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Magicaltroll 10-21-2010 12:21 AM

Sup, Merakaba?
Remember me? I kinda remember me whoring my Animal Cruelty/Battle Mech Version Of Jesus Christ songs to you over AIM years ago. Times have changed, and I now write, ummm, post-grunge/rock songs? Funky title I know, but point is I don't scream anymore. I sing.

I'm afraid my voice is shit now because of the way I USED to scream, or yell. Constantly, always, live shows and recordings, many takes. And, just being honest, I've had 2 OD's on opiates, to where I needed to have a tube down my throat. Again, twice.

I feel that when I sing lately, my voice cracks in an undesirable way, even for the rough "grungy" sound I'm looking for. Then again, I feel like I've never properly learned how to sing, or warm up. Sometimes I rule when singing, I have a very high voice, almost like Thom Yorke.

So, the questions I have, rephrased, are, do you think my voice could be screwed from the tubes down my throat (scratching or scars, you know)? Or even from smoking heavily? If I continue to smoke, is it practically impossible to sing well, clean?

And, I have some ideas of warmups, but I haven't looked any up online or talked to a teacher of some sort. Should I just hum, or sing, a basic scale? Or do the weird word thing (doh reh blah blah)?

I think my problem is lack of practice and warming up. But I'm also scared I've screwed my voice after years of smoking, screaming, and the other stuff I mentioned. What do you think?

And are you making music lately? Just curious to hear it if you are.

P.s. sorry if I missed the first posts links, I have a crappy phone as my internet lately, so its hell to go to some sites. I appreciate it in advance for a simple reply.

Merkaba 12-17-2010 02:32 AM

[QUOTE=Magicaltroll;18234980]Sup, Merakaba?
Remember me? I kinda remember me whoring my Animal Cruelty/Battle Mech Version Of Jesus Christ songs to you over AIM years ago. Times have changed, and I now write, ummm, post-grunge/rock songs? Funky title I know, but point is I don't scream anymore. I sing.

I'm afraid my voice is shit now because of the way I USED to scream, or yell. Constantly, always, live shows and recordings, many takes. And, just being honest, I've had 2 OD's on opiates, to where I needed to have a tube down my throat. Again, twice.

I feel that when I sing lately, my voice cracks in an undesirable way, even for the rough "grungy" sound I'm looking for. Then again, I feel like I've never properly learned how to sing, or warm up. Sometimes I rule when singing, I have a very high voice, almost like Thom Yorke.

So, the questions I have, rephrased, are, do you think my voice could be screwed from the tubes down my throat (scratching or scars, you know)? Or even from smoking heavily? If I continue to smoke, is it practically impossible to sing well, clean?

And, I have some ideas of warmups, but I haven't looked any up online or talked to a teacher of some sort. Should I just hum, or sing, a basic scale? Or do the weird word thing (doh reh blah blah)?

I think my problem is lack of practice and warming up. But I'm also scared I've screwed my voice after years of smoking, screaming, and the other stuff I mentioned. What do you think?

And are you making music lately? Just curious to hear it if you are.

P.s. sorry if I missed the first posts links, I have a crappy phone as my internet lately, so its hell to go to some sites. I appreciate it in advance for a simple reply.[/QUOTE]

I remember this!

Yes the tube couldve damaged you. The cords are very fragile in comparison to other areas. Having a plastic tube jam around them can't be good and if it scared one side or another slightly your cords are not going to zip up smoothely. Smoking of course doesn't help. Some people can smoke like a chimney and sound sweet. Some can't. Life isn't fair!

True warmups for those recovering or with an issue can be very long. Like I know I said before, I know I've read of pros warming up for an hour. YOu have to warm up the are and Buzz off excess mucous. Just the other day I had another instance where my voice was shit, then I sneazed (alot of that lately) and my voice instantly improved.

And yes my voice has gotten weaker too! Due to stress and not singing probably,and I think the new house I moved into, the previous owner had pets, and the carpet I think keeps me with mucous issues. EVERY morning I wake up and sneaze at least 10 times and have to blow my nose, etc. I don't really scream as much as I used to, no band, still thinking about doing some music though. I don't sing or practice like I used to because back in the day My work schedule had me in the car and I always sang for a certain period of time. Usually at least an hour a day. Now, not so much. To everyone else, I might try to log in more often and do more replying. This forum was one of my first haunts and part of a very special time for me. :wave:

DestroyHim 01-04-2011 02:39 PM

hey i need some help. to the point:
I seem to always have unwanted buzzing in my voice. it's a high frequency buzzing which can be loud or quiet, but its always there. It feels like mucous sometimes, but sometimes its just uncontrollable vocal fry and I can't feel any mucous there. It always resonates on the left of my vocal tract, which also makes me doubt that its just mucous. I used to fry scream for a couple years so that might have done some damage. If I use that fry technique, I can push my larynx to the right with my hand and get a gritty falsetto sound resonating on the left, but if I push the larynx to the left, I just get a really dull, low frequency choking resonance on my right. Sometimes instead of buzzing I just get a hissing sound airy sound like I don't have full cord closure. I can feel this on the left of my larynx. the problem isn't necessarily that it's uncomfortable to sing (sometimes it is), but because I can't get a clear tone and I get paranoid that my technique is bad.

It basically feels like my left vocal cord is working harder and might even be injured while my right doesn't seem to be pulling its weight. I know that might not be possible because they both need to vibrate to produce a sound, but that's honestly what it feels like. Does this sound like anything you know?

JillyBo 03-24-2011 10:14 AM

I'm a pretty average singer, I'm in tune for the most part with a couple of bum notes here and there. My problem is my singing gets better the louder I get, as if I really have to force the notes. I prefer singing full voice but with the house I live in it's not always possible.

Is there any reason why I would find it easier to sing louder? Or if not easier it certainly improves my performance. I smoke, I also smoke cannibas, and I drink more than I should amongst other things. However a lot of people I know do the same things as me and it doesn't affect their voice in the slightest... any suggestions on what I could do? Besides the obvious stop smoking.

Lewisc 05-25-2011 01:28 PM

Hi, I'm new to this forum stuff, so if am braking any rules, please let me know...

Ok, so im 14 years old and just started up a band with my friends, everything was going great, I'm doing rythm guitar for the band, and the only thing we needed was a singer, but we were discussing this in class one day when a girl sayed to the other boys in the band that i was a good singer, i had always had the old dreams of being on stage singin but i know im not the best singer, i can sing some fall out boy stuff, and the script, but to be honest i hate the script. I woudnt mind singing in the band, to be honest i would love it but i dont have the confidence to sing infront of anyone for a start, i want to sing some pete doherty stuff, or some of The courtneers stuff, im from scotland so i like the view and i love how kyle falconer sings, if anyone has any tips on how to take my singing from fall out boy to some of that stuff, if i could sing every song in the same voice, i would be ok, but i just can't! cheers for the help!

Lewisc 05-25-2011 01:46 PM

Hi, I'm new to this forum stuff, so if am braking any rules, please let me know...

Ok, so im 14 years old and just started up a band with my friends, everything was going great, I'm doing rythm guitar for the band, and the only thing we needed was a singer, but we were discussing this in class one day when a girl sayed to the other boys in the band that i was a good singer, i had always had the old dreams of being on stage singin but i know im not the best singer, i can sing some fall out boy stuff, and the script, but to be honest i hate the script. I woudnt mind singing in the band, to be honest i would love it but i dont have the confidence to sing infront of anyone for a start, i want to sing some pete doherty stuff, or some of The courtneers stuff, im from scotland so i like the view and i love how kyle falconer sings, if anyone has any tips on how to take my singing from fall out boy to some of that stuff, if i could sing every song in the same voice, i would be ok, but i just can't! cheers for the help!

HelenS1962 03-26-2012 01:32 PM

Merkabas Voice Help Hotline
Thanks for the help. I just discovered something new about myself. If I turn off the TV and play some music, then I find A voice to match. Its a new concept for me, but so far working. Maybe something new will develop.

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