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shortz 01-03-2011 10:04 PM


Txus 01-03-2011 10:09 PM


Sleigh Bells - Treats

Si1v3RfaNg 01-03-2011 11:34 PM


This is becoming one of my favorite albums.

Tyler 01-04-2011 01:46 AM


Morumbar 01-04-2011 05:17 AM


Destroy All Girls 01-04-2011 06:02 AM


Abyssic Hate 01-04-2011 07:48 AM



[I]Hammerheart[/I] is better

porch 01-04-2011 08:49 AM


Txus 01-04-2011 09:12 AM


feav233 01-04-2011 09:25 AM


2muchket! 01-04-2011 11:04 AM


Destroy All Girls 01-04-2011 11:08 AM


Juddybear 01-04-2011 11:24 AM


[B]This is becoming one of my favorite albums.[/B][/QUOTE]

youve said that about every album youve ever listened to im p sure

Txus 01-04-2011 11:28 AM



illmitch 01-04-2011 11:44 AM

[QUOTE=Juddybear;18341525]youve said that about every album youve ever listened to im p sure[/QUOTE]

i think silverfang just communicates in superlatives

DBlitz 01-04-2011 11:45 AM


alytee123 01-04-2011 12:12 PM


Txus 01-04-2011 12:17 PM


Kaiwaz 01-04-2011 12:19 PM


feav233 01-04-2011 12:27 PM


P13 01-04-2011 12:29 PM

my swagger's straight through the roof, bitch

Si1v3RfaNg 01-04-2011 01:07 PM

[QUOTE=Juddybear;18341525]youve said that about every album youve ever listened to im p sure[/QUOTE]

Nah I just have a lot of favorites.

P13 01-04-2011 01:09 PM


Txus 01-04-2011 01:11 PM


shortz 01-04-2011 01:16 PM


^ How is this one?


P13 01-04-2011 01:18 PM

mike, I think you'd like the album I'm listening to

Warpaint - The Fool

art rock, new wave influences

Anglachel 01-04-2011 01:19 PM


feav233 01-04-2011 01:24 PM

[QUOTE=shortz;18341722]^ How is this one?

i'm giving it another listen now but i thought it was pretty good, comparable to the last couple albums i would say

Txus 01-04-2011 01:28 PM

[QUOTE=P13;18341725]mike, I think you'd like the album I'm listening to

Warpaint - The Fool

art rock, new wave influences[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I already got it, but thanks. Did you like it? I thought it was ok but it's incredible how much hype it gets for being nothing more than an okay attempt at art rock.

On the other hand, you should check out this Darkstar album if you haven't already, it's really good.

P13 01-04-2011 01:57 PM

I'll check it out

I haven't heard any hype about it, so I'm taking it at face value. It's pretty good for what it is, not the most challenging thing I've heard but I still like it.

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