Reviews 25 Approval 42%
Soundoffs 18 Album Ratings 3805 Objectivity 56%
Last Active 06-03-16 11:51 am Joined 03-18-12
Review Comments 3,468
11.08.13 | I could never rank his albums due to how varied they are. First Born is classis Eyedea, lyricism in it's rawest form. Then E&A brings this "old-school" take on everything. Then on By The Throat they say fuck that and bring you an industrial hip-hop album. I'm sad I won't ever see what their fourth album would've turned out like. | Butkuiss
11.08.13 | 4 is 1, 1 is 2, 3 is 4. | someguest
11.08.13 | Correct ranking. First Born is always such a trip through the mind. | Muisc4Life26
11.08.13 | Heck yea. Eyedea was a true poet and one of the best lyricists ever. You should check out his rap battle videos. |