Reviews 3 Approval 100%
Soundoffs 18 Album Ratings 675 Objectivity 70%
Last Active 04-18-13 11:44 pm Joined 08-18-08
Review Comments 689
| Give This Stuff A Shot (aug '08)
10 random, totally unrelated albums that everyone should give at least one solid listen. | 1 | | Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass Whipped Cream & Other Delights
Front to back, this album should be impossible for anyone to reject. Perfect for kicking back and relaxing on a
lazy day. | 2 | | Oval Dok
Sounds like outer space. Beeps and rings and alternating frequencies abound, freely morphing and flowing
and droning listeners into a trance. Amazing "ambient" music, great for hangovers and nights when Ny-Quil
isn't even putting you to sleep. | 3 | | The Ponys Celebration Castle
Straightforward pop/indie rock with both male and female vocals. Fun and easy to approach with its up-
beat style and quirky songs with defined identities. Comparable to Spoon's Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga in terms of
whole-album listenability. | 4 |  | Sir Richard Bishop Polytheistic Fragments
Awesome instrumental guitar album. Awesome for writing your 10-page term paper. Awesome for getting
stoned with your friends in the living room. Awesome for long road trips. Awesome. | 5 |  | Black Mountain In the Future
Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, and Pink Floyd had a kid together... somehow. This is it. | 6 | | Ha Ha Tonka Buckle in the Bible Belt
Sound like nothing else. Think of a Southern-influenced Foo Fighters who instead of being raised on a diet of
rock were force-fed traditional music instead. Vocal harmonies abound, rapid-fire deliveries like a possessed
preacher, and hooks to drive them into your head like none other. | 7 |  | The Budos Band The Budos Band II
This is the soundtrack to your new action flick. Think Cake meets the theme from Shaft. Ya dig? | 8 | | Beastie Boys The Mix-Up
Elevator music gone right. Every bell and whistle thrown on this thing makes me smile. | 9 |  | Battles Mirrored
Spin it over and over again. On your first listen, you'll be hearing "stupid chipmunk vocals," but after you get
past the 3rd listen you'll be begging to understand how it's done. Then you'll watch a youtube video or catch
them live and scratch your head while your jaw rests quietly on the floor. | 10 |  | Gojira From Mars to Sirius
Epic heaviness joined with inexplicable moments of beauty. Metal goodness, a must own for damn near
everyone. | |
08.28.08 | kickass list. 1,2 sound really interesting. i love your description for 5 haha and 9,10 both rule hard | jrowa001
08.28.08 | 5 has some cool songs. 9 is amazing. 10 is good but is hard to listen to all the way through. 1,2,6,7 sound interesting. | istaros
08.29.08 | eh, Gojira's just a Mastodon/SYL/Meshuggah ripoff. it's enjoyable but nothing remotely original. i'm not familiar with the rest - although your description of "Mirrored" makes me wary of listening to it as i don't want to mimic a chimpanzee | marksellsuswallets
08.29.08 | 10 is heavy as ****
Its awesome in small doses but it gets kind of boring after a while. | halloway
08.29.08 | yeah, gojira is nothing 100% brand new, but they are more heavy in a different way (primarily vocally, but instrumentally as well) whereas mastodon/SYL/meshuggah are fairly dependent on a testosterone-fueled form of brutality. i just put it on here because i felt it's more accessible to the average joe, in addition to being an awesome album. |