emo going on too, but DFelon could better explain this than I.

shane italian 06-17-2004 04:44 PM

Older Glassjaw would mix their hardcore and metal influences into something pretty unique. These days they are still making amazing music in my opinion, but they brought a poppier sound into the music and ditched most of their metal influences.

Luxor 06-17-2004 04:49 PM

Click here if you would like to hear one of [i]the[/i] best metalcore bands:

The I Collective

These guys go to/used to go to my school. Unfortunately, they broke up because they're a bunch of drunken idiots.:(

Good band, good live show. The singer would sometimes go out into the middle of the pit and start beating the s[color=white]h[/color]it out of kids in the middle of a song.

NakedRaygun872 06-17-2004 04:59 PM

Holy crap how do they get that "Wiffa Wiffa Wiffa" sounds like a spinning speaker effect.

Let's Chop Cats! 06-17-2004 05:14 PM

Woah they're awesome. Are there names to these tracks?...I'm the kind of nerd who likes to have things organized correctly.

BuddyBigsby 06-17-2004 05:15 PM

Haha, I've heard of The I Collective before. I didn't know they broke up though, that sucks.

Luxor 06-17-2004 05:21 PM

The first songs "Scourge" and the second is "Diane". Diane isn't very good, they have much better songs than that one. I have one of their EP's, I should put it on the computer and send it to you guys.

Bigsby - You probably heard them from me.:)

Nataroo 06-17-2004 05:21 PM

there seems to be 2 directions of metalcore , 80s metal and grind - and their kinda nowhere near similar enough to put in the same subgenre - on the one hand you have the real rythmically broken up chromatic/****ed up jazz chord based everytime i die/curl up and die style stuff - then on the other side you have the bands like darkest hour/as i lay dying/atreyu style stuff thats basically a punked up version of 80s metal which raspy vocals, lots of shreddy riffs - well theres more to it than that but it kinda rules hard - its basically like the music you had on the last level of old early 90s shooting games (like zero wing, man that game ruled).

Let's Chop Cats! 06-17-2004 05:23 PM

Yeah I know, I'm to lazy to fix it.

BuddyBigsby 06-17-2004 05:24 PM


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