
Reviews 1
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Album Ratings 241
Objectivity 35%

Last Active 01-24-14 3:38 pm
Joined 08-29-10

Review Comments 3,493

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Saw Frank Turner Last Night

Totally a last minute thing. I came home from work and my cousin who I haven't seen in 3 years dropped by for a visit. She said she was on her way to see Frank Turner and I immediately told her I was coming with.
1Frank Turner
Tape Deck Heart

Damn he puts on a great show.
2Frank Turner
England Keep My Bones

Got him to sign a vinyl and CD that I bought. Got a picture with him too. He's a
really nice guy.
3Frank Turner
Love, Ire & Song

He played a lot of old material, which I'm not really as familiar with. Still enjoyed it.
4Frank Turner
Sleep is for the Week
Through Silver in Blood

I was wearing a Neurosis shirt to the show and he said he liked it. Mentioned that
Through Silver in Blood was a great album.
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