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publicastration 12-24-2011 11:42 PM

[QUOTE=adb;18756374]i remember when jason was funny [I]back in never[/I][/QUOTE]


Bitchfork 12-24-2011 11:42 PM

[QUOTE=P13;18756330]science isn't tedious[/QUOTE]

i find stuff like inorganic chemistry to be comprised of a lot of tedious things. there's a ton of detail to come to conclusions we've already pinned down as exact sciences, and while it's interesting to understand how things work on a more advanced level as you go along, there's a disproportionate amount of detail to work yourself to an accepted standard, as opposed to things like biology and organic chemistry where it's less black-and-white and detailed.

Although I enjoy certain aspects of quantum physics because they're so intriguing, but a lot of people I know who major in things like electric engineering tell me that it gets to a point where you don't give a shit about the microscopic level because it doesn't make sense from any angle and you just concern yourself with building circuits.

illmitch 12-24-2011 11:43 PM

i feel like eliminators relationship with cpt dong is representative of ancient greek pederasty

Juddybear 12-24-2011 11:43 PM

[QUOTE=illmitch;18756384]i feel like eliminators relationship with cpt dong is representative of ancient greek pederasty[/QUOTE]


Bitchfork 12-24-2011 11:44 PM

[QUOTE=Deth;18756381]you obsess over me

think you have sexual tension directed towards me[/QUOTE]

he's gonna ask for a private tinychat wif you

adb 12-24-2011 11:47 PM

dong is cool, wish he posted more

adb 12-24-2011 11:50 PM

attn mitch


adb 12-24-2011 11:51 PM

Im on the verge of throwing up from laughing so hard.

Bitchfork 12-24-2011 11:55 PM


illmitch 12-24-2011 11:56 PM

[QUOTE=adb;18756388]attn mitch


haha this is good

Deth 12-24-2011 11:59 PM

it's like reading the posts rejected from edsbs

Glitterati 12-25-2011 12:16 AM


l-r: sweboy, timjim, tronn

Glitterati 12-25-2011 12:16 AM

[QUOTE=adb;18756390]Im on the verge of throwing up from laughing so hard.[/QUOTE]

who the hell throws up from laughing so hard? you should probably get that checked out.

adb 12-25-2011 12:30 AM

my stomach is full of food and I was laughing excessively.

Haz 12-25-2011 12:34 AM

[QUOTE=Bitchfork;18756383]i find stuff like inorganic chemistry to be comprised of a lot of tedious things. there's a ton of detail to come to conclusions we've already pinned down as exact sciences, and while it's interesting to understand how things work on a more advanced level as you go along, there's a disproportionate amount of detail to work yourself to an accepted standard, as opposed to things like biology and organic chemistry where it's less black-and-white and detailed.

Although I enjoy certain aspects of quantum physics because they're so intriguing, but a lot of people I know who major in things like electric engineering tell me that it gets to a point where you don't give a shit about the microscopic level because it doesn't make sense from any angle and you just concern yourself with building circuits.[/QUOTE]

aren't you 14 how can you know so much about movies, music, literature and science :o

Glitterati 12-25-2011 12:40 AM

only times i throw up is when im drunk, have a cold, or getting ready for bikini season. im no doctor but if you throw up from laughing theres probably something seriously wrong w/you

Glitterati 12-25-2011 12:42 AM

brent in the shower, with his shower cap and no tears-shampoo:

"hahaha i cant believe how hard i trolled everyone on mx today, ahahhaha they thought tacographics was serious, ahahhaha they're so mad, ahahaha-BLAAARRRRGGGH!!!!!!!!"

"mom?....dad?.....it happened again" :(

(*The Noonward Race*) 12-25-2011 12:43 AM


adb 12-25-2011 12:43 AM

your aspergers is showing again. it seems aspies don't understand hyperbole.

Glitterati 12-25-2011 12:54 AM

i do, actually

i can say "i laughed my ass off", when not even the most raucous jovial of all laughter will ever directly result in the detachment of my posterior

if you were exaggerating about laughing to the point of throwing up, well then thats just a weird odd thing for anyone to say, and saying u got the bergs, u dont understand nuttin everytime i point out how you say weird odd things doesnt make them any less weird or odd

in conclusion: csb, get a blog, deal with it, ur mad

adb 12-25-2011 12:55 AM

oh god, it's hilarious how many times emh trys to use "get a blog" as an insult when I've never said that in a post ever :lol:

Glitterati 12-25-2011 12:58 AM

but the fact of how many times youve said the other three as an insult balance it out quite nicely i'd say

adb 12-25-2011 12:58 AM

:lol: whatever you say man :lol:

Angmar 12-25-2011 12:59 AM

aspergers trolls trolling aspergers trolls

once again, only on mx

Glitterati 12-25-2011 01:01 AM

and oh yeah its hilarious
and its been proven that if you repeat it over and over again restating how hilarious it is (aspergers, bisexuality, jason working hard in school to get a job he likes) it will get even funnier! just make sure you dont laugh on a full stomach now!

adb 12-25-2011 01:02 AM

it would be a lot more commendable to acknowledge jasons hard work if he didn't whine about it so muc.h

Angmar 12-25-2011 01:03 AM

Well this has been fun, going to bed now, don't get too caught up in a big circular argument while I'm gone guys. ;)

adb 12-25-2011 01:10 AM

steve is just such a chillaxed bro! /smokes a dubby and listens to wind noises

Glitterati 12-25-2011 01:10 AM

you whine about jason whining (almost every time jason posts) more than jason supposedly whines about work (...never), not to mention youre the only one who it seems to bother.

though im sure youll show him whos boss, when tacographics finally takes off im sure jason will regret not spending his life hoarding 4chan pics and telling 16 year old girls online that they wear too much make-up

adb 12-25-2011 01:13 AM

emh, you've only posted in r&m for a few month you retard

but please, continue to make an ass of yourself by pretending you know anything about r&m posting habits.

illmitch 12-25-2011 01:16 AM

you guys are both retarded

adb 12-25-2011 01:17 AM

mitch is such a smart bro! /cracks open a beer and turns on the ku game

(*The Noonward Race*) 12-25-2011 01:24 AM

[quote=adb;18756441]mitch is such a smart bro! /cracks open a beer and turns on the ku game[/quote]
you can watch sports and be in a frat and any other things you know about him but it doesnt mean he's a dumb alchoholic

adb was raised in a christian home i think so his preconceptions about alchohol and drugs are horribly skewed

adb 12-25-2011 01:27 AM

except my parents have never talked to me about anything resembling girls, sex, drugs, and religion

i seriously have never had "a talk" with my parents about anything in my life

(*The Noonward Race*) 12-25-2011 01:28 AM

exactly. that's why there are horribly skewed, you had no education abut them then

adb 12-25-2011 01:31 AM

dude, youre not telling me anything i dont know,

(*The Noonward Race*) 12-25-2011 01:32 AM

check my edit

(*The Noonward Race*) 12-25-2011 01:33 AM

im not in the mood for this and i think proved my point

adb 12-25-2011 01:34 AM

implying my parents know what they're talking about

(*The Noonward Race*) 12-25-2011 01:37 AM

hey man, just not in the mood okay?

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