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kitsch 12-13-2010 11:00 PM

i gotta bitch that SAT on my dick

Furniture 12-13-2010 11:28 PM

[QUOTE=witchxrapist;18312543]A scholarship to free medschool.[/QUOTE]

why would you need a scholarship to free medschool

HighandDriving 12-14-2010 09:21 AM

Hey HSG, you see Inception yet?

Furniture 12-14-2010 06:10 PM

yeah you already asked me that

has the hayden stuff worked yet

HighandDriving 12-14-2010 10:13 PM

So do you get how funny the joke is?

Furniture 12-14-2010 10:25 PM

what joke

HighandDriving 12-15-2010 08:42 AM

Lol the joke I said when I was trolling you for the first time.

(*The Noonward Race*) 12-15-2010 08:50 AM

hey guy cmon

get a JOKE

witchxrapist 12-15-2010 02:36 PM

jokes... like the kidcrash album? i don't like jokes :/
[QUOTE=foreverendeared;18310163]I did pretty fucking bad on SATs, but then I scored like ridiculously high on the ACT[/QUOTE]

I scored high on the SAT's and I go to art school haha.

witchxrapist 12-15-2010 04:07 PM

I did awes on the reading and writing segments of the SAT's and decent on the math.

Purposefully fucked up on math for placement testing at LCCC though, cause easy math requirement for GD > hard obv.

Furniture 12-15-2010 08:08 PM

Purposefully fucked up on math for placement testing at LCCC though[/QUOTE]


so what were your SAT scores

[QUOTE=HighandDriving;18314460]Lol the joke I said when I was trolling you for the first time.[/QUOTE]

you don't sound convinced

witchxrapist 12-15-2010 08:57 PM


Furniture 12-15-2010 10:24 PM

apparently they weren't very high

witchxrapist 12-15-2010 11:51 PM

apparently your a fuckin nerd get out of my face

AllAlienatedAliens 12-18-2010 05:32 PM

[QUOTE=kitsch;18319482]ok guys ive cracked the AAA writing code on this poem so if u follow these guidelines u should be able to write 1000000 stanzas of boring crap

cliche declarative sentence
as if....
will you...
even if...

wow i really love formulaic poetry, it never surprises me, sounds contrite as hell and this one has pronouns that seem to be replacing unspoken nouns as a bonus. boy this one sure is a goodie.[/QUOTE]

Yay..... Now lets go write a sonnet.

kitsch 12-18-2010 06:02 PM


AllAlienatedAliens 12-18-2010 07:45 PM

I love sonnets though.... I mean..... Girls dig it... right Kit? I do it all for da ladies.

kitsch 12-18-2010 09:59 PM

fukken sell out

and no girls dont dig sonnets theyre too stupid to appreciate it all they want is a bunch of words strung together that have some internal reference point where they can see that you obv wrote it about them. it can be the shittiest poem and theyll swoon.

this is the reason that your poems may have some marginal effect on the meth whores you date

protip: just buy them an 8-ball of ice and the morning after pill

foreverendeared 12-19-2010 05:48 AM

"protip: just buy them an 8-ball of ice and the morning after pill"

LOL awesome

AllAlienatedAliens 12-19-2010 01:45 PM

Thanks guys
You made my public poetry project for class quite easy and enjoyable. Most of my fellow classmates chose blogs (which hilariously everyone writes poetry yet no one reads it on blog sites) and they had little success getting anybody to respond. We needed to have twelve poems out in the air and needed to have atleast one response on each one.

Basically just saying thanks for creating a community that actually writes and reads poetry. I wish you all the best in your future endevors and thanks for putting up with large amount of posts over the last two months.


Furniture 12-19-2010 02:39 PM

you deserve an F

kitsch 05-20-2011 04:21 PM

wow this thread is so neglected

foreverendeared 05-20-2011 05:20 PM

Yeah it is. Oh well, whatya gonna do.

kitsch 05-20-2011 09:28 PM

we should chat in it.

whats new man

foreverendeared 05-21-2011 04:57 AM

nothing much just being a lazy human being and procrastinating also trying to fix my sleep schedule so that I sleep at night like a normal human. how have you been?

kitsch 05-21-2011 12:07 PM

pretty good actually. my writing has been picking up again and i'm happy for the most part. i used to only write as an outlet for negative emotion, but now im able to capture a feeling in an instant and write about it. for me, poetry has always been a textual translation of a feeling. i dunno its kinda weird

also, drug dealers are depressing man. i had to go to this dude i dont really like going to because he always wants to sit and talk and smoke for like an hour and i feel bad tryin to get out of there cause he seems really lonley but his house is really dirty and i know hes a serious tweaker cause he's got meth bugs and shit. ive also got two other dudes that i've known since elementary school and they are slinging H and cocaine and shit and they always look out of their mind fucked up.

my sleeping habits were weird for a couple weeks, pulled a few all nighters on meth and i wont to that again. fucking being spun is the worst feeling.

also got a girlfriend and shes lovely, couldnt be happier, shes been in italy for the past two weeks. never really missed someone like i do her. im picking her up at the airport on tuesday. really excited.

one thing thats kinda fucked up is shes really late on her period. weve already decided that if shes preggo were getting an abortion, but this next week were gonna take a test. hope shes not cause abortions are expensive both fiscally and emotionally.

foreverendeared 05-21-2011 05:07 PM

Damn you got a lot going on right now emotionally. I had an ex who was really late too, but it turned out she wasn't pregnant in the end. Fingers crossed your girl isn't because like you said, emotionally that can be pretty costly.

I did see you're dating, though, from facebook and was wondering how it would translate in your writing and was surprised at how good the last few things you've written are because, like you, I usually write from negative emotions. I'm able to write when I'm happy, but I'm usually not ultimately pleased with the results. Some of the stuff i try to tell a story with, but it's mostly my feelings in writing. My biggest problem is being able to edit what I've already written. I usually write in quick bursts, where I'll sit down and write a poem in about a half hour, and in that half hour I can edit stuff around and bring in new ideas, but for the most part it's just a one shot, and after I set my pen down and i've stepped away from it, I just can never get myself back into that exact state of mind i was in when I wrote it to edit it or fix it or change it at all. It might as well be set in stone at that point. It's a problem I need to rectify, but don't know how.

I didn't have a connect here in louisville for a good year after I quick oxy since I cut all my ties so I wouldn't go back to that shit and have been craving weed like crazy since then, but now that I've got someone I can get some from I don't have the money. Goddamn frustrating. I wish I could just grow the shit on my own.

I don't think I'd ever go back to any hard drugs just because i was so hooked on oxy, but I still would like to try acid and shrooms at some point.

Surf 05-22-2011 06:10 AM

lol thread

i haven't actually been in this forum in months. moved to italy, living in florence, been busy.

actually went out the other day and bought paper, did some writing for the first time in months. might post it but still working on the edit.

I've never really written from negative emotions. or positive ones. never really liked to use my own feelings in my writing, more sort of vicarious examinations of things i've seen elsewhere. seems less masturbatory.

PcPDestiny 07-05-2011 01:24 PM

My question is how come I can't post a thread for my song yet? Thankyou hun.

rasputin 07-19-2011 08:50 PM

no prob hun

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