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christsimpson 03-15-2010 02:17 PM

yeah thus the music is obviously bad. if he sang about killing in the name of anarchism, he'd be so ****ing rad bro.

witchxrapist 03-15-2010 02:26 PM

[QUOTE=flesh;17861923]no, that guy sings about white pride.[/QUOTE]

I listen to Los Crudos, and I'm white, what's your point?

flesh 03-15-2010 02:46 PM

guess i should of chosen a better description, that guy is a russian nazi. i dont feel comfortable listening to someone who supports the notion of exterminating non-whites, especially since i am not white. los crudos never preached hate.

witchxrapist 03-15-2010 02:49 PM


Also, the idea of a Russian Nazi is so hilariously ironic.

flesh 03-15-2010 02:52 PM

[QUOTE=witchxrapist;17861992]the idea of a Russian Nazi is so hilariously ironic.[/QUOTE]
lawl, i know right?

witchxrapist 03-15-2010 02:56 PM

Russia as a whole is a joke tbh, I seriously feel awful for anyone who has to live there.

Txus 03-15-2010 03:40 PM

7/10 to absu

Darkthrone - Slottet I Det Fjerne

flesh 03-15-2010 03:58 PM


Scapegoat - Desensitize

christsimpson 03-15-2010 04:16 PM

[QUOTE=witchxrapist;17862008]Russia as a whole is a joke tbh[/QUOTE]

yeah Russia totally sucks, what a joke amirite?

TASTE THE HYPOCRISY. are you even serious?

RetiredAt21 03-15-2010 08:18 PM

9/10 for Scapegoat

Forgot - Nominem Tui

EDIT: lol @ Russian Nazis, Polish Nazis, Nazis in general pretty much.

Aaron 03-15-2010 10:53 PM


Catfight On A Hotdog REMIX - Dillinger Escape Plan's [I]Gold Teeth On A Bum[/I]

suspect device 03-16-2010 04:15 AM


[QUOTE=christsimpson;17861951]yeah thus the music is obviously bad. if he sang about killing in the name of anarchism, he'd be so ****ing rad bro.[/QUOTE]

anyone who uses thus don't belong on a punk forum

dead kennedys - nazi punks **** off

doki 03-16-2010 04:30 AM


Urban Waste - Skank

Aaron 03-16-2010 06:09 AM

[QUOTE=suspect device;17863258]8/10

anyone who uses thus don't belong on a punk forum

dead kennedys - nazi punks **** off[/QUOTE]

8/10 for an unreleased track, nice.

RetiredAt21 03-16-2010 06:38 AM


Aaron 03-16-2010 06:39 AM

Well it is Catfight On A Hotdog. Any less than 7 is clearly wrong.

witchxrapist 03-16-2010 08:20 AM

[QUOTE=suspect device;17863258]anyone who uses thus don't belong on a punk forum[/QUOTE]

I hope an airplane crashes into your house.

witchxrapist 03-16-2010 08:20 AM

[QUOTE=christsimpson;17862152]yeah Russia totally sucks, what a joke amirite?

TASTE THE HYPOCRISY. are you even serious?[/QUOTE]

Yeah because you know the American police forces go on shooting sprees in super markets and pull women over on false accusations to rape them all the time.

Protip: I have four friends who moved to the US from Russia, and they're still scared to death whenever they see police officers. All of them have said how grateful they are to be here because of how much safer, more organized, and less corrupt it is. Stop being a generic anti-American snob, because you're clearly extremely ill-informed.

witchxrapist 03-16-2010 08:23 AM

And like, I know it's stupid to trust someone who went from one place to another over someone who's probably never been to either, but for some reason I get this gut feeling I should trust them over you.

christsimpson 03-16-2010 09:06 AM

[QUOTE=witchxrapist;17863473]Yeah because you know the American police forces go on shooting sprees in super markets and pull women over on false accusations to rape them all the time.[/QUOTE]

clearly that happens all the time. it's a real common affair in Russia. just like America invades countries for oil every day. you jokester you.

also I don't see where I come off as an anti-American snob, but cool. let me know when you'll bother reading my original post as well as my response to the butt-hurt Americans of this board.

then you can proceed for calling me a Nazi for listening to nsbm or something. that always brings the lulz. especially if you pretty much only listen to anarchist bands singing about shooting Capitalists in the neck and stomping on Nazis, because they are such bigots, and don't respect other people's opinions...

flesh 03-16-2010 09:46 AM

**** both russia and america. **** europe too.

flesh 03-16-2010 09:52 AM


Urban Waste - Skank[/QUOTE]
6.5/10 meh not bad

Crucifix - Another Mouth To Feed

RetiredAt21 03-16-2010 10:13 AM

[QUOTE=flesh;17863539]**** both russia and america. **** europe too.[/QUOTE]

lol c'mon :rolleyes:

flesh 03-16-2010 10:30 AM

it is stupid to have a discussion of "my country is better than yours" and what not no matter what country you're talking about as long as there are places on Earth such as the third world.

witchxrapist 03-16-2010 10:36 AM

The third world is the luckiest because the number 3.
[QUOTE=christsimpson;17863509]clearly that happens all the time. it's a real common affair in Russia. just like America invades countries for oil every day. you jokester you.[/quote]
I didn't mention imperialism anywhere did I? I was talking about quality of living and safety on the home front. You can pretend that a corrupt government is synonymous with a people, and you can pretend that a police force that massacres and rapes their people is comparable to a police force that arrests people for petty crimes, but overall does a good job.

You don't ever see anything on the news about the police chief of Washington D.C. going on a drunken killing spree for his birthday, and other officers following suit because they don't know what else to do.

But WHOA there's videos of that happening in Moscow, HOW CRAZY.

[quote]also I don't see where I come off as an anti-American snob, but cool. let me know when you'll bother reading my original post as well as my response to the butt-hurt Americans of this board.[/quote]
Repeating "actually read my post" won't change what the post says.

iamrockzorz 03-16-2010 10:49 AM

Everyone stfu. community thread.

Slices - Nub City

NOTindietrash 03-16-2010 10:51 AM

so massacres and raping is a daily chore of the Russian police? I think your friends are somewhat exaggerating. j/s.

repeating "read my post" won't change what it says, but perhaps sometime you will take the time to actually read it and digest it instead of being all butt-hurt. also - I don't really care if you love 'merica fugg yea, or whatever. I have absolutely no interest in that.

@Martin USA is a third-world country... you mean underdeveloped (as a result of the European and North-American rape of resources) countries.

flesh 03-16-2010 11:04 AM

[QUOTE=NOTindietrash;17863598]@Martin USA is a third-world country... you mean underdeveloped (as a result of the European and North-American rape of resources) countries.[/QUOTE]

witchxrapist 03-16-2010 11:08 AM

[QUOTE=NOTindietrash;17863598]so massacres and raping is a daily chore of the Russian police? I think your friends are somewhat exaggerating. j/s.[/quote]
every russian person i know fears their police force, i'm not making this up

[quote]repeating "read my post" won't change what it says, but perhaps sometime you will take the time to actually read it and digest it instead of being all butt-hurt. also - I don't really care if you love 'merica fugg yea, or whatever. I have absolutely no interest in that..[/QUOTE]
you didn't say anything too hard to digest, like i said before maybe you ****ed up your syntax because english isn't your first language, but you came off mad douchey and uneducated on the subject~*~*~*~*

NOTindietrash 03-16-2010 11:18 AM

I suggest you read my first post and my response to all of your butt-hurt Americans.

flesh 03-16-2010 11:20 AM

[QUOTE=NOTindietrash;17863640]I suggest you read my first post and my response to all of your butt-hurt Americans.[/QUOTE]
are you proud of your country?

NOTindietrash 03-16-2010 11:24 AM

I haven't built it, so it's not "my country". but I wouldn't go anywhere else. mostly due to the laws concerning privacy and Internet/networking (privacy), as well as the very adequate bandwidth available in the whole country. I also enjoy free health care and higher education and a few of its other perks.

witchxrapist 03-16-2010 11:27 AM

The funny thing is, regardless of your "higher" education, you're still about 25% as intelligent as I am.

flesh 03-16-2010 11:30 AM

so what makes you think america is "our country" and we are directly responsible for the horrible crimes this country has committed? even though america has done f'ucked up s'hit, the majority of americans aren't the direct perpetrators of such actions and for you to be on a high horse is really stupid. and you like your country because of bandwidth? wow.

RetiredAt21 03-16-2010 11:31 AM

7/10 for Slices

Brenoritvrezorkre - Aaprab vergz varbadre

NOTindietrash 03-16-2010 11:31 AM

@mappy ok? do you by the way have any idea what intelligence is? because schools aren't there to teach you intelligence, so I have no idea why I should have a higher intelligence than people with a lower education than me. that makes no sense.

@Martin what? I have never said that USA (not America) is your country, nor that you are responsible for anything, nor that anything else you are implying. I have no idea what you are talking about. also, yes I enjoy a nice bandwidth as well as other technological benefits.

witchxrapist 03-16-2010 11:33 AM

Sorry dude, maybe you can't grasp where I'm going with this due to your inferior brain functions, idk.

witchxrapist 03-16-2010 11:34 AM

[QUOTE=RetiredAt21;17863682]7/10 for Slices

Brenoritvrezorkre - Aaprab vergz varbadre[/QUOTE]


A Long Awaited Tragedy - Chris Bauer (In Memory)

If anybody hates on this song I will be very upset.

flesh 03-16-2010 11:34 AM

[QUOTE=NOTindietrash;17863684]@Martin what? I have never said that USA (not America) is your country, nor that you are responsible for anything, nor that anything else you are implying. I have no idea what you are talking about. also, yes I enjoy a nice bandwidth as well as other technological benefits.[/QUOTE]
Your technological indulgences are as much of a problem as capitalist crimes.

RetiredAt21 03-16-2010 11:35 AM

Mappy your bm band should cover a Brenoritvrezorkre song. :>

EDIT @ Martin: Dude you're on a computer right now.

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