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Last Active 01-10-23 4:43 pm
Joined 07-13-13

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01.03.24 GoM top tenner 202301.02.23 Top 10 black/death metal 2022
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Gameofmetal's 2015 so far (to be continued)

Well everyone's doing quarter 1 and quarter 2 lists, and I wanted to join in on the party. I didn't do quarter 1 though so you lucky bastards get everything I listened to since the beginning of this year. ARE YOUR BODIES READY. List is worst to best obv
Party People's Anthem

Holy shit this is so bad. Attila's latest album is shit and it still seems godly in comparison.
2All That Remains
The Order of Things

Better than their last album but that's not saying much. Still a pile of crap mostly.
3Fall Out Boy
American Beauty / American Psycho

Like two catchy songs, the rest are annoying and bad.
The Ark Work

The flattest rating chart ever. I guess I just don't get it, because there are people giving it crazy good ratings. Most of it is just abrasive and boring, with some enjoyable moments and flashes of awesome.
Mind Games

More boring than their debut. A slightly less annoying version of Issues.
6Title Fight

The singles were very good and interesting, but as a whole the album just bores.
7Feed Her to the Sharks

A run of the mill old school metalcore album with the modern scene's over reliance on breakdowns.
Contexture: Gods, Men & The Infinite Cosmos

Just didn't really do anything for me.
9Sworn In
The Lovers / The Devil

Went more nu metal, added singing, and became less guilty pleasure fun heavy angry shit.
10From First to Last
Dead Trees

Really predictable post hardcore, with Spencer Sotelo's over the top annoying presence. The last song is horrendous, even if the rest of the album isn't really bad, just average.
11Tyler, the Creator
Cherry Bomb

Another all over the place, inconsistent, inconstant album. I'm usually a fair fan of his, but this one just lacked a few too many gems.
12Charlie Puth
Some Type Of Love

That song he did with Wiz Khalifa has been stuck in my head for ages, but his own stuff is just unimpressive.
13Six Feet Under
Crypt of the Devil

Boring, generic death metal with a vocalist that just needs to quit.
14Extinction Level Event
The Catalyst

The whole no guitar, only bass djent idea was funny on the first track or two, but goddamn does it wear thin by the end. It's even more remarkable how such a short EP can bore so quickly.
15My Tears, Your Weapon
Boredom Compilation v.1

Just kinda doesn't do anything, but I respect Snide's moxie. His other releases are better.
The Deathmass Cloak

Some really awkward transitions, songwriting, and guitar leads sprinkled in, but all in all it's a decent death/doom record.
17Howling Giant
Howling Giant

Don't remember this too well. I believe it was a stoner rock EP that minorly impressed me. Don't know a thing about stoner shit, but it was aight.
18The Last Ten Seconds of Life
Soulless Hymns

A lot more nu metal in the mix did not a great followup make. Their last record and EP were much heavier and better, but this has its moments.
Juggernaut: Alpha

The poppier of the two and the less impressive by far.
20Tear Out The Heart
Dead, Everywhere

Generic but enjoyable metalcore. Just too much material though and the album drags by the end, unlike their last, which was a damn good time for how unoriginal it was.

Blackened hardcore. Too little material to really make an impact, but good nonetheless.
One Man Army

Waffling between a 3 and a 2.5, semi decent semi boring folk metal.
The Hate Campaign

Does Black Tongue better than Black Tongue, and with at least a little more speed.
24Oceans Ate Alaska
Lost Isles

Bad clean singing, all over the place songwriting, but talent's there and it's not unenjoyable.
25Falling in Reverse
Just Like You

A fuckton better than their last album, which was awful. Still only decent.
26 Funeral Oppression
The Prisoner

Solid, if unimpressive depressive black metal.
27Andrew W. Gold
Fool's Gold

Contrib project. Don't know shit about electronic music, but I thought it was pretty good.
28Sleeping With Sirens

Not as bad as their last. Passable poppy post hardcore.

A much needed comeback after their last piece of shit. Still the same old deathcore but with a bit more atmosphere and punch.
30Godspeed You! Black Emperor
'Asunder, Sweet and Other Distress'

I don't really fuck with drone shit, so the first three tracks mostly bored me. Last one was pretty good though.
31All Time Low
Future Hearts

A bit poppy for my taste but good pop punk.
32Every Time I Die

Vicious and sweet despite the short length. Solid overall.
A Furrow Cut Short

Just boring by the standards of a great atmospheric black metal band. Little of memorable quality and there's not any real atmosphere.

Dropped the core, and went full tech death. Overcompressed and produced terribly, but not horrible overall. Music just lacks anything standout. The technicality and attempt to be progressive just isn't as much fun as the off the wall deathcore they used to peddle.
35The Raven Autarchy
The Obscene Deliverance

Tech deathcore, not bad, not great. Just good.
36In Hearts Wake

Vocal performance all around kinda sucks, but there are some good musical moments in there. Especially when they cool it on the metalcore chug a lugs.
37My Tears, Your Weapon
When We Fall Asleep (Demo EP)

Decent Snide electro tracks.
38Set It Off
Duality: Stories Unplugged

Acoustic takes on a few tracks from their last album. Duality was not the direction I wanted them to take but it's not bad by any means.
39My Tears, Your Weapon
On the Edge of Reason

The metalcore bits are tacked on and unexplored, but overall the EP isn't too bad. Hell the heavier bits speak more to industrial chordal riffs than metalcore.

A digression. The clean singing is gone, the songwriting is slides to close to average, and there are few memorable sections.
The Architect of Extinction

Brutal as hell slam/deathcore with a fairly varied vocalist, something not seen often in slam.
Dormant Heart

Great modernized thrash, but goes a bit too long.
L'Aorasie des Spectres Rêveurs

Solid atmospheric black metal. Found this through the recent black metal tourney we did, lotta great gems in there.
Juggernaut: Omega

The better of the two. Heavier, proggier, less poppy, and best of all.....less Spencer Sotelo singing.
Indian Summer

Metalcore with a lot more hardcore and plenty of melody. A fun time all around.
46 Eisflammen
In The Element....

(Fucking title's in russian) Tight depressive black metal guessed it, Russia
47Global Chernobyl

Pissbro's project, brings the metalz
48Wati Heru and Kashaka
Dystopia FM

Hep Kat told me to bump, bumped, thought it was tight, enjoyed
49Kendrick Lamar
To Pimp a Butterfly

I just don't get it. Jammed a few times since it came out, just never made the same impression it apparently did on everyone else. King Kunta and a number of bangers, but too much material and just didn't get to the next level for me.
50Earl Sweatshirt
I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside: An Album By Earl Sweatshirt

Really depressing, monotoned rap but I dug it for whatever reason.
51We Are Harlot
We Are Harlot

Semi modern rock, semi throwback 80s hair metal. Danny Worsnop (of Asking Alexandria fame) does have a really fitting voice and it's hookier than it has any right to be. Not mindblowing at all but not too bad.
52As It Is
Never Happy, Ever After

The happiest, sunniest, most hook laden pop punk album to come out lately. Nothing out of the ordinary but a great summertime jam.
53Sensory Deprivation
Bits and Pieces

BMdrummers music, good shit

Stoner, psychedelic doom from the doom tournament going on now.
Sacral Regicide

i actually don't remember this at all but apparently it's some black metal/doom metal hybrid and I liked it.
56Veil of Maya

A few duds, but the Veil sound is still there and the vocalist is really good. The clean singing is a nice addition.
57Haste the Day

A great comeback. Bit inconsistent however and the sheer number of different vocalists used makes it disjointed.
58Chunk! No, Captain Chunk!
Get Lost, Find Yourself

Fewer breakdowns, more pop punk. Pardon My French was better, but this is just a bit below it.
Growth Without End

Less Gorguts worship discordant death metal, more mathy shit but still really good.
60Lorna Shore

Brutal as fuck deathcore worth any fan's time.
61The Ongoing Concept

Not as good as Saloon but a great album. A couple of tracks were duds but a lot of standouts too. Concept is ace.
Hail Mary

Their best yet. A few too many songs, but the first half is ace. The vocalist has really come into her own.
63Man Overboard
Heavy Love

Their best album for sure. Still nowhere near the best band in pop punk but this is a definite good time.
A Visible Chill

User Pedrosomerandomnumbers (AKA Alex Newton) project. Awesome prog metal WITHOUT GUITARS WAT
...And The Lamps Expire

Sick atmospheric black metal EP
66I, Valiance
The Reject of Humanity

Some of the sickest, nastiest, heaviest deathcore ever
67Iwan Rheon

Amazing improvement on the actor turned singer's folk/acoustic EPs. Adding a full band, electric guitars, piano etc. was a great choice and the album is so full of passion. One of my favorites of the year. Only issue is with some inconsistent production issues that almost ruins one of the best tracks and some awkward vocals on another. Btw this guy plays fucking Ramsay Bolton on Game of Thrones. Let that sink in.
Söngvar elds og óreiðu

Icy ass modern black metal
69Stick To Your Guns

Another hit for the metalcore/hardcore outfit. A lot more clean singing, but all the attitude is still there and the album hits hard.
70A Night in Texas
The God Delusion

Some of the sickest, nastiest, heaviest deathcore ever [2]

Epic/atmospheric black metal that scratched the hell out of my Summoning/Caladan Brood itch.
72Ethereal Shroud
They Became the Falling Ash

Sick depressive atmospheric black metal/funeral doom from DarkNoctus. One of the best bm records of the year.

Hellish greek black metal with some odd Behemoth (The Satanist in particular) vibes.
In Times

Another great record from the progressive black metal band. Not as good as Axioma but still a goddamn excellent album in its own right.
75Ghost Bath

Deafheaven 2.0 frankly. If the whole album were like Golden Number, I would've rated much higher, but I still loved what I heard anyway.
De Gjenlevende

Old school Ulver styled folk black metal. Kicks serious ass.
77Serenity In Murder
The Highest Of Dystopia

Tight modern melodic death metal.
78Downfall of Nur
Umbras de Barbagia

More atmospheric black metal (is it a trend with me yet?)
79While She Sleeps

One of the better metalcore releases this year. Less piano than their debut, more gang chants and hardcore riffs. Kicks so much fucking ass. Not exactly original but I've yet to hear a metalcore band these days that sounds quite like them.
80Lost Salt Blood Purges
The Voids We All Long For

Snoxs (OvDeath) album. really cool stuff, very eclectic in style. Not many of the genres explored are ones I frequent but I'm interested now.
81Sulphur Aeon
Gateway to the Antisphere

Sick Lovecraftian death metal
82Cultes Des Ghoules
The Rise of Lucifer

Amazing little release from one of my more recent favorites in modern black metal. Short and sweet as satanic pie.
83The Early November

Didn't care for In Currents so it took me a bit to try this, but it turned out really well. Honestly surprised how much I liked this. Everything is just generally on point with Imbue.
84The Story So Far
The Story So Far

Well it's more of the same but as far as this band's concerned I'm ok with that. So many sick hooks, the lyrics and instruments are still on point, though even I have to admit it's a bit too samey to warrant a higher rating.
85Make Them Suffer
Old Souls

Inconsistent thanks to a few weak tracks, but both the usual symphonic deathcore songs they already did and the newer melodic/metalcoreish tracks work extremely well. One of the most passionate deathcore releases, and passionate isn't a word I usually use to describe deathcore. Twinklecore but good twinkelcore
86Four Year Strong
Four Year Strong

A strong return to form after the slight downgrade in their last LP. So much fucking energy, though the production is a bit loud for my liking. Enemy of the World is better but not by much.
Pale Horses

Another hit, band hasn't disappointed me yet. Really need to pay more attention to the storytelling, but musically everything strikes home.
Realm of Sacrifice

Post/atmospheric black metal. Not much to say, really awesome shit.
89August Burns Red
Found in Far Away Places

A more mid tempo affair and the progressive/post rock/soft elements have been built on more. I think I'll take their last album over it, but it's still killer. The guest spot from Jeremy Mckinnon is killer.
90Thy Art Is Murder
Holy War

More death metal and doomy shit than Hate. A big, brutal behemoth of deathcore. atm I can't decide which album I prefer but it's close. (Btw user nocturnalize I shall review soon and life will be complete)
91The Slow Death

Massive, beautiful funeral doom/death record. Third favorite of the year so far, second fave in metal. Just a huge and incredible record that I'd recommend to any metalhead.
Scar Sighted

Favorite in metal thus far. Twisted, dark, brutal, beautiful at times. Many things could be said, but basically it's incredible.
The Dreaming I

Another amazing atmospheric black metal album from this year. Super melodic and awesome yea
94Being As an Ocean
Being As An Ocean

I fanboy over this band hard so it's not surprising that it's my favorite of the year so far. Read my review if you want my more in depth opinon. plz sput gods protect me from the withering shitstorm of insults ill probs get for this.
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