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Happymeal 08-27-2004 09:03 AM

i forgot about Trophy Scars..I like them. Especially "..and that's where they found my body" with the jazzy keyboards. Although their sound reminds me a lot of Thursday(Post-hardcore??).. When the hell will they release a full album?? I don't get why bands release EP's with such good songs.. makes you want more.

loJic 08-27-2004 10:28 AM

It's a friends band. Just trying to get them some publicity. It's hard down here in New Orleans for a rock band to be heard. They opened up for Buckethead at Howlin Wolf and were on the waiting list for VOODOO this year. So they're getting there, just need a couple of people in other states and countries to check em out. They're real melodic and emotional with there music, and they can have that Glassjaw edge at times. I just don't consider em Emo or Screamo. They have their on sound. Ya'll should check em out, and let me know what you think. [url]www.punchpeople.net[/url]

Red is the new black 08-27-2004 07:42 PM

i know its a bit late in the thread but post-emo indie rock your just making up a genre because you don't want to admit that taking back sunday and the like are emo. Yes emo has its roots but since then it has evolved because of people experimenting and listening to emo along with other genres of music just think about it, its the same with all music types they change to suit a different audience.

Red is the new black 08-27-2004 07:43 PM

oh and just to add dillinger escape plan a good band, you make me p**s my self laughing.

Happymeal 08-27-2004 08:04 PM

[QUOTE=DFelon204409]They're awesome and they do have a full length out (Darts to the Sea) and they will have another full length out soon. I have it in the mp3 form and it's tough to get online or anywhere actually so if you like you can IM me at DFelon204409. I'll be out a lot today but we'll see if we can work this.[/QUOTE]

They do?? I didn't know that too.:lol: oh well.. I'm trying to figure out how AIM works first.. I'm pretty stupid at these things really.:p But I'll try to download it this weekend if this laptop doesn't act sh*tty when I do. I'll contact you if everything goes well. Thanks.

BuddyBigsby 08-27-2004 08:52 PM

[QUOTE=Red is the new black]i know its a bit late in the thread but post-emo indie rock your just making up a genre because you don't want to admit that taking back sunday and the like are emo. Yes emo has its roots but since then it has evolved because of people experimenting and listening to emo along with other genres of music just think about it, its the same with all music types they change to suit a different audience.[/QUOTE]

Hahahahahaha, no. Ok, let me break this down for you.

Post = After. So "Post-Emo" means after emo. Simple enough. But wait... aren't bands like Saetia and Hot Cross technically post-emo? Yes. So what makes bands like Sunny Day Real Estate different? They're more rock oriented, hence the Indie Rock.

...why in the hell would I not want to "admit" that Taking Back Sunday are emo? I don't care... I like bands like Taking Back Sunday that [I]don't[/I] suck (Armor for Sleep) and I also like real emo. If you'd ever actually heard real emo rather than speak out of complete ignorance, you would see what I'm saying.

A-Life-Less-Plagued 08-28-2004 02:32 PM

What are Reach The Sky? They don't seem emo, but I guess they have the lyrics.

A-Life-Less-Plagued 08-28-2004 02:37 PM

I guess they're just hardcore.

shane italian 08-28-2004 11:02 PM

[QUOTE=A-Life-Less-Plagued]I guess they're just hardcore.[/QUOTE]Dude.......................WHAT THE EFF? Reach The Sky are hardcore no doubt man.

Wannabe Emo001 08-29-2004 06:53 AM

whoa wait... isnt Thursday emo though?

Bartender 08-29-2004 07:02 AM

Thursday are post-hardcore, I think.

Happymeal 08-30-2004 06:34 AM

I heard Cecilia And The Silhouette Salloon by The Blood Brothers, and I was really impressed! I'm really gonna buy Burn Piano Island, Burn! Although I expected they were a little heavier, like a more melodic Converge or something.

CommieCanada 08-30-2004 06:46 AM

i hate classifying bands uder the "post-something" genre. if Thursday is post-hardcore or post-emo or whatever, that means that the hardcore and emo movements had to end somewhere. So i supose my follow up question would be, when did hardcore and emo come to their end? or is it just that anything after the initial explosion is considered "post"?

Happymeal 08-30-2004 09:36 AM

[QUOTE=CommieCanada]i hate classifying bands uder the "post-something" genre. if Thursday is post-hardcore or post-emo or whatever, that means that the hardcore and emo movements had to end somewhere. So i supose my follow up question would be, when did hardcore and emo come to their end? or is it just that anything after the initial explosion is considered "post"?[/QUOTE]

Now that you mention it, I never really thought about that... Well, Buddy and DFelon?? For me, I guess bands nowadays have more of a different sound than the original emo and hardcore bands that started the whole thing(although I've heard little about them)..but why not place them in another(or a new one) genre altogether to avoid all the "post" labeling?? And what the hell does post-punk sound like?!:confused:

Bartender 08-30-2004 10:26 AM

I always thought post-genre meant something with its roots in the genre, but with differences (just not differences enough to make it a new genre).

Happymeal - The Cure get called post-punk.

Painful_Cheese 08-30-2004 11:10 AM

Well from what i've heard Alexisonfire is emo/post-emo or something along those lines. So if it's true i'd recommend anything from their first album. (Not the second one, stay aawwaayy from the second one)

VoodooMagik 08-30-2004 11:50 AM

hey painful cheese, i like their second album. I really like both even if the second is more... emo I guess?

Senses Fail and Unerderoath are also pretty good bands somewhere between emo and screamo.

TMA 08-30-2004 01:23 PM

From First To Last... good stuff. It commercialized Emo. It isn't the real thing, like what DeFelon is talking about, but... still. It's really good listenings.

Painful_Cheese 08-30-2004 01:57 PM

[url]www.fourfa.com[/url] pretty much cleared up emo and i'll try out some Circle Takes The Square and see if i like it. BUT i'm seriously going to listen to 'Optimus Prime, 5 DiGiorno Pizzas, and a Bag of Condoms Make One Awkward Morning After' by Dracula Core. I mean comeon, the title is so brilliant...

capri sun junkie 08-30-2004 04:23 PM

[QUOTE=DFelon204409]Then as punishment for speaking ignorance go listen to every song at [url]www.hxcmp3.com/bands/12660[/url] (they're not emo; they're the equivalent of washing your mouth off with soap...aurally).[/QUOTE]

aww, i say that they are the equivilent to sex for the ears! ;)

BuddyBigsby 08-30-2004 08:13 PM

[QUOTE=Painful_Cheese][url]www.fourfa.com[/url] pretty much cleared up emo and i'll try out some Circle Takes The Square and see if i like it. BUT i'm seriously going to listen to 'Optimus Prime, 5 DiGiorno Pizzas, and a Bag of Condoms Make One Awkward Morning After' by Dracula Core. I mean comeon, the title is so brilliant...[/QUOTE]

Hahahaha, yes. I came up with the title.

*does a little jig*

Happymeal 08-30-2004 08:23 PM

[QUOTE=Bartender]Happymeal - The Cure get called post-punk.[/QUOTE]

Ok..I think I'm figuring post-punk out a bit..since punk became known in the 70's(Sex Pistols, etc etc), bands like The Cure and Joy Division(?) in the 80's sound somewhat reminiscent to them, but they created a different sound altogether(using synth and all)? I'm just so confused with so many genres out there.

I just downloaded some Antioch Arrow songs from epitonic, they're interesting.. I like it when the vocals really sing, I don't mind screaming, it just makes for a more interesting listen(like The Fall Of Troy, for example).

Bartender 08-30-2004 08:33 PM

What's epitonic?

Happymeal 08-30-2004 08:57 PM

[QUOTE=Bartender]What's epitonic?[/QUOTE]

I mean [url]www.epitonic.com[/url] , sorry about that. It's a good source of Alt/Indie and even with some emo. Good site to do some research on. Hehe.

Bartender 08-30-2004 09:02 PM

Thanks. I've been wanting to hear some Antioch Arrow from somewhere.

CommieCanada 08-30-2004 10:39 PM

[QUOTE=DFelon204409]About the post-whatever argument, post has evolved to denote anything after the main wave of a genre that really expands on it and diversifies it.

In the case of The Cure, they're post-punk because they were in a genre with other bands that relied more heavily on punk.[/QUOTE]

yeah thats what i was thinking, as far as the "post" prefix was concerned.

if anyone wants to hear the Cure's post punk finest, listen to the song Boy's Don't Cry. it is just a 4 chord progression and is more fast paced, then most of their later works. actually their whole first album "Three Imaginary Boys" is like that, since they arrived on the music scene shortly after the initial explosion of UK punk

iliketoplaydrums10111 09-04-2004 09:40 PM

Bump :)

cbmartinez 09-04-2004 09:43 PM

Hot Cross
A Day in Black and White
I Hate Myself
Indian Summer
Trophy Scars
Funeral Diner
Song of Zarathustra
Moss Icon
Planes Mistaken for Stars
Native Nod
Spirit of Versailles
Amanda Woodward
Rites of Spring
Still Life

Love Like...Electrocution
Angel Hair
Antioch Arrow
Usurp Synapse
Clikitat Ikatowi
City of Caterpillar
Circle Takes the Square
Neil Perry
The Kite-Flying Society
The Khayembii Communique
The Vidablue
Cowboys Became Folk Heroes
Joshua Fit for Battle
Jerome's Dream
You and I
Love Lost But Not Forgotten
The Great Redneck Hope
Textbook Traitors
As the Sun Sets
After School Knife Fight

[b]Dance/Indie/Grind that is rooted in emo but is eclectic[/b]
The Blood Brothers
An Albatross
The Red Light Sting
Fear Before the March of Flames


I can't believe you forgot Envy! Japenese screamo, mmmmmm. And isn't The Number Twelve Looks Like You screamo?

CommieCanada 09-04-2004 11:05 PM

/me adds Navio Forge to that list

Happymeal 09-05-2004 06:30 AM

I've got to find that Trophy Scars cd somewhere..argh. haha

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