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con's psychedelic adventure

just a to-do list of all the psych recs I got from my previous list (there's a lot!). hopefully I'll get to all of these. will update as I go (:
Tago Mago

Rating: 3.65/5
Thoughts: A really interesting exploration into the realm of both psychedelic rock and experimental rock. First four songs are brilliant psych tracks with some delving into more jam-inspired forms. Aumgn and Peking O are very strange, however, and while I like experimentation (especially in Peking O), Aumgn seems to overstay its welcome by jussst a bit (17 minutes...). Overall a great album, definitely can see why it's considered a classic.
Sun Structures

Rating: 3.72/5
Thoughts: Basically the exact type of band I was looking for when I asked for Tame Impala-type bands. production is a bit flat compared to Tame but it helps get across this dreary, UK-rain inspired kind of vibe. Some amazing highlights but 2-4 tracks could've definitely been cut.
3The Zombies
Odessey and Oracle

Rating: 3.22/5
Thoughts: Although I realize this was made in 1968, this just feels like a psych album watered down by happy, radio-friendly hooks and instrumentation. The vibes are pretty ideal for a sunny, summer day, however, and Time of the Season is a killer song still. I'll have to return to this maybe when I'm not crammed in a cubicle...
4Pond (AUS)
Beard, Wives, Denim

Rating: 3.71/5
Thoughts: Although I didn't enjoy this as much as Hobo Rocket (a bit too long and not jammy enough), it probably has my favorite Pond song Eye Pattern Blindness. Overall I thought this release was very consistent and very psychedelic which made for a great listen. There were a couple of tracks that could've been cut, however, and this probably would be a solid 4 (namely the instrumental closer). However, with repeated listens this could grow and hopefully next time more than one song will pop out at me as a favorite.
5Pond (AUS)
Hobo Rocket

Rating: 4.02/5
Thoughts: Having heard ...Space by these guys I knew going into Hobo Rocket that these guys were a more bombastic, hard-hitting version of Tame but man did Hobo still surprise me with its first two songs. This stuff jams so hard and is insanely catchy, but the title track is definitely the most interesting spoken word psych track I've heard. Definitely an album that begs for repeated listens.
6Unknown Mortal Orchestra

Rating: 3.68/5
Thoughts: This sounds like if Tame Impala decided to tone everything down and go in a more r&b direction. Really works well on this album, some amazingly catchy songs and some beautiful melodies/moments on here. My only gripe with this is that it's almost too consistent and given the subdued nature of the album, this hurts it a bit. I could see this growing to a 4 though.
7Mondo Drag
New Rituals

Rating: 3.54/5
Thoughts: A country-folk, hard rock spin on the modern psych genre and it sticks pretty closely to its influences. While there are some fantastic production things going on, especially with the vocals, this all feels a bit too borrowed from the heralded "classics" and since I'm not the BIGGEST fan of the hard rock classics of psych I wish they would've broken free a bit more. However, some of these tracks jam pretty hard, Love Me is an obvious standout and they do a great job of mixing some different elements across the album to avoid too much consistency (see Black River). The closer solidified the 3.5 rating for this, however, as it's a perfect indication of all the elements this album throws together while still sounding like a solidified ending. I might return to this in full, but overall I wish it was a bit weirder.
8Hooded Fang
Venus on Edge

Rating: 3.58/5
Thoughts: So first off for a modern psych band I have to give these guys some credit for doing something different than the rest of the Tame worship bands out there. It's weird psych, somewhat angular and abrasive in the guitar work and almost reminiscent of twee music but overall it's def psychy. When they go all out weird indie, it works so well (see Venus and Plastic Love), but when they tone it down like they do on most of these tracks it starts to blend in with the rest of the indie bands out there. There definitely IS SOMETHING here though...
City Sun Eater In The River Of Light

Rating: 3.41/5
Thoughts: The folky psychedelic nature of this album makes it such a pleasant listen. Lead singer's voice is also amazing, very dreamy and light. There are a bunch of standout tracks in the first half of this album, some that I will continue to return to, but overall this was a tiring listen. Very same-y and unsubstantial by the end (with the exception of The Other Side).
10Kaviar Special

Rating: 3.59/5
Thoughts: Straight from the garage and Cage the Elephant inspired, Kaviar Special blow out their speaker for ya on their second album appropriately titled #2. It's a very consistent, same-y release that reminds me of a lot of garage rock albums like White Reaper; fun while it lasts, but only really useful for the standouts. Luckily, there were 2-3 songs I really gravitated towards, Highway being my immediate favorite and Nighy Shift mostly due to it's repetitive riff finally breaking free at the end of the 2:30 burner. Closer Drowned in Doubts is probably the strangest yet poppiest track with it's country/twee rhythm guitar and it's bouncy chorus melody that's reminiscent of a folky singalong. Definitely a great album, just didn't do much to standout from the countless bands that sound like this. Luckily I had some fun though...
11Heron Oblivion
Heron Oblivion

Rating: 3.83/5
Thoughts: Honestly after hearing the first song I knew I was going to enjoy this album. It features some soft, yet gorgeous female vox, a moody, indie rock atmosphere with the psych/gaze leanings that just really hit the spot. Plus they know how to do dynamics (!!) making the first song an easy favorite. It's only 7 songs longs but it definitely shows its staying power. Maybe gets a bit homogeneous (but to be fair I didnt give this a "close" listen) but other than that I dont have too many complaints.
12Comets on Fire

Rating: 3.35/5
Thoughts: Unique said I had to listen to this after Heron Oblivion and I kinda forgot why as this album played. While the whole moody indie vibe is definitely still present, Comets on Fire really kick up the energy to a way different level than their counterparts. Plus, the singer is a guy and goes for the hard rock/psych delivery which isn't exactly my favorite. Gave this about as much attention as the album above but only a couple songs really jumped out at me. Just felt pretty average but again there wasn't anything necessarily wrong with the album...maybe that's their similarity: inoffensive shades of indie psych.

Rating: 3.64/5
Thoughts: This feels like a really trippy pleasant walk through some middle eastern jungle or something. The worldly instruments used throughout the album helps keep it consistent but also give it that yummy flair. Other than that, this is pretty standard 60s/70s psych worship. Definitely has its moments (Gojira in particular), but overall it didn't impress a ton. Glad to have some other feel-good psych now though!
14Beyond The Wizard's Sleeve
The Soft Bounce

Rating: 3.91/5
Thoughts: Well you were wrong, Unique. Although I do see the similarities between 17 and this album (the electronic elements, alt rock leanings), this was an entirely different beast. The songwriting here is super strong, making every song an interesting listen no matter what genre they decide to explore. Whether its Pond-esque jams like Iron Age, or psychedelic, ambient pieces like Third Mynd (very accurate lsd description btw), the band knows how to keep a song interesting. Even the changes in lead singers (girl vs. boy) is very welcome yet all of this together makes the album seem a bit disconnected, although that's really my only criticism. Solid album, fun listen.
15The Murlocs
Young Blindness

Rating: 3.75/5
Thoughts: Nothing much to say about this one, was really solid indie pop/psych stuff. Vocalist was fun, riffs were catchy and jangly and mixed just right, and a lot of personality shines through. Call it consistency or whatever but it goes get a bit same-y near the end but with repeated listens this is an easy 4. Needed this on a day like today.
16Ortega Fuerte
Damned Inheritance

Rating: 3.03/5
Thoughts: Seeing as this was nearly impossible to find, I figured it'd live up to being a hidden gem of psych rock. Instead, it is an average endeavor within the genre, offering nothing new for any fan of the genre. In fact, these guys just sound like a slightly poppier version of The Flaming Lips, basically watering down the ~wackiness~ and increasing the catchiness. It's well produced, however, allowing for the little flutters of strangeness (like the xylophone riffs) to really punch through. As a whole, I was pretty bored and unimpressed with it unfortunately.
17Wax Fang
Victory Laps

Rating: 2.82/5
Thoughts: Honestly, I hate to say it but this album just sounds like if Imagine Dragons decided to listen to some classic psych rock and electronic music. Even with that being said, this isn't very psychedelic, or at least the soul behind the idea of psychedelia is completely non-existent. Opener 'Pusher' and closer 'Exit Strategy' are actually great alt rock/psych jams, but the rest of this album ranges from unoriginal to plain cringey (see Mystery Girl and its lyrics...). Overall I'll come back to 2-3 songs but not the album as a whole.
18The Black Angels

Rating: 3.23/5
Thoughts: I was really excited to listen to this band as I've been recommended them multiple times. However, I was definitely disappointed, to say the least; this album reeks of the repetitive tropes so often found within psych these days. I often like or can at least tolerate this repetition as it's an important characteristic, but their blend of garage rock and psych just didn't do it for me. Almost no song stuck out to me and while everything was consistently good, I wonder if their later efforts are improvements on this as every song seemed to take on the same exact formula. I will say the guy's voice was pretty impressive, and there were select moments I saw the potential, but overall this just sounds like a band that is on the brink of settling into their sound. Successful in making me check out their other stuff but I could see this ending up as my least favorite album of theirs.
Friend And Foe

Rating: 3.62/5
Thoughts: The first two tracks on this are killer stuff, especially Pelican which is just a classic indie rock jam (that chord progression I'm jealous of). Things start to slow down after this though and they never quite reach the highs of the openers. This is definitely psych tinged, and you can hear it in the sporadic sometimes free form drumming out of all things. It's definitely stranger indie rock which I approve of but it just started to lull me to sleep by the end of it all.
20Acid Mothers Temple
Pink Lady Lemonade

Rating: 4.01/5
Thoughts: This was way too long for me to listen to sober but it somehow still captured my attention. Like Piglet's review says, this is a very difficult album to describe musically. It has a lot of cool production tricks to keep the repetitive riffs and melodies interesting, but this is obviously a cosmic exploration into the realms of LSD. Therefore, to properly enjoy this album you should probably be under the influence of some psychedelic type substance. Listening to this sober is like trying to understand someone on acid explain this weird theory they came up with to you, sure you may enjoy listening to the guy spew absolute nonsense, but if you aren't tripping with him you'll never really fully understand and ~get~ it.
21The Brian Jonestown Massacre
Their Satanic Majesties' Second Request

Rating: 3.87/5
Thoughts: After watching Dig! and obsessing over Anton and his antics for about a day I finally finished listening to this album and it's so strange. At first, the entire band seems like they are having the times of their lives making this, filled with silly psychedelic references and mindless yelling in the background. However, as the "trip" descends into the back half of the album, it is very much focused on atmosphere and becomes more like a relaxed adventure. Overall I really enjoyed this and I'll be checking the rest of these guys' discog as soon as possible.
Forever Changes

Rating: 3.11/5
Thoughts: If there is one thing I will praise this album for, it's definitely going to be the lyrics. Some really brilliant lines on here and although it does fall into the stereotypical ant-vietnam message which was so common at the time, the lyrics still hold up after all of this time. Now, the rest of my opinion on this album is not really all that fair but I was disappointed with the music on here. Yeah the melodies were great and the orchestral elements added a much needed flair to some songs, but where's the psych? This just sounded like a classic rock/folk album to me with maybeeee a psych flair, and to be quite honest I'm not really a fan of the "classic rock" sound. Like I said my opinion on this album is much different than most, but I just didn't get what I wanted out of this unfortunately.
23The Velvet Underground
The Velvet Underground & Nico

Rating: 4.11/5
Thoughts: I knew this was going to be a great listen going into it and I wasn't disappointed at all. With classics like Sunday Morning and Heroin, it's hard to beat the melancholy, druggy sound that is very prominent on this album. I guess my one complaint would be that a couple songs really fail in comparison to the previously mentioned songs as they are a bit too blues-pop for my tastes (Run Run Run, There She Goes Again). Also even though Venus In Furs is very psychedelic sounding (earliest psych song possibly?), this album is not psychedelic really but I love the risks it takes with in that song and the closer European Son. Overall it's a classic even though I didn't rate it as one. Now excuse me while I put Heroin on repeat...
24Dead Meadow

Rating: 3.67/5
Thoughts: A very shoegaze-inspired take on the genre, although not nearly as successful as Mercury Rev's album. Dead Meadow is very content on staying in one mood, one place, and one style throughout this album which makes for a consistent yet unsurprising listen. Reminded me a bit of Loop but definitely had a modern flair to it. The meat of this album (Get Up On Down thru At Her Open Door) are simply brilliant, very brooding yet gorgeous melody wise. Although this is a bit too samey, I would listen to it again and will probably be exploring the rest of their discography.
25Sleepy Sun

Rating: 3.79/5
Thoughts: After the first guitar riff/intro I knew that this was going to be a good album since the guitar tone/psych vibes were down to a T. What threw me off though was the folky duel vocal because both singers were actually really good and matched each others voices well. If you're looking for psych that doesn't mind taking its damn time this is the album for you as it thrives within the downtrodden tempos. I thought this would get boring after awhile but it stayed pretty interesting all the way through...definitely something I would smoke too. I just wish there was a standout track as all were of the same quality (3.75/5) but that's hardly a complaint.
26Talking Heads
Remain in Light

Rating: N/A
Thoughts: Although I dislike new wave stuff I have to give this album a lot of credit for its production and songwriting. Probably the only non-psych album on here but I can see why it was rec'd. Also the only album on here I need to give a couple more listens through before I decide any rating.......
27Flower Travellin Band

Rating: 3.09/5
Thoughts: Didn't really vibe with this one unfortunately, was a bit too rooted in hard rock/heavy metal for my tastes. It's really just a 5 part jam sesh with sporadic vocals that aren't too much to write home about. Although it definitely grooves and floats into the psych territory, the album itself just felt like a band jamming for 40 minutes, which would've been cooler if they took more risks/got trippier with it. I did, however, like the dark/unsettling vibes this gives off which is the only reason I wanna jam this again and possibly re-rate.
28Melody's Echo Chamber
Melody's Echo Chamber

Rating: 4.56/5
Thoughts: Amazing album and literally the perfect rec anyone could've given. This sounds like Tame Impala but with a female lead singer and its fucking brilliant. Kevin Parker should produce more albums, honestly, because this is a thing of beauty. Lonerism-era Tame is so good and this album is basically that so it's perfect. Might be my favorite rec.

EDIT: still my favorite rec, definitely has some lasting power.
29The Pretty Things

Rating: 3.92/5
Thoughts: First half of this album sounds like the most pleasant trip you'll have, as the band soars through classic psych-tinged rock in quick succession. Although there are some faux-country/folk missteps on this album, the latter half proves to hold the highlights, namely Grass, a dreamy psych ballad that is extremely powerful and moving. Really pleasant listen and not too many complaints with this one.
Warrior on the Edge of Time

Rating: 3.18/5
Thoughts: Classic psych will always either floor me or upset me and unfortunately this leans towards the latter. Hawkwind are a prog rock band, no doubt, with some psych tendencies, but with prog comes some annoying vocals. When they do straight up prog/heavy rock songs with the vocals at the forefront I cringe at the bone (it just isn't my taste at all). However, there are about 4-5 songs on here with some heavy psych influences, and with that the vocals either disappear or turn into something much more pleasant to listen to. There really are some brilliant moments on here like The Demented Man or Spiral Galaxy 28948, but listening to a song like King of Speed makes me want to hate the entire album. I'll salvage the highlights and trash the rest from this one.
31Jefferson Airplane
Surrealistic Pillow

Rating: 3.29/5
Thoughts: Overall this was a dreamy, pleasant and comfortable listen. There were some obvious highlights like White Rabbit with its outward references to acid/mushrooms, Today with its gorgeous guitar melody, and D.C.B.A.-25 which is the most "jam"-like track. However like I said before I'm not the biggest fan of mainstream psych rock from this time period and although there was nothing too offensively bad on this album, it's not an album I want to return to in full.

Rating: 3.88/5
Thoughts: A 7 song classic psych exploration and man did this make me feel slightly uncomfy, much like how one feels when coming up on psychs. First song was definitely one of the best songs on here as it explodes into a 13th Floor Elevators-esque driving beat and sets an expansive soundscape that only gets better as the production is allowed to breathe. Of Dreams was a bit too unsettling in the vocal department, however, but by the time Love comes on the much-needed jam session is a welcome event. Overall a great journey into some raw, well-produced late 60s psych.
33Pink Floyd
The Piper at the Gates of Dawn

Rating: 3.63/5
Thoughts: Syd's lyrics make this a very interesting listen, for better or for worse. Another eclectic release as Pink Floyd explore the realm of psych music but also The Kinks-esque straightforward rock. The better songs on here are their more experimental tracks as tracks like Chapter 24, Flaming, and Astronomy Domine are obviously huge influences to many contemporary psych bands. Some of this gets too kitschy for my tastes however (The Gnome) but it's a very interesting listen and very LSD nonsense inspired.
34The 13th Floor Elevators
The Psychedelic Sounds Of...

Rating: 3.84/5
Thoughts: Classic psych rock at it's's got that bluesy feel to it and some pop appeal but their unique use of the electric jug, experimental production, and very psychedelic heavy lyrics make this release stand out. Other than the final track, there were really no songs I didn't like, yet there were only 2-3 huge highlights for me. These guys are also pretty chaotic sounding which is that whole s-s-s-st-stutter rock thing going on. Fun release, great rec.
35The Flaming Lips
The Soft Bulletin

Rating: 4.12/5
Thoughts: This was dreamy poppy bliss with the lyrics of a psyched out lead singer. Really though, some of these melodies bring the feels hard, making this a near 4.5 on first listen (rare accomplishment!!). I really dug the more atmospheric tracks, the ones that just have such a MBV-esque melody but swell into distortionless bliss. I will be re-listening to this very soon, fantastic sub in rec Space!
Lazer Guided Melodies

Rating: 3.74/5
Thoughts: Like I said before, this just sounds like a spaced out version of The Verve EP, which is great because I really enjoyed that but The Verve never really overstayed its welcome where as this does just a bit. With that being said, this is an intoxicating listen and you kind of just pleasantly drift along with it as the singer's voice is eerily soothing. Some highlights like Angel Sigh and the brass section in If I Were With Her Now. This is a grower and an indicator that I should finally check Ladies and Gentleman in full...
Halcyon Digest

Rating: 3.85/5
Thoughts: This is a pleasant indie pop/electronic/psych journey that seems pretty same-y but is actually quite sporadic in styles. Helicopter alone makes this album 4 worthy, but other highlights like the dreamy Earthquake and the sharp synth-lines in He Would of Laughed are enough. The album suffers from being a bit boring in the middle, which is probably due to the awkward tracklist but that seems pretty petty. This is a band I'll have to dive into more, love the gazey vibes they give off while still being pretty weird and psych influenced.
38The Kinks
Lola vs. Powerman and the Moneygoround

Rating: 3.76/5
Thoughts: At first I was a bit afraid this album would be too vanilla for me but The Kinks do a great job of mashing classic rock with the weirdness of the mid to late 60s psych rock bands. However, this album is less of a trip and more of a pleasant journey as the melodies on this are so fun and carefree. They even retain a sense of originality with the instrumentation, making the 1st half of this album exquisite. Although there are a few duds, there's nothing as offensive as The Moneyground, yet ive been told that's kind of the point so whatever. Very low 4 but a 4 indeed.
39The Rolling Stones
Their Satanic Majesties Request

Rating: 3.70/5
Thoughts: Been awhile (apologies) but from what I can remember this was really solid. She's a Rainbow was the obvious highlight with its uplifting melody and really trippy vibes (she comes in colors everywhere!) plus that trumpet mmm. Sometimes they get a bit too weird, however, and just meander around in their acid-fueled jam sessions. I think I liked BJM's attempt a bit more, but this slice of 60s psych is no doubt a classic.
40Lou Reed

Rating: 3.89/5
Thoughts: Although somewhat straightforward musically, there is something strange and unsettling in the Berlin air. Lou Reed jumbles together waltzes and horn sections with his half spoken, half mumbled signature vocals, making the first half an amusing and eclectic listen. However, it isn't until the last three tracks where Berlin fully blossoms and embraces the uncomfortable yet deeply human emotions. The Bed is one of the most evocative songs I've heard in the past few weeks.

Rating: 4.21/5
Thoughts: A foreign exploration into the all too familiar world of modern psych. Dungen sound so much like Tame Impala, and confidently so, that it's really unclear who ripped off who (especially with Fredag which basically is a Tame Impala song). However, this album is a bit more based in a happy reality, citing sounds of Circulatory System within the magical yet whispy vocal melodies. Sometimes it gets a bit too pleased with itself, as seen with the more straightforward happy-go-lucky tracks, but overall Dungen have created an alluring and gorgeous psych rock album. This will definitely grow, and if it wasnt for the vocals this is the most Tame Impala-esque rec.
42King Crimson

Rating: 3.16/5
Thoughts: Well I'm finally done with this list and this album was a bit of a snoozer to end on. First track was prob the most psych reminiscent and was also one of the hardest songs to get through due to the repetitive, not so great riff. Luckily, I really enjoyed the vox on here making the 2nd song one of the best. Unfortunately 'Providence' was just some mindless fuckery that was quite annoying to get through but in the King Crimson way it set up the best track on the album 'Starless' which I really enjoyed due to its build and bursts of energy by the end. Definitely a prog album though which was disappointing because I don't like much prog...
43Blue Cheer
Vincebus Eruptum

Rating: 2.66/5
Thoughts: Not much to say about this one other than the fact that I'm really not into the "hard rock" kind of psych as this just sounds like LZ with worse production. Apologies, apologies...

Rating: 3.53/5
Thoughts: After the first track brutally made me aware of the definition of "drone", I was a bit conflicted as to what I wanted to get out of this album. However, I let the bubbling auditory hallucinations of the repeated riff wash over me, and much like the meditative state during a trip, I let go (mostly of the pressing thought of "this is extremely boring"). Flood 2 yielded some really gorgeous payoffs, and Flood 3 gave me the outbreak of noise and emotion that I craved and expected from such an album. Unfortunately, by the time the faux-ending of Flood 4 came around halfway through the track, my patience had completely expired and it took every ounce of my fibers to allow for the sparse guitar notes to repeat, and repeat until finally nothingness ensued. For an introduction to the genre of drone this seems as if it's a bit more rewarding, which I completely respect and appreciate. However, I need more meditation to dive into the "realer" drone albums.
45Animal Collective
Merriweather Post Pavilion

Rating: 3.62/5
Thoughts: This album really blasted off with a great start, first two songs explored the catchier side of this psychedelic drenched pop while still staying very weird and fresh sounding. Next two songs I didn't vibe as hard with as they mostly grooved in a repetitive, more unsettling fashion. And while the album ended almost as strongly as it began, the album still left a bit to be desired. I'll admit this is only my second AC album but both this and Strawberry Jam are very inconsistent albums for me, although I see the appeal.
46Damien Jurado
Visions of Us on the Land

Rating: 3.07/5
Thoughts: This is more of a folk/singer songwriter album with some psych ~vibes~ which are very nice when applied. However it wasn't the lack of psych that deters me, it's mostly the fact that half of these songs (that's 9 songs) are straight up snoozefests. Even though most of the songs that Unique mentioned are very good, the rest are very boring and add nothing interesting to the muddied genre of folk. Damien's voice is soothing but definitely not strong enough or interesting enough to carry the songs and the instrumentation is usually pretty simple and dry. I feel like this could've been a short 8-10 song album and it would've gotten its point across much better. Boring stuff, pretty disappointed but the highlights I'll keep for later.
47 King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard
Float Along - Fill Your Lungs

Rating: 4.08/5
Thoughts: This is a band I've heard a ton about but have never checked out and wow was I missing out. This is like Tame Impala meets garage punk, which is as trippy and amazing as it sounds. Although this wasn't my favorite album from the list, this band is probably going to be my favorite band of all these artists. Will check the rest of their discography as soon as possible.
First Utterance

Rating: 3.93/5
Thoughts: This some medieval shit, very evil and european sounding due to the wacky instruments like flute an oboe. First half of this album shows you what to expect, theatrical yet freak-out-esque vox, some amazing acoustic guitar work (The Herald omg), and a whole lot of lyrical craziness. I was def a bit bored with the second half, although it did have its highlights (The Prisoner's lyrics...) but overall this was a fucking brilliant album. Weird shit is the shit I like, especially when it comes to psych so nice rec. (also apologies for taking so long!)
49The Byrds
Fifth Dimension

Rating: 3.27/5
Thoughts: I was really nervous I was going to dislike this album after the first three songs as not even the psych sounding song title 'Mr. Spaceman' appealed to me. Luckily, I See You came on and made up for the slightly boring, melancholy tracks before it as it is such a weird yet amazing track. The album got better after that as songs like Eight Miles High and 2-4-2 kept pushing the boundaries of the otherwise straightforward rock sound. However, like I've said before, this classic rock style of psych isn't for me as I much prefer stuff like the 13th Floor Elevators when it comes to early psych. Still a pleasant listen, just gets bogged down when it plays it too safe.
50Mercury Rev
Yerself Is Steam

Rating: 4.13/5
Thoughts: Honestly if they would've gotten rid of the weird, deep voiced monologue that is Blue and Black this would probably be a 4.5+ album. However, this album is really fucking good. It's like the perfect mix of psych, shoegaze, dream pop, and just plain weird. From the kooky lyrics that open up the album to the ethereal opuses that close it out, this is such a warm, pleasant listen. Also helps that it combines some of my favorite genres together. Great rec, and a band I will be listening to later on.
51Spacemen 3
Taking Drugs (To Make Music To Take Drugs To)

Rating: 3.67/5
Thoughts: Now I understand the band that The Brian Jonestown Massacre wanted to be...this album is quite the long, monotonous trip but its atmosphere and jam inspired nature of it makes it worthwhile. Very shoegaze and VU influenced but with that garage psych twist. This is a band I'm gonna have to check out as their discog seems pretty solid overall.
Maggot Brain

Rating: 3.32/5
Thoughts: Honestly I hate to admit it but this was quite underwhelming. Maybe it was because of the 9 minute guitar solo that opened the album, but the rest of the songs failed in comparison. This isn't to say that the intro was the only redeemable song, however, as some of these ventured into the better parts of funk. Still though, for the amount of hype surrounding this album it just seems to fall flat to me. Although I do want to revisit it to confirm my opinions (I could be wrong) this album didn't stick with me unfortunately although I can see the musicianship and appeal (hence the 3.5 rating).
53Os Mutantes
Os Mutantes

Rating: 3.81/5
Thoughts: I had no idea there was a psych movement in Brazil in 1968 but man did they nail it. This album sounds like so many different things in one with it's experimental production and songwriting, psych rock vibes, and native Brazilian flair. It's got that vintage feel but also appears as way ahead of its time due to all the risks they take on this album. Although there are some duds on here of failed experiments or safe songs, the highlights are impressive and sound far from dated (minus the crackly production).
54Black Moth Super Rainbow
Falling Through a Field

Rating: 4.15/5
Thoughts: Another electronic album and maybe I should get into the whole psych/trip hop/electronic genre because man this was really fantastic. The album kind of has two sides to it which are evident within the first two songs. We are greeted by a fully electronic tune that sweeps in, giving us a grand and subversive soundscape. The second track, however, is where the band truly shines as the leader singer guides the song in almost an Ulver meets Massive Attack sort of way with some darker, more vibing instrumentals to back him up. Really a pleasant listen and one that you can just drift off to
55Get Well Soon
The Scarlet Beast O'seven Heads

Rating: 3.52/5
Thoughts: This was a cutesy little fantasy driven indie rock / psych album and I definitely enjoyed most of it. It reminded me a bit of Woods, which I also dug, but when it comes to psych I like stuff that's a bit ~trippier~ and this list has helped me discover that. This is a hard album to fault, I must say, because it's really well done/produced but it dragged a bit and the lyrics seemed a bit too fantastical/pretentious at times. Side note: I was pretty damn sick when I jammed this so I might have to relisten to it in a happier mindset haha.
Vision Creation Newsun

Rating: 4.10/5
Thoughts: Really long album but it was definitely worth the time as this is a sprawling display of trance, ambient music, psych rock, and noise rock all in one neat little package. Album starts off pretty crazy and the vocals are definitely the most notable display of the weirdness this album gives off. I really enjoyed most of the tracks though and the production on this is sooo impressive (just listen to (heart) and the bird noises wow). Although I wish they would've closed the album a bit stronger (both tracks are simple ambient electronic pieces), highlights like arrow up, spiral, and two circles make for amazing psychedelic listens. Pleasant and calming album while still pushing boundaries, love this rec.
57Unknown Mortal Orchestra

Rating: 4.00/5
Thoughts: It's almost like Unknown Mortal Orchestra wants to be Tame Impala-lite with a dash of tasty r&b as this release mirrors the changes Tame underwent from Lonerism to Currents. It's got more synths, it feels warmer and more lush, and it's got some more tasty hooks. Yet, it still suffers from the same issues II faced; its subtleties are unable to keep it from falling into the mundane. I liked this a bit better than II but both are about the same.
EDIT: Been jammin the highlights off this way too much to keep it at a 3.5 I realize, criticisms are still valid but the highs have been hitting way harder recently.
58C.A. Quintet
Trip Thru Hell

Rating: 4.05/5
Thoughts: This was quite the trip to say the least, and even though the name suggests otherwise it was a pleasant experience for me. You can tell that this album was recorded and mastered using not the best technology, but man they really knew how to work with what they had. Some of the production elements are actually my favorite things about this album like the guitar and vocal effects and how beautifully the trumpet was mixed. As for the songs themselves they are very, very psychedelic and that's a huge plus. I'll have to relisten to get a sense for my favorites but I only really disliked one which happened to be their least psych track. The album is probably the most cohesive work too as it reincorporates the main ethereal female vocals found in the first track throughout the album which works very well, almost as if you are looping on a trip (it all comes back full circle...). Amazing listen and very underappreciated band/album on sput (RYM has like 600+).

Rating: 3.95/5
Thoughts: Maybe I liked this so much because of how well it matched the psych sound I was looking for today. Liima is definitely a lot more electronic influenced, but resides on the lighter, more atmospheric side of the psychedelic alt rock spectrum. Some of these songs are hauntingly beautiful (Woods, 513, and Amerika to name a few), but the album suffers overall from a bit of inconsistency (one or two songs seem to get caught up in their own atmosphere a bit too much). However, this is a neat little find from a relatively unheard of modern psych band.

Rating: 3.66/5
Thoughts: Very Tame Impala inspired psychedelic pop but the lead singer is a girl. A bit less on the psych side and a bit more on the indie pop filter, but overall this was a pleasant listen. They definitely have a lot of potential though and the guy that sings on a couple tracks is also solid. Last track was very impressive and if they let go of trying to be too "pop" and just jammed out a couple more tracks/got a bit more experimental their next album could be something really special.
61Space Art
Space Art

Rating: 3.80/5
Thoughts: For an electronic album made in 1977 this sounds surprisingly refreshing. Even though some of the synths are a bit cheesy, the song compositions for the most part are exquisitely gorgeous. This is probably the first purely electronic psych album on this list (other than Shpongle) and it was an awesome listen. Very lush, mellow vibes with a space theme and lasers. Tasty ride
World Music

Rating: 3.99/5
Thoughts: Female vocals are strained and high and so perfect for this cacophony of worldly psych music. One or two spots where the album could've been better, namely near the end, but they nail this psych rock experimental post punk thing they are trying to do. Goathead is a perfect track and the closer, although long, is so so good too. Reminds me of the girl singer from Jefferson Airplane but more freak-outy.
Welcome to Sky Valley

Rating: 3.61/5
Thoughts: One of the few "stoner metal" albums on here which is a surprise because I really dug the few albums I've heard from this genre. At first the vocalist threw me off a bit because he has some pretty traditional sounding heavy metal/hard rock vocals but as the album went on it was clear to see they were much more concerned with the guitar riffs and overall atmosphere. When the instrumentation was sludgy and "weed-influenced", Kyuss definitely thrived but when it fell too closely in line with its inspirations and influences it felt a bit cheap sounding. Last song made me burst out laughing though and also made me question how seriously I was taking the rest of the album because it's really a fun album if you let it be, despite how serious it may look based on the cover/title.
64The Olivia Tremor Control
Black Foliage: Animation Music Volume 1

Rating: 4.39/5
Thoughts: This album is a gorgeous trip through some fantastic soundscapes. Like a mashup between Elliott Smith and a tripped out Neutral Milk Hotel, TOTC shed out some sweet jangly psych pop with this long trip of an album. The length does not dimish the value, however, as these guys write extremely catchy tunes mashed with some pre-Kid A sounding eclectic electronic elements. An album that literally sent me into a trip when I listened to this with headphones on (it's a bit dizzying honestly). One of my favorite recs, well done Rigboi.
65Ultimate Spinach
Behold & See

Rating: 3.82/5
Thoughts: insanityreality insanityreality insanityreality insanityreality
Yeah this was some good old school psych. Loved the first couple tracks especially Mind Flowers and the vocals/lyrics were pretty fantastic for the most part. Although the songwriting is there, the latter half began to bore me with its mostly instrumental songs that droned on for a bit too long. Last song made up for it however, which is the song I was quoting above. Definitely in line with some of the better 1968 psych bands like 13th good shit.
Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus

Rating: 3.57/5
Thoughts: These guys seem heavily rooted in classic rock, which is cool but wasn't exactly what I was looking for (at first at least). The first side of this album is very Led Zeppelin-esque but very full sounding and the horns were a nice touch. 2nd half (starting with Space Child) is where they turn the psychedelic stuff up a ton which works really, really well. I wasn't able to figure out the concept behind this album on first listen, but it seemed pretty mixed. Overall this is pretty killer stuff, def could grow.
Fourth Dementia

Rating: 3.60/5
Thoughts: A really fun bridge between indie pop and psychedelic music with the whole surf rock aesthetic. I enjoyed this album a lot when they were able to showcase their chill, psych side mixed with the songwriting of poppy music. However, this seemed to drag on a bit and I think this is due to some of the songs not having strong enough songwriting to carry the album, especially when they ditch the psych stuff. I need to relisten to this, however, as it definitely seems to be a big grower.

Rating: 3.59/5
Thoughts: Really breezy listen that brought the feels for the most part. This was another rec that wasn't too psychedelic but if anything the inspirations were definitely there despite it being mostly indie rock/shoegaze. Album started off strong and finished strong, but as Anatelier mentioned in his review, the songwriting/sound definitely got repetitive (for better or for worse for some). Pleasant listen though
Are You Shpongled?

Rating: 3.92/5
Thoughts: From a production standpoint this is the most impressive album out of all of these recs. Shpongle knows how to produce a song and make it feel as realistic yet completely trippy and psychedelic, much like an acid or shrooms trip. The whole thing was a bit unsettling and I didn't like the fact that they literally started chanting L S D do D M T like they were trying to brainwash their listener. However, this was a really cool listen and a pretty varied album musically (some eastern influences, Ulver - Peredition City, etc.) despite it being just a pure psych electronic album. I'm sure if I listen to a couple songs off this when I'm actually shpongled (idk if I'll be able to finish the whole thing, might trip me out) that the rating will rise. Not the "trippiest" album on this list like it was advertised but it was pretty damn close. Also ending track is way too long but that's just me
70Red Krayola
The Parable of Arable Land

Rating: 3.94/5
Thoughts: This feels like a bad fever dream, one that is so dark and strange that you don't really want to wake up from it. The album consists of 6 titled songs and 7 "Free Form Freakouts" which are just as chaotic and nonsensical as they sound. However, as far as psych goes this treads more on the eclectic folk side of things as there are numerous instruments used and strange lo-fi production tricks incorporated. It took me a couple listens to fully appreciate this, but I can now say that I've learned to love Arable Land.
71The United States of America
The United States of America

Rating: 4.29/5
Thoughts: I really didn't think anything would beat Melody's Echo Chamber as that was such an obvious yet safe rec when I originally asked for "Tame Impala-type music", but this one surprised me. In fact, surprise isn't an apt word, more like shattered any expectations I had for this album. It's a fucking weird experiement in psych rock, avant garde, and art rock, all with the help of actual composers, so you know it'll make sense when you put it all together. For not having a guitarist, some of these tracks fucking JAM, and I don't mean "oh thats cute for late 60s rock" jam, no, more like "holy shit this goes as hard as some shit I listen to now". This is all combined with some fantastic vocal performances, especially that girl like wow...such a smooth voice. Final track wraps everything up perfectly too, it was so good I had to listen to it two more times to fully understand how fantastic the experimentation with electronic elements this thing incorporates.
Pussy Plays

Rating: 4.06/5
Thoughts: Ah yes some catchy classic psych rock that is short and sweet and to the point. With Pussy Plays, the band's only release (a common psych rock 60s theme no?), we see an amalgamation of slightly trippy classic rock and very bluesy synths and keys. Put this together with some milky smooth vocals and more than competent songwriting abilities and you have a hell of an album. Only song that seemed to drag was that F Minor track but even with that one I still loved the vibe. Incredibly consistent blues psych experiment, well done.
73Le Stelle Di Mario Schifano
Dedicato a...

Rating: 4.04/5
Thoughts: This is like Brainticket x C.A. Quintet and it's fucking amazing. First side is literally 17 minutes of experimental ramblings filled with freak-out screams, sporadic percussion, and abrasive noise. It's def not as good as Brainticket's effort though and the production is pretty bad but the second half of the album makes up for it. It's basically 5 Pink Floyd influenced songs that are very very psych rock/pop. Molto Alto has some bass grooves that Tame Impala probably heard and used for their first album, Innerspeak. Susan Song is a bit too lullabye pop for me but the last two tracks are some killer psych jams filled with the band members themselves talking and having a great time haha. Highly rec this as it's a very very interesting listen.
Heaven's End

Rating: 3.55/5
Thoughts: As TheSpaceMan eloquently said in his review for this album, the band name is very appropriate for how this album sounds. Although this isn't entirely psych, it does roam around within the genre, provoking some interesting psych vibes and referencing some classic psych tropes. However, this is very much based in the atmosphere as it is a shoegaze album at its heart. The production is nice and the melodies are even nicer as this album flies by in a dream like fashion. However I wouldn't be able to tell you what my favorite song off of this is as it is very consistent and doesn't leave anything tangible to grasp onto. It's a pleasant mood-based listen, however, and something I wouldn't mind returning to.
75Kairon IRSE!

Rating: 3.86/5
Thoughts: This was quite a difficult album to rate for a bunch of reasons. First I'll say this: the instrumentation is fucking incredible. These guys beautifully meld together post rock, psych, and shoegaze into this beautiful, intense, and dreamy combination that is ever changing throughout the album. Songs like Swarm and Tzar Morei make this album seem very, very impressive. Closer Les, Moh Y Gribi encapsulates why I didn't give this a higher score, however, not because it's a bad song (instrumentation is as good as the previous songs), but because of the poor, grating vocal performances. Amsterdam is a big offender of this as well, which is strange because no other song utilizes the operatic, out of place style. When the vox are shoegaze/dreamy, it's utter bliss, but when they aren't they really hurt this beautiful album.
76Psychedelic Porn Crumpets
High Visceral Pt. 1

Rating: 4.35/5
Thoughts: Despite their pretty ridiculous (some would even say awful) name, PPC finds a way to combine everything that's amazing about modern psych and throw it into one album. It kicks off with a garage psych feel and flow that's very reminiscent of King Gizzard or Pond but as the album twists and turns other elements are thrown into the mix. Some lighter, groovier moments reference Tame Impala and the dreamier, shoegazey moments call back to bands like Mercury Rev and TBJM. Closer Denmark / Van Gogh & Gone might be one of the best songs to come out of this psych adventure. It's a shoegazey, uplifting jam that makes me feel things I can't even describe. One of the best recs on here so congrats!
77The 13th Floor Elevators
Easter Everywhere

Rating: 3.97/5
Thoughts: When compared to their debut album you can definitely tell their songwriting improved plus they seem much more comfortable to take risks on here. While their first album was quite the psych adventure, this sees the band pushing song length boundaries while still retaining that psych vibe with the continued use of the electric jug. Levitation was an obvious standout while the opener set the stage for how the rest of the album would go. While this nothing to blow me away, it was another killer album from one of the better late 60s psych bands.

Rating: 3.78/5
Thoughts: I really love like half the songs on here, namely My Clown, Dandelion Seeds (!!), The Way, and Move On Sweet Flower. All of these are drenched in reverb, psychedelia, and fairy-tale lyrics that are reminiscent of Pink Floyd's first effort. However, there's a couple straight up pop songs on here and a couple poorly written/produced ones that the band has admitted was due to their management at the time. So not that I have anything against non-druggies writing druggy music, but the lyrics on here are pretty abysmal and come off as a bit vapid, appearing to just mimic other psych bands at the time. The band has also admitted that the lyrics don't really have anything to say which I would agree with. Overall though the salvageable tracks are some of the best I've heard so props to this rec.
79The Savage Resurrection
The Savage Resurrection

Rating: 3.62/5
Thoughts: The first half of this album is some great, classic psych very reminiscent of July or Jefferson Airplane which makes for a fun and slightly trippy listen. Songs like Jammin' are just that, and Tahitian Melody adds in a dreamy, airy flair that was pretty unique. However the second half really lacks the punch of the first half, which is a shame. Fox is Sick sounds like a Jimi Hendrix ripoff and Someone's Changing is just a cringey love song (the lyrics on here are quite amateur). For a band this young, however, it's fairly impressive so good on them!
80Leaf Hound
Growers of Mushroom

Rating: 3.20/5
Thoughts: I actually listened to this 3ish times, but I refrained from rating it because I initially had this at a 2.5. I'm gonna sound like a broken record, but their blend of blues-y hard rock pysch is just not my style. However, on my third listen I decided to grow my own mushrooms for the ride and it was a very smooth, pleasant listen. Nothing really jumped out at me and I probably still couldn't tell you my favorite riff let alone my favorite song, but it was enjoyable, I'll give it that.
It'll All Work Out in Boomland

Rating: 4.03/5
Thoughts: Inspired by Space's review, I'm going to attempt to explain what my Boomland looks like. I see Boomland as a place eternally stuck in a foggy yet bright morning, a soothing mist to wake up to yet an element of mystery. As T2 swirl through the landscape with their soothing vocals and expansive guitars, making the journey across the rolling, grassy hills a pleasant one. Final jam 'Morning' is one hell of a peek into this fantasy world and the best depiction of the mixing of senses this album will make you feel. Despite this, the short but sweet slow J.L.T. is my immediate favorite of the bunch.
The Invisible Mountain

Rating: 3.56/5
Thoughts: A very droney, moody experience although this strays pretty far from your standard psych. I can still hear some scattered psych influences, however, but they are more in the form of tones rather than your typical reverberated nonsense. This was very good but just didn't move me, plus the vocals were a bit off putting honestly. I'll prob relisten to appreciate it a bit more but overall I was happy with this but also not impressed.
83The Assemble Head in Sunburst Sound
When Sweet Sleep Returned

Rating: 3.77/5
Thoughts: Now this was a really cool listen and a very consistent one. This album is just psych rock jams with a dreamy aesthetic and some eastern flair to boot. It sounds soooo 1960s that I honestly had to do a double take at the year in which this was made so props to them. While the organ/synths are pretty fantastic when paired with the distorted guitars, the vocals are a bit hit and miss for me. They really do it best when they drench them in reverb and add in group vocals, however, but this gets a bit too prog-rock for my tastes at points. Lovely album, though, and something I can see growing rather than depreciating in value.
84Golden Void
Golden Void

Rating: 3.13/5
Thoughts: This very heavily leans on heavy psych rock, which is fine, but just not my taste I guess. I was pretty indifferent about most of this as I could see the appeal as it's technically very apt and reminiscent of a lot of hard rock classics, yet it felt pretty same-y and unoriginal. I did enjoy the last track a fair emount as the closing melody proves its staying power, yet nothing really inspired me beyond that track. Has some moments, but this is better left untouched as a whole.
85The Blue Angel Lounge
The Blue Angel Lounge

tacos n stuff
Rating: 3.73/5
Thoughts: Much like TBJM and Spacemen 3, this is a shoegaze splattered, slowcore psych trip that revels in its own atmosphere. Some of these tracks are crazy good though, most notably the last two songs as the back half really seems to hit its stride. Although it's been a consistent criticism within this list, the album does get a bit samey and when it drags on its songs for too long it's easy to just kinda check out. This isn't necessarily bad, but it certainly doesn't help in leaving an impression. I'm sure this will grow, though, with continued listens as I really do love what's going on. Not a 4 though because the mixing/production seems a little ~off~ and I can't pinpoint why (lots of static...). Also love the LSD and the Search for God shoutout(???).
Round the Edges

Rating: 3.93/5
Thoughts: Well from the album cover I was definitely expecting some light take on the psych rock experience with a female lead singer (much like Jefferson Airplane) but instead I go a much more proggy, experimental band that thrives within the jammy repetitiveness and long song structures. However, the sparse, unpredictable use of vocals adds a really nice touch to this album as it doesn't seem too concerned with facing any of the early 60s norms (much to my liking). Instead, it reads like a band completely at peace with their own sound, throwing in layers meticulously yet still allowing for some organic space and imprecision. Even though it does get a bit droney, overall this was a fantastic early psych listen.
87Circulatory System
Circulatory System

Rating: 3.90/5
Thoughts: This album is quite fascinating for many reasons. Firstly, it's clear to see that these guys are obsessed with psychs and entering alternate realities and exploring all of your senses (especially circulatory thought...hmmm). Yet, this album is a bit downtrodden in nature, like a strange mix between the circus-y notes in The Olivia Tremor Control and the secluded vocals in BMSR. It's as if the lead singer is beckoning you to come on a trip with him, yet he himself is too tired to even join you. Lovely little album, though, definitely enjoyed even if it was a bit long/samey.
Get Gone

Rating: 2.68/5
Thoughts: Oh hey the local bar band is playing, apparently they are ~psychedelic~. Oh, it's just some average "hard rock" with a chick singing. Oh, this is cool I guess but I definitely need to drink a bit more to actually get into them. Huh, I kinda like it when they aren't as loud and ripping off every other band in this southwestern bar. Cool show though I'll probably look them up online, listen to their most popular song and then forget about them.
89Biblical Proof of UFOs
Time To Join The Human Race

Rating: 3.56/5
Thoughts: First two songs are fucking brilliant, really repetitive and pretty slow burners but the shoegaze/noise rock influences creep in and it really enticed me. Once Country Song comes along, however, it is clear that this band is rooted more in folk rock/americana which is fine, but just not my cup of tea psych wise. Indian Prayer sounds like a Brian Jonestown Massacre track and the deep vocals in I'dors contrasted with the jazzy melodic lines is a pretty interesting contrast. This is an album I want to cut in half, stripping away the country-esque tracks in favor of the slowcore psych jams. Cool rec, not sure I'll ever return to in full though.
90The Verve
The Verve

Rating: 3.96/5
Thoughts: Dreamy, fuzzy, light, airy, floating, ethereal, cloudy, druggy, soft, fluffy, and absolutely tasty. This is a mood album that exceeds at it's intended end feeling. It's your typical shoegaze meets alt rock meets psych meets Velvet Underground worship that I've seen in bands like The Brian Jonestown Massacre and Spacemen 3. However, if you don't get those yummy, fuzz induced feels from this little EP then there's something wrong with you.
91Morgan Delt
Morgan Delt

Rating: 4.19/5
Thoughts: Finally, another band that legitimately sounds a lot like Tame Impala, but somehow Morgan Delt has taken it up a notch with his debut LP. As if psychedelic music wasn't weird enough already, Morgan decided to throw in some eastern influences and straight up experimental production techniques. The songwriting on here isn't the most consistent thing, but the overall vibe and feeling of this album is so cool and unique that it more than makes up for it. My bad for sleeping on this, could grow to a 4.5.
92Ty Segall

Rating: 4.07/5
Thoughts: Well this is some melted garage psych and I fucking adore it. The layers on this thing are amazing, fuzzed out, messy guitars with some reverberated vocals and some killer songwriting. Ty Segall definitely proves his prowess within the genre but takes it a notch further by being uniquely weird. Almost as if he is tired of the genres cliches and soundalike bands. This is the special sauce that was missing from stuff like Kaviar Special or The Murlocs. Perfect combination of "I don't give a fuck" lyrics yet seriously trippy vibes; Caesar. Sad Fuzz and Alone are probably the best examples of this melting of sorts.
93Moon Duo

Rating: 3.58/5
Thoughts: This album was pretty good overall, nothing too special though. Some straightforward psych with decent production and mellow vibes, basically sounds as if Beck decided to make a ~psych~ themed album. Each song is very repetitive in nature, but the tone from each one varies slightly enough to make the album a cool little listen. Fallout might be my favorite, but some of the guitar tones like on Goners slip ever-so-slightly into the shoegaze realm which I really do enjoy. Could've done without the layers of synths as most of the time they were pretty unoriginal and like three notes.
94Causa Sui
Summer Sessions Vol. 1

Rating: 3.82/5
Thoughts: The length of this album was really what was putting me off at first (a 24 minute opening song?) but I'm really glad I finally did. And that first song actually proved to be be my favorite as it morphed itself into luscious layers of dreamy, instrumental psych rock. These guys thrive in the mellow, yet driving tone and while they never get to crazy post-rock climaxes, seeing the layers of instruments themselves fold over each other to create fuzzy psych rock is enthralling. Definitely a great soundtrack for anyone wanting a pleasant, daytime trip.
95Blind Faith
Blind Faith

Rating: 3.63/5
Thoughts: This was quite the pleasant experience in blues/classic rock as the vocals were always soothing and feelsy while the instrumentation was great. Like I've always said, classic rock isnt my style, but it's something about the gospely/folky melodies that make this a comforting listen. First and last tracks are pretty psych guitar wise, esp the final 15 minute closer but the second track was terribly forgettable. Overall I enjoyed this quite a bit, much to my surprise. It's almost as if I didnt want like it but there's a certain charm here thats too intoxicating.
Cottonwood Hill

Rating: 4.08/5
Thoughts: Heralded as the "trippiest album ever" this record doesn't fall short of it's legacy. Although the first two songs are standard psych rock, you can tell it's gonna be a trippy ride due to the vocal effects and the spastic poetry performances. When the three part title track begins, that's when your trip turns from pleasant to a chaotic, unsettling adventure. Filled with sampled noises and a women literally having a panic attack while losing her mind, the songs make you feel like you're going insane as well. All the while, the same. exact. guitar riff is playing in the background nonchalantly as all of this madness goes on. I will probably never trip to this album because while sober I was already getting anxious listening to this, but if it can make you feel THAT much, then this is one impressive album.
97Man Forever
Play What They Want

Rating: 2.71/5
Thoughts: While I was certainly intrigued by the first track, it did prove to be a bit overlong and the vocals are very mellow and vanilla sounding. My favorite part has to be when that piano line comes fluttering in, however, as there's a certain sense of whimsy and color when such an event occurs. However, the main issue with this 5-song EP/Album(?) is it makes itself seem much longer than it actually is, and that's mostly because it is simply boring. The instrumentation is too wandering and quiet to really impress or keep one's attention. The second to last track features more mumbled, trite vocals except not from the Man Forever himself, making the feature pretty useless. Overall I yawned a bit too many times at this one, maybe I need another coffee who knows.
98Guru Guru

Rating: 3.83/5
Thoughts: Fuzzed out psych rock with a classic tinge, yet something feels slightly off in the first couple of songs. The structures are there, but it feels as if the songs could fall apart and devolve into noise and madness at any moment. This foreshadowing is subtle yet enticing, and it proves to be the case by the time the 10 minute UFO jam comes on, almost an ambient piece in nature it features some pretty creepy and far out noises/effects.Last song is appropriately named, Der Lsd-marsch, a much more structured jam comparatively but a perfect combination of the two song types. This is some weird shit, but it's a bit more pleasant to listen to than other "freak-out" albums, but that also hinders its potency just a tad.
99Jim Sullivan

Rating: 3.64/5
Thoughts: First song was so so pleasant and pretty indicative of what the album sounds like. It's a journey into classic folk with tinges of psych melodies and lyrics thrown in there throughout. Sometimes the album gets a bit too cowboy folk for my tastes but when it stays homey and comfortable rather than twangy, it succeeds. Reminds me of Elliott Smith a lot as well which is a hige plus.
100Siena Root
A New Day Dawning

Rating: 3.08/5
Thoughts: Basically take 84's description minus the killer closer song. Sorry, getting pretty lazy but it started to become a chore to get through this 13 song album, it's just so samey and a re-hashed genre of psych that I don't like. Oh well...
25,000 Feet Per Second

Rating: 4.04/5
Thoughts: Starts off as a journey into space rock and 90s alt rock psychedelia and it quickly culminates into a 14-minute opus focused on atmosphere and a bit of ambient drone. Really is a wonderful mix pop-oriented 90s rock and straight up psych rock with the theme of space thrown in for good measure. I'd listen to this in full again for sure but even after 2-3 listens no single song stuck out as an easy favorite which would be my only minor complaint. Hopefully that will come with time...great rec and appropriate 900th rated album!
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