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-   -   repost this if you are a beautiful strong crack whore who don’t need no man (http://www.sputnikmusic.com/forums/showthread.php?t=588129)

xMalcolmXx 11-13-2010 06:26 PM

[QUOTE=CerebralParadox;18270007]I'm not a frail pussy (mentally) [/QUOTE]


swaginator 11-13-2010 06:27 PM

has p13 ever posted pics

P13 11-13-2010 06:27 PM

so drug talk was substituted with bitching about mods


@ elim

witchxrapist 11-13-2010 06:27 PM

Yeah, this is pretty lame. :/

masscows 11-13-2010 06:28 PM

I looooove beer.

Beeeeer is my best friend

Becaaaaaauuuuse my dear,

beeeeeeer beer beer beeeer

P13 11-13-2010 06:28 PM

mmm beer

masscows 11-13-2010 06:29 PM

I just wrote that I'm trying to come up with a chord progression to go with it

witchxrapist 11-13-2010 06:30 PM

Isn't that a song already?

swaginator 11-13-2010 06:31 PM


@ elim


masscows 11-13-2010 06:31 PM

I hope not I plan on making alot of money with this one fuck

P13 11-13-2010 06:33 PM

gonna get you banned nick

[i]better watch it[/i]

Anglachel 11-13-2010 06:34 PM

[QUOTE=witchxrapist;18269979]also, still on page 309 :confused:[/QUOTE]

anglachel post

witchxrapist 11-13-2010 06:37 PM

P13 are you good looking enough to make other posters insecure?

swaginator 11-13-2010 06:37 PM

[QUOTE=P13;18270058]gonna get you banned nick

[i]better watch it[/i][/QUOTE]


blockhead 11-13-2010 06:37 PM

alex you're 18 man

P13 11-13-2010 06:42 PM

[QUOTE=APirate;18270065]what do you look like P13 you're like 16 right[/QUOTE]

white, brown hair, green eyes, 6'1
I'm 17 turning 18 this december

I dunno

swaginator 11-13-2010 06:43 PM


are they as green as this background

witchxrapist 11-13-2010 06:46 PM

Yo, ADB is seriously out of his mind.

Brent Shannon (CerebralParadox) is available 7:35 pm
Brent Shannon 7:35 pm
yo, you're a vindictive faggot
hi mx!
Mappy 7:37 pm
you're kind of weird bro
Brent Shannon 7:37 pm
nah, what you said in the report thread is the definition of vindictive
Mappy 7:37 pm
yo chill, internet
Brent Shannon 7:37 pm
Mappy 7:37 pm
dude idk if you read over your posts, but youre kind of just rambling about things that don't make sense
Brent Shannon 7:38 pm
ya they do
even your fingers look dif in that pic
skinny then fat
Brent Shannon 7:39 pm
Mappy 7:40 pm
werent you telling me to ignore you?
also, you just look really weird and insecure when you constantly attack some random dude on a metal forum over their appearence
you should probably go outside and go for a walk or something, you seem real high strung
Brent Shannon 7:41 pm
implying im the only person who "attacks" personal appearance
implying you don't "attack" my appearance
Mappy 7:42 pm
you seriously mention my weight like 5 times a day
and i'm seriously only 10 lbs over weight, it's kind of weird
Brent Shannon 7:42 pm
deal with it.jpg
Mappy 7:42 pm
dude i clearly am "dealing with it"
Brent Shannon 7:42 pm
ignore feature
Mappy 7:42 pm
Brent Shannon 7:42 pm
noope youre not
Mappy 7:43 pm
you're really really taking this forums business seriously
ps you also whine about mods like 5 times a day
Brent Shannon 7:43 pm
funny thing
Mappy 7:43 pm
you got reported on a forum for acting like an asshole
get over it
stop iming me
Brent Shannon 7:43 pm
reporting to mods= most srs thing yo ucan do
Mappy 7:43 pm
you're acting like a child
Brent Shannon 7:43 pm
shows you're mentally weak
Mappy 7:43 pm
how so?
that doesn't even make sense
Brent Shannon 7:44 pm
yeah it does
Mappy 7:44 pm
it really doesn't dude
Brent Shannon 7:44 pm
its classic crying to authority figure
Mappy 7:44 pm
i'm sorry
Brent Shannon 7:44 pm
Mappy 7:44 pm
you're really pathetic
Brent Shannon 7:44 pm
Mappy 7:44 pm
you got reported on a forum for being a shitty poster
that has nothing to with my mental state
Brent Shannon 7:44 pm
because you cant handle my posts
Mappy 7:44 pm
ok dude
keep telling yourself that
Brent Shannon 7:44 pm
eveyrone can handle it except you
nobody else reports other users ever
Mappy 7:45 pm
Brent Shannon 7:45 pm
in conclusion project some more
Mappy 7:45 pm
dude you just got banned
Brent Shannon 7:45 pm
Mappy 7:45 pm
for reporting anglachel
and you've reported me before
chill out
Brent Shannon 7:45 pm
i reported u
because I wanted to stoop to your level
Brent Shannon 7:45 pm
you initiated it
by reporting me first
what r u gonna do now report me to the aim police
Mappy 7:46 pm
im just gonna repost this on sputnik because you look like a weirdo


P13 11-13-2010 06:48 PM


are they as green as this background[/QUOTE]

sometimes, they are greener some days than others

Terrifyer 11-13-2010 06:49 PM

why did i read all that

SlightlyEpic 11-13-2010 06:51 PM

[QUOTE=P13;18270081]white, brown hair, green eyes, 6'1
I'm 17 turning 18 this december[/QUOTE]

we're like the same person except i'm shorter

does that mean i'm an inferior version of you

P13 11-13-2010 06:52 PM


~*everyone is equal

CerebralParadox 11-13-2010 06:53 PM

[QUOTE=Terrifyer;18270093]why did i read all that[/QUOTE]

because our feud is actually entertaining unlike the boring ass small talk that this forum lives and dies on

Terrifyer 11-13-2010 06:53 PM

[QUOTE=SlightlyEpic;18270095]we're like the same person except i'm shorter

does that mean i'm an inferior version of you[/QUOTE]no you are perfect <3

swaginator 11-13-2010 06:53 PM

ive got a nice shop idea 4 this hmm

Angmar 11-13-2010 06:53 PM

Brent, you aren't helping your case there.

SlightlyEpic 11-13-2010 06:54 PM


~*everyone is equal[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Terrifyer;18270098]no you are perfect <3[/QUOTE]

awww I love you guys :3

P13 11-13-2010 06:56 PM

I really need to get off MX and do some homework but

fuck labs

CerebralParadox 11-13-2010 06:56 PM

[QUOTE=Angmar;18270100]Brent, you aren't helping your case there.[/QUOTE]

implying my e-cred on this forum isn't already at rock bottom

tl;dr mappy has no authority figure to cry to so he rage quits

witchxrapist 11-13-2010 06:57 PM

this is pathetic :(

p.s. i blocked you because i don't feel like arguing with me about reporting you on forum

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