Reviews 29 Approval 89%
Soundoffs 5 News Articles 4 Band Edits + Tags 1 Album Edits 6
Album Ratings 1105 Objectivity 69%
Last Active 03-10-20 5:48 pm Joined 01-16-13
Review Comments 252
07.18.14 | Pretty certain the new Gaslight Anthem will be on this final list | FearThyEvil
07.18.14 | pretty bleh | RiffOClock
07.18.14 | sputnik'd | humblerodent
07.18.14 | lol | ScuroFantasma
07.18.14 | check Saintseneca | Phlegm
07.18.14 | wretched excess | hikingmetalpunk
07.18.14 | you missed a few | Snowdog808
07.19.14 | How about Pariah's Child or Once More 'Round the Sun? | scottpilgrim10
07.19.14 | Not bad. 2, 3, and 8 are some of my fave albums from this year too
| BeneaththeDarkOcean
07.19.14 | Clipping's CLPPNG is my hip-hop AOTY so far, check that out. Also check Sage Francis - Copper Gone, dude can spit | kmace
07.19.14 | 1,7, and 9 are pretty good to great. I was so disappointed with Cope though... | humblerodent
07.19.14 | All right, I'll definitely check those out, thanks Scuro, Snowdog, and Beneath
Kmace: 7 and 9 (along with 4) are my AOTY contenders right now. Cope was fairly disappointing (although it had some merit), and won't make my end of year list I don't think. Which is a shame considering how great their last two albums were.
| BigSneakySnatch
07.19.14 | yea we dont like much of the same music but if you want rap recs then check:
deniro farrar - rebirth
clipping - clppng
shabazz palaces - lese majesty
pell - floating while dreaming
danvhefner - genesis to nemesis
shy glizzy - law 2
i doubt you would like the last 3 if youre not that into rap but if you want they are there | ZombicidalMan
07.19.14 | boris m/ |