
Reviews 2
Approval 87%

Soundoffs 112
News Articles 3
Band Edits + Tags 32
Album Edits 224

Album Ratings 2047
Objectivity 66%

Last Active 12-21-14 3:06 pm
Joined 06-20-09

Review Comments 764

09.19.15 Iron Maiden Ranked09.18.14 Threshold Ranked
01.28.14 Anyone Seeing Dream Theater This Tour?05.28.13 Good Modern Thrash Metal?
05.27.13 Can The Admins Do Something About All T05.03.13 Fuckin' Slayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyee
05.02.13 Sodomized02.09.13 Upcoming Releases I Cannot Wait For!
12.28.12 Helloween - Yup, You Guess It...12.09.12 'vektor' Needs More Love On This Site..
07.31.12 Testament: Formation Or Dark Roots???07.20.12 Essential Progressive Rock
03.14.12 Soulfly Ranked03.10.12 Underrated Albums
02.15.12 Awesome Recently Listened To12.07.11 For Fans Of Old School Heavy Metal...
11.07.11 Mastodon Ranked10.29.11 Guitar Lovers...
More »

Anyone Seeing Dream Theater This Tour?

20th Anniversary of Awake and 15th Anniversary of Scenes from a Memory. rAlso an Evening With, something they haven't done in quite some time
1Dream Theater
Dream Theater

SET 1 - False Awakening Suite
2Dream Theater
Dream Theater

The Enemy Inside
3Dream Theater
Black Clouds & Silver Linings

The Shattered Fortress
4Dream Theater
A Dramatic Turn of Events

On the Backs of Angels
5Dream Theater
Dream Theater

The Looking Glass
6Dream Theater
Falling Into Infinity

Trail of Tears
7Dream Theater
Dream Theater

Enigma Machine
8Dream Theater
Dream Theater

Along for the Ride
9Dream Theater
A Dramatic Turn of Events

Breaking All Illusions
10Dream Theater

SET 2 - The Mirror
11Dream Theater

12Dream Theater

Lifting Shadows of a Dream
13Dream Theater

14Dream Theater

Space Dye Vest
15Dream Theater
Dream Theater

Illumination Theory
16Dream Theater
Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory

ENCORE - Overture 1928
17Dream Theater
Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory

Strange Deja Vu
18Dream Theater
Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory

The Dance of Eternity
19Dream Theater
Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory

Finally Free
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