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motogrifo 12-05-2006 12:05 AM

raise your fist in the air in signal of approval to Dave's motion

/raises fist

Aes820 12-05-2006 12:18 AM

Jeremy once made mention how he didn't appreciate the discussion of things such as sex and drugs on his forum. I'm sure that this comment was more directed in reference to the Pit and less specifically towards the sub-forums tho.

But before when we'd occasionally get a bit of drug or sex talk in the guitar forum we'd let it slide because, for the most part, the discussion is short lived and harmless.
Compared to now when we get people from the Pit (and who are used to Pit rules) hanging around i guess they see things differently and think that there should just be a blanked ban on this type of discussion regardless of it's context, otherwise they'll start whinging about double standards or some other sh!t like that.

Aria. 12-05-2006 12:30 AM

there is no rules this is an internet forum
we can do whatever we want and theres no way of stopping us

The Black Fist 12-05-2006 12:55 AM

[QUOTE=Aes820;13761997]Compared to now when we get people from the Pit (and who are used to Pit rules) hanging around i guess they see things differently and think that there should just be a blanked ban on this type of discussion regardless of it's context, otherwise they'll start whinging about double standards or some other sh!t like that.[/QUOTE]

Man these Pit guys sound like real jerks I hope I don't encounter them on my travels

So, do we stop discussions on sex and drugs as it starts, or just wait for it to get out of hand?

thickasabrick 12-06-2006 12:26 AM

Uh oh you guys, someone was discussing rock n roll. Please tell them to drop the unnacceptable conversation and get back to sex and drugs.

(*The Noonward Race*) 12-06-2006 02:01 AM

Hey I wish that community thread was let open. I think one of the guitar forum cliques is highly discriminated against :mad:.

The Black Fist 12-06-2006 02:02 AM

why would we let just one of the guitar 'cliques' get their own thread?

(*The Noonward Race*) 12-06-2006 02:23 AM

Welll I don't know if this is at all reasonable even generously, to you and I leave the judgment to you but it seems like that thread was useful. I don't know. There are people who would use that thread instead of the other one. I know, it's retarded, why should a forum have two community threads lol..... so whatever. Anyways.

thickasabrick 12-06-2006 08:57 PM

Better yet, let's just build a giant wall seperating the guitar forum into two sides!!! Yeah, that's a great idea!

Nah I'm just kidding, personally, if it keeps people from spamming in other threads, or making their own spam threads, I think having a seperate community thread is a good idea.

JoshIsNumber3 12-06-2006 08:57 PM

No because it would start a trend of individual people making their own community threads.

thickasabrick 12-06-2006 09:07 PM

Why not sticky a "spam thread" at the top? I know that's been suggested before, but I think it's a good idea. That can act as Arias garbage dump, then there's the regular community thread, and the blues thread. I think everyone would be happy.

JoshIsNumber3 12-06-2006 09:12 PM

Actually, the only thing garbage about the threads that Ben makes is everyone but himself who posts in them.

ariathe21st 12-06-2006 09:13 PM

no ive got mods permission to continue making these alterantive community freds

one for the spammers who jus talk about dumb things (alrady existing)

one for the real musicians

ariathe21st 12-06-2006 09:14 PM

thick as a brick im interested to know what your problem is with my posting

cuz im quite sure i help more people than u do

thickasabrick 12-06-2006 09:17 PM

No that's completely not true. And I'm in favour of your own community thread, so leave me alone.

ariathe21st 12-06-2006 09:21 PM

i dont understand really

do u think u have helped more people than me
and do u think that u post better than me

im just curious now

thickasabrick 12-06-2006 09:23 PM

Well people tell me you were a good poster back in the day. But I've yet to see a thread where you help someone, every time I've asked you for advice - even when you made an "ask aria thread" you just tell me to go look on wikipedia.

Whereas I've made countless lengthy "lesson" type posts to help people out. **** I just wrote out a harmony line so some guy could harmonize his Greensleeves tab. That's helpful.

ariathe21st 12-06-2006 09:28 PM

ok well u dont read the ask aria threads very closely then because they normally go about 5 pages with me helping everyone

i only tell ppl to google or wikipedia if their questions are extremly vague or very beginner and thats the best way to help them imo

and yes i have made helpful posts today as well whoopy do

thickasabrick 12-06-2006 09:30 PM

I'm just gonna drop this conversation. Keep bumping your other thread, eventually someone will care.

mjhohams 12-06-2006 09:31 PM

i think people on this forum look way too into s[size=2]h[/size]it like being told their wrong and then associating that person as an as[size=2]s[/size]hole

ariathe21st 12-06-2006 09:33 PM

ok so thick as a brick is pissed off at me and thinks im a bad poster because somewhere along the lines hes asked me a dumbass question and i told him to wiki it

thats basically sums it up

thickasabrick 12-06-2006 09:36 PM

You know aria there's a reason I've never been banned, and you're on like your 70th account.

mjhohams 12-06-2006 09:38 PM

as if not being banned makes you a "good" poster

ariathe21st 12-06-2006 09:39 PM

yeh didnt see that coming

thats got a lot to do with whos more helpful :rolleyes:

ariathe21st 12-06-2006 10:39 PM


Aes820 12-06-2006 11:17 PM

[QUOTE=thickasabrick;13771109]Why not sticky a "spam thread" at the top? [/QUOTE]That is dead set one of the worst ideas in the world.

And don't whinge in this thread. It's not for complaining in. Just report the problem then GTFO.

ariathe22nd 12-06-2006 11:21 PM

why was i banned

Aes820 12-06-2006 11:26 PM

Read the reason for ban field. The same reason as thickasabrick was btw.

ariathe22nd 12-06-2006 11:29 PM

i read it but i need a more detailed explanation

Gnarled 12-07-2006 03:34 AM

mine was very pedantic :/

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