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keyboardxmosh 09-11-2008 12:20 AM


rattlehead42147 09-11-2008 12:51 AM

[QUOTE=Silenius;16670823]Because it means hate in Norwegian lol.

And Ritual is one of Gorgoroths best for sure.[/QUOTE]
it's pretty much a cognate and yet it went right over everyone's head. (including mine) :lol:

123 although I wish they would have used the original title for it, Sexual Bloodgargling.

keyboardxmosh 09-11-2008 12:57 AM

i went with deutsch translation!

Malfeitor 09-11-2008 05:06 AM

[QUOTE=Nostalgia;16668565]I understand how a person could dislike Summoning, but it's retarded to say their music isn't composed well for what it is.[/QUOTE]

it [b]is[/b] ****.
it [b]aims[/b] to be something other than ****.
because its not well composed, its ****
although of course i would say that their are aims are just as **** as the end product...

btw could you make some kind of response to my q regarding goat molestor? yes or no, just so i know. there are other things i could possibly send you if nothing i mentioned took your liking...

Nostalgia 09-11-2008 01:41 PM

Yeah, I'm up for trading it. I don't remember reading anything you mentioned for trade, but I'll talk to you on MSN later today and you can tell me what you're willing to put up.

Stormrider 09-11-2008 01:57 PM

yeah im so happy you finally sent those tapes austin lmao

Nostalgia 09-11-2008 01:59 PM

Well I did send them, only for them to be returned. Since I wasn't receving any royalties on your behalf, I lacked any motivation to hassle with the post any longer... I hope this makes sense to you James!

Stormrider 09-11-2008 02:02 PM

Oh I'm perfectly fine with it. It would have been better for you to say that in the beginning instead of continually saying you don't mind and that you were going to send them off anyway, even after they were returned. Besides, I had offered money and you said you'd send them free. So that is your problem ;)

Either way, I'm just being purposely picky here because I don't mind at all haha.

im just cruious, what was that mystery tape you were going to send?


send me BMS asshole

Nostalgia 09-11-2008 02:07 PM

It was Goat Molestor 'cause I knew you really wanted it, haha.

And I was planning on sending them, I just never got around to it. However, I have been meaning to clean out a bunch of the **** I don't listen to (Enochian, Revelation of Doom, Infernal Necromancy, Ante Cryst) so if you'd like to trade or something I would send the above for one tape of yours (as long as it's not some poopty, one-ear working mess, haha).

[QUOTE]send me BMS spatula[/QUOTE]

How do you not already have it? Weakling.

Stormrider 09-11-2008 02:08 PM

I'd be interested in Ante Cryst.

[QUOTE]send me BMS spatula[/QUOTE]

order it from the norwegien label homo


[QUOTE=Nostalgia;16672708]It was Goat Molestor 'cause I knew you really wanted it, haha.

And I was planning on sending them, I just never got around to it. However, I have been meaning to clean out a bunch of the **** I don't listen to (Enochian, Revelation of Doom, Infernal Necromancy, Ante Cryst) so if you'd like to trade or something I would send the above for one tape of yours (as long as it's not some poopty, one-ear working mess, haha).

How do you not already have it? Weakling.[/QUOTE]

Better stuff to spend my money on with the ridiculous cost plus dont care THAT much.

Nostalgia 09-11-2008 02:14 PM

You may like to check out that that Enochian, although an MP3 copy isn't too hard to come by.

Cael, what was that tape you recommended me with that one really good song? I can't remember the name... I just recall the first song being good and the rest being all homo ambient-ish. The inlay has a small swastika on the front.


Black Majesty - Baphe Metis or something to that extent.

Nostalgia 09-11-2008 02:15 PM

Yeah, that was it!

Txus 09-11-2008 02:16 PM

So this Nahvalr album is pretty good...

Any of you faggots like Hypothermia?


its crap, im just waiting for those cunts over at FMP to release the full length so soon this demo becomes a collector/rarity piece, sieg heil.

in more exciting news i have found a copy of BR I should be receiving in due time

youd have to be a faggot to like Hypothermia

Nostalgia 09-11-2008 02:18 PM

Yeah, Hypothermia is pretty lame. Only remember hearing a few streams, but doesn't shy away from the depressive fad that is pretty strong now.


plus Kim is a total faggot and is part of some of the gayest bands in Sweden

Txus 09-11-2008 02:21 PM

I like Lifelover :(

Yeah, I'm non elite...i like hypothermia.

rattlehead42147 09-11-2008 02:24 PM

[QUOTE=Txus;16672751]I like Lifelover :([/QUOTE]
:lol: their name is as bad as make a change... kill yourself, i'm not sure how they take themselves seriously.

Nostalgia 09-11-2008 02:24 PM

Hey there's some good DSBM. Like Austere - they're good for a listen every few weeks.

Stormrider 09-11-2008 02:24 PM

[QUOTE=DERSIEGDERKRIEGDERKAMPF;16672732]in more exciting news i have found a copy of BR I should be receiving in due time[/QUOTE]


Nostalgia 09-11-2008 02:27 PM

Yeah where did you get it from? I'm assuming Vintyr himself, maybe?


Nah his masters were all destroyed apparently, found it in trade

Stormrider 09-11-2008 02:38 PM

how much stuff are you trading for it?


one tape

Txus 09-11-2008 02:47 PM

[QUOTE=rattlehead42147;16672763]:lol: their name is as bad as make a change... kill yourself, i'm not sure how they take themselves seriously.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, idk how you can take your ****** self seriously.

Angmar 09-11-2008 05:19 PM

[QUOTE=Nostalgia;16672764]Hey there's some good DSBM. Like Austere - they're good for a listen every few weeks.[/QUOTE]

You ever heard Strid?

McP3000 09-11-2008 05:34 PM

I just got Imaginary Sonicscape in the mail today

im expecting good things to say the least

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