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Merkaba 07-05-2007 07:33 AM

[QUOTE=Chrisman69;14904482]heyy man

ive got a problem with my voice getting right hoarse after like 5 minutes of singing in my higher register, its pretty brutal

after a while it just sounds like a really bad scream, 100% rasp.

also, it only effects by higher register, the rest of my voice is, more or less, the same. and what might be the weirdest thing of all... is its a very short term "hoarseness" if i stop singing for 10-15 mintues, i can go back and hit those high notes without any problems..... for another 5 minutes

its rediculously frusterating

how can i gain consitancy with hitting those high notes without sounding like a cow before long?[/QUOTE]

You could just be singing out of your range, combined with lifting your larynx. This is usually the case with this type of thing as you describe. It would be better if you posted a sample.

punknmetal4lyf 07-06-2007 02:45 PM

Hey merk, man I got an issue. I been trying to follow your instructions on how to develop a raspy sort of scream, but no matter how hard I try I can't seem to do it. My scream up to this point is that sort of icky gurgle type thing that death metal vocalists use, not at all the raspy sort of emo/metalcore/punk type thing I want to develop. I have a pretty nice death growl, but since I don't even really like death metal... Anyway, I simply cannot seem to develop a rasp/scream unless I push and force it in which case I cause pain which is bad right? Do you have any insights at all on a possible way to learn how to do this. Because I'm sure I could develop it better if I could just learn how to activate it, but I just can't even seem to learn how to activate it. Any advice is appreciated.

And don't call me lazy. This time I read all your previous instructions on how to develop it. Seriously, I can't seem to push the air out any faster than it naturally comes out. Any chance you could explain how the diaphragm/false vocal chords might figure in to this?

i am the robots 07-09-2007 01:11 PM

Well... those bands sort of don't have proper screaming... the reason you can't get that tone so well is because their singers are belting it from the throat and just squeezing it out... my advice, if you don't care about your voice other than screaming, just drink a lot of water before you scream, and just force things from your throat... or work on your current scream and work on something superior without ruining your voice.

kidthatplaysguitar91 07-24-2007 02:20 PM

[QUOTE=punknmetal4lyf;14744458]Ok, I basically got a **** range but it's improving slowly but surely as I improve my control over my voice and such. What would be some good songs to practice singing in order to improve my range and what would be some exercises to help develop my strength of voice/control/range ect?[/QUOTE]

Any song at the top of your rage maybe even a note or two above would be good to improve your range if you worked to get the notes. Make sure you keep good tone at high range though. 5 note scales going up in half steps, do staccato ha's on this pattern of notes, C,E,D,F,E,G,F,D,C. Get that pattern and bring it up half steps. Try this, (Ha)C,(Heh)C,(Hee)C,(Ho)C,(Hoo)CDEDC. The Ha heh hee ho, are staccato's and the Hoo part with the cdedc is not staccato and is all in that vowel. Exercises are hard to show in words but basically scales, Scales in thirds, other intervals, doing them in staccato, not staccato, different volumes, all the vowels. Going up your range will help your voice.

kidthatplaysguitar91 07-24-2007 02:24 PM

[QUOTE=Chrisman69;14904482]heyy man

ive got a problem with my voice getting right hoarse after like 5 minutes of singing in my higher register, its pretty brutal

after a while it just sounds like a really bad scream, 100% rasp.

also, it only effects by higher register, the rest of my voice is, more or less, the same. and what might be the weirdest thing of all... is its a very short term "hoarseness" if i stop singing for 10-15 mintues, i can go back and hit those high notes without any problems..... for another 5 minutes

its rediculously frusterating

how can i gain consitancy with hitting those high notes without sounding like a cow before long?[/QUOTE]

Singing at the VERY top of your range and possibly even out of your range for 5 minutes can exhaust your voice pretty fast. If you increase your range so those notes that are now your highest will look like pansy ****, then they'll be much easier to hit and will tire your voice out less. Chances are your voice is getting tired and your straining so your voice is just cracking a ton and just sounds like ****. Make sure you warm up before going for your highest notes too. I cant even describe how much of a HUGE difference warming up does to my voice. It sounds better, feels better, and I have a bigger range.

kidthatplaysguitar91 07-24-2007 02:29 PM

[QUOTE=adz_18;14838244]Hey Merk,

I've got two separate questions here.

1. About vocal lessons. What would you suggest doing first? Going to an actual teacher, or spending money on one of the Jamie Vendera books (also, is there any online support here or do you just buy the book and learn it yourself with no visual or aural aids?). I'm going for a rock oriented voice btw.


A teacher is better than a book no matter what, they will generally teach you the "correct" way to sing. Which is normally classical/jazz style of singing. But it will help your overall voice. And i'm sure if you tell your teacher what you do, he will help you work on it. I told my teacher i was gonna be playing free bird, he helped me nail it better. Same with plush.

LordJasio 07-27-2007 05:16 AM

Hey guys, just found this place, and have read over a few articles Merkaba has written. I have touched a lot of that stuff while teaching myself to sing, and am still trying to truck through it. Id get a teacher, but all the teachers in my city are brutal and dont teach you anything.

Anyways, i just wanted some input on some vocal stuff on a more personal level. I play guitar and sing in a power metal band, thus i need my voice to be constant within all its range.

So my main problem like most people is staying in head voice while singing, without flipping to falsetto. I can sometimes do it, and sometimes it fails. I just have a hard time singing in my head register casually and without strain, which i know is the way it's suppose to be. Using my head voice tenses my throat whether my larynx moves up or not... Perhaps I dont have proper Diaphragm control, or some other reason...

I'd like some input anyways on some things I could try if anyone has any suggestions. I have a couple clips of stuff i have done/can do.

Clip 1: Vocal Siren from low to high. (i was practicing layering vocals and stuff like that, hence the more than one voice in the clip)

Clip 2: I recorded the vocals on this song for my friends English project on Macbeth. Listen to News from the King.

Clip 3: Some old demos of my band back from last october. Needless to say we have all improved on everything, and have since booted and gotten a new amazing drummer.

Any tips, comments, or advice welcome.

Boida 07-28-2007 08:22 AM

I've been learning some serious airflow control and diaphragm control and the difference made is absolutely ****ing incredible, I find now that screaming is much like singing, only I just add the vocal fry to it, and the scream is born. Before I was just forcing air out, but not exhaling, and it was causing me intense headaches, to the point where I felt I was gonna pass out. (felt a lot like headrush) and it also gave me a **** sound to my scream. Since learning breath support and diaphragm control I find that I can sing properly, and in ranges that I never thought possible. It really does make all the difference, and it makes it so much easier. So my advice to anyone is to do simple breath excersices, that teach you over time the proper control you need. Nothing else will improve your singing or screaming as much as this! Have a look at [url]http://www.vocalist.org.uk/breathing101.html[/url] there is simple yet good stuff here. It doesn't take long for you to start noticing the effects, I myself am very impatient and know what it's like to want results right away, but stick it out!

sweet_nothings 08-07-2007 11:33 PM

Hey Markaba (though I'm leaning more towards calling you "well-of-singing-knowledge")

I've a couple questions if you don't mind answering. I've been singing for a while and previously took lessons with someone who did not teach me to isolate my vocal cords. I take quite a lot of care of my voice - drinking a lot of water, eating a lot of fruit and veg, no dairy, no smoking/drinking and not a lot of meats. Recently I've gotten a hold of Brett Manning's Singing Success audio lessons (they're so cheesy... haha) But I must be doing something wrong because the exercises that're supposed to be relaxing hurt - I can't quite tell what he's saying and he can't show me. He talks a lot about a mix voice, do you know anything about this?

I can do glisses from extremelly high (almost a whistle voice, or it is a whistle voice and I just can't tell) to quite low, but I can't sing as freely and easily as I can do the glisses. Help?

I'm pretty sure I'm gonna come up with some more questions right after I post this, but your help with those would be greatly appreciated.

Mixtape14 08-14-2007 03:00 PM

Hey, I was wondering about the condition of my voice and any possible solutions to it. I have a really breathy background to every note I sing. Too much air seems to escape when I sing causing this constant breathy effect. I've tried many breathing exercises over and over again and many different warm ups and such. But nothing seems to work any note I sing always seems to have a breathy "hhhh" in the background causing my voice never to be warm and full even if i just want to sing simple strait notes, its really discouraging. I'm starting to think that somewhere along the road I've permanently damaged my vocal chords to the point that there so weak they can't hold in air. Help?

Xero09 08-16-2007 02:14 PM

Hey guys, I have a problem.

Last sunday was the warped tour, so I was able to sing along with my favorite bands (Coheed and Circa Survive). However, when cheering them on, I'd do the high pitch scream "Hell Yeah!"

Now, I'm sure I learned my lesson but my voice can no longer sustain notes between my chest and head voice. Also, my vocal chords hurt for like 3 days after and now I'm noticing my voice is feeling a bit more strained. I can hit the higher notes but as I've mentioned, sustaining them is much harder now and my feels as if it got deeper but not much. It's just that the mixed register seems to be harder to access and my voice my squeek/crack in the first attempt. I'm 18 1/2 years old and my family's genes make sure we're done by the age of 17.

KurtCobain2902 08-16-2007 10:14 PM

Ive been reading this tread for the last 3 years, and I would just like to point out how much of a bad *** merkaba is. Out of all the people in this thread, I think AT LEAST one of them will be an accomplished singer. We owe some serious props to this guy. Ive been using his techniques to learn since 8th grade(my voice was TERRIBLE) and here I am, 3 years later, and I can ****ing belt it out now. Thanks alot man. You seriously helped me. I never had any training AT ALL from anyone besides Merkaba, and now Im getting compliments left and right from people saying "I didnt know YOU could sing!" Seriously, Merkaba, you will never know how much I appreciate this thread. I hope he still comes around here...

csyn 08-16-2007 11:56 PM

Hey merkaba I've been listening to you and trying to follow the guidlines, but it seems after three or so minutes my esophagus starts to hurt. Like I'm stressing it. I feel relaxed, shoulders back everything. Any help would be appreciated.

Also when I get that problem out of the way I have a question. I've seen your how to scream posts, but is yelling the same way. For example anti-flag.


It's the first song they do after ****ing around with dust in the wind. The bassist is what I'm looking for.

Merkaba 08-17-2007 02:35 AM

[QUOTE=Xero09;15148997]Hey guys, I have a problem.

Last sunday was the warped tour, so I was able to sing along with my favorite bands (Coheed and Circa Survive). However, when cheering them on, I'd do the high pitch scream "Hell Yeah!"

Now, I'm sure I learned my lesson but my voice can no longer sustain notes between my chest and head voice. Also, my vocal chords hurt for like 3 days after and now I'm noticing my voice is feeling a bit more strained. I can hit the higher notes but as I've mentioned, sustaining them is much harder now and my feels as if it got deeper but not much. It's just that the mixed register seems to be harder to access and my voice my squeek/crack in the first attempt. I'm 18 1/2 years old and my family's genes make sure we're done by the age of 17.[/QUOTE]
Right on. What you did was the equivalent of bench pressing 320lbs with a spotter, 3 sets of ten, finishing up with three negative reps, after only having trained with 120 pounds. Its a no brainer.

Permanent damage is unlikely, but pain for three days is not a good thing. You need to do absolutely no singing for a few days, at least since you did this, which was a few days ago I guess. Now youre gonna have to start doing basic rudimentary skills to get your muscles back into better muscle memory. You were probably doing the typical high larynx, high pressured cut off that we do when we get excited or tense. A concert would be a perfect time to get excited, and plus Cc an CS are probably tenor and definitely high tenor with Ant. I love ant but i figured out that singing his stuff for a year teaches uncorrect larynx positioning(for a baritone) and I'm currently singing more normal stuff to keep me from habitually raising my larynx to get resonance and tone like I would have to do for Ant, but not for more baritonish stuff. You just cant sing out of your range without it taking some toll on your voice. Sing more normal low register clean voice non screaming stuff, and practice vowels in the same manner, in your problem area, with minimal push. You just dont have many options here. Gotta pay that excitement toll with boredom!

Merkaba 08-17-2007 02:40 AM

[QUOTE=csyn;15151852]Hey merkaba I've been listening to you and trying to follow the guidlines, but it seems after three or so minutes my esophagus starts to hurt. Like I'm stressing it. I feel relaxed, shoulders back everything. Any help would be appreciated.

Also when I get that problem out of the way I have a question. I've seen your how to scream posts, but is yelling the same way. For example anti-flag.


It's the first song they do after ****ing around with dust in the wind. The bassist is what I'm looking for.[/QUOTE]
Your esophagus shouldnt come into play. Maybe you just think its your esophagus...Nothing should hurt that quick though. You should sing vowels for five minutes and see if it happens then. Screaming, yelling, whatever, theres only so many ways to get a decetly save distorted sound. But you should start with being able to hold that note first. So you gotta get to where youc an sing normally for a while first.

Merkaba 08-17-2007 02:43 AM

[QUOTE=KurtCobain2902;15151506]Ive been reading this tread for the last 3 years, and I would just like to point out how much of a bad *** merkaba is. Out of all the people in this thread, I think AT LEAST one of them will be an accomplished singer. We owe some serious props to this guy. Ive been using his techniques to learn since 8th grade(my voice was TERRIBLE) and here I am, 3 years later, and I can ****ing belt it out now. Thanks alot man. You seriously helped me. I never had any training AT ALL from anyone besides Merkaba, and now Im getting compliments left and right from people saying "I didnt know YOU could sing!" Seriously, Merkaba, you will never know how much I appreciate this thread. I hope he still comes around here...[/QUOTE]

Thanks alot man!
Been really busy lately. Starting in the Real Estate biz. I just dont know if I want to live my life on the road. Thinking of starting a family in the near future and I just dont know about the struggling band idea. But I do think I am going myspace trolling locally to see if anyone is interested in doing some stuff. It will be, probably, my last major attempt to try any serious music endeavors. Right now I'm just looking for "projects". Just to write and get back into performing.

adz_18 08-19-2007 10:07 AM

I too would like to second what KurtCobain2902 has said. Merkaba you put in a lot of effort for people, expecting nothing in return. We appreciate it!

I was wondering, from your expert point of view, what you think of James LaBries (vocalist of Dream Theater) voice? I personally think he has one of the most unbelievable voices in rock, but many people can't stand it. For almost 10 years his voice wasn't right due to rupturing vocal chords due to vommiting in 1994, and for many years his live performances suffered. Here's a clip from before this all happened, I'd love to know Merkaba what you think of his voice (pros and cons) from an analytical point of view.


Also, if you've got time (it's a 10 minutes track) here's another one some 15 years later, once he'd recovered from the vocal chord injuries. Also shows his softer vocal side, but gets heavier at the end:



denboy 08-20-2007 04:26 AM

Hey Merkaba, have you ever heard the singer from Opus Dai? Not only is he an amazing singer, but his growling/screaming is very unique, unlike anything I've heard before.. It's basicly this really powerfull yell/growl, and he manages to hit notes doing it, basicly sounding like a very angry opera singer

I can upload some tracks if you'd like to check it out

Merkaba 09-05-2007 02:57 AM

I'll be in touch soon...

punknmetal4lyf 09-20-2007 02:39 PM

Merkaba man. After about 6 months or so of harsh vocals with no pain, I stopped practicing for about a month. Now whenever I go to scream or growl my throat wants to tighten up in order to produce the sounds, instead of coming from my diaphragm like it was doing earlier. No I can't for the life of me get it to stop and I can't seem to remember how to activate my diaphragm anymore.

adz_18 09-25-2007 12:31 AM

Hey again. Merc, in addition to my posts just above was wondering if you could please check out the singer from the band Azumuth. [url]www.mypsace.com/azumuthmusic[/url]

I just joined the band as the keyboardist, and I dig the vocals but was interested to hear your thoughts on his voice. Thanks!

adz_18 09-25-2007 08:43 AM

*Merk... haha

Ceresz 10-06-2007 05:59 AM

I'm not sure if this is the place to ask but I'm having trouble with my higher notes. They are just so much weaker compared to my chest notes, or lower head notes. Around C5 and higher they get really weak.

So Merkeba, if you have any excersises for strengthen the high notes, please tell me. Or maybe I should just keep going at it?

Also, are there any good excersises for erasing the break between head voice and chest voice?

If these things have been covered in previous posts posted on the first page then I appoligize. Anyways, thanks in advance.

Akira 10-12-2007 06:57 PM

Does anyone know of any good resources for learning to sing? And I don't mean getting better at singing, I mean square one.
I want to sing, but I just don't know how. A lot of the time when I am just listening to music and singing I sing in a pretty quiet voice that doesn't really translate to real singing. A couple times now I have tried to really sing at a decent volume, and I get a lump in the bottom of my throat. I'm obviously doing something wrong, but I have no idea what. I am completely inexperienced when it comes to actually working with my voice.

Screamin_Demon_Auz 10-14-2007 11:37 AM

[QUOTE=Akira;15405851]Does anyone know of any good resources for learning to sing? And I don't mean getting better at singing, I mean square one.
I want to sing, but I just don't know how. A lot of the time when I am just listening to music and singing I sing in a pretty quiet voice that doesn't really translate to real singing. A couple times now I have tried to really sing at a decent volume, and I get a lump in the bottom of my throat. I'm obviously doing something wrong, but I have no idea what. I am completely inexperienced when it comes to actually working with my voice.[/QUOTE]

Singing Success by Brett Manning is the most comprehensive system you'll find for sale, but its almost $200 bucks. Roger Kain's A Guide To Tough Vocals is pretty good. I would get Singing Success if I had enough money, or wait a while and check Jaime Vendera's site ([url]www.thevoiceconnection.com[/url]). Hes about to release the 2nd edition of Raise Your Voice...its over 400 pages long and is endorsed by the singers of Symphony X, Dream Theater, Alter Bridge, TNT, Shinedown, and tons of other bands. You'll learn a lot from it and I think its going to be $35 bucks.

Merkaba 10-17-2007 10:55 PM

[QUOTE=adz_18;15329118]*Merk... haha[/QUOTE]

um, yea...:thumb:

[QUOTE=Ceresz;15378657]I'm not sure if this is the place to ask but I'm having trouble with my higher notes. They are just so much weaker compared to my chest notes, or lower head notes. Around C5 and higher they get really weak.

So Merkeba, if you have any excersises for strengthen the high notes, please tell me. Or maybe I should just keep going at it?

Also, are there any good excersises for erasing the break between head voice and chest voice?

If these things have been covered in previous posts posted on the first page then I appoligize. Anyways, thanks in advance.[/QUOTE]
c5, the c above middle C, is tenor C. If youre not a tenor then youre probably hitting this in falsetto which would explain it. First figure out which one you are.

If you havent been to page one of this thread go there and read up on head voice and flexibility

adz_18 10-25-2007 11:09 AM

Hey Merk I know you haven't been around for a while so you may have missed them, but i'd really appreciate if you had a look at my posts (#1068, #1072) and gave me your thoughts. Thanks heaps.

Also, if you get a chance, check out this singer [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYeK5lZo7Og[/url]
If you can be bothered waiting for the 7:30-7:40 mark, he sings incredibly there. He holds an E5 for a while, and for a little bit hits G5, all in a clean, resonant, in what I believe to be head voice. Is it infact head voice? I think so but maybe he slips into some sort of supported falsetto?

How's your band hunting going?

clyro 10-27-2007 12:22 PM

Lost Mind

ill start to say that i am a very complicated person, and i think to much :P
and i have read a lot of posts, and threads here,and it has opened up some new doors...

but,when i start to learn, i make everything so complicated, the problem is i don't know whats right or wrong in singing.
its gets very confusing for me.
i have a few questions,

like, i understand the theory of singing from the gut or even the throat.
and i know gut's the right way to go, but i don't feel,or understand whats the feeling singing from the gut,or even the throat(which i know is WRONG)
what do i feel when i sing from the throat?

so because i never know whats the right thing to do or feel,
i sing, and evaluate myself like "okay, today i hit C5 with ease and open throat,so what I'm doing must be right"(which i don't even know what I'm doing different actually,it just happens)

well then,the next day, i do the same,or try simulate the same feeling at least,and it doesn't work.
something cuts down,then a new feeling comes in(in the throat,mouth,etc..)
and i cant hit what i could yesterday
its like a type of memory loss :mad:

so i get really confused, why do i lose it? some days i can do it,some days i cant... i don't have much of a problem with my chest or low notes,those i can always hit,
the problems all in the head voice.

even when I'm warming up,or vocalizing, some days i can hit the very high notes with ease,and others i cant.
another thing I've noticed, when i cant hit the highs,
i feel at the back of my mouth like the airs not passing through that its cutting/blocking the airflow i need to hit the beautiful highs.(i especially feel this in falsetto,is it supposed to feel like that?)
and then again,some days i feel this,some days i don't.

i checked today that i can go from C2 to C4(i think!), but like i said I've reached C5 and today,not even in a decent falsetto.
but even though,my voice lately has been very weak from what it normally is
but i think thats from no motivation, and mentally tired.

i just need help,to know whats right,i don't care if it will take years,as long as i know whats right,ill go at it till the end!!!
this is something i need to accomplish.

....i do think to much...don't i? hahaha

thanks in advance

fr1k0 11-29-2007 02:30 PM

Hey Merkba!

Bullet for my valentine is some awsome screamers!!

How do they scream like this:


The bassist; What kind of screams is that, and how do I learn how to scream like that?

The lead singer; Same things here.

Thanks in advance :)


KurtCobain2902 11-30-2007 01:13 PM

Hey Merkaba, can you link me to your myspace, bro?


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