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irishslappop 02-25-2007 07:29 PM

[QUOTE=Spaceman Spiff;14275406]My mushroom trip last night also had me thinking about suicide. For some reason I kept thinking that time was running out... I don't know in regards to what, but just that it was running out and that was kind of messing with me.

Now, I was thinking about suicide in a general sense, not actually contemplating it. This is when I was thinking of life and death and if I'm tied. While I did think about my own suicide, I never actually contemplated or considered it, I just thought about it. Kind of interesting...[/QUOTE]

i had a simular experience. i was thinking about death, but in a different way. i pretty much eliminated any ties to the spirtuality of it and looked at it in a purely physical way, then visa versa. it was pretty enlightening.

irishslappop 02-25-2007 07:35 PM

[QUOTE=BenJammin;14275602]Yeah, about that... :upset:

Long story.

Actually, not really.

She broke up with me about 3 weeks ago, said it wasn't working out. I was bummed out, but decided I cared about her so much that I was going to pursue her. Valentine's Day, I wrote her a long, heartfelt letter and got her an awesome present, and gave it to her, and she told me that later that night it definitely wasn't going to work out. So I persisted and asked why, and she basically said that when she started dating me, she was lost, emotionally, and confused, and just latched on to me as a result, and then realized what she was doing and broke up with me.

Long story short: she used me (intention is irrelevent), discarded me, and broke my heart.

It's been 3 weeks, and I'm nowhere close to being over it.[/QUOTE]

stay up man. I cant stress this enough. my last girlfriend really screwed me over emotionally for a good while. but one day i woke up and realized that what she had done wasn't my fault [seems to be he same situation for you] and there is no need to beat yourself up over what she did to you. What helped me get over my ex was thinking about all the little things she did that i didn't like/approve of and it helped a lot because you develop a sort of sence of humor about the whole subject and how rediculous is really is.

another thing that helped me out a lot was getting my mind of it. working out, playing bass, and most importantly [B]PURSUING OTHER GIRLS.[/B] wether your really interested in them or not doesn't really matter and it also doesn't have to be serious. pursuing abother girl can be as simple as flashing a smile at a good looking girl. It may sound pointless, but it really works man.

Spaceman Spiff 02-25-2007 07:49 PM

[QUOTE=BenJammin;14275668]I *was* happy with her. Extremely. I didn't see it coming, at all. We had gone to a movie two days before that, and we had spent most of that evening together. She just sprung it on me at, like, 12:30am.

It's been rough going. I drugged myself to sleep after the incident on the 14th. Things are slowly getting better, but only because I've cut myself off from seeing her in person.[/QUOTE]

That's rough. :(

At least it didn't go on longer before it ended. More attachment probably would just lead to more sadness.

BenJammin 02-25-2007 07:50 PM

[QUOTE=irishslappop;14275692]stay up man. I cant stress this enough. my last girlfriend really screwed me over emotionally for a good while. but one day i woke up and realized that what she had done wasn't my fault [seems to be he same situation for you] and there is no need to beat yourself up over what she did to you. What helped me get over my ex was thinking about all the little things she did that i didn't like/approve of and it helped a lot because you develop a sort of sence of humor about the whole subject and how rediculous is really is.

another thing that helped me out a lot was getting my mind of it. working out, playing bass, and most importantly [B]PURSUING OTHER GIRLS.[/B] wether your really interested in them or not doesn't really matter and it also doesn't have to be serious. pursuing abother girl can be as simple as flashing a smile at a good looking girl. It may sound pointless, but it really works man.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, man. I know... but thanks. :) I am getting over it. It just takes time. The funny thing is that I'm more beat up over this than I was when my 4.5 year girlfriend left me for another guy, back in August. Lawl.

But, yeah. I know that it's not my fault. I'm starting to get over her... but emphasis on starting.

It's just such a huge slap in the face, because I had only been feeling truly 100% for a few weeks before we started dating, and I feel like I'm back to square one again.

BenJammin 02-25-2007 07:54 PM

[QUOTE=Spaceman Spiff;14275721]That's rough. :(

At least it didn't go on longer before it ended. More attachment probably would just lead to more sadness.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, probably.

Triple post. Nice. :thumb:

irishslappop 02-25-2007 07:58 PM

why are the forums on life support so often? took me like 10 minutes to get this page up.

Radiobass81 02-25-2007 07:59 PM

Two out of two for the Mexicans in the Oscars.

Spaceman Spiff 02-25-2007 07:59 PM

[QUOTE=irishslappop;14275670]i had a simular experience. i was thinking about death, but in a different way. i pretty much eliminated any ties to the spirtuality of it and looked at it in a purely physical way, then visa versa. it was pretty enlightening.[/QUOTE]

I also came to some realization that I wanted to change who I am, to be someone else.

The easiest way to do that is to cut your hair, but I wasn't feeling that move last night. Kind of close, though. :eek:

Anyway, I started working out today. Since I hate working out, I really get no pleasure out of it, I started light. I just did some running, push-ups, and crunches.
I used to work out daily a few years ago, full body stuff, so I (somewhat) know what I'm doing, I just want to do some easy stuff first to get back into it.

funkyhoney 02-25-2007 08:02 PM

i should be working out, but i'm a lazy ****

BenJammin 02-25-2007 08:03 PM

[QUOTE=Radiobass81;14275762]Two out of two for the Mexicans in the Oscars.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. :)

Pan's Labyrinth was an amazing movie.

Thonk 02-25-2007 08:03 PM

[quote=Jody LeCompte;14274006]M__, Im gonna go take some pictures real quick, I actually have the bass today.

I thought he was a wigger, but then I see this pic on his myspace.

Hello gaizzz

HELLonWHEELS 02-25-2007 08:05 PM

are the oscars on right now?

Spaceman Spiff 02-25-2007 08:06 PM

[QUOTE=BenJammin;14275792]Yeah. :)

Pan's Labyrinth was an amazing movie.[/QUOTE]

I've heard it's really great.

I don't watch the Oscars... unless I really like the host. Ellen is all right, but, meh, I don't really care.

User Name 02-25-2007 08:08 PM

What a cool song.

Hey everyone.

BenJammin 02-25-2007 08:10 PM

[QUOTE=Spaceman Spiff;14275831]I've heard it's really great.

I don't watch the Oscars... unless I really like the host. Ellen is all right, but, meh, I don't really care.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's fantastic.

Brilliantly dark.

irishslappop 02-25-2007 08:11 PM

[QUOTE=Spaceman Spiff;14275766]
Anyway, I started working out today. Since I hate working out, I really get no pleasure out of it, I started light. I just did some running, push-ups, and crunches.
I used to work out daily a few years ago, full body stuff, so I (somewhat) know what I'm doing, I just want to do some easy stuff first to get back into it.[/QUOTE]

thats good. i used to hate working out, bt then i noticed that while working out itsself sucked balls [and still does] the physical change, endorphins, and confidence boost mainly, are actually really great.

Radiobass81 02-25-2007 08:11 PM

Ellen is REALLY funny. That Al Gore comment... hahahaha.

Spaceman Spiff 02-25-2007 08:16 PM

[QUOTE=irishslappop;14275867]thats good. i used to hate working out, bt then i noticed that while working out itsself sucked balls [and still does] the physical change, endorphins, and confidence most mainly are actually really great.[/QUOTE]

As I've talked about before, I'm about 5'6", 155 pounds. My heaviest was about 220 pounds, so I've already lost lots of weight over the last couple of years, and this was just by eating healthy and increasing my activity by a little bit. Now I just want to get in shape.

Spaceman Spiff 02-25-2007 08:20 PM

[QUOTE=Radiobass81;14275870]Ellen is REALLY funny. That Al Gore comment... hahahaha.[/QUOTE]

I always used to watch her sitcom way back in the day. She is funny, I just don't really care about the Oscars. Rather boring to watch.

BenJammin 02-25-2007 08:22 PM

[QUOTE=Spaceman Spiff;14275947]I always used to watch her sitcom way back in the day. She is funny, I just don't really care about the Oscars.[B] Rather boring to watch.[/B][/QUOTE]

Like watching you masturbate.




Ting 02-25-2007 08:23 PM

Meh. 5'9 140lbs.

User Name 02-25-2007 08:25 PM

I'm 6' 140 lbs. It sucks not being able to find pants that fit, but other than that it's cool.

Worrpigs 02-25-2007 08:26 PM

im 6 foot even, 160 lbs. i like my weight, i have a decent 6 pack going too.

Spaceman Spiff 02-25-2007 08:26 PM

[QUOTE=BenJammin;14275973]Like watching you masturbate.




Hey... I know how to keep it exciting for the viewers.

"Oh, something's happening in my pants. Oh, six more weeks of winter." :lol:

Ting 02-25-2007 08:28 PM

[QUOTE=Worrpigs;14276006]im 6 foot even, 160 lbs. i like my weight, i have a decent 6 pack going too.[/QUOTE]

Pics or it doesn't exist.

BenJammin 02-25-2007 08:28 PM

[QUOTE=Spaceman Spiff;14276010]Hey... I know how to keep it exciting for the viewers.

"Oh, something's happening in my pants. Oh, six more weeks of winter." :lol:[/QUOTE]

:lol: :lol:

Ahh... I lol'd.

PaulSimonon 02-25-2007 08:29 PM

Hey all.

PaulSimonon 02-25-2007 08:32 PM

So... this kid was staying at my house over the weekend right? So... he looks up porn on MY computer...

Now... my ipod is ****ed up and doesn't display any songs, and iTunes won't work at all...

BenJammin 02-25-2007 08:34 PM

You should print off explicit gay porn and mail it anonymously to his house.

Thonk 02-25-2007 08:35 PM

I'm like 5'8 150

I need to get in shape.

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