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kilian 01-31-2005 03:38 PM

Yeah that's a nice one.. you both have the same amount of stars. So that can't be it.

I want a longer one too.

Hello fellow MX-ers! How is the evening/morning or whatever which time it is there..
Here in Holland it's 1,5 hour remaining 'till midnight.. 22:38

PaulSimonon 01-31-2005 03:39 PM


Sorry, I've made a promise. I'm sure that someone else can help you out, plenty of people know, and a lot of them are people you wouldn't think of. But yeah, there are several means of doing it.

thelowsoundofbass 01-31-2005 03:40 PM

hey kili, darn dutch people.


PaulSimonon 01-31-2005 03:42 PM

Oh, and another reason I came back was because of my deep and undying love for Cassie. Haha, she'll never see this.

kilian 01-31-2005 03:42 PM

[QUOTE=thelowsoundofbass]hey kili, darn dutch people.


Bloody american :D

What's up? You've still got a whole day of school to go, or Dutch suck anyway :lol:

Spaceman Spiff 01-31-2005 03:42 PM

Long user titles are a sign of a short wang.

Jaded 01-31-2005 03:43 PM

There is no place for drama in a friggin' bass forum. I don't think anyone cares why you left, or wants to hear you b*tching that 'we don't know the whole story', unless you are going to tell us. It's good to see you back either way. However, I think a petition was pretty lame (I blame gav), especially in the light of tons of 'I'm leaving' threads.


Lay_Down_The_Groove 01-31-2005 03:43 PM

hey whats going on?

kilian 01-31-2005 03:45 PM

I think the petition was more like kinda humor, like he said: you're never going to get 40 people stupid enough to sign :rolleyes:

If it isn't: pretty yeah.. hmm I better stay out of that

kilian 01-31-2005 03:45 PM

I think the petition was more like kinda humor, like he said: you're never going to get 40 people stupid enough to sign :rolleyes:

If it isn't: pretty yeah.. hmm I better stay out of that

Duncster 01-31-2005 03:46 PM

Theres a thread in the pit. Like 99% of the people over there used to have those long ones.

PaulSimonon 01-31-2005 03:46 PM

Meh. Just call me an attention whore then.

Left Shoe 01-31-2005 03:47 PM

I <3 paul

neal_672 01-31-2005 03:48 PM

Welcome back Andrew! :wave:

thelowsoundofbass 01-31-2005 03:48 PM

[QUOTE=kili]Bloody american :D

What's up? You've still got a whole day of school to go, or Dutch suck anyway :lol:[/QUOTE]

first i am canadian and my ex is dutch, its just that you are so easy to make fun of.


Duncster 01-31-2005 03:49 PM

Is it that big of a deal? I think more then 40 people signed. Well theres something like 110 posts so..

thelowsoundofbass 01-31-2005 03:51 PM

i think that it has become way to blown up. lets just say welcmoe back and leave it at that.


kilian 01-31-2005 03:51 PM

[QUOTE=thelowsoundofbass]first i am canadian and my ex is dutch, its just that you are so easy to make fun of.


Same continent, since we are generalizing here already ;)

Some dutch people are easy to make fun of.. not all of them.
How did you get a dutch girlfriend?

RJDBass 01-31-2005 03:54 PM

I didn't sign that petition because I hate you Paul :angry: ..................or maybe because a ton of people already signed it.

thelowsoundofbass 01-31-2005 03:56 PM

[QUOTE=kili]Same continent, since we are generalizing here already ;)

Some dutch people are easy to make fun of.. not all of them.
How did you get a dutch girlfriend?[/QUOTE]

because she is dutch and we liked each other, the girl that i am hooking up with now (maybe) is dutch as well. i guess you could say that i like dutch chicks


kilian 01-31-2005 03:59 PM

[QUOTE=thelowsoundofbass]because she is dutch and we liked each other, the girl that i am hooking up with now (maybe) is dutch as well. i guess you could say that i like dutch chicks


Hehe nothing wrong with them man :thumb:
In fact: I like them too :naughty: .. but I know a Canadian girl who is also nice, :lol:

I mean more like: vacation? or do they live near you?

If you like her and she is really dutch, I bet you can say I love you in dutch hae (from your ex)?

thelowsoundofbass 01-31-2005 04:02 PM

there are a lot of douch people that live in my town, unfortuanally she never taught me any dutch.


rybass 01-31-2005 04:03 PM


supercalifragilistic 01-31-2005 04:03 PM

hi all hi paulsimonon I kinda missed your hat. To all who speak or understand dutch: goeden :thumb: avond klootzakken!

kilian 01-31-2005 04:05 PM

At lowsound:

I bet you are dealing with the people who have migrated to Canada to stay in the glass-house business, that's nice! There are some pretty girls with them ;)

Want to know some scentences you can say to her? Could be nice. hehe :D

thelowsoundofbass 01-31-2005 04:06 PM

something good i konw that much.


rybass 01-31-2005 04:06 PM

[QUOTE=supercalifragilistic]hi all hi paulsimonon I kinda missed your hat. To all who speak or understand dutch: goeden :thumb: avond klootzakken![/QUOTE]

Duncster 01-31-2005 04:07 PM

Franks Red Hot Sauce > Dutche people


Franks Red Hot Sauce > Canadians!

thelowsoundofbass 01-31-2005 04:07 PM

[QUOTE=kili]At lowsound:

I bet you are dealing with the people who have migrated to Canada to stay in the glass-house business, that's nice! There are some pretty girls with them ;)

Want to know some scentences you can say to her? Could be nice. hehe :D[/QUOTE]

that would be them, hit me up with some stuff to say and please tell me the real meaning of it.


kilian 01-31-2005 04:08 PM

[QUOTE=supercalifragilistic]hi all hi paulsimonon I kinda missed your hat. To all who speak or understand dutch: goeden :thumb: avond klootzakken![/QUOTE]

Also have a nice evening fu[COLOR=White]c[/COLOR]ker! :thumb:

Ik zou hier een heel verhaal kunnen houden in iets wat jullie toch niet begrijpen maarja. hehe.

At lowsound:
[I]Something good I know that much?[/I]
Sorry? What do you mean? Was that meant for me? :confused:

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