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(*The Noonward Race*) 10-25-2010 09:18 PM

projector are great for the best times

Meatplow 10-25-2010 09:19 PM

[QUOTE=Boyfriend Trouble;18242103]i'm not, and i will not be silenced![/QUOTE]

lol ilu man just please ease up

adbforever 10-25-2010 09:19 PM



(*The Noonward Race*) 10-25-2010 09:20 PM

[quote=Boyfriend Trouble;18242103]i'm not, and i will not be silenced!

i was going to explain to you why you are wrong but it's obviously unwanted so i'm only going to say one thing:

your last statement just sucks. i am willing to be truly honest and, sometimes, unabashedly rational and all you fuckers have to say is "ur a social recluse so LOL." this is disgusting to me and i'm not going to argue with you about how i understand humans but i guarantee i understand them better than most regardless of my ignorable social standing (which you undoubtedly underestimate). should i just fucking concede shit which i think is horribly fundamentally wrong yet which i see everywhere? asshole[/quote]
lmao who is this

is he a judge

witchxrapist 10-25-2010 09:20 PM


^confuses insults with projecting

Anglachel 10-25-2010 09:20 PM

whos boyfriend trouble

dear mappy: you're a sap and put too much worth on life

12XU 10-25-2010 09:20 PM

yeah but you've still never spent time with a two year old, and if you have they probably have some pretty stupid parents if they couldn't speak or were not self-aware.

but yeah every post you make implies you're a social recluse so again your perception of humanity is about as valid as adb's

witchxrapist 10-25-2010 09:20 PM

dear anglachel, suck it faggot

boyfriend trouble is hsg

(*The Noonward Race*) 10-25-2010 09:21 PM

whats judge hsg on about

Anglachel 10-25-2010 09:21 PM

[QUOTE=witchxrapist;18242117]dear anglachel, suck it faggot

boyfriend trouble is hsg[/QUOTE]
[i]if you insist[/i]

adbforever 10-25-2010 09:22 PM

austin, you're a cook and im a cashier

Anglachel 10-25-2010 09:23 PM

itt blah blah morality blah blah

witchxrapist 10-25-2010 09:23 PM

ew put on some lip balm

witchxrapist 10-25-2010 09:24 PM

[QUOTE=adbforever;18242122]austin, you're a cook and im a cashier[/QUOTE]

cashier = lowest tier of any industry.

Anglachel 10-25-2010 09:24 PM

cinnamon or mint

Meatplow 10-25-2010 09:24 PM


i g2g to work

gregulus 10-25-2010 09:25 PM

[QUOTE=witchxrapist;18242104]Sick pretentious assbable bro, you're just gonna get banned again. :)

Also, claiming that 2 year olds don't rationalize is a huge misunderstanding of human life. Stop.

Yo you should take a high school biology course bro.[/QUOTE]

What? My "Satan disagrees" post was in response to Haz's "it's better to serve in heaven than to rule in hell" statement, because it's the exact opposite of what Satan says in Paradise Lost.

But everything I posted in my own post regarding biology is right. I wasn't commenting on anything else.

adbforever 10-25-2010 09:25 PM

[QUOTE=witchxrapist;18242127]cashier = lowest tier of any industry.[/QUOTE]

fast food cook is worse, don't gimme that shit

(*The Noonward Race*) 10-25-2010 09:25 PM

whos a better father grill cook or cashier

penis_wigglez 10-25-2010 09:25 PM

i use a register i like it i want to do it at target full time but i dont work their

Boyfriend Trouble 10-25-2010 09:26 PM

[QUOTE=12XU;18242116]yeah but you've still never spent time with a two year old, and if you have they probably have some pretty stupid parents if they couldn't speak or were not self-aware.

but yeah every post you make implies you're a social recluse so again your perception of humanity is about as valid as adb's[/QUOTE]

yes i have, are you kidding me. why do you even assume this?

i have an extended family like any other white, middle class, warm-blooded american

Anglachel 10-25-2010 09:27 PM

is that really hsg he seems too mad and theres a lacking of 'lawl's in his posts

Boyfriend Trouble 10-25-2010 09:27 PM

i am mad and there is nothing to lawl about here

12XU 10-25-2010 09:27 PM

[QUOTE=adbforever;18242132]fast food cook is worse, don't gimme that shit[/QUOTE]

im not a fucking fast food cook and i never would be. trust me, no one you work with could handle working in a kitchen that grosses over 10 grand on a friday night

and i love how my job at the age of twenty dictates my perception of humanity

Anglachel 10-25-2010 09:28 PM

im an osap loan officer and im 19 whats my perception of humanity guise

12XU 10-25-2010 09:29 PM

well you're a canadian and a drugged out loser so not very good

(*The Noonward Race*) 10-25-2010 09:29 PM

[QUOTE]im not a fucking fast food cook and i never would be. trust me, no one you work with could handle working in a kitchen that grosses over 10 grand on a friday night

and i love how my job at the age of twenty dictates my perception of humanity[/QUOTE]
well it does if all you do is make burgers all day

12XU 10-25-2010 09:30 PM

well i dont so thats good

Anglachel 10-25-2010 09:30 PM

[QUOTE=12XU;18242147]well you're a canadian and a drugged out loser so not very good[/QUOTE]
u seem mad 2

xMalcolmXx 10-25-2010 09:30 PM

[QUOTE=penis_wigglez;18242134]i use a register i like it i want to do it at target full time but i dont work their[/QUOTE]

its not that great you get timed and shit and the system fucks you over unless you're a short 19 year old mexican girl with a fat ass and a cute face fuck target its for faggots

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