
Soundoffs 23
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Objectivity 63%

Last Active 05-22-22 10:11 pm
Joined 11-14-14

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01.22.15 Bands That Suck Live

Bands That Suck Live

sue me
1Born of Osiris
A Higher Place

saw them before they went djent, super sloppy generic breakdowns galore. bassist
didn't realize his wireless rig wasn't working until their last song.
2The Faceless
Planetary Duality

seen them multiple times and theres always tech problems. backing tracks going
out of sync, guitars getting cut off mid solo, and zero stage presence.
3Vital Remains
Icons of Evil

i was at this show . somehow
they sounded even worse in person.
4The Mars Volta

they opened for soundgarden, but fuck soundgarden i went there for volta,
hundred+ dollar tickets. their sound was horrifically mixed, they played 4 (at the
time) unreleased songs and goliath, than left in under thirty minutes. apparently it
was their last us tour ever. performance-wise they were great just kind of a uneven bill/mainstream audience vs prog
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