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Last Active 10-25-12 2:33 am
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Top 10 Underrated Ps2 Games

Here is a list (in order) of what I think are the top 10 most underrated PS2 games that I have played. Check out the band, Call Me No One, which features Morgan Rose and Clint Lowery of Sevendust. John Connolly and Vince Hornsby also have a side project coming out called Projected. You can hear their single, "Watch It Burn" on their website.
1Call Me No One
Last Parade

Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams - I absolutely loved this game. I'm a big fan of the Onimusha series and I thought this game had everything going for it. Being the longest game in the series, this game had to have a lot of depth, and it delivered in everything. The boss battles were intense and difficult and the addition of having a companion to switch from in the middle of battle to support you was done quite well. Soki may not have been as cool as Samonosuke, but the addition of the other characters made it into an interesting story that connected all the games together. I really wish they would make another Onimusha game.

Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven - I'm a big fan of the Tenchu series and I thought the story was well written. This game contains one of the most maniacal villains in any series, Onikage. The sunava bitch never dies. The stealth system was done well and the main characters are very likable.
Through the Eyes

The Punisher - This game is filled with hundreds of different ways to dispose of your enemies, such as feeding them to sharks, or my personal favorite, popping out of a coffin during the middle of a funeral and mowing down everyone in sight with a mini-gun.
4The Birthday Massacre
Walking With Strangers

Street Fighter EX3 - This game had a shit load of characters that you don't see in Street Fighter games anymore. There was a 3 on 3 tag team mode that kept the game very interesting and each character had multiple specials. This is one of the best fighting games I've ever played.
5Faith No More
Angel Dust

Legacy of Kain: Defiance - It's not necessarily an underrated game, it's just that I never hear anyone mention it anymore and I wish they would come out with a new Legacy of Kain series. The voice acting was phenomenal and Kain is one of the coolest characters in any video game.
6Stabbing Westward
Darkest Days

Socom 3 - A lot of people didn't like Socom 3 because of the enormous maps and the addition of vehicles, but it was really fun to play 16 on 16 in the desert maps.
710 Years
The Autumn Effect

Drakengard - It was a hack and slash style game, but with the addition of hundreds of weapons and magic abilities to choose from it became quite addicting to play. The dragon sequences were fun and there were multiple endings. I still to this day cannot get 100% completion due to the impossible final boss on one of the endings.

Resident Evil Outbreak - A lot of people hated this game, but I think that the Resident Evil franchise had something going for them with this game. It was fun to play through the levels not knowing how smart your companions would be online. The characters had some hilarious remarks.
9 Pure Reason Revolution
Hammer and Anvil

The Bouncer - First game I ever got for the PS2 and I played the shit out of it. You can beat the story in a matter of 90 minutes or less. The fighting system was fun.
10The Butterfly Effect

Chaos Legion - It had a similar play style to Devil May Cry, with an intriguing story and unique weapons.
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