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adbforever 05-16-2012 03:01 PM

my friend got me a legit sales research job

12 bucks an hour

only issue is it's temporary for now

HighandDriving 05-16-2012 03:03 PM

Protip: Companies love keeping temp workers as temp workers.

adbforever 05-16-2012 03:06 PM

ya my friend was like that.

adbforever 05-16-2012 03:28 PM

story time

the girl I got a job from i met on okc

I have no idea what possessed me to message her since she was seeing someone at the time and I don't think we had much in common at all plus she lived far away

but i messaged her LOL ENGLISH MAJOR and she burst out laughing at that

and we talked on and off for the past year or so, always planned to meet and finally did recently

by a complete fluke the company she worked for needed sales researchers, which is p much ideal for me since I'm not going to have to interact with anyone except a manager and I'm going to be doing mindless work for money

Tyler 05-16-2012 03:47 PM

12 bucks an hour is a legit job now?

BethanyLizard 05-16-2012 03:49 PM

so much tldr;

witchxrapist 05-16-2012 03:49 PM

same retard mocked me for having my own company :lol:

adbforever 05-16-2012 03:53 PM

it's legit because it's actually..you know a job for a growing company that does business w/ fortune 500 companies, a job where I pay taxes and don't get paid in beer


Juddybear 05-16-2012 03:54 PM

lol taxes

witchxrapist 05-16-2012 03:54 PM

getting roughly $200/house isn't getting paid in beer

witchxrapist 05-16-2012 03:55 PM

$12+taxes :lol:

adbforever 05-16-2012 03:57 PM

24 year old sophmore in college :lol:

Juddybear 05-16-2012 03:58 PM


Tyler 05-16-2012 03:59 PM

[QUOTE=adbforever;18870791]it's legit because it's actually..you know a job for a growing company that does business w/ fortune 500 companies, a job where I pay taxes and don't get paid in beer


yeah but you can make $12 an hour and have that taxed working at a fast food chain so what's your point?

witchxrapist 05-16-2012 03:59 PM

"you went to school part time and got straight a's, i went full time and got straight c's." -brent shannon

adbforever 05-16-2012 03:59 PM

** going to clarify this before you continue. I am not one of those skinny chicks obviously. I am a thicker girl, have meat on my bones, etc. If theres a problem with that, then no need to reply. My personality should override that. But if your ok with that then please continue. I am in no way opposed to working out, btw. But in the mean time, squishy power ^_^ lol..**

Juddybear 05-16-2012 04:00 PM

[QUOTE=adbforever;18870804]** going to clarify this before you continue. I am not one of those skinny chicks obviously. I am a thicker girl, have meat on my bones, etc. If theres a problem with that, then no need to reply. My personality should override that. But if your ok with that then please continue. I am in no way opposed to working out, btw. But in the mean time, squishy power ^_^ lol..**[/QUOTE]

yeeeeeeeeah gurl

witchxrapist 05-16-2012 04:03 PM


Juddybear 05-16-2012 04:06 PM

pics, brent

adbforever 05-16-2012 04:10 PM



MalleusMaleficarum 05-16-2012 04:11 PM

squishy power................................................

Tyler 05-16-2012 04:11 PM

typical fat girl angle but she doesn't look like a whale or anything

Juddybear 05-16-2012 04:11 PM



even tho she white i would still totally do stuff to her

adbforever 05-16-2012 04:24 PM

and lol going to school part time when you have nothing else going on except getting paid in beer and cleaning gutters

witchxrapist 05-16-2012 04:26 PM

Regardless, I make more money than you and have better grades than you.

adbforever 05-16-2012 04:29 PM

you clean gutters

it's like almost as low as prostitution

Tyler 05-16-2012 04:33 PM

it never fails, any time i have an interview i inevitably have to take a dump like right before

i should do this interview on the toilet

publicastration 05-16-2012 04:34 PM

[QUOTE=adbforever;18870834]you clean gutters

it's like almost as low as prostitution[/QUOTE]


witchxrapist 05-16-2012 04:38 PM

windows & gutters

get to be outside

Juddybear 05-16-2012 04:51 PM

[QUOTE=adbforever;18870834]you clean gutters

it's like almost as low as prostitution[/QUOTE]

hope you're just being facetious

Aaron 05-16-2012 05:14 PM

I hate The Offspring.

MalleusMaleficarum 05-16-2012 05:24 PM

the only good thing about the offspring is their affiliation with afi

the only bad thing about afi is their affiliation with the offspring

Aaron 05-16-2012 05:34 PM


TimJim 05-16-2012 06:43 PM

ill be making more money than all of you and aaron already does and you dont see us lording that over everyone brent.

old AFI was p good TimJim approved. the new stuff is crap

publicastration 05-16-2012 06:44 PM

everything after sing the sorrow sucks except a couple songs on decemberunderground

TimJim 05-16-2012 06:45 PM

oh i should also add that $12/hr, ESPECIALLY IN CALIFORNIA, sucks ass for being a "legit sales research job"

i went to school to become a certified pharm tech for 6 months and i make $15/hr in the middle of detroit with a permanent job ffs

MalleusMaleficarum 05-16-2012 06:45 PM

not sure how you can say du has good songs and cl doesnt but meh

Juddybear 05-16-2012 06:53 PM

[QUOTE=Aaron;18870853]I hate The Offspring.[/QUOTE]


smash rules, dude

Aaron 05-16-2012 06:56 PM

Nah, never liked them. Good guitar tone on Smash but the vocals are fucking grating to me.

witchxrapist 05-16-2012 06:58 PM

offspring is fun reminds me of when i was real little

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