Greatest KISS



by hippoman USER (1 Reviews)
January 14th, 2007 | 14 replies

Release Date: 1997 | Tracklist

Review Summary: Beavis and Butt-Head's opinions on the album! These are their opinions, so don't neg me, buttmunch! They make some mistakes though...

Butthead: KISS is, like, a cool band and stuff, but like, no one, like, likes them and stuff, but they're pretty cool, and, uhhh...yeah. They, like, have some cool songs, and some of them, like that crap they, like, put out in the 80's...uhhh....wasn't cool and stuff. It was stupid and stuff. But the stuff they put out in the 70's was all like pretty cool and stuff like that you know? Well, uh, anyway, here's my review of some KISS album or something with some cool songs on it and stuff. It starts with...

Beavis: Shut up Butthead! It's my turn to say what I think about this album!!! Like, it starts with this really cool guitar song called Detroit Rock City, and it's really cool! It goes "duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh, duhduh, duhduh" and that girl starts singing and-

Butthead: That's not a girl, dumbass, that's a dude that looks like one! Get your facts straight or I'll call you a fartknocker!

Beavis: Don't call me that!!! Anyway, what was I saying? Uh, oh yeah. Detroit Rock City is really cool and stuff. Ace Ventura does this really cool guitar solo. It's awesome, and the words to the song are about these guys with a time machine who go in time and see Def Leppard in Detroit. And then, they die in a car crash after the concert because DL sucked so bad and stuff. Or was it a Poison concert? I can't remember.

Butthead: You messed up a bunch of stuff, but I won't tell you what you messed up on. Huh, huh, heh.

Beavis: Shut up bunglick!

Butthead: You shut up! It's my turn to talk about a song! This next song is where that cat dude that drums sings the song, and it's called Hard Luck Woman. It's a cool song and stuff, but it doesn't really rock and stuff. It's one of those soft love ballads or whatever.

Beavis: They're called metal salads.

Butthead: No, they're called ballads, buttmunch! Anyway, this song is still ok, and it's got a cool little solo thing or whatever. It's catchy or something.

Beavis: Ok, my turn! Sure Know Something is next, and I like KISS and all, but it kinda sucks and stuff, you know? It's like that dude girl or whatever just starts singing, and he just says "Sure know something" a bunch of times, and I'm just like sittin' here thinkin, you know, "what does that even mean?", and that dude girl keeps on saying it, and I'm like, "Shut up! It's stupid!" and he doesn't stop saying it, and it sucks!!!

Butthead: You could skip the song, bungmunch.

Beavis: Uhhh....oh yeah. Your turn.

Butthead: Deuce is next, and it rocks! It's way better than that dumb song that Beavis had to talk about and stuff. It goes duhduhduhduhduhduhduhduhduhduhduh a bunch of times, and then there's some singing, and then there's this awesome guitar solo!!!! IT ROCKS!

Beavis: Ok, my turn. There's some disco song next called I Was Made For Lovin' You or something, and it's not bad, but it's not great, but it's still pretty cool and stuff. It's all nacho-cheesy and stuff, or something, or whatever they call it. I like it though. Butthead likes it too, but he doesn't want to submit it.

Butthead: Ok, my turn. You see, Beavis skipped a song, and I was gonna talk about that song, but oh well. I'll talk about it later sometime or whatever. I get the song that rocks freakin' hard! It doesn't suck like those songs that Bunghole Beavis has to talk about it. Calling Dr. Love rules! Ace plays an awesome solo, and the words are cool to. That Gene guy sings it and stuff. It rocks!!!

Beavis: My turn, bunghole! I get Christine Sixteen, and it rocks too! It doesn't suck like that Sure Know Something song. It's about some dude who likes this 16 year-old chick, and the dude is all old and stuff, and he's like, 50, or something like that.

Butthead: My turn. The next song is good, but it's all soft and stuff.

Beavis: I don't like that. Next song is Strutter and it rocks!!! It's about some hot chick that struts and stuff like that.

Butthead: That's not a song description, Beavis! Anyway, Cold Gin's next, and it's about some guy who eats cold ginger bread men or some stupid crap like that. It's a good song though, with these cool riffs and hooks or whatever or something.

Beavis: I'm tired of this.

Butthead: Me too.

Beavis: Ok, let's do it fast! Next song's ok, next song rules, next song is ok, next song is ok, next song is ok!

Butthead: 3 outta 5 or whatever. I guess that's good.

user ratings (78)

Comments:Add a Comment 
January 15th 2007


I agree.

January 15th 2007


I didn't bother.

January 15th 2007


You seemed to lose your creativity towards the end at it became half-assed. You probably shouldn't start so many paragraphs with 'my turn' either.

If I didn't know Kiss already I wouldn't know much about this album from your review. I realise it's hard given the concept you chose (maybe you shouldn't have chosen one then), but you should provide some more information on the sound of the album.

So yeah, not well written.

February 4th 2007


Album Rating: 4.5

This album is good. The only songs I dont like are Do You Love Me, Two Sides of The Coin, and Flaming Youthe. Your review was also good.

October 11th 2014


Album Rating: 3.5

two sides of the coin rules

October 11th 2014


Album Rating: 3.5

i prefer to jam any album of their classic era to a compilation tbh

October 11th 2014


oh come on, how is two sides of the coin even on this thing?!

October 13th 2014


Ugh, Two Sides Of The Coin sucks. Unmasked sucks pretty hard in general.

October 13th 2014


absolutely fucking awful band

October 13th 2014


Nah, they have some great stuff.

October 13th 2014


Album Rating: 3.5

Unmasked is not bad imo, i prefer it to dynasty tbh

October 13th 2014


i like unmasked and its easy to dance to!

October 13th 2014


Dynasty > Unmasked for me.

September 7th 2021


brilliant review

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