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Sid Ramone 01-27-2005 06:41 PM

[QUOTE]so your a punker?[/QUOTE]

who me?

If so yup. I'm a street punk from Edmonton

My scene in tiny though. We don't have very many good bands. :upset:

Left Shoe 01-27-2005 06:42 PM

the local music scene over here sucks as well dont feel bad

Sid Ramone 01-27-2005 06:44 PM

[QUOTE]the local music scene over here sucks as well dont feel bad[/QUOTE]

where are you?

Left Shoe 01-27-2005 06:44 PM


Sid Ramone 01-27-2005 06:46 PM


okay, what scene (punk, rock, rap *pukes*) are you part of?

Left Shoe 01-27-2005 06:47 PM


but the rest of the world outside of my friends are usually rap stars or generic radio rock

LewsTherin 01-27-2005 07:00 PM

the scene around here is really good.
we have one incredible pop-punk band and a few good emo/hardcore bands.
the pop-punk band and one of the hardcore bands both have their own 'pit gangs' and theyre having a little war....its so stupid its funny.
and my area just plain sucks for finding people for bands.

Wintermute 01-27-2005 07:00 PM

Anyone here like Goldfrapp? Our lecturer played us some today, and I went out and got an album right afterwards. It's blo[size=2]ody[/size] great.

It was an awesome lecture. Most of it was spent watching a live Goldfrapp DVD, and listening to The Who, Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin. We were doing the development of synthesizers, you see, and Baba O'Reilly, On The Run and No Quarter were real cornerstones, pioneers of early synth technology. And Goldfrapp just because the lecturer's a huge fan and they use no end of synths.

Radiobass81 01-27-2005 07:02 PM

The music scene here is rap... It's all around us...

And there is the unavoidable stereotype that all rock is diabolic. Drives me mad.

RJDBass 01-27-2005 07:05 PM

SO who would consider buying a bp200 from me?

Left Shoe 01-27-2005 07:06 PM

rap is kinda gross

LewsTherin 01-27-2005 07:06 PM

[QUOTE=Radiobass81]The music scene here is rap... It's all around us...

And there is the unavoidable stereotype that all rock is diabolic. Drives me mad.[/QUOTE]

we have alot of rap + reggaeton (sp?) fans around here too (no bands tho, thankfully). id call them about 70%, infact, but for the most part us rockers just ignore em.

Sid Ramone 01-27-2005 07:06 PM

[QUOTE]The music scene here is rap... It's all around us...

And there is the unavoidable stereotype that all rock is diabolic. Drives me mad.[/QUOTE]

yeah for every good band in your town, there's ten bands that suck but somehow get more shows than the good bands...

nisakss 01-27-2005 07:12 PM

[QUOTE=LewsTherin]we have alot of rap + reggaeton (sp?) fans around here too (no bands tho, thankfully). id call them about 70%, infact, but for the most part us rockers just ignore em.[/QUOTE]

Reggaetón???? Where do you live.....round here in Colombia there's a hip-hop/reggaeton boom, which is annoying like hell....although women here really know how to dance to that stuff.....

Although luckyly there's also been a surge of new "alt-rock" bands, which is cool.

Left Shoe 01-27-2005 07:14 PM

altrock/indie rock / indie is good stuff

LewsTherin 01-27-2005 07:15 PM

[QUOTE=nisakss]Reggaetón???? Where do you live.....round here in Colombia there's a hip-hop/reggaeton boom, which is annoying like hell....although women here really know how to dance to that stuff.....

Although luckyly there's also been a surge of new "alt-rock" bands, which is cool.[/QUOTE]

massachussetts, usa.

i hear more hiphop and reggaeton in school and in my neighborhood than anything.

Left Shoe 01-27-2005 07:16 PM

you guys remember that convo i posted with that good charlotte fan like last night
shes still talking to me
ChrlttJess: hey
Heres To Life56: hi
ChrlttJess: yes i am still there #1 fan
Heres To Life56: i think not
ChrlttJess: i think yes
Heres To Life56: hmm by whose standards , your own?
ChrlttJess: no
ChrlttJess: by a lot of people
Heres To Life56: o your friends
ChrlttJess: no
Heres To Life56: they are credible
Heres To Life56: the government?
Heres To Life56: what are youtelling me
ChrlttJess: by every one in my school
Heres To Life56: everyone?
ChrlttJess: yes every one
Heres To Life56: like if i asked everyone i would get a general perfect conesensus that you are good charlottes number 1 fan
ChrlttJess: yes
Heres To Life56: well then i would just like to say you are a veryt sad person , you wasted your time half assedly devoting yourself to a band that sucks and doesnt write their own music
ChrlttJess: actually they do write their own music thanx for trying
Heres To Life56: that wasnt trying, how do you know? do you sit and watch them at band practice?
ChrlttJess: no
Heres To Life56: o then ms cleotold you?
ChrlttJess: it says on their cd cover that all songs r written by B.&J. Madden exept for i just want to live is written by benji ,joel, and billy
ChrlttJess: thank u very much
Heres To Life56: o so they said they write their own music, thats good enough for me
ChrlttJess: yep
Heres To Life56: and why are you their number one fan? because you own all the cds and a shirt and write good charlotte on all your school books?
ChrlttJess: no and my room is covered all in their pictures and i know every thing about them
ChrlttJess: and i write a ton of things about them on my folders and i have shirts
Heres To Life56: wow you are so hardcore
Heres To Life56: you know everythign about them?
ChrlttJess: yeah i do
Heres To Life56: hmm question and answer time then
ChrlttJess: k
Heres To Life56: how would benjis live be affected if communist russia had never collapsed?
ChrlttJess: wel see i dont know anything about russia or the communits or whatever so i cant answer that q.
ChrlttJess: so ask a different q.
Heres To Life56: well thats somethign about good charlotte and you coudlnt asnwer it
Heres To Life56: how about another one
ChrlttJess: k
Heres To Life56: what kind of strings does the bassist use on his bass?
ChrlttJess: do u know the answer
Heres To Life56: why would that affect you?
ChrlttJess: well if u dont know the answer then how would u know if its right or not
Heres To Life56: i do knwo the answer but let me turn this back on you, if i dont know the answer your saying you would lie to me to prove a point?
Heres To Life56: so whats the answer
ChrlttJess: k if u know it then what is the answer
Heres To Life56: jess you dont know!
Heres To Life56: i thought you knew everyhting about them and ive asked two questions and gotten 0 correct answers
Heres To Life56: thats a 0%!
ChrlttJess: well then
ChrlttJess: D'Addario strings
ChrlttJess: hello
Heres To Life56: wrong
ChrlttJess: o then what is it then
ChrlttJess: i knew i was wrong anyway
Heres To Life56: did you just ask a guitar playing friend to name you a brand of string?
ChrlttJess: no i play the guitar
ChrlttJess: so i wouldent have to call any body
Heres To Life56: hmm me too , but i play bass also and piano and clarinet
Heres To Life56: he uses GHS strings
Heres To Life56: tolled me?
Heres To Life56: like toll bridge?
Heres To Life56: i think you mean told*
ChrlttJess: whatever i out
ChrlttJess: peace!
ChrlttJess is away at 8:10:24 PM.
Heres To Life56: you suck at liking good charlotte

Auto response from ChrlttJess: i am not here i am probly listening to Good Charlotte or something!

ChrlttJess: o really
ChrlttJess returned at 8:10:49 PM.
ChrlttJess: im better than u
Heres To Life56: yeah because i hate them?
ChrlttJess: im the best there is thanx
Heres To Life56: i think not
ChrlttJess: i think yes
Heres To Life56: you make false claims about yourself in respect to them
Heres To Life56: you have to lie to people to prove you are the best fan
Heres To Life56: and you suck at lying
ChrlttJess: u use to many big words for my small brain
ChrlttJess: whatever i wasent lieing thanx
ChrlttJess: for trying
Heres To Life56: you did lie you said you knew everyhitng about them
Heres To Life56: and you dont
Heres To Life56: thats lying
ChrlttJess: yes i do
Heres To Life56: i just proved you wrong with 2 questions
ChrlttJess: ummm........ lets see here well i told u that i knew but u thought i was lieing
ChrlttJess: thanx for teying
ChrlttJess: trying
ChrlttJess: peace out fag
ChrlttJess is away at 8:14:17 PM.
Heres To Life56: haha

Auto response from ChrlttJess: i am not here i am probly listening to Good Charlotte or something!

Heres To Life56: maybe it is your small brain allowing you to think like this
Heres To Life56: and im homoseuxal because i make oyu look like an idiot
Heres To Life56: ?
Heres To Life56: you make no sense, then again you come off as stupid and ignorance is the only thing that keeps ones self from being hindered by logic
Heres To Life56: enjoy the real world, you suck at life

nisakss 01-27-2005 07:17 PM

Well, I'm off...see you tommorrow.

Left Shoe 01-27-2005 07:18 PM

cya niska

Radiobass81 01-27-2005 07:19 PM

[QUOTE=nisakss]Reggaetón???? Where do you live.....round here in Colombia there's a hip-hop/reggaeton boom, which is annoying like hell....although women here really know how to dance to that stuff.....

Although luckyly there's also been a surge of new "alt-rock" bands, which is cool.[/QUOTE]

No... It's in Colombia, too? I thought we were the only place with people stupid enough to love a genre which has the same beat ON ALL THE SONGS and play them AMAZINGLY LOUD on cars and throughout anywhere, not to mention the lyrics are all about doing it with women... Yet they love them :upset:.

Sid Ramone 01-27-2005 07:21 PM

some neg rep'd me

i'm gonna go play some bass, hopefully that'll make me happy

later everybody :wave:

RJDBass 01-27-2005 07:23 PM

that convo was hilarious

Left Shoe 01-27-2005 07:24 PM

communist russia saves the day

RJDBass 01-27-2005 07:25 PM

[QUOTE=Left Shoe]communist russia saves the day[/QUOTE]
never thought id hear that one

LewsTherin 01-27-2005 07:26 PM

[QUOTE=Radiobass81]No... It's in Colombia, too? I thought we were the only place with people stupid enough to love a genre which has the same beat ON ALL THE SONGS and play them AMAZINGLY LOUD on cars and throughout anywhere, not to mention the lyrics are all about doing it with women... Yet they love them :upset:.[/QUOTE]

WOW, that is SOO my neighborhood. 11pm, you hear that da[COLOR=White]m[/COLOR]n beat. 1am, you hear that da[COLOR=White]m[/COLOR]n beat. My dad used to think that everyone only listend to just one song lol.

irishslappop 01-27-2005 07:26 PM

hehehe just fixed my friend's viper in 10 minutes got paid 5 bucks. thats 30bucks an hour!! w00t!

Left Shoe 01-27-2005 07:26 PM

i guess i should clarify how i know which strings that **** bassist uses, im reading through abss guitar and that bastard managed to grab an article spot

LewsTherin 01-27-2005 07:27 PM

[QUOTE=irishslappop]hehehe just fixed my friend's viper in 10 minutes got paid 5 bucks. thats 50bucks an hour!! w00t![/QUOTE]

surely you mean $30 an hour?

Left Shoe 01-27-2005 07:27 PM

[QUOTE=irishslappop]hehehe just fixed my friend's viper in 10 minutes got paid 5 bucks. thats 50bucks an hour!! w00t![/QUOTE]
10 minutes = 5 bucks
1 hour = 60 minutes
1 hour = 30 bucks

LewsTherin 01-27-2005 07:28 PM

[QUOTE=Left Shoe]10 minutes = 5 bucks
1 hour = 60 minutes
1 hour = 30 bucks[/QUOTE]

hmm, i just corrected him. i guess youre nicer than i, since you actually explained it.

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