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Lindsey 12-07-2007 09:25 PM

All you people over twenty sitting on this website making fun of people in a high school in a different country are very sad and lonely people. I'm sorry you were the ugly rejects in highschool that had no friends. However, that does not give you the right to make fun of mentally retarded kids. Go ****ing kill yourselves. BYE!

Jude 12-07-2007 09:25 PM

[QUOTE=JayLink;15651034]Yeah, well if this kid comes on and is really from that school he pwnd everyone who posted in this thread...[/QUOTE]

1. He's not really from that school.
2. No he didn't...
3. He goes to that school so he probably looks like everybody else there; we win by default.

Light_Fantastic 12-07-2007 09:26 PM

[QUOTE=EightMilesHigh;15651032]1) Where does it say they're mentally challenged
2) If they were we wouldn't make fun of them for that, I'm not that mean, I'd make fun of them because they're ****ing hilarious
3) It wouldn't take much to be smarter than you at least, Jay[/QUOTE]

This is pretty much the reason I hate you..
You're an arrogant self-centered smartass little prick who has an answer for everything.
I am pretty sure deep inside you loathe yourself.

Glitterati 12-07-2007 09:30 PM

[QUOTE=Lindsey;15651036]I'm sorry you were the ugly rejects in highschool that had no friends. [/QUOTE]

Speak for yourself, I wasn't :confused:

Now, Mr. SausageLink, what confuzzles me is how you got from this

[QUOTE]You're an arrogant self-centered smartass little prick who has an answer for everything.[/QUOTE]

to this

[QUOTE]I am pretty sure deep inside you loathe yourself[/QUOTE]

see i don't make that connection

gmoneyguy 12-07-2007 09:31 PM

[QUOTE=Lindsey;15651036]All you people over twenty sitting on this website making fun of people in a high school in a different country are very sad and lonely people. I'm sorry you were the ugly rejects in highschool that had no friends. However, that does not give you the right to make fun of mentally retarded kids. Go ****ing kill yourselves. BYE![/QUOTE]

[SIZE="7"]B========D (O)

You like that don't you?

Jude 12-07-2007 09:31 PM

Now guys this thread is for making fun of the uggos from Kenston, don't derail it into another Jaylink trolling mess.

Light_Fantastic 12-07-2007 09:32 PM

[QUOTE=EightMilesHigh;15651062]Speak for yourself, I wasn't :confused:

Now, Mr. SausageLink, what confuzzles me is how you got from this

to this

see i don't make that connection[/QUOTE]

:rolleyes: obviously.
When I was 18 I was still eating paste and playing army soldiers.. You have all the knowledge you need right now to conquer the world.. amazing:amaze:
Yeah, listen to Jude and go back to trolling people less fortunate than yourselves... how cool is that?

DanD 12-07-2007 09:33 PM

[QUOTE=Lindsey;15651036]All you people over twenty sitting on this website making fun of people in a high school in a different country are very sad and lonely people. I'm sorry you were the ugly rejects in highschool that had no friends. However, that does not give you the right to make fun of mentally retarded kids. Go ****ing kill yourselves. BYE![/QUOTE]

i think you should cut us some slack here, I mean how were we supposed to know which ones where the retards?!

Glitterati 12-07-2007 09:34 PM

[QUOTE=Jude;15651066]Now guys this thread is for making fun of the uggos from Kenston, don't derail it into another Jaylink trolling mess.[/QUOTE]

urrite julian



let's discuss how this cat's glasses are waaaaaaaay too small for his face i mean wtf is up with that

DanD 12-07-2007 09:38 PM

i dunno, man. i think that they work for him. he looks so smooth and badass like he's james bond or something

Jude 12-07-2007 09:39 PM

[QUOTE=EightMilesHigh;15651077]urrite julian


let's discuss how this cat's glasses are waaaaaaaay too small for his face i mean wtf is up with that[/QUOTE]

And his girl is way too ugly for life

She's like a wayyyyy fuglier version of this hot girl I know at college but damn

gmoneyguy 12-07-2007 09:40 PM

Her tits are way too low.

Jude 12-07-2007 09:40 PM

[QUOTE=guitrguy;15651096]Her tits are way too low.[/QUOTE]


DanD 12-07-2007 09:41 PM

[QUOTE=guitrguy;15651096]Her tits are way too low.[/QUOTE]

i think thats the last thing on her mind tbh

ATM 12-07-2007 09:41 PM

He looks like a character from Arthur.

gmoneyguy 12-07-2007 09:44 PM

[QUOTE=Dand;15651100]i think thats the last thing on her mind tbh[/QUOTE]

I dunno man thats kinda freakish.



gmoneyguy 12-07-2007 09:53 PM


Hes just so happy.

big80smullet 12-07-2007 10:02 PM

So which ones are the retards? ive been looking but they didint make them wear armbands or anything so i dont know which ones i cant actively mock.

HanaMai 12-07-2007 10:07 PM

This is the funniest thread ever! I mean, you guys are so pitiful! I have never met such a bunch of low-life losers with nothing better to do than spend every minute of their boring mediocre lives on a forum making fun of a bunch of high school students they don't even know. I mean, this is absolutely CLASSIC! I stumbled upon this site recently, and I must say...I was falling out of my chair laughing with how pitiful you all are. I would LOVE to see YOUR high school pictures because I bet they are SO bad that you have to make fun of mentally retarded kids to make yourselves feel better about how ugly you are. I happen to attend Kenston High School, and you managed to pick out every single mentally retarded child that attends my school. Not only have you wasted hours of time searching through our web site's archives to find the worst pictures possible to post, but you have done nothing in the process. WE DON'T CARE WHAT A BUNCH OF LOW-LIFE, PITIFUL SCUM BAGS THINK! For all I know, you all could be severely deformed creatures born of the incestuous tendencies of your families. I would bet at least half of you lie about your lives. Honestly, WE could care less about this forum, about all of you despicable people, and what you think of our pictures. Please, feel free to find my picture and make fun of that if you like...my name is Kristine Sackerlotzky. I would be overjoyed to find out what petty comments you have for me. And while you are scourging the Kenston web site for my photo, remember that Kenston High School is laughing at you because we don't give a **** what you think about us. So please, enjoy your petty and ridiculous little thread because you are only wasting your own precious time. I feel important; people spend hours examining every nook and cranny of Kenston's web site...wouldn't that make you feel important too?

gmoneyguy 12-07-2007 10:11 PM

This is the funniest thread ever! I mean, you guys are so pitiful! I have never met such a bunch of low-life losers with nothing better to do than spend every minute of their boring mediocre lives on a forum making fun of a bunch of high school students they don't even know. I mean, this is absolutely CLASSIC! I stumbled upon this site recently, and I must say...I was falling out of my chair laughing with how pitiful you all are. I would LOVE to see YOUR high school pictures because I bet they are SO bad that you have to make fun of mentally retarded kids to make yourselves feel better about how ugly you are. I happen to attend Kenston High School, and you managed to pick out every single mentally retarded child that attends my school. Not only have you wasted hours of time searching through our web site's archives to find the worst pictures possible to post, but you have done nothing in the process. WE DON'T CARE WHAT A BUNCH OF LOW-LIFE, PITIFUL SCUM BAGS THINK! For all I know, you all could be severely deformed creatures born of the incestuous tendencies of your families. I would bet at least half of you lie about your lives. Honestly, WE could care less about this forum, about all of you despicable people, and what you think of our pictures. Please, feel free to find my picture and make fun of that if you like...my name is Kristine Sackerlotzky. I would be overjoyed to find out what petty comments you have for me. And while you are scourging the Kenston web site for my photo, remember that Kenston High School is laughing at you because we don't give a **** what you think about us. So please, enjoy your petty and ridiculous little thread because you are only wasting your own precious time. I feel important; people spend hours examining every nook and cranny of Kenston's web site...wouldn't that make you feel important too?[/QUOTE]

[SIZE="7"]B========D (O)[/SIZE]

You like that don't you? You big bald fuc[SIZE="2"]k[/SIZE], you.


you do like it don't you. oh wait its the dildo you like.

Jude 12-07-2007 10:14 PM

Someone find her picture I bet it's like the worst one there

Either that or the name is made up because it looks made up

gmoneyguy 12-07-2007 10:15 PM

found it already

She's a godamm pike dike

Jude 12-07-2007 10:17 PM

post it

gmoneyguy 12-07-2007 10:18 PM

see my edit.

LOLercaust 12-07-2007 10:25 PM

I go to this school as well, and I think these pictures are a pretty good representation of our students. Most of them do indeed look like inbred pieces of human filth. And these posts by other Kenston students give a fairly good indication of the average intelligence around that place.
[QUOTE=HanaMai;15651183]And while you are scourging the Kenston web site for my photo, remember that Kenston High School is laughing at you because we don't give a **** what you think about us. ?[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I suppose that's why you write out a page about how little this bothered you. ****tard. Good job posting your real name though.

I can attest, most students at the school thought this thread was spot-on accurate. We've even added it to our school's Wikipedia page a few times

DanD 12-07-2007 10:25 PM

there are so many things that i want to tell Kristine but i think that "LOL" pretty much sums everything up

Static 12-07-2007 10:27 PM


Hes just so happy.[/QUOTE]


big80smullet 12-07-2007 10:39 PM

This is the funniest thread ever! I mean, you guys are so pitiful! I have never met such a bunch of low-life losers with nothing better to do than spend every minute of their boring mediocre lives on a forum making fun of a bunch of high school students they don't even know. I mean, this is absolutely CLASSIC! I stumbled upon this site recently, and I must say...I was falling out of my chair laughing with how pitiful you all are. I would LOVE to see YOUR high school pictures because I bet they are SO bad that you have to make fun of mentally retarded kids to make yourselves feel better about how ugly you are. I happen to attend Kenston High School, and you managed to pick out every single mentally retarded child that attends my school. Not only have you wasted hours of time searching through our web site's archives to find the worst pictures possible to post, but you have done nothing in the process. WE DON'T CARE WHAT A BUNCH OF LOW-LIFE, PITIFUL SCUM BAGS THINK! For all I know, you all could be severely deformed creatures born of the incestuous tendencies of your families. I would bet at least half of you lie about your lives. Honestly, WE could care less about this forum, about all of you despicable people, and what you think of our pictures. Please, feel free to find my picture and make fun of that if you like...my name is Kristine Sackerlotzky. I would be overjoyed to find out what petty comments you have for me. And while you are scourging the Kenston web site for my photo, remember that Kenston High School is laughing at you because we don't give a **** what you think about us. So please, enjoy your petty and ridiculous little thread because you are only wasting your own precious time. I feel important; people spend hours examining every nook and cranny of Kenston's web site...wouldn't that make you feel important too?[/QUOTE]

Hey broseph, i sit here assured in the fact that i am better than you in everyway possible. I am better looking, smarter, i have achieved more and i am for sure more popular than you! i just happen to spend my spare time on here rather than muching rug at feminist rallies.

I can see how living in ohio must depress you and im sure you are just reaching out for attention. Dont worry. One day you will find a guy who's standards are low enough, that he'll have sex with you. After a couple of beers

tyr23 12-08-2007 12:56 AM

This is eightmileshigh
one ugly mother ****er

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