
Reviews 72
Approval 97%

Soundoffs 60
News Articles 2
Band Edits + Tags 150
Album Edits 198

Album Ratings 1753
Objectivity 70%

Last Active 12-25-22 12:45 am
Joined 08-07-14

Review Comments 27,694

04.30.23 (PRIZE!) MAY REC COMP: 2CON23 EDITION04.06.23 con tracks his 2023
01.05.23 2con22 02.13.22 con’s debut EP (SVMMERCAMP)
01.06.22 con's best o' 202111.16.21 svmmercamp!
10.18.21 101 lists / '21 to-checks01.04.21 cons2020/100th
12.27.20 im sure of what im doing now thx11.26.19 con(1)23
05.03.19 Rest of Con's Music05.01.19 CON RAPS?!?
03.01.19 X-Conmaniac11.26.18 con's feelin 22
11.05.18 new.old10.08.18 'eighteen update
07.27.18 Con's Band, First and Last Album07.23.18 this is the new wave.
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Con's 500 Ratings/50 Lists/Best Friends

Hey so I hit 500 ratings today on Sput so I thought I would make a list. Apologies for the overly dramatic, sappy list.
1Third Eye Blind
Third Eye Blind

So let's start it off with my 6 albums I have at a 5. This is prob my fav album of all time and if ya know me and my tastes you'll understand why.
2Brand New
The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me

Another amazing album, not much to say.
3The Hotelier
Home, Like NoPlace Is There

This turned from a 4 to a 5 quick when a friend of mine died last summer so this album means a ton to me.
4Silversun Pickups

One of my favorite artists of all time and this is their best album for sure. Fuzzy alt rock bliss.
Summer Death

My review for this got trolled so I'm sad but this means a lot to me personally.
Fuck Your Emotional Bullshit

Favorite EP of all time. Might try to review it eventually in my career. Just emo revival perfection.
Parallel Lives

Ok so here's some reviews that I'm really proud of. Honestly, this is my favorite review that I've ever written because I feel like it's really well written and describes the album well. Still not up to the caliber of a ton of reviews on this site but hopefully I'll get there.

This was the first review that ever got featured of mine so thank you to whoever did that. I'll never forget when it got featured I was so so pumped hahah. But I didn't have anyone to brag about it to since none of my friends in real life know about Sput! But when this got featured it really motivated me to keep writing and improving myself. This def isn't the best review of mine but I'm still proud of it.
9Patrick Watson
Love Songs for Robots

First ever review on this site. I remember when SowingSeason commented on it, I was so so excited because back then I was just a lurker and the only user I knew well was Sowing so I thought he was like famous on this site lmao. Definitely one of my worst reviews looking back on it but it's kinda nice to read because I get to see how my writing style has changed and improved so for that I'm proud of this little write up.
10The Hotelier

So here's a list of people I consider my friends on here, no order and if I forgot anyone I still love you

FreddieDelaney31: Man we get along so well and we have a ton of the same stuff rated highly it's so great. I feel like we really connected on your review of this album and I'm glad we've been able to keep talking since then. Your reviews are fantastic so keep those up and keep writing! I wanna see more (; haha. Hopefully everything is well in life for you and if you ever need anyone to talk to I'm here for you man.

CL0VER: Probably the user I talk to/interact with most on here as of recently. You're an awesome guy who writes great reviews and your music taste is so expansive it's impressive. Thanks for including me in your list and I promise this isn't just a way for me to pay you back for that. I honestly consider you a great friend and I hope we can continue this friendship (:
12Julien Baker
Sprained Ankle

BlushfulHippocrene: Oh man where do I start with you. First off, you're probably my favorite user on this site despite the fact that you don't comment too often. All your comments are super insightful and you are constantly trying to generate actual music discussion when you do comment which is so cool and something I try to do too. You always seem to comment on my reviews and your feedback is always so on point and very helpful. Your one review is also fantastic and just proved you're an amazing writer, so review more often when you can! Hopefully you'll see this list man because honestly you deserve more credit on here.
Disappointment Island

ashcrash9: I feel like we get along really great on here. Your reviews are also really spot on and well written so keep that up man. You've got me into a ton of things as well so thank you for that. Overall you're such a solid user and thank you for everything and all the support you offer me. Keep rocking on my dude.
14Arcade Fire

TheBoneyKing: Good luck in college man I hope you have a blast. Thanks for recommending me a ton of cool indie stuff and whenever I see you in a thread you always seem to be the nicest guy. Hopefully you keep writing while you're in college and you find some time to stay active on here! Excited to see what you think of Harvard so stay in touch man.
15Death Cab for Cutie
We Have the Facts and We're Voting Yes

Ocean of Noise: You singlehandedly got me into DCFC's albums that weren't Plans so thank you for that. Whenever I see you around I'm always impressed about how you conduct yourself on this site. Although our tastes may not always match up I still look up to your ratings and opinions on albums and stuff. You're a fantastic user and I hope you know it man (:
16Speak Low If You Speak Love
Everything But What You Need

AsleepInTheBack: Relatively new friend but man we like soooo much similar stuff. Glad I could get you into some emo revival stuff and I hope you keep exploring the genre. You're also a solid writer so keep that up as well. Also, I really appreciate you commenting on my recent reviews it means a lot to me. Hopefully you'll continue staying active on this sweet site.
The Dream Is Over

doomjitsu: You're hilarious and a really cool dude. Honestly I didn't know what to think of you when I first started seeing you around but once I got to know you better I feel like we clicked. Just like you, I'm still looking for jams that are as sick as this album so if you ever find any let me know I'll def check them out. We killin it
18This is Not a Game of Who The Fuck Are You

Sinternet: Embarrassing but when I first joined this site I always got you and Snake mixed up haha. But now that I've gotten to know you better I've realized how much you contribute to this site. Your taste in music is so vast and mightily impressive. Thanks for helping me get into some deeper emo cuts and electronic music. Thanks for being nice to me and patient with me I appreciate it and hopefully we can stay good friends on here (:
In Rainbows

TheMrAlexK: Well according to Toad's Pokemon list I still gotta level up to you (; haha. But seriously you're a solid user and an overall good guy. Thanks for making that sput fantasy football league, can't wait to kick your ass in it haha.
20Pianos Become the Teeth
The Lack Long After

Artuma: I'm intimidated by you not gonna lie but the more we talk the better our relationship seems to get. I know you love disagreeing with me and bashing on my taste in music, but that's honestly helped me to explore some stuff I've always disregarded so thank you. Out of all the users on this site I look to your ratings on an album before listening so I hope that means something to you. Keep giving me shit man and hopefully my taste in music will be up to your approval someday
21Bay Faction
Bay Faction

rufinthefury: First real friend I had on here for sure. We clicked nearly instantly and you were the one user that kept me coming back to Sput early on. Too bad we never got to meet up since you seem like a super cool dude but hopefully we can in the future! Sad I don't see you around here as much but I hope life's treating ya well.
Soundtracks for the Blind

Toad: All around great guy not much else to say. Sadly I still need to check this album but when I do it'll be for you man. Keep doing you on this site because your contributions are awesome and unique.
23Have a Nice Life

Spacesh1p: First off thanks for helping 2 of my lists become so popular due to your many comments hahaha. Sorry I didn't pick the correct band name, hopefully I'll get it right next time. But seriously you're a down to earth guy and you're pretty damn intelligent. Always look forward to your feedback on my reviews so thank you for making me a better writer.
24Jimmy Eat World

Futures: Ugh man I love you bud but sometimes you're a real asshole to people on this site. I just wish you would tone it down sometimes because you honestly have a great taste in music and you've introduced me to a lot of cool stuff. I'm sorry if this seems like a backhanded compliment. Anyways you're a cool guy and I like talking to you. Also you're from Wisconsin so that's sick.
25Alice in Chains

AngryLittleAlchemist: Man I love you too even if you get on my nerves and make me cringe. I know you would be really upset if I didn't include you, but in all honesty you're a cool user who makes this site a bit more interesting. Keep doing you man no matter what people on this site tell ya.
26Carissa's Wierd
Songs About Leaving

SnakeDelilah: Honestly other than ruf you're one of the first users I got along with on here. You can be a bit mean and bitter sometimes but everyone on here has their bad days, including myself. I'd like to think we are good friends and I hope you feel the same way about me. Thanks for introducing me to a ton of stuff and helping me get out of my lurker shell on Sput.
27Brand New

Ok so here's a couple of staffers/contribs that I look up to. Might be sucking up but whatever it's my list (:

SowingSeason: Yeah pretty obvious one. You're an awesome staff and I can see that you really care about this site which is awesome. Your reviews are just fantastic and some of the best I've seen on this site so thanks for that. Hopefully you'll stay on here as long as you can man!
28Told Slant
Going By

JohnnyOnTheSpot: So when my Kid Cudi review got featured I was really surprised to see your comment that said it was a "bad review". But then you gave me a ton of feedback and it really opened my eyes to how reviews should be and some of the issues I was running into so thank you for giving me actual criticism. You do that a lot for other writers on here and it always warms my heart so keep it up. Also, in my opinion you're for sure the best writer on here man, some of your reviews are more gorgeous than the albums you're reviewing.
29The Ataris
Anywhere But Here

Atari: We have lots of similar bands we are into and you're so down to earth so thanks for that. You're probably the one staff/contrib that I get along with best and interact with like a friend so thank you for that as well. Keep up the great writing man.
Crazy on the Weekend

DoofusWainwright: Love ya man you make amazing reviews and awesome lists. Another contrib that's really down to earth so that's awesome. Keep on contributing to this awesome site!
31Childish Gambino
Because the Internet

And of course I've forgotten a ton of users that I really like so I'm just gonna list em all here. Sorry you didn't get a write up, I still love you but I prob either don't know you well enough or don't consider you a best friend.

hal1ax, anatelier, onionbubs, TVC15, hesperus, SandwichBubble, LordePots, Feather, Spec, AdolfChrist, Trebor., Tyler., Flugmorph, Rowan5215, SitruK6, theNateman, FullOfSounds, miketunneyiscool123, sach, snide, barcafan21, TheSpaceMan, EvilEyes (GOAT), wtferrothorn, MyNameIsPencil, MistaCrave, Keyblade, brainmelter, braspberries, HypedMerchant, danielcardoso, Asdfp277, dbizzles, elliootsmeuth, Tacos n stuff, ScuroFantasma, ArsMoreindi, Mort., anarchistfish, Aaron911, ConcubinaryCode, YoYoMarcus and prob so many more so sorry if I forgot you. Almost everyone is legit.
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