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Meatplow 03-30-2009 01:34 AM

Industrial/Electronic/Ambient/Neofolk/Power Electronics (& Related Genres)
We don't seem to have a thread dedicated to Industrial music, nor it's many variants such as Noise, Power Electronics etc. Why not?

I've been on a big industrial, power electronics and noise kick recently, getting lots of obscure-ish albums of the genre. Some of my favourite groups are KMFDM, Ministry, Godflesh, Skinny Puppy etc, some older stuff like Cabaret Voltaire, Laibach, Throbbing Gristle, Swans, Chrome, and Foetus.

Some recent stuff i've been getting into, Pigface - Gub, Control - Algolagnia, Front 242 - Front By Front (this is so good). I'll also recommend this, I thought it was excellent -



ToXiCvEnOm_88 03-30-2009 01:57 AM


Jaundice 03-30-2009 01:58 AM

I'm in love with a lot of the stuff that toys around the edge of industrial without quite fitting the classification. I'm just starting to toy with most of what's considered genuine industrial though, because too much of it is whack EBM bullshi that tries too hard to sound tough.

Swans and Throbbing Gristle are brilliant. The prototypical German stuff like Cluster and Faust is among the greatest things in life though.

I predict very few people posting in this thread though, its a genre that's very easy to write off.

Skyler 03-30-2009 02:09 AM

Does Strapping Young Lad count? I'm not really well versed in this type of music at all.

Jaundice 03-30-2009 02:19 AM

I haven't heard too much by them but I'd say that's metal with a slight industrial influence.

Meatplow 03-30-2009 02:32 AM

[QUOTE=LostChild;17151443]I predict very few people posting in this thread though, its a genre that's very easy to write off.[/QUOTE]

It shouldn't be though, it's a lot more diverse then most would give it credit it for. What is this EBM trying to sound tough business? most EBM i've heard doesn't sound like it is trying to be tough at all, quite the opposite actually

[QUOTE=Skyler;17151450]Does Strapping Young Lad count? I'm not really well versed in this type of music at all.[/QUOTE]

I haven't listened to much SYL but I assume they may have an industrial influence here and there like a lot of modern metal bands do

Jaundice 03-30-2009 02:43 AM

It's one of those genres that you have to have serious faith in when you're trying to get into it, because you just have to look past too much bullsh[size=2]i[/size]t before finding good stuff.

EBM might be the wrong word choice, maybe its just strongly EBM-influenced, but I'm talking like Suicide Commando type acts. The stuff that's just samples of convicted murderers talking over synth lines doesn't do it for me.

Meatplow 03-30-2009 02:50 AM

Aye, I think I know what you mean but idk, I probably wouldn't consider it tough mainly trying too hard to be subversive.

EBM is more dance music orientated then anything else, try Front 242 for what appears to be definitive EBM. I like this song -


Also, early KMFDM -


Jaundice 03-30-2009 03:03 AM

Yeah, Front 242 is what I'd considered EBM, but they don't try to act hard about it. Skinny Puppy on the other hand... Those distorted vocals just don't work for me.

I mostly have to rep the more noise-oriented sh[size=2]it[/size]

Meatplow 03-30-2009 03:16 AM

Skinny Puppy took me a bit of getting used to for the reasons you described, I enjoy Too Dark Park and The Process though. I have Last Rights and Rabies as well but i've very slowly been working through their stuff.

Have you heard Foetus? Thaw is an interesting album, it bridges a lot of genres but the noise element on this one particular album is very strong. Only real noise based stuff i've delved into is NTT (i've mentioned Gospels of The Gash which is awesome), Neutoter Der Plage - Let Your Flesh Writhe, For It Is Your Time and Algolagnia by Control. I recommend all.

Jaundice 03-30-2009 04:21 AM

I've never listened to Foetus but after looking it up and realizing it was J.G. Thirlwell I'm about to download some. For some reason I was thinking about getting something by him the other day.

Meatplow 03-30-2009 05:21 AM

I'd check out Hole and Nail if you want something more representative of his classic era, but he does really interesting stuff other then that as well.

gloop 03-30-2009 05:27 AM

all of these things suck

Meatplow 03-30-2009 05:29 AM

[QUOTE=gloop;17151552]all of these things suck[/QUOTE]

esp. KMFDM


KMFDM sucks!@

Jaundice 03-30-2009 07:56 AM

I'm actually feeling the Since the Accident album by Severed Heads.

Do you know of a link to download Thaw? Can't find it on torrents.

666DiMe666 03-30-2009 08:26 AM

You should use Soulseek. Far superior for music downloading to torrents.

publicastration 03-30-2009 08:30 AM

I bloody love Swans. Godflesh as well of course. Need to get some Throbbing Gristle.

publicastration 03-30-2009 08:34 AM

By the way that Navicon Torture Technologies is awesome wow.

Would you send me Thaw as well by the way. esoteric_dissolution@earthlink.net

Meatplow 03-30-2009 08:37 AM


I'm listening to Tactical Neural Implant by Front Line Assembly a lot lately

Jaundice 03-30-2009 08:45 AM

[QUOTE]yeah leave me an email[/QUOTE]psguitars@yahoo.com

I tried to get into some Godflesh a couple of weeks ago, it wasn't bad but I got distracted and didn't feel like listening to it. Downloading all kinds of shi is one thing but a lot of the time when I actually get to listening something I feel like doing other things.

Meatplow 03-30-2009 09:20 AM

That should have gone through.

Godflesh is difficult for me to listen to often because it's so repetitive, I find it best as walking music or paying full attention on it through headphones cause immersing yourself in the nuances is really the best part of it. Which album did try? Streetcleaner, Pure and Messiah are all good in their own ways.

publicastration 03-30-2009 09:31 AM

wtf all noise/industrial/dark ambient is repetitive.

Meatplow 03-30-2009 09:45 AM

It is but from what i've heard at least Godflesh seems to drag out sections more then most industrial metal groups i've heard, which is not necessarily a bad thing but each album seems to have a uniform sound which doesn't change a hell of a lot throughout. Granted, a lot of noise and dark-ambient artists are guilty of this but regarding some of the more well known industrial metal acts like Ministry, KMFDM and Skinny Puppy etc. there is a fair bit of variation and dynamics in their sound in comparison.

Txus 03-30-2009 11:48 AM

Love power electronics/noise, there's a bunch of both on my blog :)

Anyways, been listening to the lesser known Swans albums and they are so good, Body to Body, Job to Job is one of the most underrated albums ever.

Meatplow 03-30-2009 11:57 AM

I've only got Filth at the moment, gave it a proper listen the other day it's excellent. Get Body to Body next?

Jaundice 03-30-2009 01:19 PM

I was listening to self-titled EP earlier, I've never liked that one all that much though. Filth is a solid listen.

The Godflesh album I tried might have been called Love and Hate In Dub? Not sure about the Love and Hate part, but it was something in dub. I figured I'd start out with remixes.

I find that a large part of the concept of an industrial song is repetitive in nature, which is one of the things which makes creating good industrial challenging. I've been having to listen to more and more lately just to get an idea as to how different artists handle the variations and dynamics to not be redundant.

Metalstyles 03-30-2009 02:36 PM

hey guys, good to see a industrial thread in here.
Question, has any of you listened something from the repertoire of Crossbreed or Turmion Kätilöt? If so, I would love to hear your opinon on them. Anyway what are your favourite industrial bands and/or albums?

Jaundice 03-30-2009 02:46 PM

Don't care if it's not considered tr00, I gots mad respect for Nine Inch Nails. It's some of the most diverse industrial-related output I've ever heard, in terms of successfully crossing over with pop and rock styles.

Even though they are usually considered kraut/kosmiche, I've got to say Faust's self-titled and [I]So Far[/I], along with Cluster's [I]'71[/I] and [I]II[/I] are two of the most important albums in the development of industrial genre

RouteOne 03-30-2009 02:50 PM

consumer electronics and nihilist assault group tbh

Metalstyles 03-30-2009 02:50 PM

well, haven't heard these Faust albums, are they more like the heavy industrial metal or more like Skinny Puppy style mellow, but fun to listen to industrial?

RouteOne 03-30-2009 02:52 PM


Jaundice 03-30-2009 02:55 PM

Neither one really, they're from the seventies so it was more so laying the ground work for the genre than easily fitting into a category of it.

I'd describe it as psychedelic rock, with a lot of industrial tape experiments and grooves made from samples and found sounds. There's occasionally free jazz jamming and even the somewhat spaced out pop song here and there.

Metalstyles 03-30-2009 02:58 PM

hmm.. interesting

Tyler 03-30-2009 03:00 PM


Txus 03-30-2009 03:09 PM

[QUOTE=Meatplow;17151904]I've only got Filth at the moment, gave it a proper listen the other day it's excellent. Get Body to Body next?[/QUOTE]

Hell yes, but is Filth the only Swans album you have? If so, get PlayThe Great Annihilator and White Light From the Mouth of Infinity first.

Jaundice 03-30-2009 03:20 PM

[QUOTE]That should have gone through.[/QUOTE]Indeed, much thanks

Angmar 03-30-2009 03:49 PM


That looks like a piece of s[B]h[/B]it.

Jaundice 03-30-2009 03:58 PM

K so I got bored and took the liberty of uploading Faust's first album, if anyone's interested in it.

[B]Why Don't You Eat Carrots?[/B]
[B]Meadow Meal[/B]
[B]Miss Fortune[/B]

Already brought this up once but I figure since it's the industrial/noise thread I might as well mention it, I've been making electronic songs and just starting to come up with things that are credible. Only a couple people I know have given feedback so it's hard to tell if they have appeal or if it's just a personal thing
I'd strongly hesitate to call it industrial, they're short instrumentals that take influence from the genre though, mostly poppy melodies and mechanical noises.

[QUOTE]That looks like a piece of ****.[/QUOTE]I have one in the garage though, I get confused how to use it.

Angmar 03-30-2009 04:06 PM

Looks like it would break easily.

RouteOne 03-30-2009 07:04 PM


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