
Soundoffs 36
Album Ratings 219
Objectivity 72%

Last Active 04-24-18 1:52 am
Joined 03-27-13

Review Comments 276

04.20.18 BMTH - Sempiternal Ranking04.20.18 Kanye West Ranked
09.13.17 College Opinions?10.26.16 It's been a while
06.06.15 Rate my 5s05.26.15 Toys In The Attic ranked
05.16.15 Ethereal/Floaty Recs?05.12.15 High School Graduation
03.15.15 Stuff I've Been Jammin' Lately09.01.14 Soundtrack To Your Summer
06.17.14 What I've Been Jammin This Summer05.29.14 IPOD ON SHUFFLE
05.24.14 Expanding My Collection04.13.14 Recent Pickups
04.06.14 In What Order Should I Check These Out?03.30.14 1 Year On Sputnik
03.16.14 Albums That Need More Ratings02.24.14 February's Purchases
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iPod On Shuffle

Well, I joined Sputnik early 2013. I was rating albums every day for quite a while. Then, summer came along, and once it hit about July, I grew somewhat bored of this website. On top of that, my internet was shut off not too long ago, so I rarely ever get on here. Aside from rating, I haven't done much of anything on this site. So, here's a list. rAlso, don't pay too much notice to my pie chart, my ratings don't reflect much of any of the music I've discovered and came to love since joining this site. If anyone happens to be interested though, my favorite genres of music are progressive metal/rock/death metal, melodic death metal, and a tie between thrash metal and pop punk. I know that last one may seem like sort of sore thumb in a way, but oh well.
1Amon Amarth
Doom Over Dead Man

Ah, yes, Amon Amarth. I have loved them for 2-3 years now. Never delved into their full discography until fairly recently.
2Hour Of Penance
The Cannibal Gods

Discovered them on YouTube a few months ago. I dig the album this is off of, never listened to their other releases.
A Fair Judgement

Found these guys on Sputnik when I first joined, loved them ever since.
Beholder Of Justice

My dad showed me this band when I was much younger, didn't pay them much attention at first, but I gave them another listen a couple months ago and liked what I heard a decent amount. Definitely nothing fantastic though.
Distortion Sleep

Been listening to Soilwork for a couple years now. I like about 90% of their material a lot.
6Oh, Sleeper
The Siren's Song

Originally discovered them about 4 years ago, the song Vices Like Vipers, to be exact, and haven't given them another listen until a couple months ago. Decided to download two of their albums. Pretty decent.
7Pierce The Veil
Southern Constellations

I used to like these guys a lot more a couple years back. They definitely aren't bad though. Recently picked up Selfish Machines to add to my collection.
Implements Of Destruction

Another band my dad showed me quite a few years back. Forgot about them until about 6 months ago, when I was trying to fill my iPod up with music. They're fairly good, for the most part.
9Fall Out Boy
The Patron Saint Of Liars And Fakes

I like Fall Out Boy's album "Take This To Your Grave" quite a lot. It's really the only album I find worthwhile from this band though.
10Killswitch Engage
Rose Of Sharyn

I actually discovered these guys from Guitar Hero 3 when it came out. Liked them for the most part ever since.
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