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FVG27 09-28-2009 03:51 PM

Ergh, my first creating poetry seminar was pretty awful. We did the clichéd 'What is poetry?' exercise and (since we have to write a poem every week) we have to write a poem about our kitchen when we were 11. Wtf we're not in primary school. I understand that she's easing us into it gently but it's a bit lame.

Mr. Pickle 09-28-2009 07:07 PM

So, what [I]is[/I] poetry?

rasputin 09-28-2009 08:38 PM

iz wurds

kitsch 10-28-2009 08:26 PM

hey man



TojesDolan 11-29-2009 01:29 AM

sex has never helped writing better

heart-break, on the other hand...

kitsch 12-10-2009 01:40 PM

hey community of the deadest forum on the board

FVG27 12-10-2009 01:54 PM

hey how's it going?

kitsch 12-10-2009 01:57 PM

pretty good, slowly getting out of my writing slump


FVG27 12-10-2009 02:07 PM

It's pretty good. Poetry module is going well (if anything it gets me to write more and be way more confident with reading aloud, taking criticism and critiquing other people's work) but I got an essay back the other day, and because I got a crap mark in a Philosophy essay a few days before, I've been too scared to look at it in case it's crap. I've got to put together an idea of what poems I want in my portfolio for next week though. Might run a few by you lot before I do. Got to be anywhere from 6-12 depending on length.

Surf 12-10-2009 02:28 PM

Doing a creative writing masters based on the poetry/writing modules I took at undergrad. They were fun.

I really don't have the attention span for posting/critting stuff anymore. I think its cause I use my laptop in front of the tv

Nightvision 02-05-2010 05:50 PM

Oh my. Talk about dead. I remember when people used to post in this thread. :(

kitsch 02-07-2010 08:48 PM

[QUOTE=Pop music sucks;17794405][url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKYJLfWqTBY[/url]


havent seen you around in a while.

havent been posting in a while either...

FVG27 02-08-2010 12:32 PM

I've got a couple of things from my module portfolio I might stick up. Apart from that I've had a massive writer's block recently. I've tried writing stuff but it's just been rubbish.

kitsch 02-15-2010 07:41 PM

mine are very sporadic. i only write as a catharsis when something affects me drastically anymore. trying to write stories but fiction is really different

FVG27 02-22-2010 08:25 AM

Just got an email saying I'm got one of five editorial positions for the experimental writing section of my uni's online creative writing magazine :smoke:

FVG27 02-23-2010 06:17 AM

Thanks :D I found out last night that my friend applied and got the same job too (I must have missed it on the email) so that makes it way less terrifying as well. Now I'm just excited.

SistersTalkRadio 05-17-2010 08:29 PM

Jingle Contest for Indie Musicians - Top Rated Radio Show
Calling all indie musicians! Enter the SistersTalk Radio jingle contest.

How to enter:

1. Create a jingle that's no more than 30 - 45 seconds in length
2. Save your jingle in mp3 format
3. Email your jingle to sisterstalkradio@gmail.com

What kinda jingle are we looking for? We don't really know! But, what we do know is that we want a jingle that will set us apart from all the other podcasts out there. Something fun. Something sexy, perhaps? Something HOT, definitely!

Your jingle must include the name of our show ([B]SistersTalk Radio[/B]) and the URL [B]sisterstalkradio.net[/B]

We'll post all jingles on our fan page - and we'll play them on the show. We'll also post all jingles on our Twitter page! We'll let our fans vote on the best jingle. The jingle that gets the most votes wins and will be used as the intro for ALL our radio shows.

Whatcha waitin' on? Get started! We've extended the cutoff date to May 30, 2010. Please submit your jingle by then. When you submit your jingle, make sure you include (in the email) the name of your band, your band's web site and your band's Facebook fan page (if you have one).

[B][COLOR="Red"]NOTE:[/COLOR][/B] SistersTalk Radio is one of the top-rated online talk radio shows for the gay and lesbian community. We are accepting submissions from all indie musicians, even if you're not a member of our community.

TribaliaAndresMolina 06-06-2010 11:40 AM

I like because his music is powerful. But confess I did not know him.

[QUOTE=pixiesfanyo;6430913]I have connections.

Everyone try not to be dumbass spammers in here or Subtle will ban you.

This isn't the "I walked the dog, my name is Morrissey and I'm a girl" thread, it's to establish conversation about S&L related topics. If you want to be a worthless piece of sh[I]i[/I]t, go to the pit.

So, anyway. Who enjoys the new Bright Eyes album?[/QUOTE]

TribaliaAndresMolina 06-06-2010 11:43 AM

There is so much good music out there you know...!!!

[QUOTE=pixiesfanyo;6430913]I have connections.

Everyone try not to be dumbass spammers in here or Subtle will ban you.

This isn't the "I walked the dog, my name is Morrissey and I'm a girl" thread, it's to establish conversation about S&L related topics. If you want to be a worthless piece of sh[I]i[/I]t, go to the pit.

So, anyway. Who enjoys the new Bright Eyes album?[/QUOTE]

TribaliaAndresMolina 06-06-2010 11:57 AM

New Cd of Andres Molina
I'm working for an artist -songwriter & singer- that I like so much too.
His Cd was recorded alive and with the cooperation of major Spanish artists.

We are selling in this url:


-18 songs for only 10 € plus shipping-

We hung on youtube several videos:



kitsch 06-30-2010 03:15 PM

whoever got the subforum name changed is awesome

Surf 07-15-2010 03:59 PM

Haven't been here in ages

might do some critting or something

place is dead

iamrockzorz 07-18-2010 01:37 AM


I've got a touch for ****ing up,
So I put my hands in nothing much.
Now I let the time pass by,
As I think in broken rhyme.

My days are long, my nights are cheap,
There's nothing wrong, but I can't sleep,
An hour here, an hour there,
I lay in bed without a care,
My eyes won't close, it's nothing new,
It's still a feeling I have a hard time getting used to.

Try to get my heart in something new,
Take my head back from the balloons,
But now my hands they grasp away,
To hold on to the refrain.

So for now my head's in the clouds.
And I hope that I never fall out.
Or sing the songs of someone else.
I feel just fine sitting here on my shelf.
So no more whining about,
There's no need to scream or to shout.
I've got this life, on this shelf,
And I hope I never fall out.

Astronaut 10-24-2010 12:31 AM

Anyone write in a stream-of-consciousness manner? I see a lot of poetry posted here, and wonder just how calculated or sparse the works are constructed.

FVG27 10-24-2010 06:21 AM

Similarly to above, I've tried it a couple of times, but I think it comes off as a bit rubbishly pretentious rather than any good.

Wrote this about... yeesh three years ago. First attempt at stream of consciousness writing. I mean it's been heavily edited since the first drafts and changed since I think but yeah:


Aaaand this is another one, edited quite heavily again because of the shape I wanted for it but it was written in a stream of consciousness style:


It's not a style I'm well suited to though. I like working within restraints because it forces me to edit and redraft to fit within certain limitations but it's something I'd like to try more.

I've actually started writing a bit for the first time in months and months. I'd like to hit some open mic stuff around where I live (maybe not perform, but see what it's like) and check out what's happening now rather than living in my own little bubble. Anyone else do stuff like that?

Astronaut 10-24-2010 04:16 PM

I'd agree that it can be seen as lazy. Some thoughts are best left in their rawest forms, though. For me, if I can't get something started the way I would like for it to, I'll just open notepad or write in a journal in a stream-of until something pops out.

FVG27 10-24-2010 05:40 PM

Oh I'd agree that it's definitely a great process to start a piece of writing, just get shit loads of raw material and filter through it bit by bit once it's out, but having it as a final draft isn't always great for me.

putur12 11-19-2010 09:40 AM

[QUOTE=Aklerc;18239517]Oh I'd agree that it's definitely a great process to start a piece of writing, just get shit loads of raw material and filter through it bit by bit once it's out, but having it as a final draft isn't always great for me.[/QUOTE]

I agree, you also have search feature enabled, so all in all you can search for whatever you are looking for.

DavidM96 12-06-2010 04:54 PM

Alright, i realize when i sing, my voice is soft (which i hate) how can i get a harder edge to my voice?

Furniture 12-11-2010 04:07 PM

Are you kidding me, you've [B]extremely obviously[/B] been crying for the attention and laughs you got when I mistook you for Jared like 3 months ago.

Someone incapable of intelligent social interaction thinks I'm a moron? OH NO!

You're completely self absorbed, probably autistic. All you do is spam things YOU find funny and then get made fun of for it repeatedly.

I completely capable of drawing from (intelligent) criticism, and sorry to break it to you, but you're not offending me. It's just annoying that somebody who doesn't post on topic about anything ever feels the need to spam every single thing I post about how stupid it is.

Get off your personal vendetta.

P.S. nobody likes you, go away.[/QUOTE]

this is like a blockhead post

he hasn't developed through the concrete operational stage yet either

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