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illmitch 10-07-2011 06:51 PM

thought about ditching my flight and hanging out with steve

Angmar 10-07-2011 06:52 PM

You should have, but my gf will be here later so I would then ditch you, lovely weather isn't it?

adb 10-07-2011 06:56 PM

steve tell us about your gf, dish the deets

what are her pros and cons

illmitch 10-07-2011 06:57 PM

[QUOTE=Angmar;18672833]You should have, but my gf will be here later so I would then ditch you, lovely weather isn't it?[/QUOTE]

shhh you weren't supposed to know

Angmar 10-07-2011 06:58 PM

Ron was actually in Seattle once and we were going to hang but he left his cellphone in New York or something.

Aakon_Keetreh 10-07-2011 07:00 PM


kitsch 10-07-2011 07:01 PM

are u mormon perchance

Aakon_Keetreh 10-07-2011 07:02 PM


Angmar 10-07-2011 07:08 PM

Jon is a secular pagan.

adb 10-07-2011 07:10 PM

steve y r u ignoring me

Aakon_Keetreh 10-07-2011 07:10 PM

[QUOTE=Angmar;18672849]Jon is a secular pagan.[/QUOTE]

im actually atheist

Haz 10-07-2011 07:12 PM

ozzy osbourne

Angmar 10-07-2011 07:15 PM

[QUOTE=Aakon_Keetreh;18672852]im actually atheist[/QUOTE]

I know, I was bullshitting.

Juddybear 10-07-2011 07:36 PM

sup bros

smoking some dank ass tree right now

adb 10-07-2011 07:44 PM

and people say I'm a predictable poster

Tyler 10-07-2011 07:47 PM

hey at least is isnt heroin

adb 10-07-2011 07:59 PM

my dad is tlaking to my brother about weed in the other room

dad is saying weed makes you depressed lol

TimJim 10-07-2011 08:08 PM

no shit, THC is a depressant

adb 10-07-2011 08:11 PM

lol timjim responding to me

TimJim 10-07-2011 08:21 PM


Juddybear 10-07-2011 08:36 PM

[QUOTE=Tyler;18672876]hey at least is isnt heroin[/QUOTE]

thank you tyler :)

nodding 10-07-2011 09:01 PM

hey at least you aren't gay

oh wait...................

Juddybear 10-07-2011 09:05 PM

jesus nick just kill yourself already no one will ever love you

nodding 10-07-2011 09:06 PM

hey at least you aren't mad

Juddybear 10-07-2011 09:07 PM

i dont get mad, i tell people to kill themselves

nodding 10-07-2011 09:08 PM

hey at least you aren't wind noises

Juddybear 10-07-2011 09:10 PM

idk what to say to that

nodding 10-07-2011 09:11 PM

hey at least you aren't james spader

adb 10-07-2011 09:11 PM


/sp/ is god tier

Juddybear 10-07-2011 09:11 PM

hey stfu about that i dont even look like him ben and i talked about this p in depth

adb 10-07-2011 10:13 PM

since I cant post in the projects thread

luke has some new songs written, they sound great

new cgm will rule

botb 10-07-2011 11:29 PM

sup guys

illmitch 10-07-2011 11:31 PM

just got back to my parents house in cali

what u up 2

xMalcolmXx 10-08-2011 12:23 AM

listening to iron and wine aka i'm a faggot

wish i was back at school, coming home suckssss

illmitch 10-08-2011 12:26 AM

i needed a break from school its really nice to be out here

xMalcolmXx 10-08-2011 12:30 AM

my friends at home are lame as fuck. seriously kind of hate all of them for one reason or another.

but yeah i might go out to the bay area next summer. i've got mad family out there i would like to hang out with for a bit.

lukeskywalkertakingadump 10-08-2011 12:38 AM

[QUOTE=Stevie;18672533]sup guys just spent 4 days out in the field getting thrashed around

bruises everywhere finers full of cuts few hours sleep every night[/QUOTE]

your fault for choo$in the military numb nut$

Glitterati 10-08-2011 12:45 AM

saw drive tonight
really good, it's like bullit meets lost highway/mulholland dr/inland empire david lynch with some quentin tarantino-level blood and guts.

though holy shit asians in movie theaters are the most annoying thing. if you can't follow the plot point of anything that doesn't have jackie chan or jet li stay home and have a fast and furious marathon, don't sit there and talk and laugh and text throughout the whole film.

illmitch 10-08-2011 12:52 AM

[QUOTE=xMalcolmXx;18672986]my friends at home are lame as fuck. seriously kind of hate all of them for one reason or another.

but yeah i might go out to the bay area next summer. i've got mad family out there i would like to hang out with for a bit.[/QUOTE]

yeah i dont have any friends out here really

where in the bay area does your family live?

adb 10-08-2011 12:54 AM

zip it emh, nobody gives a shit

movies are awful

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