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beans 02-14-2012 01:36 AM

lemon sounds great right about now

sleep is calling night bros

adb 02-14-2012 01:43 AM

mint on anything besides toothpaste


pick 1

Angmar 02-14-2012 01:52 AM

What's it like having underdeveloped taste buds?

(*The Sacred Chao*) 02-14-2012 02:19 AM

oh snap

xMalcolmXx 02-14-2012 07:07 AM


witchxrapist 02-14-2012 09:02 AM

Celebrating Valentine's day by seeing Defiler open for Static-X. I love venues that have teenaged girls run the doors. :lol:

Have an Intro to Addictions Counseling quiz in like an hour, gonna shit all over this bitch.

xMalcolmXx 02-14-2012 09:17 AM

i havent been to a show in so long

Gorgon 02-14-2012 09:30 AM

seeing loma prieta and shabazz palaces in april
silver mont zion this saturday

bands are actually starting to play near here :O

witchxrapist 02-14-2012 09:32 AM

Fun fact regarding drug dependence:

"Dependence - maladaptive pattern of substance abuse leading to clinically significant impairment or distress manifested in 3+ of the following in a 12 month period:
*taken in a larger amount over a longer period of time than intended
*persistent desire/unsuccessful attempts to moderate or stop use
*a great deal of time is spent obtaining, using, or recovering from substance use
*important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced due to substance use
*use continues regardless of knowledge of persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problems either caused or exacerbated by use"

How many of dese do y'all exhibit?

Posting this because it's a large amount of information I need to remember for the exam today (here I was thinking it was gonna be a little quiz, but it's 100 questions).

@Goran: that's pretty sweet, Loma's playing around here soon. Seeing The Blue Letter in a month or two, I forget, and hopefully playing a show with them and Bastard Thieves later in the spring.

Oh, seeing Suffocation on Saturday, ton of local bands are opening.

xMalcolmXx 02-14-2012 10:07 AM

loma, burning love and converge april 2nd, cant fucking wait

seeing balance and composure and tigers jaw saturday probably but thats not really all that important

Gorgon 02-14-2012 10:29 AM

^ same loma tour I'm seeing

everyone from the hardcore scene in ottawa is going to be there
AKA people I didn't even know existed lol

2muchket! 02-14-2012 10:53 AM

Seeing Brand New on thursday with our lass.

She'll likely go all gooey over jesse lacey.

Juddybear 02-14-2012 11:24 AM

sup bros

MalleusMaleficarum 02-14-2012 11:37 AM


Juddybear 02-14-2012 11:40 AM


Gorgon 02-14-2012 12:27 PM


McP3000 02-14-2012 01:59 PM

Sober and at a desk job


xMalcolmXx 02-14-2012 02:18 PM

sober playing skyrim eating granola bars

pretty aight

botb 02-14-2012 02:22 PM

im seeing that loma tour too but pianos become the teeth is playing my date cause i rule

witchxrapist 02-14-2012 02:25 PM

Yeah PBTT is playing when I'm seeing them too.

witchxrapist 02-14-2012 02:30 PM


so true it hurts :(

illmitch 02-14-2012 02:37 PM

[QUOTE=xMalcolmXx;18798883]sober playing skyrim eating granola bars

pretty aight[/QUOTE]

same here no granola tho

isnt skyrim addictive

Juddybear 02-14-2012 02:39 PM

take off your top bitch
i raid the cupboard at the orthodontist
why i beat up a handicap?
retarded dumb fuck dick with a fanny pack

RouteOne 02-14-2012 02:49 PM


RouteOne 02-14-2012 03:00 PM



Juddybear 02-14-2012 03:02 PM

started a new game of skyrim on friday night, just got to high hrothgar and talkin with the greybeards

StaffReviewer 02-14-2012 03:29 PM


so true it hurts :([/QUOTE]

why would the woman with the electronic pad need paint samples for reference when she's using a computer

shortz 02-14-2012 03:33 PM

I thought you were banned or wanted to be at least?

StaffReviewer 02-14-2012 03:34 PM

i asked for my ccounts to be deleted but they havent/prob wont

Stevie 02-14-2012 03:41 PM


so true it hurts :([/QUOTE]

name of meme? i like these

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