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-   -   any other death heads? (http://www.sputnikmusic.com/forums/showthread.php?t=528770)

Stormrider 07-15-2008 12:19 PM

will you check out something you hear good tihngs about, but happens to only have an average of 3 on sputnik?

[QUOTE=Dies Irae;16489319]they broke up after rattlehead stole his bike[/QUOTE]


foreverendeared 07-15-2008 12:38 PM

[QUOTE=Stormrider;16489552]will you check out something you hear good tihngs about, but happens to only have an average of 3 on sputnik? [/QUOTE]
yeah if i trust the source it's coming from. chances are i'll enjoy it

beans 07-15-2008 01:24 PM

ill listen to just about anything anyone reccomends to me, even if its in a genre i might not like or i know i dont like
ill listen to just about anything
music whore

FatalEnergy 07-15-2008 07:19 PM

You're entirely too trusting.

Charizard 07-15-2008 10:14 PM

or its just music, and you should listen to everything possible before you judge it

FatalEnergy 07-15-2008 10:45 PM

Well, I know not to listen to anything you recommend.

moltenlava 07-15-2008 11:04 PM

Anyone ever hear of a band named 'Held Under' from Albany, NY?

RouteOne 07-15-2008 11:10 PM

[QUOTE=moltenlava;16491362]Anyone ever hear of a band named 'Held Under' from Albany, NY?[/QUOTE]

I sort of know them through people, I live near Albany. Their old stuff is ok. New stuff is bleh.

invertchrist 07-16-2008 08:31 AM

[QUOTE=Frankie;16488986]Thats mainly cos its one of the best dm albums ever[/QUOTE]

Hm not really

[QUOTE=moltenlava;16491362]Anyone ever hear of a band named 'Held Under' from Albany, NY?[/QUOTE]

**** off already

foreverendeared 07-16-2008 08:56 AM

[QUOTE=invertchrist;16492230]Hm not really[/QUOTE]
actually it pretty much is, opinions aside, it's one of the most influential death metal album. after that album, there have been too many metal bands to count that were influenced by them

[QUOTE=invertchrist;16492230]**** off already[/QUOTE]
dude, he's the man, you don't mess with the moltenlava

invertchrist 07-16-2008 08:59 AM

[QUOTE=foreverendeared;16492280]actually it pretty much is, opinions aside, it's one of the most influential death metal album. after that album, there have been too many metal bands to count that were influenced by them[/QUOTE]

Yeah, opinions aside, it's really influential -- therefore it's one of the best ever!!

**** off you clueless little fairy.

foreverendeared 07-16-2008 09:05 AM

why so serious? get off your period already.
"one of the best ever" in my book means top 25. in the world of death metal, the influence of the album added with the music makes it about number 15 on that list for me

Pete 07-16-2008 09:08 AM

[QUOTE=foreverendeared;16492315]why so serious? get off your period already.[/QUOTE]

its an important part in being a true misanthropist

invertchrist 07-16-2008 09:09 AM

Yeah, we get it: the album is in [I]your[/I] top 25.

But what the **** would you know?

masscows 07-16-2008 09:11 AM

[QUOTE=moltenlava;16491362]Anyone ever hear of a band named 'Held Under' from Albany, NY?[/QUOTE]

I've seen them live at least 5 times. They were the first band with harsh vocals I ever heard.

Are they still together? I heard they broke up like last year.

Pete 07-16-2008 09:11 AM

i know, wigga b trippin' if he thinks he knows sh!t

foreverendeared 07-16-2008 09:12 AM

[QUOTE=Pete;16492322]its an important part in being a true misanthropist[/QUOTE]
pretty much
[QUOTE=invertchrist;16492327]Yeah, we get it: the album is in [I]your[/I] top 25.

But what the **** would you know?[/QUOTE]
wow, you are thick headed. of coarse it's in MY top 25. who's else would i be talking about? this is all opinion anyway. and what would YOU know? i know MY opinions just as much as you know yours

invertchrist 07-16-2008 09:16 AM

[QUOTE=foreverendeared;16492343]pretty much

wow, you are thick headed. of coarse it's in MY top 25. who's else would i be talking about? this is all opinion anyway. and what would YOU know?[/QUOTE]

I know enough about death metal to realise that album is not top 25 material. That's a fact, by the way. :wave:

[QUOTE=Pete;16492337]i know, wigga b trippin' if he thinks he knows sh!t[/QUOTE]


masscows 07-16-2008 09:17 AM

invertchrist is the alt of whom?

foreverendeared 07-16-2008 09:20 AM

[QUOTE=invertchrist;16492353]I know enough about death metal to realise that album is not top 25 material. That's a fact, by the way.[/QUOTE]
really now? so let me get this straight, it's YOUR opinion that it does NOT deserve to be in the top 25? well sh*t, that is a fact, right along side the fact that it DOES deserve to be in the top 25 in my opinion. k thanks

invertchrist 07-16-2008 09:20 AM

I'm Obsequies. It's not really an "alt" -- I got permabanned.

foreverendeared 07-16-2008 09:22 AM

i can see why

masscows 07-16-2008 09:22 AM

[QUOTE=invertchrist;16492373]I'm Obsequies. It's not really an "alt" -- I got permabanned.[/QUOTE]


invertchrist 07-16-2008 09:23 AM

[QUOTE=foreverendeared;16492372]really now? so let me get this straight, it's YOUR opinion that it does NOT deserve to be in the top 25? well sh*t, that is a fact, right along side the fact that it DOES deserve to be in the top 25 in my opinion. k thanks[/QUOTE]

LOL @ this nonsensical assbabble. I'll make it easy for you: it's a fact that the album is not top 25 material. It's your[I] opinion[/I] that it is, but your opinion is wrong.

foreverendeared 07-16-2008 09:30 AM

[QUOTE=invertchrist;16492379]your opinion is wrong.[/QUOTE]wait, and I'M the nonsensical assbabble?? hahaha i'm not even gonna point out what's wrong with that quote, as it's blatantly obvious
when you say "it's a fact that the album is not top 25 material" you are stating an OPINION too moron. and in my case, your opinion is wrong too

invertchrist 07-16-2008 09:32 AM

It is not my opinion, therefore it is the wrong one.

masscows 07-16-2008 09:35 AM

meh, i think pierced from within is pretty good guy, eh may or may not be top 25 dm albums and doesnt afraid of anything

foreverendeared 07-16-2008 09:38 AM

[QUOTE=invertchrist;16492410]It is not my opinion, therefore it is the wrong one.[/QUOTE]
well then it's settled, you have literally no brains at all. any top 25 list is subjective and based on opinions. however, it's NOT an opinion to say that Suffocation along with that album are top 25 most influential. that is based on data that can be collected and weighed and is not subjective

masscows 07-16-2008 09:39 AM

effigy is more influential than their other albums though

foreverendeared 07-16-2008 09:40 AM

this is undoubtedly true. sorry i had to go all defensive there for a few posts, but when someone says an opinion is wrong, they need to be shown how much of an idiot they truly are

invertchrist 07-16-2008 09:43 AM

Listen up you raging fa[U]g[/U]got, because I'm getting tired of repeating myself. It's neither one of the most influential albums ever nor one of the best albums ever. If you disagree, you are an idiot. Also:

[QUOTE=foreverendeared;16492432][B]any[/B] top 25 list is subjective and based on opinions[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=foreverendeared;16492432]it's NOT an opinion to say that Suffocation along with that album are top 25 most influential[/QUOTE]

lol wut

rasputin 07-16-2008 09:48 AM

Obesquies will you just stfu already, nobody gives a **** about what you think.

foreverendeared 07-16-2008 09:50 AM

yeah i did contradict myself there, but way to nitpick at the post. change "any" to "most." "If you disagree, you are an idiot." i could say the same to you, this an endless cycle. these are pretty much two different opinions and yet you will not cease in making yourself look stupid by calling an opinion wrong. it is one of the most influential death metal albums out there in my opinion. out of the (probably) thousands of death metal albums out there, even if this album barely breaks top 100, that would still make it one of the most influential

invertchrist 07-16-2008 09:50 AM

@ rasputin:

Evidently this little girly does. Look how twisted her panties get when I say something.

invertchrist 07-16-2008 09:51 AM

[QUOTE=foreverendeared;16492461]"If you disagree, you are an idiot." i could say the same to you[/QUOTE]

Yes but you would be wrong. This is the fundamental thing you must understand.

foreverendeared 07-16-2008 09:55 AM

anyways this would be a good time to change topics.
make a list of YOUR top 5 death metal albums. mine:
1.Cryptopsy - none so vile (stereotypical, but the genius is undeniable)
2.Psycroptic - The Scepter of the Ancients
3.Arch Enemy - Wages of Sin (love me some melo death)
4.Death - Human
5. In Flames - The Jester Race
6. Death - The Sound of Perseverance (yeah i know this makes 6. honorable mention)

invertchrist 07-16-2008 09:56 AM


Pete 07-16-2008 09:56 AM

1. devourment - butcher the weak
2. devourment - butcher the weak
3. devourment - butcher the weak
4. devourment - butcher the weak
5. devourment - butcher the weak

foreverendeared 07-16-2008 09:57 AM

[QUOTE=invertchrist;16492462]@ rasputin:

Evidently this little girly does. Look how twisted her panties get when I say something.[/QUOTE]
once again, i could say the same to you, except i'm making valid points. generally when someone says an opinion is wrong, especially on a music site, and continues to say it, that person is a moron

invertchrist 07-16-2008 09:58 AM

1. slipknot - iowa
2. slipknot - iowa
3. slipknot - iowa
4. slipknot - iowa
5. slipknot - iowa

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