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(*The Noonward Race*) 10-15-2011 02:06 PM


witchxrapist 10-15-2011 02:10 PM

[QUOTE=Drugstep;18681418]Damsel in distress, alpha male, Gandalf rip-off

looks like it has all the necessary elements of fantasy, i'll try to find a copy[/QUOTE]

belgarath is vaguely a gandalf rip off, but the character himself not at all

he's a thieving alcoholic who bangs whores left and right

christsimpson 10-15-2011 02:25 PM


woop woop spam spam

witchxrapist 10-15-2011 02:28 PM

that's sick

christsimpson 10-15-2011 02:29 PM

the most impressive thing in that post IMO is the chipophone

witchxrapist 10-15-2011 02:50 PM

Where's the z trigger? On the back?

christsimpson 10-15-2011 03:01 PM


witchxrapist 10-15-2011 03:06 PM

that's cool as hell, is it 32 or 64 bit?

christsimpson 10-15-2011 03:13 PM


the Nintendo 64 is obviously 64-bit

witchxrapist 10-15-2011 03:16 PM

it wasn't without the expansion pak

when goldeneye came out it was still 32 bit

how do you not remember this?

christsimpson 10-15-2011 03:18 PM

r u drunk again

fingers mccoy 10-15-2011 03:20 PM

[QUOTE=witchxrapist;18681464]it wasn't without the expansion pak

when goldeneye came out it was still 32 bit

how do you not remember this?[/QUOTE]


witchxrapist 10-15-2011 03:25 PM

[QUOTE=christsimpson;18681466]r u drunk again[/QUOTE]

edit wait nm that was 4mb ram to 8mb


fingers mccoy 10-15-2011 03:32 PM

this hotpot is gonna be SENSATIONAL

RouteOne 10-15-2011 03:35 PM

Sup bros

christsimpson 10-15-2011 03:38 PM

sup mrron

I'm listening to blink-182 demos 'cause I'm cool like that

and telling my friend about how CRAZY we are down here because earlier this week we programmed collision detection & treatment and then my homie increased all the coefficients but one and the friction was like all over the place it was INSANE but we badass like that

sup there???

RouteOne 10-15-2011 03:40 PM

I have no clue what that is about but COOL

nm just recovering from a night out with my friends for her b-day

got a number from a chick I have to check her fb though because I can't remember if she was attractive enough to bother lol

fingers mccoy 10-15-2011 03:41 PM

do you make games or something christsimpson?

(*The Noonward Race*) 10-15-2011 03:41 PM

[QUOTE=fingers mccoy;18681477]this hotpot is gonna be SENSATIONAL[/QUOTE]
/add siracha sauce

i am so neanderthal

fingers mccoy 10-15-2011 03:42 PM

i put in some smokey stuff

chipotle tabasco and smoked paprika

christsimpson 10-15-2011 03:47 PM

you should have been here earliert when we programmed the alarm on the micro controller with just three nested for loops and just used random arithmetic expressions to fuck shit up and it started bleeping in frequencies we never knew existed and then everyone looked at us and we were like LOL we so badass shit was CRAZY oh man

the whole get-a-number/go-on-dates thing in the US would make me terrified

RouteOne 10-15-2011 03:48 PM

[QUOTE]the whole get-a-number/go-on-dates thing in the US would make me terrified[/QUOTE]


(*The Noonward Race*) 10-15-2011 03:48 PM

USA #1 go team

RouteOne 10-15-2011 03:49 PM


christsimpson 10-15-2011 03:49 PM

[QUOTE=Mr. Ron;18681495]why?[/QUOTE]

I'm really awkward and I don't see the point in that stuff anyway I mean find a girl in a normal way (by going outside) then befriend here and then if she is a successful female make her make you food and do your dishes for the rest of her life

RouteOne 10-15-2011 03:50 PM

[quote=christsimpson;18681499]I'm really awkward and I don't see the point in that stuff anyway I mean find a girl in a normal way (by going outside) then befriend here and then if she is a successful female make her make you food and do your dishes for the rest of her life[/quote]
well yeah you can do that stuff too there's more than one way

fingers mccoy 10-15-2011 03:52 PM

[QUOTE=christsimpson;18681499]I'm really awkward and I don't see the point in that stuff anyway I mean find a girl in a normal way (by going outside) then befriend here and then if she is a successful female make her make you food and do your dishes for the rest of her life[/QUOTE]

you're at a party and you chat to a girl, she's very receptive to your jokes and stuff, you ask her out

it's not like a lifestyle

christsimpson 10-15-2011 03:52 PM

I don't like parties
they avoid the truth
people lying in search of a good time

RouteOne 10-15-2011 03:52 PM

she was a good dancing partner so that was cool

[QUOTE]I don't like parties
they avoid the truth
people lying in search of a good time[/QUOTE]


fingers mccoy 10-15-2011 03:53 PM

[QUOTE=christsimpson;18681505]I don't like parties
they avoid the truth
people lying in search of a good time[/QUOTE]

what do you mean by this

christsimpson 10-15-2011 03:53 PM

picking people up LOL

blink-182 demos though for real
so good

christsimpson 10-15-2011 03:54 PM

it's an Embrace song u emo newjacks

it means that parties r dumb obv depending on ur definition of a party

but I don't party

unless u count DnD !!!

(*The Noonward Race*) 10-15-2011 03:55 PM

[SIZE=7]gearing up for the big post[/SIZE]

RouteOne 10-15-2011 03:56 PM

well I mean, I've gone to parties where people seemed to go out of their way to be someone they're not and I suppose alcohol can add to that but I tend to go to smaller ones with people I know better

(*The Noonward Race*) 10-15-2011 03:57 PM

2 more

xMalcolmXx 10-15-2011 03:57 PM

i only leave my room to party

christsimpson 10-15-2011 03:58 PM

late one day as you're sitting awake
how can you sleep with those pills you take
rubs your eyes and miss your head
all you have is meat and you're a vegetarian
put in your key and your car won't start
your wife just left you and she took the sports car
all alone and it's one of those days
oh my god you found out your neighbour's gay

(*The Noonward Race*) 10-15-2011 03:58 PM

[SIZE=7]looks like i win[/SIZE]

fingers mccoy 10-15-2011 03:58 PM

party theatrics and stuff aren't in line with what i'd call dishonest

everyone knows you're being a certain way because it's a party

(*The Noonward Race*) 10-15-2011 03:59 PM

what post? where oh yeah 100k

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