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McP3000 12-09-2007 07:15 PM

[QUOTE=MattyBlade;15659171]the kenston/sputnik love fest - group ?[/QUOTE]
2 Stoned Musicians, 1 ugly kenston student

big80smullet 12-09-2007 07:17 PM

nah i was thinking more like kenston high - ugliest school ever

MattyBlade 12-09-2007 07:18 PM

I don't know dude, half the people that are supposedly "ugly" have been mentally challenged.... the others are prob just really bad school pics. I don't suppose you'd post your high school pics here unless you're naturally photogenic and take a good photograph everytime =p

fitch99 12-09-2007 07:19 PM

hey dumb****s,
You guys all must really feel good about yourselves right now. You're all sitting in your parents basements because you all suck too much at life to have a job, kids, or probably even money, just laughin it up at innocent kids from soem random school you have never heard of. Grow the hell up and find some other hobbies, honestly i've been laughing at all of you for the past 20 minutes i've looked through this ridiculous thread, because i know all of you must look 10 times worse than any of the kids you are making fun of. hahah wow shows how much self esteem you have. That's saya a lot Don't be hating on the number one website in the nation, yeah that's right. Oh and how about all you post a real picture for your "I.D." and show us all how much better looking you are instead of a ****ing hyena. At least all these students can afford to go to a nice school that has a very good reputation and are all at good colleges actually making a dofference in this world, unlike all of you jokes. Are you aware that you are making fun of mentally retarded kids? You are sick. haha but whatever i'm done wasting my time.


WhoMadeCookies 12-09-2007 07:21 PM

What the hell are you talking about? Our website isnt the top website in that nation...

and a lot of the kids arent retarded. nice try you troll

Anglachel 12-09-2007 07:22 PM

hey dumb****s,
You guys all must really feel good about yourselves right now. You're all sitting in your parents basements because you all suck too much at life to have a job, kids, or probably even money, just laughin it up at innocent kids from soem random school you have never heard of. Grow the hell up and find some other hobbies, honestly i've been laughing at all of you for the past 20 minutes i've looked through this ridiculous thread, because i know all of you must look 10 times worse than any of the kids you are making fun of. hahah wow shows how much self esteem you have. That's saya a lot Don't be hating on the number one website in the nation, yeah that's right. Oh and how about all you post a real picture for your "I.D." and show us all how much better looking you are instead of a ****ing hyena. At least all these students can afford to go to a nice school that has a very good reputation and are all at good colleges actually making a dofference in this world, unlike all of you jokes. Are you aware that you are making fun of mentally retarded kids? You are sick. haha but whatever i'm done wasting my time.


Chu 12-09-2007 07:22 PM


revengeofthecornpuffs 12-09-2007 07:24 PM


I like the leap in logic:

You make fun of us for being ugly therefore----> you are uglier, and live in your parent's basement.

A Dead Modernist 12-09-2007 07:25 PM

hey dumb****s,
You guys all must really feel good about yourselves right now. You're all sitting in your parents basements because you all suck too much at life to have a job, kids, or probably even money, just laughin it up at innocent kids from soem random school you have never heard of. Grow the hell up and find some other hobbies, honestly i've been laughing at all of you for the past 20 minutes i've looked through this ridiculous thread, because i know all of you must look 10 times worse than any of the kids you are making fun of. hahah wow shows how much self esteem you have. That's saya a lot Don't be hating on the number one website in the nation, yeah that's right. Oh and how about all you post a real picture for your "I.D." and show us all how much better looking you are instead of a ****ing hyena. At least all these students can afford to go to a nice school that has a very good reputation and are all at good colleges actually making a dofference in this world, unlike all of you jokes. Are you aware that you are making fun of mentally retarded kids? You are sick. haha but whatever i'm done wasting my time.


fitch99 12-09-2007 07:27 PM

basically you all need to get lives.

Jude 12-09-2007 07:27 PM


Chu 12-09-2007 07:27 PM

I [b]wish[/b] my parents had a basement, so I could live in it.

big80smullet 12-09-2007 07:27 PM

So which one were you?

WhoMadeCookies 12-09-2007 07:27 PM

Common sense dictates that if you make fun of someone's ugliness, you must live in your parent's basement and be even uglier.

This is scientific and is correct 100% of the time

LOLLLLLL 12-09-2007 07:28 PM

i would post a pic of myself, but i would much rather not risk expulsion, which is where anybody who contributes to this page and allows there identity to be known is headed.

asdf 12-09-2007 07:29 PM

I do kind of feel bad that if the girl who cried is the one we think it is. She's actually very pretty now. More pretty than those girls Dand was posting as attractive.

Edit to LOLLLLL:
Sucks for that kristine girl then.

fitch99 12-09-2007 07:29 PM

[QUOTE=WhoMadeCookies;15659272]Common sense dictates that if you make fun of someone's ugliness, you must live in your parent's basement and be even uglier.

This is scientific and is correct 100% of the time[/QUOTE]

wow i wish i had as much knowledge as you

big80smullet 12-09-2007 07:29 PM

hahaha I must be the ugliest ****er in the world according to science!

seriously though you are just being a complete idiot. you are showing us that there probably was something funky in the water in kenston highs water fountains. Some erin brockovitch s[size="2"]h[/size]it in there.

iarescientists 12-09-2007 07:31 PM

[QUOTE=LOLLLLLL;15659279]i would post a pic of myself, but i would much rather not risk expulsion, which is where anybody who contributes to this page and allows there identity to be known is headed.[/QUOTE]

haha, holy **** that's ****ed up

fitch99 12-09-2007 07:31 PM

LOLLLLL- are you from kenston?

LOLLLLLL 12-09-2007 07:32 PM

i think kristine will be fine. she was against this thread, she was bashing everyone in it. anybody helping to make fun of the school is kinda screwed

Chu 12-09-2007 07:32 PM

Yeah, he/she said so a few pages back.

LOLLLLLL 12-09-2007 07:33 PM

and yes, im from kenston....you are too by your join date...who are you?

glutton 12-09-2007 07:33 PM

[QUOTE=LOLLLLLL;15659279]i would post a pic of myself, but i would much rather not risk expulsion, which is where anybody who contributes to this page and allows there identity to be known is headed.[/QUOTE]

and stick with that. i was told this happened in the past and someone was suspended for contributing to it. but what can the administration do unless your posting hateful things against the kenston body?

pulseczar 12-09-2007 07:33 PM


in regards to the making fun of the mentally challenged, these are the ones I laughed hardest at and they're clearly not retards, just over-the-top comically mismatched and ugly

WhoMadeCookies 12-09-2007 07:33 PM

No we arent, its not like we did anything wrong. Plus, the kids from Kenston havent been posting other kids, so its not like they can try to and screw us over for that

LOLLLLLL 12-09-2007 07:35 PM

they could do something, im sure. knowing the teacher who is in charge of the website as well as i do, im SURE he could pull some strings and cause SOME damage at least.

fitch99 12-09-2007 07:35 PM


in regards to the making fun of the mentally challenged, these are the ones I laughed hardest at and they're clearly not retards, just over-the-top comically mismatched and ugly[/QUOTE]

ohh gooood that's a whole lot better

Chu 12-09-2007 07:35 PM

I'd just find the person who I hated the most, post their picture and say it's me, you get the MX reaction, and you get the hated person suspended, Win/Win.

big80smullet 12-09-2007 07:36 PM


i have to say the leopard print cummerbund and shoes does it for me

pulseczar 12-09-2007 07:36 PM

[QUOTE=fitch99;15659321]ohh gooood that's a whole lot better[/QUOTE]
what? you didn't laugh at those? you must have a huge gums and like wearing leopard print LOL

LOLLLLLL 12-09-2007 07:36 PM

well. there goes my fun. with that post anglachel, you created plausable denaibilty! i was going to do that tommorow! WHYYYY!?!?

WhoMadeCookies 12-09-2007 07:37 PM

Yeah, but we cant get in trouble for just posting on here. Its not like we were posting kids or saying how ugly they were. I even turned down a posters request that i punch a student in the face because the poster thought they were ugly. so admin cant do anything

Alf™ 12-09-2007 07:38 PM

this is still pretty funny

revengeofthecornpuffs 12-09-2007 07:38 PM

So the chick in the leopard suit is space jam?


big80smullet 12-09-2007 07:38 PM

Man i cant believe your school is getting so worked up over this.


Anglachel 12-09-2007 07:38 PM

[QUOTE=LOLLLLLL;15659331]well. there goes my fun. with that post anglachel, you created plausable denaibilty! i was going to do that tommorow! WHYYYY!?!?[/QUOTE]
By editing your posts, you can delete them

MattyBlade 12-09-2007 07:40 PM

[QUOTE=fitch99;15659220]hey dumb****s,
You guys all must really feel good about yourselves right now. You're all sitting in your parents basements because you all suck too much at life to have a job, kids, or probably even money, just laughin it up at innocent kids from soem random school you have never heard of. Grow the hell up and find some other hobbies, honestly i've been laughing at all of you for the past 20 minutes i've looked through this ridiculous thread, because i know all of you must look 10 times worse than any of the kids you are making fun of. hahah wow shows how much self esteem you have. That's saya a lot Don't be hating on the number one website in the nation, yeah that's right. Oh and how about all you post a real picture for your "I.D." and show us all how much better looking you are instead of a ****ing hyena. At least all these students can afford to go to a nice school that has a very good reputation and are all at good colleges actually making a dofference in this world, unlike all of you jokes. Are you aware that you are making fun of mentally retarded kids? You are sick. haha but whatever i'm done wasting my time.


I did post my highschool fug pic =) it's on post 451

glutton 12-09-2007 07:40 PM

i was not saying you are posting negative things, i was saying IF you did. the administration would dig up some way to use it against you, but i doubt they even try to take action, but who you never with them.

big80smullet 12-09-2007 07:40 PM

So what id like to see is the kenston students top 5 ugly people IRL so we can compare to our top 5

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