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LightRaven 07-10-2004 09:29 PM

Casual Compendium
So, you might have noticed... I'm like... not really around. And I'm trying here... to figure out... what my place is here. I feel out of the loop and that I've done everything that I can.

So I'm sitting here racking my brain, and trying to figure out, what in the world was different before. One of the things that I realized is that... I have nothing to look forward to here. :( I've been there and done that with all the typical threads a million times over. It's not that they aren't valid threads... it's not that they are stupid questions... its just that after three years, I can only answer the same question so many times before I want to shoot myself. And that has nothing to do with you, the user. That's all on me.

I'm sure you've heard me ramble about "back in the day" when the bass forum was a really fun place to be... what made it so fun was that I allowed alot of stuff that I don't allow now. The user interface changed and I had to reel in the reigns for some control. It was to be expected as mx grew.

And so now I have realized.... I know none of you. There are a few vets that are from my original time... and there are a few of you who I know, and converse with, etc. But the entire bass forum--- I used to know all of you.

So in an effort to try get back into the loop and have a place here.. I have created this thread.

This is our general discussion thread... for all of us to get to know each other.
I don't want people to just randomly list things about themselves.. because that is not how we get to know each other in real life.. now is it? We do it through conversation. And no.. it doesn't have to be about bass at all.

I guess I should start.

hm.... ok... since I recently saw that mox has posted... who remembers the pineapple hit list?! :lol: We need the pineapple hit list back!


bassweasel 07-10-2004 09:45 PM

i remember the phrase thrown around. but i was VERY new to even watching the boards at the time. care to explain? if i may also add a little on the subject of knowing us all better... what are your plans for music and if itll be a career? textbook yes but im interested

Crapdragoon 07-10-2004 09:53 PM

LR i may not know you , but you seem to be a really nice person , it would be nice to see you around alot more often :)

Bass+Fingers+Amp=Groove 07-10-2004 09:56 PM

w00t, i dont know you, are you hot, send picks :naughty:

bassweasel 07-10-2004 09:59 PM

[QUOTE=Bass+Fingers+Amp=Groove]w00t, i dont know you, are you hot, send picks :naughty:[/QUOTE]
oh god.... your *** is toast! shes nice but she doesnt take that crap at all.

JoeDaddio 07-10-2004 10:00 PM

^ Wow... I can just see you being completley emasculated in LR's next post. I hope you had a good time on this earth :)


Bass+Fingers+Amp=Groove 07-10-2004 10:03 PM

hahaha, its a good way for her to ge to know me :rolleyes:

Radiobass81 07-10-2004 10:04 PM

Welcome back LR :).

You probably dont know me, since I am a little knew, but I remember msot of your posts and all.

How is the store going and all? Still give lessons?

bassweasel 07-10-2004 10:05 PM

[QUOTE=Bass+Fingers+Amp=Groove]hahaha, its a good way for her to ge to know me :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]
by ripping you a new asshole? :lol: silly silly boy :amaze:

cods 07-10-2004 10:05 PM

*loves lightraven*

you are the best mod ever in the history of MX, and you made this forum what it is today.

you need to get AIM so you can talk with some of us MXers.

*hugs LR*

bassweasel 07-10-2004 10:06 PM

[QUOTE=cods]*loves lightraven*[/QUOTE]
agreed, dont we all?

Bass+Fingers+Amp=Groove 07-10-2004 10:06 PM

im two new, i dont know her at all, i just know that she keeps this forum running

JoeDaddio 07-10-2004 10:07 PM

So... yeah... I've never heard of the pineapple hit list. I wasn't too active in here when I first joined. I was a little affraid. Seemed a little too hardcore for me at the time, I suppose.


bassweasel 07-10-2004 10:07 PM

[QUOTE=Bass+Fingers+Amp=Groove]im two new, i dont know her at all, i just know that she keeps this forum running[/QUOTE]
delete your post if you can. she is really no tolerance on sexism in any degree

UncleJam 07-10-2004 10:09 PM

Hi... umm... another discussion thread.

*bass solo*

What's with this 'pineapple' list?

Crapdragoon 07-10-2004 10:10 PM

hah then bassweasle delete your post when you quote hims saying that :P

LiterCola 07-10-2004 10:10 PM

I'm fairly new myself, everyone's always complaining about how you haven't been around. :p. Welcome back, or something..

JoeDaddio 07-10-2004 10:10 PM

[QUOTE=bassweasel]delete your post if you can. she is really no tolerance on sexism in any degree[/QUOTE]

Someone should reply to it, so that it will be here forever, and he'll have no way out. :lol:


LightRaven 07-10-2004 10:10 PM

[QUOTE=bassweasel]i remember the phrase thrown around. but i was VERY new to even watching the boards at the time. care to explain? if i may also add a little on the subject of knowing us all better... what are your plans for music and if itll be a career? textbook yes but im interested[/QUOTE]

The pineapple hit list was me, moxshyfter, and Redact... crap... I think I spelled his name wrong.. anyway... whenever someone would get on an make a complete jackass out of themselves on the forum, we'd send out the pineapple hitlist... we had a little website and everything... If someone said something dumb.. one of us would post our signature picture.. usually a spin off of the batman light sign.. excet... instead of the silohette of the batman sign, it would be a pineapple. :lol: Goodtimes.

In terms of my music career.. as soon as I am done my go**** BA, I'll be getting my masters in music therapy. I used to be a double major in Classical and Jazz Bass... except, one little thing was holding me back from graduating... a recital... which, due to extenuating circumstances, I cannot completely. My school has gone so far as to tell me, and I quote "you could have had both your arms chopped off and we still wouldn't graduate you with your performance degrees..."

So I had 200 some odd credits and now they are telling me I have to take some more classes inorder to graduate with a BA (Bachelors of Arts) I'm in the process of looking for a loophole right now for that.. cause its a bunch of BS.


cods 07-10-2004 10:11 PM


hm.... ok... since I recently saw that mox has posted... who remembers the pineapple hit list?! :lol: We need the pineapple hit list back!


haha...i remember some people being pineappled back when i first got here.

i miss mox too. :(.

Bass+Fingers+Amp=Groove 07-10-2004 10:11 PM

im not sexist, im just a horny 18 year old, who is kiding.

Bass+Fingers+Amp=Groove 07-10-2004 10:13 PM

whew looks like she inst mad, yet....

UncleJam 07-10-2004 10:13 PM

[QUOTE=LightRaven]In terms of my music career.. as soon as I am done my go**** BA, I'll be getting my masters in music therapy.[/QUOTE]

What exactly is the difference in a major of Music Therapy than say... performance or theory. Because right now, I'm a freshman in College and am looking at those two majors but I do not know the difference between one or the other.

bassweasel 07-10-2004 10:13 PM

[QUOTE=Bass+Fingers+Amp=Groove]im not sexist, im just a horny 18 year old, who is kiding.[/QUOTE]
i never said you were. i said any hint, including jokes might prove a prob. its a trigger.

JoeDaddio 07-10-2004 10:13 PM

That blows. I got screwed over and ended up having to stay in college an extra semester because of a 1 unit soccer class I [I]suposedly[/I] signed up for but never went to. I don't think I even signed up for it, I think they just wanted my money. Bastards.


LightRaven 07-10-2004 10:14 PM

[QUOTE=Bass+Fingers+Amp=Groove]w00t, i dont know you, are you hot, send picks :naughty:[/QUOTE]

Pshaw fool... I don't play with picks... I use my natural **** hand.. the way it was meant to be :cool:

And, there is no way in hell that I am posting my "pic" considering I've had it used against me recently. Am I hot? Ask the people here... most should remember what I look like. I'm not interested in impressing people with my looks here. I'm a bassist, and that is what I am here for... and you too for that matter. Take that crap into the pit if you must, but I'll warn you, they aren't tolerant of it in there nowadays either.



JoeDaddio 07-10-2004 10:16 PM

This thread is the hottest thing since sliced bread... You need to post more often :)

And don't you hate getting that last post on a page, because you know that no one is going to look at it? Maybe it's just me though....


GaryDaNoTrashCougar 07-10-2004 10:16 PM

I remember you perm banned me :) but I still consider you as one of the better mods. Whenever I'm in the pit or R&M and there's a bunch of worthless threads, I can normally look forward to going to the bass forum because there isnt as much bull**** here.

GaryDaNoTrashCougar 07-10-2004 10:17 PM

And don't you hate getting that last post on a page, because you know that no one is going to look at it? Maybe it's just me though....
Nope, it's not just you.

cods 07-10-2004 10:17 PM

[QUOTE=LightRaven] Am I hot? Ask the people here... most should remember what I look like.

i'd hit it.



[size=1]cods for mod![/size]

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