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apromisingyear 06-24-2005 03:57 PM

My Solo Album...cd help
I need to make (on my own) 30,000 copies of my album. I've been shopping around online for a way to buy them in bulk for cheap. I've "googled" it and got nothing. Can anyone PLEASE direct me to a link where I can buy 30,000 blank cdr's for cheap. Thanks.

7 skrang 06-24-2005 04:04 PM

Are people really going to buy 30,000 albums....

maybe 500 would work.

moaner 06-24-2005 04:05 PM

get 500. wait til they sell. make 1000. wait till they sell. then start to think about maybe 5000?

How the f'uck are you gonna burn 30k CDs?

how are you going to sell 30 000 copies?

moaner 06-24-2005 04:06 PM

although, if it was up to the standards of your face melting solo, you'd have 1000 sales form mx alone.

HereticX 06-24-2005 04:09 PM

30K is way too much dude..unless of course you're playing for an already established band..
2K would be better.
I assume you need a factory to print and copy them for you and not 30k blanks!
I know one but it probably is way too far away from where you live unfortunately.

I Love Fat women 06-24-2005 04:09 PM


Also, call up some CD manufacturer or something. Call up TDK or Sony or whatever and see what kinda deals they have...

moaner 06-24-2005 04:13 PM


£9 for 100 = £90 for a thousand = £2700.

i doubt you'll find any much cheaper than that.

how much are you looking to spend? how are you going to burn them?

atabner 06-24-2005 04:42 PM

Yeh, I'm with the crowd. Have you realised quite how many 30k is? If you sell each for just £5, you're looking at making £150,000 from this album! I'd do what people are suggesting - start with a few hundred and go from there.

moaner 06-24-2005 04:44 PM



atabner 06-24-2005 04:46 PM

Would be a nice little income if you could pull it off, wouldn't it!

ak3jw 06-24-2005 04:56 PM

with all sincerity, good luck selling 50 copies of your cd

Ad Absurdum 06-24-2005 06:05 PM

Do you have any recordings of your stuff? I'd like to hear.

And I would seriously reconsider making 30,000 copies straight away. Do what moaner said, unless you are sure you will get the sales.

apromisingyear 06-24-2005 06:22 PM

im sure that 30,000 isnt too much to sale.

The hardest part will be getting 30,000 blanks (without blowing 4-digit numbers) AND getting each of them burned.

As far as selling them goes, shipping them all out will be harder than getting the interest.

I really don't want to sound cocky and im not trying to be. I dont even consider my songs to be all that great.

Although, I do have attention for this album in faraway countries outside of the U.S. such as: Norway, Nicaragua, Mexico, Canada, England/U.K., Europe, Italy, Spain as well as some others. I also have connections with "somewhat" popular indie bands in those countries as well as people interested in various states in the U.S.

I realize 30,000 cd's will fill up about 50-60 boxes (like ones you'd use for moving) and I know they'll be stacked up here in my home studio as they are burned.

I do have lots of help as far as getting them burned/promoted/distributed/marketed.

Lucky me, I have a girlfriend (whom of which i'll be moving in with/marrying) that has taken several college courses in bussiness management, marketing, promotion and a few others so SHE is a big help.

She and I talked and her thoughts are that selling 30,000 is a reasonable amount and whatnot.

However, we will see what happens...but does anyone know where i can get 30,000 blank cd-r's? Im looking for a good deal. Please help

Thank You.

By the way...
If you have any questions or comments please feel free.

GuitarSlinger 06-24-2005 06:24 PM

where are you gonna sell these at? a stand on the side of the road? and has anyone outside of this forum or family ever heard your stuff?

apromisingyear 06-24-2005 06:25 PM

heres a link to some tracks: [URL=http://myspace.com/aaef]Link[/URL]

I suggest "You Made Me Cry Again", it has become quite the favored track.

There are two other tracks to listen to on there. One is just a backing with no guitar or anything and the other is a short track that follows the "intro" track of the album.

The intro (which isnt up there) is just various ambient noises and it goes into the short track on myspace.

Please feel free to comment on it or ask questions.

If you'd like, please add me on myspace.

Thank you

GuitarSlinger 06-24-2005 06:26 PM

[QUOTE=GuitarSlinger]where are you gonna sell these at? a stand on the side of the road? and has anyone outside of this forum or family ever heard your stuff?[/QUOTE]
you didnt answer my question ^^

punkrootsgd 06-24-2005 06:27 PM

i think musiciansfriend or music123 had soming like that but i think they do a max of like 5k

apromisingyear 06-24-2005 06:27 PM

[QUOTE=GuitarSlinger]where are you gonna sell these at? a stand on the side of the road? and has anyone outside of this forum or family ever heard your stuff?[/QUOTE]

No not on the side of the road. That was a nice thing to say.

Yes people (obviously if you would have taken the time to read my above post) outside of this forum and my family have heard my tracks.

GuitarSlinger 06-24-2005 06:28 PM

[QUOTE=apromisingyear]No not on the side of the road. That was a nice thing to say.

Yes people (obviously if you would have taken the time to read my above post) outside of this forum and my family have heard my tracks.[/QUOTE]
uh i did read your post and it didnt talk about anything like that

apromisingyear 06-24-2005 06:31 PM

[QUOTE=GuitarSlinger]uh i did read your post and it didnt talk about anything like that[/QUOTE]

I clearly stated that this album has some attention thoughout the U.S. and to some foriegn countries as well. That should have been a good indication that others have heard it. I dont know anyone in Nicaragua but there is attention from there. How? It started with a band I made friends with from over there. they helped me out by getting the name out.

GuitarSlinger 06-24-2005 06:33 PM

[QUOTE=apromisingyear]I clearly stated that this album has some attention thoughout the U.S. and to some foriegn countries as well. That should have been a good indication that others have heard it. I dont know anyone in Nicaragua but there is attention from there. How? It started with a band I made friends with from over there. they helped me out by getting the name out.[/QUOTE]
oops sorry, i must of missed it, i thought you said you were just shipping them to those countries, my bad

apromisingyear 06-24-2005 06:33 PM

[B]Although, I do have attention for this album in faraway countries outside of the U.S. such as: Norway, Nicaragua, Mexico, Canada, England/U.K., Europe, Italy, Spain as well as some others. I also have connections with "somewhat" popular indie bands in those countries as well as people interested in various states in the U.S.[/B][/QUOTE]

that should have been the paragraph to give you the answer you were looking for

EDIT: its okay. It was just a misunderstanding :)

GuitarSlinger 06-24-2005 06:34 PM

[QUOTE=apromisingyear]that should have been the paragraph to give you the answer you were looking for[/QUOTE]
look up a post

Fallenvictim 06-24-2005 06:36 PM

Hey, if Goodcharlotte can sell one cd, this guy can sell a million

apromisingyear 06-24-2005 06:37 PM

[QUOTE=Fallenvictim]Hey, if Goodcharlotte can sell one cd, this guy can sell a million[/QUOTE]

****straight :lol:

Trivium 06-24-2005 06:44 PM

no way in hell can you burn 30,000 copies alone, you need a company to do the jewel cases, burn the discs, etc

the largest cd burner I could find did 50 at a time (thats 600 rounds), probably take you a few months of no sleep

oh and that cd burner, costs 2000 dollars

Fallenvictim 06-24-2005 06:46 PM

I think a company could help you out, it would probaley cost around the same to do it yourself+your time

Zakka 06-24-2005 06:47 PM

About the 30 K copies. Man, dont do it by yourself. Really dont. There are many places (at least here in Brazil) that do the CDs + box + print sheet stuff for some GREAT price if you tell them it's 30.000 copies. So, its not a good deal to do all the work by yourself.

About selling them, people will want to know on how to find your CD (1 of the 4 P's on marketing, place). So, interest without places to sell is useless.

Good luck with this CD thing.

apromisingyear 06-24-2005 06:52 PM

[QUOTE=Trivium]no way in hell can you burn 30,000 copies alone, you need a company to do the jewel cases, burn the discs, etc

the largest cd burner I could find did 50 at a time (thats 600 rounds), probably take you a few months of no sleep

oh and that cd burner, costs 2000 dollars[/QUOTE]

True, very true.

(here comes one of my favorite words...)


I have a volunteered TEAM of people to help with the production. Basically an assembly line.

Songs burned to blank cd-r > Label burned onto top of cd > Inserts placed in cases > Cases placed back into box > Out to their destinations (in other words, in your hands)

I'll be having 10-20 people burned it onto cd 8-12 hours out of the day straight until production is done. LInserts will be printed onto professional cd quality paper and placed inside the cd by another hand full of people.

Its going to be a LOT of work but in the end of this (not counting costs + fees) i'll make $300,000. Take away the costs/fees it should be about $290,000. For those who aren't so great at math, the album is going for $10. Any other questions/comments?

Zakka 06-24-2005 06:55 PM

the question is, are you ready to lose your money if things go wrong?

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