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Bruce E Kinesis 12-26-2010 10:01 PM

[QUOTE=jaklyons;18330293]Quadruple-chocolate cookies ftw.[/QUOTE]

got some for christmas, am looking forward to

jaklyons 12-27-2010 06:39 AM

Yeah, I got the Tesco Finest ones, they're fucking proper.

Kriek (cheery beer) for lunch ftw also.

Sad But True 12-27-2010 08:03 AM

I might have an Old Speckled Hen and some Galaxy for dinner. I had 6 rounds of Bovril on toast for breakfast. All part of a healthy, balanced diet eh?

Sad But True 12-27-2010 09:14 AM

double post yay

Recommend me some good strategy games for PC Lod. Not Civilization (did the tutorial and still have no idea what to do).

Squirrel 12-27-2010 09:41 AM

Warcraft series.

Command and Conquer series.

Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander.

spirit 12-27-2010 01:37 PM

Also, Starcraft 2.

Although, that's an RTS. Maybe not what you're looking for.

Modern Iconoclast 12-27-2010 02:07 PM

Dawn of War, the first one is an RTS and the second is more of an RTT.

AG 12-27-2010 02:30 PM

Minecraft. But only do it if you have all of your life to give away for a couple of weeks.

Also, buying these tomorrow:




The Transporter 12-27-2010 02:48 PM

wat the fuck you have to sign up for EA acount to play BFBC2TCBMADIJG?

Bruce E Kinesis 12-27-2010 03:02 PM

WHAT is the advantage to those soldiers wearing those stupid fucking headress things

what good will that sword do against a tank? Why not carry a rifle?

why does that tank have spikes on it?

I swear you could beat these guys with airfix models

"CALLING IN AIRSTRIKE, warthog A-10 cuts tanks in half with arm-sized bullets"

Squirrel 12-27-2010 03:09 PM

Do you actually ever have fun?

Modern Iconoclast 12-27-2010 06:41 PM

[QUOTE=The Transporter;18331214]wat the fuck you have to sign up for EA acount to play BFBC2TCBMADIJG?[/QUOTE]

Yep, that's how they track your stats and shiz.

Blue_Moon 12-27-2010 06:48 PM

new call of duty is prettty boring

Modern Iconoclast 12-27-2010 07:06 PM

Black Ops blows, the CoD franchise has turned into a steaming pile of trendshit.

Bruce E Kinesis 12-27-2010 08:47 PM

[QUOTE=Squirrel;18331224]Do you actually ever have fun?[/QUOTE]

me or tank man?

Blue_Moon 12-27-2010 08:55 PM

i never liked cod online much, but enjoyed the last campaign, the last 2 actually, but this is just borring and repetitive

Aes820 12-27-2010 09:15 PM

Even tho I used to play Day of Defeat and HL2 Deathmatch heaps, I'm kind of over the idea of online gaming now.
Going onto the servers that I used to frequent now, they are ghost towns. If they even still exist... The only servers that still see traffic are overseas and have atrocious pings.

So the re-playability of that game is gone...

If a game doesn't have a good single player campaign, it's not worth it.
Sentiments similar to Zero Punctuation's Yahtzee.

JoshIsNumber3 12-27-2010 10:14 PM

I used to absolutely slay at DoD and CS:Source when I was a freshman in college. Newly single + tremendous amounts of alcohol + classes at 2pm each day = oh memories

The_Mop 12-27-2010 10:37 PM

I tried to get into Counter Strike but never could. Some little tech hangups put me off HL2 Deathmatch (was running shitty hardware at the time, not pointing the finger at valve here). Strangely enough, the thing I played most online was Worms World Party, and I was about 13 at the time...

Found it in CeX for 1 quid and decided to relive my early teen years. The online community is basically gone, which is a bit sad. Gonna have to check out this new one on steam.

Modern Iconoclast 12-27-2010 10:40 PM

I used to play DoD competitively, was pretty boss at it. The community for that game has dwindled tremendously though, it's sad.

Nowadays I mostly play BC2 and Left 4 Dead 2 for online games. I did play a lot of Team Fortress 2 but once Valve added the store where you can buy items and basically started trying to milk it for every penny they can get I kinda lost interest.

For single player I play Civ 5, it's still really buggy though. I just got Assassin's Creed 2 and Fallout: New Vegas, both badass.

Kuffuffled 12-28-2010 01:21 AM

Transporter and I are playing a shit load of steam christmas sales on ATM

Lara Croft (actually pretty good)
Borderlands (Trolling eachother with the cars)
Titan's Quest as it seems to be like Diablo, haven't cracked it open yet

Modern Iconoclast 12-28-2010 01:51 AM

Steam sales are ridiculous right now, got Assassin's Creed 2 with all the DLCs for 17 bucks.

JoshIsNumber3 12-28-2010 02:26 AM

There was some sort of ridiculous deal where you get 400 dollars worth of games for 70 bucks. I wish I had my new laptop when that deal was up :upset:

Aes820 12-28-2010 03:55 AM

Star Wars KotOR for $2.50

Great game. Fuck I musta paid $60 for that when it first came out.

AG 12-28-2010 04:11 AM

[QUOTE=Bruce E Kinesis;18331223]WHAT is the advantage to those soldiers wearing those stupid fucking headress things

what good will that sword do against a tank? Why not carry a rifle?

why does that tank have spikes on it?

I swear you could beat these guys with airfix models

"CALLING IN AIRSTRIKE, warthog A-10 cuts tanks in half with arm-sized bullets"[/QUOTE]

The tank has spikes for decorartion, 'cos the chaos gods like spikes. You can impale heads on them and that.

The sword is a power weapon, and crackles with lightining-a-riffic power. It's basically a lightsaber.

The headress things look fucking awesome, that's the only point.

In terms of airstrikes we have this sort of thing?


Kuffuffled 12-28-2010 04:38 AM

Is this like Risk with giant, well sculpted pieces?

Sad But True 12-28-2010 05:16 AM

Since when do chaos get Demolisher tanks?

Also, keep the RTS/strategy game suggestions coming. I've got the complete back catalogue of C&C on download (I remember having the very first one on PS1), I'm re-downloading Warcraft 2+3, I've played and completed every Dawn of War game that's out apart from the expansion to DoW2, because they're fucking amazing.

Squirrel 12-28-2010 07:00 AM

Starcraft 2.

Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander.

I cannot wait for Dead Space 2, I loved the original so much. Only like a month to go now :D

The Transporter 12-28-2010 08:28 AM

[quote=JoshIsNumber3;18331641]I used to absolutely slay at DoD and CS:Source when I was a freshman in college. Newly single + tremendous amounts of alcohol + classes at 2pm each day = oh memories[/quote]
lol I used to tear up Counter-Strike on the college CS server. This was like pre 1.6 I think. You'd always play against the same dudes. I'd troll people with the knife so bad. They'd be getting massive killstreaks until I found them and knifes them. Ragequit every time. Fuckin' nubs.

I'd always get the knifes only going as well. Stabbin them in the face. Some good fights that way. True bros due it this way.

I stopped playing CS:S a few years back cuz all my friends that had it got busy. Ice world ftw

[quote=Kuffuffled;18331825]Transporter and I are playing a shit load of steam christmas sales on ATM

Lara Croft (actually pretty good)
Borderlands (Trolling eachother with the cars)
Titan's Quest as it seems to be like Diablo, haven't cracked it open yet[/quote]

Lmfao we never beat Lara Croft. We'll have to go back sooner or later and get all the treasure. Man, I love getting treasure in games. I think it started with Uncharted 1 & 2 on PS3. Every time I got one of the treasures I'd get super pumped.

Borderland oh man best part is getting the cars. Immediate and complete unnecessary rocket launcher fire in all directions. Also flipping the cars over and trying to park them lol so great. The actual game is pretty fun too. There's tons of loot plus you get to level up. It gives a great feeling of acocmplishment. The chick character is nuts though.

the forced co-op (lol can't do anything if a special gets you) is kinda annoying. I think Borderlands got the co-op better because to kill certain enemies yo uhave to exploit weak spots and use teamwork to get in position. left4dead2 is just like "lol u ded til ur friend gets here bro good luck". me and kuffluffs pretty much rule that shit on super ultra hard mode but our teammates always dying cuz they dont listne D:

Tit Quest lol I think Diablo 2 is why my hand is messed up right now. This probably gonna make it worse whenever we get around to it

Sad But True 12-28-2010 01:21 PM

[QUOTE=Squirrel;18331932]Starcraft 2.

Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander.

I cannot wait for Dead Space 2, I loved the original so much. Only like a month to go now :D[/QUOTE]

What's Supreme Commander like/about?

I'm playing Sins of a Solar Empire, looking quite fun so far but there doesn't seem to be a story, just some epic skirmish type battles.

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