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Haz 09-26-2011 12:32 PM

if he's old enough to break your skullcandy headphones he is old enough to deal with entry level gore

Drugstep 09-26-2011 12:39 PM

hes graduated from MSI and Lamb of God to Death Cab For Cutie and dubstep these days

Juddybear 09-26-2011 02:33 PM


botb 09-26-2011 02:48 PM

[QUOTE=adb;18658316]lmao plow, the point is I created amateur music (drifting icon) and you laughed at it/made a troll review. [B]I improved on my new album (which probably will get a label after it's re-mixed)[/B] and..you laughed at it/made a troll review.

To say "baww it's amateur baww it's not serious" is exactly what I have done (w/o the bawwing aspect) and yet you say I'm "insecure" lol. Get a grip and listen to this


i don't think i've ever laughed this hard at anything on sputnik ever

dude even if by some unrealistic stroke of dumb luck you make it onto "a label" it'll be a no-name label that does nothing for you other than giving you the rights to say you're "on a label" my prog band when i was 17 was on "a label" hahaha

adb 09-26-2011 03:59 PM

[QUOTE]adb's slam death album isn't good, imo, but it's not omg looooooool terrible.


yuri always is the sense of reason, like I could give a shit what you -core faggots think :lol:

nodding 09-26-2011 03:59 PM

can u fags stop taking the bait 24/7 and not fag up this thread

adb 09-26-2011 03:59 PM


adb 09-26-2011 04:09 PM

the bottom line is nobody on this site is close to being a quality musician/in a quality band

in a completely unbiased way every band I've heard is the epitome of what yuri said "not good but not not loooooool terrible" (except plows new song and hxc's hip hop which are loooooooooooooooooooool terrible)

all the core fags music (frankie, botb, mappy), elim and noonward (sorry but anything made on a computer isn't good musicianship), rasputin, etc. even yuri's music is somewhat missing the mark

Haz 09-26-2011 04:11 PM

how many bottom lines and varying claims of "the point is" can you have. you keep changing it

you are a very conflicted soul, adb

Drugstep 09-26-2011 04:16 PM


yuri always is the sense of reason, like I could give a shit what you -core faggots think :lol:[/QUOTE]this is what every one thinks

no one here thinks it's the worst album ever, they just think the arguments you make to defend it ridiculous

adb 09-26-2011 04:17 PM

I try to summarize things plow, like I have to be super clear to prevent the super thickheaded core fags from being like "huh wut durrr hurr we're too retarded to comprehend what ur saying derrrp"
no one here thinks it's the worst album ever[/QUOTE]

lol, I know, but they sure act like it is

[QUOTE]they just think the arguments you make to defend it ridiculous[/QUOTE]

anything I could say sounds ridiculous, omggggggggg me getting a label is such a ridiculous argument!!!!

Astronaut 09-26-2011 04:22 PM

[QUOTE=adb;18658802]the bottom line is nobody on this site is close to being a quality musician/in a quality band

in a completely unbiased way every band I've heard is the epitome of what yuri said "not good but not not loooooool terrible" (except plows new song and hxc's hip hop which are loooooooooooooooooooool terrible)

all the core fags music (frankie, botb, mappy), elim and noonward (sorry but anything made on a computer isn't good musicianship), rasputin, etc. even yuri's music is somewhat missing the mark[/QUOTE]

I mean, we have Jay Link! :thumb:

Also, I would hesitate to claim that nothing made on a computer can be good musicianship, but that's just me. Some of Noonward's and eliminator's stuff I can really get into, anyway.

adb 09-26-2011 04:23 PM

lol jaylink is included in that tbh

Haz 09-26-2011 04:24 PM

[QUOTE=Drugstep;18658807]this is what every one thinks

no one here thinks it's the worst album ever, they just think the arguments you make to defend it ridiculous[/QUOTE]

yeah but it goes way over his head so there is no point contesting it

publicastration 09-26-2011 04:27 PM

no carbonized gnawing mandible is one of the worst excuses for death metal I've heard tbh

adb 09-26-2011 04:28 PM

lmao plow, I've refuted all your lengthy mis-interpretations of my lyrics, you have posted troll reviews, and overall have not stfu about my music. To do all that and say it goes "way over his head" is hilarious because of how completely try-hard you've been

I get what you're trying to do (cause a shitstorm) to say that you're not trying to elicit a response would be pure lol

Haz 09-26-2011 04:33 PM

and through all this you are either pretending to not know or still have absolutely no idea what the reality of the situation is

you really are a gump, dude. I suggest logging off the internet once in a while because reinforcing these simpleton views of yours is gonna be a burden you carry for the rest of your life.

one day spending all your time cultivating a man child is gonna catch up with you

adb 09-26-2011 04:38 PM

lmao keep being as vague as possible plow

I know the reality of the situation, I posted an album of a genre nobody really listens to, and those same people I troll on a daily basis. This outcome has been as [I]predictable as pie[/I]

MalleusMaleficarum 09-26-2011 04:42 PM

thought you knew the reality of the situation

Drugstep 09-26-2011 04:53 PM

A Case Study of Brent by Haz would be the best book in psychology

Nepenthe 09-26-2011 05:17 PM

adb i'll bet you a hundred dollars i can get something released by a label before you

Drugstep 09-26-2011 05:18 PM

in before:
because you make trendy shit like DOWNTEMPO and AMBIENT white bread shit

if you made a slam death album it'd sound just liek this

Nepenthe 09-26-2011 05:23 PM

i'm pretty confident that the album i'm working on right now is going to get heard by alot of people the last one i did has a couple hundred downloads and it's popping up on torrent sites and rateyourmusic and shit. which is (honestly) not a big deal i know but it's still cool as shit to see that people are listening to my music.

(*The Noonward Race*) 09-26-2011 05:42 PM

[QUOTE]carbonized gnawing mandible[/QUOTE]:lol:

i love it

publicastration 09-26-2011 05:43 PM

[QUOTE=adb]I posted an album of a genre nobody really listens to, [/QUOTE]

nobody listens to death metal.

death metal thread in r and em

GottaPost 09-26-2011 05:49 PM

my band was featured in the city pages and had a review written by the av club

we were together only 3 months before recording our album

GottaPost 09-26-2011 05:53 PM

but who gives a shit, some people are better at it than others nothing new to see here

shortz 09-26-2011 06:20 PM

[QUOTE=adb;18658802]the bottom line is nobody on this site is close to being a quality musician/in a quality band

in a completely unbiased way every band I've heard is the epitome of what yuri said "not good but not not loooooool terrible" (except plows new song and hxc's hip hop which are loooooooooooooooooooool terrible)

all the core fags music (frankie, botb, mappy), elim and noonward (sorry but anything made on a computer isn't good musicianship), rasputin, etc. even yuri's music is somewhat missing the mark[/QUOTE]

I suppose you're trolling with this post, but I'm biting anyway.

lolwut. You obviously aren't listening to Mappy's vocals, botb's drumming or even lim & noon's beats properly to say that "nobody on this site is close to being a quality musician". If you [U]honestly[/U] believe that none of them produce quality music, then I'd hate to see what you classify as such.

Not jumping on the "hate adb" bandwagon, just stating my $0.02

(*The Noonward Race*) 09-26-2011 06:21 PM

yeah mappy is a really good vocalist

a trillion times better than you brent but that's meaningless you're good at[I] whatever you're good at[/I]

Drugstep 09-26-2011 06:28 PM

everybody on this site sucks at making music we're just playing around only REAL bands make albums


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