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-   -   So I start a new job tomorrow. (http://www.sputnikmusic.com/forums/showthread.php?t=401815)

Paranoidd 10-11-2005 10:35 PM

So I start a new job tomorrow.
Hi, I'm Paranoidd. You may remember me from such employment related threads as "I'm no longer employed."

Well, I got another job today. And just to illustrate the amount of luck (or lack thereof) that I have, let me tell you about my orientation.

The first thing the guy who hires me does is take me into a 100,000 square foot warehouse and says "you have to do all the shipping and receiving, and keep this clean."

Then he points to some dumb fat fu[font=]ck[/font] shredding newspaper and packing it into a box and says "Thats Norman, the owners son. You'll be working with him. He's an idiot but don't ever get mad at him or say anything bad to him."

So I get to work with a fat idiot named NORMAN, of all things, and I can never get mad at him. Who knows if I'll have time to, as I maintain 100,000 square feet or so of garbage thats all over the place.


Kayetan 10-11-2005 10:38 PM

Congratulations, I'm very happy for you.

Samuel 10-11-2005 10:38 PM


Sounds like a bucket of laughs.

ProSeries 10-11-2005 10:41 PM

Are you sure you want to do this job? I'd sooner work in a cheesy diner..
I presume you quit the moment you found out your job?

Paranoidd 10-11-2005 10:44 PM

[QUOTE=ProSeries]Are you sure you want to do this job? I'd sooner work in a cheesy diner..
I presume you quit the moment you found out your job?[/QUOTE]
I've been laid off for a month. It's better than collecting unemployment.

ProSeries 10-11-2005 10:45 PM

[QUOTE=Paranoidd]I've been laid off for a month. It's better than collecting unemployment.[/QUOTE]

That's a good point. I'm sure you can find a better job? At a bar or something? How about writing? You write pretty well.

Paranoidd 10-11-2005 10:47 PM

Heh, nobody will give me a job for being able to write well.

This is just until I find something better. I aint hanging around with Norman for long, hopefully.

Spikey 10-11-2005 10:47 PM

Wow. Well, at least it's a job.

After work study and before my class (so for about 2 1/2 hours) I was on a job hunt, but no one is ****ing hiring.

Zmev 10-11-2005 10:49 PM

[QUOTE]So I get to work with a fat idiot named NORMAN[/QUOTE]

Sounds like a sitcom.

ProSeries 10-11-2005 10:50 PM

[QUOTE=Paranoidd]Heh, nobody will give me a job for being able to write well.

This is just until I find something better. I aint hanging around with Norman for long, hopefully.[/QUOTE]

Good luck with that. I seriously would look for a better job..and fast! Any job sounds better than that. Perhaps the pay is more than regular diners, etc?

Kurtz 10-11-2005 10:54 PM

Just kill Norman.

problem solved

Amit 10-11-2005 10:57 PM

gl d00d

u'll b in my prayerz

-Listy- 10-12-2005 01:31 AM

Norman the owners son :lol:
I'd be cracking up if i couldnt get pissed off and scream at him.

Crapdragoon 10-12-2005 01:34 AM

lulz i make more then you

cleaning toilets =//// :upset:

shabutie 10-12-2005 04:48 AM

I work receiving at one of the biggest distribution warehouses in the country. There is always some fat f[B][I][/I][/B]uck that you can't get mad at. It's actually worse I believe for me, because all the fat f[B][I][/I][/B]ucks get tricycles with bells on them, and they ride around the building and ring there bell at you if you're not working hard enough. If you don't like them, they fire you. So like you, I put on a happy face so I can unload 658 boxes of Levi Straus Co. jeans, label them, and ship them off all by myself without anyone to talk to for 8 hours straight, conveniently 10 feet from the only clock in the building so I can constantly stare at it wondering why Jesus is no longer my homeboy.

Raiven 10-12-2005 05:08 AM

100,000 square foot is an awful lot of space to "lose" Norman in.

dementis 10-12-2005 05:10 AM

he must be an idiot if his name is NORMAN, pmsl, so yea i wonder what happens if your nasty or make him mad... if its a rubbish payed job do it, or will he like give you a golden shower or kill you?

Yppolitia 10-12-2005 05:13 AM

[QUOTE=dementis]lol he must be an idiot of his name is NORMAN, pmsl, so yea i wonder what happens if your noasty or make him made... if its a rubbish payed job do it, or will he like give you a golden shower or kill you?[/QUOTE]
You fail at English.

dementis 10-12-2005 05:15 AM

[QUOTE=shabutie]I work receiving at one of the biggest distribution warehouses in the country. There is always some fat f[B][I][/I][/B]uck that you can't get mad at. It's actually worse I believe for me, because all the fat f[B][I][/I][/B]ucks get tricycles with bells on them, and they ride around the building and ring there bell at you if you're not working hard enough. If you don't like them, they fire you. So like you, I put on a happy face so I can unload 658 boxes of Levi Straus Co. jeans, label them, and ship them off all by myself without anyone to talk to for 8 hours straight, conveniently 10 feet from the only clock in the building so I can constantly stare at it wondering why Jesus is no longer my homeboy.[/QUOTE]

i feel for you... and what makes all the matters worse... im guessing where u work in a factory sort of warehouse whatever, they change your work times like every week/ fortnight.... but honestly... how can anyone make someone do that sort of thing? i can just imagine this fat people riding around on trikes... i only thought they ixsisted in my knightmares

dementis 10-12-2005 05:16 AM

[QUOTE=Yppolitia]You fail at English.[/QUOTE]

its where im trying to work at school and im rushing it before i get caught and made to turn my computer off and stuff... when someone points out ive made a mistake or i notice it... i always edit it.

Yppolitia 10-12-2005 05:18 AM

[QUOTE=Spat Out Plath]*in[/QUOTE]

dementis 10-12-2005 05:21 AM

lol.... OWNED!!!.... anyway....

Epicurus 10-12-2005 05:24 AM

Norman sounds like a real mess. Since you have to keep the place clean might aswell get rid of him too.

dementis 10-12-2005 05:24 AM

hahah yea... watch out for the golden shower

Jonny 10-12-2005 05:27 AM

[QUOTE=Spat Out Plath]*in[/QUOTE]
Yeah. He fails at [I]In[/I]glish!


Yppolitia 10-12-2005 05:27 AM

[QUOTE=dementis]lol.... OWNED!!!.... anyway....[/QUOTE]
omfg, bt i ave btr gramma than u tho!

shabutie 10-12-2005 07:17 AM

[QUOTE=dementis]i feel for you... and what makes all the matters worse... im guessing where u work in a factory sort of warehouse whatever, they change your work times like every week/ fortnight.... but honestly... how can anyone make someone do that sort of thing? i can just imagine this fat people riding around on trikes... i only thought they ixsisted in my knightmares[/QUOTE]

My hours never change, I sometimes wish they did. I work 10pm-6am 6 nights a week until December 9th when I leave.

clairvoyant 10-12-2005 08:04 AM

Why did you take that job?

DaveTheAmazing 2.0 10-12-2005 08:06 AM

Sounds like fun, Paranoidd :p

shabutie 10-12-2005 08:16 AM

[QUOTE=clairvoyant]Why did you take that job?[/QUOTE]
If you're talking to me, it's because I was jobless and needed the money.

If you're talking to paranoidd, I'm gunna go out on a limb and say it was because he was jobless and needed the money....I could very well be wrong.

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