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freaKedbasTard 01-26-2005 11:28 AM

it's 7.25 PM in estonia...
and i'm very OK, exept, stomach which is quite empty...

fatbandit 01-26-2005 11:30 AM

I have a tab on my computer saved as the right tab for it, but I don't know if it is. Hmm. I think I got it off the last MM recording thread, were it was toted as being eprfect. Doesn't help for timings though.

voiceless one 01-26-2005 11:34 AM

YHave ya got the track? Matt plays it very audible in there so it is easy to pick up the timings.


bassist-bmxer 01-26-2005 11:36 AM

hello :wave:

fatbandit 01-26-2005 11:38 AM

Yeah, I have the track. This tab doesn't look right though, lol. Its hard, because you can't slow it down reasonably so that you can hear where each note is.

Dieforitall89 01-26-2005 11:40 AM

Get powertab software.

voiceless one 01-26-2005 11:42 AM

[QUOTE=fatbandit]Yeah, I have the track. This tab doesn't look right though, lol. Its hard, because you can't slow it down reasonably so that you can hear where each note is.[/QUOTE]

It's easy enough for me...............and I suck! ;)


fatbandit 01-26-2005 11:42 AM

Hmm, I have GP4, that might work. I can't remember what the site is for the GP files though.

Dieforitall89 01-26-2005 11:46 AM

[QUOTE=fatbandit]Hmm, I have GP4, that might work. I can't remember what the site is for the GP files though.[/QUOTE]
If you have msn or aim i can send you the software and file for the song..

fatbandit 01-26-2005 12:07 PM

Nah, I'm good at the moment thanks. Is your software the legit version?

Fernandes Power 01-26-2005 12:30 PM

The sites [url]www.mysongbook.com[/url]

Aghh!!! I just dropped my B-50 on my toe. From like... 4 feet up.

Ive had a bad day.

voiceless one 01-26-2005 12:42 PM

But the question is FP........did it land on a cool note?! How was the sustain and tone?! ;)


Fernandes Power 01-26-2005 12:47 PM


voiceless one 01-26-2005 12:48 PM

Sorry dude.....hope your bass gets well soon :(

Is it ok?


Fernandes Power 01-26-2005 12:51 PM

The bass is fine.

My toe is broken I think...

Left Shoe 01-26-2005 02:18 PM

might wanna get that looked at

Fernandes Power 01-26-2005 02:21 PM

Nah... toe breaks are very minor.

Left Shoe 01-26-2005 02:45 PM

thats good , ive been thinking about breaking my toe for awhile

neal_672 01-26-2005 02:46 PM

Evening *tips hat* :wave:

Left Shoe 01-26-2005 02:48 PM


neal_672 01-26-2005 02:50 PM

How is everyone today?

neal_672 01-26-2005 02:51 PM

[QUOTE=Left Shoe]thats good , ive been thinking about breaking my toe for awhile[/QUOTE]


Lay_Down_The_Groove 01-26-2005 03:04 PM

hey whats going on MXer's

can anyone suggest me a song with a lot of chords in it?

neal_672 01-26-2005 03:06 PM

Guitar chords? Sure :lol: But erm Kings Of Leon - The Bucket is mainly bass chords...

Left Shoe 01-26-2005 03:07 PM

i wasnt joking :thumb:

neal_672 01-26-2005 03:08 PM

[QUOTE=Left Shoe]i wasnt joking :thumb:[/QUOTE]

I don't know whether to laugh or be worried :lol:

Spaceman Spiff 01-26-2005 03:09 PM

[QUOTE=Left Shoe]i wasnt joking :thumb:[/QUOTE]
that would only make it funnier.

Left Shoe 01-26-2005 03:10 PM

think about the advtanges of a broken appendage that doesnt get in the way of bass playing or anything. ou could stay home during school and play bass.

neal_672 01-26-2005 03:11 PM

I broke my leg once and the bone came out of the skin :upset: hurt like hell...

Spaceman Spiff 01-26-2005 03:13 PM

just break your pinky finger on your picking/plucking hand. you probably don't use it, i don't.

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