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Gorgon 01-30-2012 10:28 PM

people talk about stuff


robertsona 01-30-2012 10:28 PM

you just said you can't make as many friends as gamers because you don't share interests with other people and thus can't talk about anything with other people which is just...a weird way of looking at it

on the subject of weirdness: never ever talk to irl ppl about online forums. It's Bad

blockhead 01-30-2012 10:29 PM

[QUOTE=illmitch;18789883]exactly...if you're not socially retarded you can talk about things that aren't your interests[/QUOTE]

Exactly. Brent doesn't understand that which is one of the many reasons we think he's autistic.

blockhead 01-30-2012 10:32 PM

[QUOTE=robertsona;18789890]on the subject of weirdness: never ever talk to irl ppl about online forums. It's Bad[/QUOTE]

None of my friends think it's that weird that I go on forums even though they don't. I would guess a lot of the reason you think that is because you're a freshman in high school so naturally a lot of your peers will have ignorant opinions like that. The older you get the less of an issue things like that become.

[I]It gets better.[/I]

robertsona 01-30-2012 10:33 PM

[QUOTE=blockhead;18789893]None of my friends think it's that weird that I go on forums even though they don't. I would guess a lot of the reason you think that is because you're a freshman in high school so naturally a lot of your peers will have ignorant opinions like that. The older you get the less of an issue things like that become.

[I]It gets better.[/I][/QUOTE]

i don't think it's weird if your friends know you go on forums in some manner

i do think it's weird to literally talk to people you know in real life about people / events on an online forum

like at best* a friend will simply be disinterested if you talk about That Hilarious Thing That Illmitch did on Sputnikmusic.com, at worst they'll like slowly edge away or be creeped out. i don't think that's just me who thinks this

adb 01-30-2012 10:34 PM

loool you guys are such a joke

your best friends are the ones you have the most in common with

look at sam, his best bro is justin because they have almost the same music in common, and a bunch of other stuff

basically we have a main hobby and our friends tend to have the same main one

adb 01-30-2012 10:36 PM

oh and here's a kicker

my best friend has very little in common with me. she hates talking about music and girls but yet we talk everyday.

so she's the exception to the rule

I can get along with anyone if they're somehow affecting my life. If they're not affecting it or have no prospects of affecting it then fuck'em

illmitch 01-30-2012 10:36 PM

[QUOTE=adb;18789897]loool you guys are such a joke

your best friends are the ones you have the most in common with

look at sam, his best bro is justin because they have almost the same music in common, and a bunch of other stuff

basically we have a main hobby and our friends tend to have the same main one[/QUOTE]

not really

i don't have a ton of similar interests with some of my friends in my fraternity but i still consider them some of my best friends

Haz 01-30-2012 10:37 PM

I don't think there's anything explicitly wrong with gaming culture. You have annoying people in all levels of hobbies and interests that define themselves by what they do.

robertsona 01-30-2012 10:37 PM

my best friend has very little in common with me. she hates talking about music and girls but yet we talk everyday.[/QUOTE]

is this meant as a kicker to, like, your own argument??

edit: you sneaky editor, although now you're just all over the place really

adb 01-30-2012 10:40 PM

[QUOTE] don't have a ton of similar interests with some of my friends in my fraternity but i still consider them some of my best friends[/QUOTE]

proving my point

frats are convoluted ways of meeting others. DURR HURR LETS CREATE A BRO BOND

robertsona 01-30-2012 10:41 PM


adb 01-30-2012 10:43 PM

kinda sad how a normal rich kid with an elongated neck has nothing to do besides pick fights with me tonight

Gorgon 01-30-2012 10:45 PM

it's monday

robertsona 01-30-2012 10:45 PM

how can you be so fucking confrontational and assholeish all the time and then when i--not even in an explicitly rude way--argue about something social with you you fucking pussy out and go all "WaHAHHHHH stop BULLYING me"

Haz 01-30-2012 10:46 PM

you don't need to have common interests with someone to be friends with them, though I think the closest bonds are formed by liking and disliking the same shit. it's more of a challenge to deal with the former but I suppose this demonstrates social ineptitude if you can't do it

Gorgon 01-30-2012 10:47 PM

ever heard opposites attract?

it's cliché because it's true

robertsona 01-30-2012 10:47 PM

yes indeed limiting yr friend scope to people who can talk aobut "girls" and "tech death" is a mark of social ineptitude, Revelation, Wow Its Fucking Nothing etc

blockhead 01-30-2012 10:48 PM

[QUOTE=adb;18789897]loool you guys are such a joke

your best friends are the ones you have the most in common with

look at sam, his best bro is justin because they have almost the same music in common, and a bunch of other stuff

basically we have a main hobby and our friends tend to have the same main one[/QUOTE]

You know Justin isn't really my best friend right? I mean he's my best friend that I only know online but definitely not my overall best friend. I hope you realize that.

Gorgon 01-30-2012 10:49 PM

*brent's world crashes around him*

Haz 01-30-2012 10:49 PM

[QUOTE=Gorgon;18789910]ever heard opposites attract?

it's cliché because it's true[/QUOTE]

yeah but this contradicts the saying birds of a feather flock together

there are all sorts of shit like this when it comes to applying slogans to social psychology

adb 01-30-2012 10:49 PM

it's kind of pathetic how a 17 year old is more coherent (yet still ultimately failure) when he attempts to argue with me than the vast majority of you guys

he's still using strawmen and being a complete retard in some ways so I wont hand out too much e-cred

blockhead 01-30-2012 10:49 PM

[QUOTE=robertsona;18789895]i don't think it's weird if your friends know you go on forums in some manner

i do think it's weird to literally talk to people you know in real life about people / events on an online forum

like at best* a friend will simply be disinterested if you talk about That Hilarious Thing That Illmitch did on Sputnikmusic.com, at worst they'll like slowly edge away or be creeped out. i don't think that's just me who thinks this[/QUOTE]

Ah yeah I see what you mean now. I don't talk to them about things people say on here they just know I go on a few forums. You'd have to be pretty autistic to talk to people about forums that have no expeience with them.

kitsch 01-30-2012 10:49 PM

hey adb why are you so afraid of being wrong?

Gorgon 01-30-2012 10:49 PM

2 birds doesn't make a flock

robertsona 01-30-2012 10:50 PM

[i]i'm 16 when will you guys get it right[/i]

i think the problem here is extending something that's -generally- true to outrageous proportions. if you were to say that "a lot" or even "most" great friendships are formulated upon stuff like similar interests/likes/dislikes then yeah sure but to socially cripple yourself and limit your scope to a very narrow set of likes and dislikes / discussion points is sort of ridiculous. maybe you were being facetious when you said that thing about only being able to make friends with people who can talk about tech death and girls but i think generally that's what is going on here. i mean whatever i don't know why i'm playing social analyst now

adb 01-30-2012 10:50 PM

[QUOTE]You know Justin isn't really my best friend right? I mean he's my best friend that I only know online but definitely not my overall best friend. I hope you realize that.[/QUOTE]

yeah idk who your best friend is irl, you only hang out with one person so idk

illmitch 01-30-2012 10:50 PM

i realized that i know a tripfag from /sp/ irl and ran into him at a bar

it was pretty weird but kinda cool

Haz 01-30-2012 10:51 PM

[QUOTE=Gorgon;18789918]2 birds doesn't make a flock[/QUOTE]

you know what I mean

blockhead 01-30-2012 10:51 PM

[QUOTE=Haz;18789900]I don't think there's anything explicitly wrong with gaming culture. You have annoying people in all levels of hobbies and interests that define themselves by what they do.[/QUOTE]

backed hard

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