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pixiesfanyo 01-27-2005 08:11 PM

Community Thread / Tips and Questions
I have connections.

Everyone try not to be dumbass spammers in here or Subtle will ban you.

This isn't the "I walked the dog, my name is Morrissey and I'm a girl" thread, it's to establish conversation about S&L related topics. If you want to be a worthless piece of sh[I]i[/I]t, go to the pit.

So, anyway. Who enjoys the new Bright Eyes album?

SubtleDagger 01-27-2005 08:13 PM

th@'s what I'm fuc[b][i][/b][/i]kin talkin about, nigga

What's the new Bright Eyes album called?

P.S. dixiesfag is correct, you spam I ban thnx

pixiesfanyo 01-27-2005 08:15 PM

I'm Wide Awake This Morning?

The other one is some gay a[I]s[/I]s techno ****.

SubtleDagger 01-27-2005 08:19 PM

I only remember The Story is In The Soil or whatever the hell it was called.

gardnerville gangsta 01-27-2005 08:20 PM

I dislike bright eyes with a passion

pixiesfanyo 01-27-2005 08:22 PM

Good for you, I bet you don't like them because you are so punk.

SubtleDagger 01-27-2005 08:25 PM

I gathered that from the title, unless he just has a thing for Jello pudding pops or something.

gardnerville gangsta 01-27-2005 09:18 PM

accualy i am not....i just dont like them.
i do like punk, but i also saw the who and eric clapton last summer....
ANd jello kicks as.s.....but no i am not punk and i do not try to be one...but i do go to shows and support the scene...
but your just mad becasue i dont like your band, get over it

pixiesfanyo 01-27-2005 09:24 PM

No it's just no need to say, I dislike Bright Eyes with a passion unless you provide reason.

Just makes you seem like a faggot.

sparkylp2002 01-27-2005 09:55 PM

I find bright eyes to be quite entertaining, but i think bright eyes is a bit overrated. Still pretty good, good songs, just not as great as a lot of people say. What would be the best album from bright eyes if i wanted to buy one?

Zero Peace 01-27-2005 10:34 PM

whats some good songs or cds from brighteyes. ive heard from like three different spots that they are pretty good and i want to see for myself.

Wanker 01-27-2005 11:14 PM

I'm posting in this thread.

pixiesfanyo 01-28-2005 06:39 AM

Yay! Wanker partyz.

Zero Peace

My favorites would have to be:

Method Acting
Posion Oak
Untitled (Lovers Turn into Monsters)

theredwonder 01-28-2005 07:10 AM

WoO! No more spam from me (in here anyway). The new Bright Eyes album is da[COLOR=White]mn[/COLOR] good, well I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning is. I haven't had the pleasure of listening to Digital Ash yet and from what pixies saying i think i'll leave it a while. The lyrics don't disappoint, and he's got some dam[COLOR=White]n[/COLOR] catchy folk/acoustic pop tunes on there too. 8.9/10 from me.

pixiesfanyo 01-28-2005 10:30 AM

^ Pitchfork.

theredwonder 01-28-2005 10:52 AM

:eek: *slaps*

gardnerville gangsta 01-28-2005 01:52 PM

I need a reason for my taste in music?....its like saying.."oh you dont like esparrigus, elvaluate it and make a good reason"......the only answer i would have is "it tastes bad"////
bright eyes is like esparagus....best when burned to a crisp or in the garbage disposal

theredwonder 01-28-2005 01:56 PM

and you are an idiot. Best when ignored or banned.

/ignores j00

A_Perfect_Sonnet 01-28-2005 02:01 PM

Two really good Bright Eyes Albums are Letting Off On The Happiness (something like that) and Fevers and Mirrors. Some song you should pick up right away would be:

If Winter Ends
Sunrise, Sunset
No Lies Just Love
To Love and To Be Loved
From A Balance Beam
Drunk Kid Catholic
A Perfect Sonnet
Haligh, Haligh, A Lie, Haligh

If you like most of that, you'll probably like most other stuff he does, though some of it doesn't really appeal to me.

gardnerville gangsta 01-28-2005 02:08 PM

hey I bet theredwonder is really wondering what i am saying...he's all like danmit...what is he saying....but sorry i dont like bright eyes..everything ive heard from them doesnt appeal to me

theredwonder 01-28-2005 02:15 PM

Maybe he's not.

APS - you prefer most of his earlier stuff then? I think a lot of F&M is good but some of it is downright appauling. His tastes seem to be a little more raw in the earlier work, but overall i think he's progressed a lot. Lifted and IWA, IM are probably my favourites.

Zero Peace 01-28-2005 02:19 PM

Thanx all.

gardnerville gangsta 01-28-2005 02:22 PM

maybe he is, how would you know?

A_Perfect_Sonnet 01-28-2005 02:50 PM

Well, I haven't heard the two new ones, I'm going to go pick them up sometime within a week or so.

Permanent Solution 01-28-2005 04:17 PM

I've heard a few Bright Eyes songs, but it never appealed to me as too spectacular. Heavily overrated imo. Too bad, cause my Uni record store is doing a ton of promotions for them.

gardnerville gangsta 01-28-2005 04:22 PM

does any one know Frank Zappa - the muffin man..?

A_Perfect_Sonnet 01-28-2005 09:06 PM

I don't think Bright Eyes is overrated, just probably overhyped by people who haven't really heard much of the material.

pixiesfanyo 01-28-2005 09:11 PM

Bright Eyes is overrated.

hendrixonpunk 01-28-2005 11:04 PM

ian mckaye's lyrics are really biased 'cause he's straight edge but i still think that most of it makes perfect sense and is too true to not be looked at and praised.

mshort813 01-28-2005 11:16 PM

NIce. Hopefully it will work out better this time. I like Bright Eyes...a lot. F&M is their best album along with A Collection of Songs, and Letting Off the Happiness. Then comes lifted and the two new ones for me. Digital Ash, in my opinion, has better lyrical writing than I'm Wide Awake.

Older Oberst is better.

Since APS seems to be the only one that likes BE here...this is to him...go to NPR website at 9.30 this Saturday because Conor Oberst is playing a live preformance.

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