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Last Active 03-15-20 11:11 pm
Joined 07-14-15

Review Comments 10,059

05.08.24 what it means to me04.19.24 Gimme nocturnal recs
03.28.24 DEDES TOP 50-CORE OF IT ALL03.18.24 DEDES TOP 50 BM-this time, with passion
03.04.24 DEDES TOP 50 DM ALBUM EVAH01.14.24 The Year of Dedes
10.01.23 Whiskey and Music08.24.23 Lookit
07.31.23 One Piece and good jams06.19.23 Break/Breakcore recs plx
04.10.23 2k? 2k.03.09.23 Oh how long it's been
07.24.22 Beer recs07.13.22 Poke Bowls
07.07.22 Paladins07.02.22 Chili
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Genre king-pt 1.

Continuing where good friend ianblxsdoe left off (did I spell that right?) I am going to take (SONG) recs for a specific genre of music from 10 people, and if this gets more attention, 20. Like him, I will be doing up to 10 genres (5 if this only gets the aforementioned 10 people) as well, HOWEVER, I am going to try to not copy any of the genres he has done, although I will without a doubt forget. I will eliminate 2 people per round, may the best of you guys win :)
1Touche Amore
Parting The Sea Between Brightness And Me

First genre-post hardcore.
I will post my rating and feedback obviously.
One Day Son This Will All Be Yours

Fightstar - Tannhäuser Gate

This was absolutely seething with anger. Really crushing yet clean production as well as heavy chugs and the most abrasive throat-shredding screams i've heard in hardcore. 4.6/5
3The Jesus Lizard


Kind of a fun, eclectic hardcore song which has what sounds like some alt rock influence. Overall, nothing that blew anything out of the water but still a damn head nodder. 3.6/5
Coloring Book

Dinosaur Jones-Gold

Glassjaw is a great choice and this definitely has my interest peaked in their new release. The mood here is really somber and (by Glassjaw standards) toned down, however, the Glassjaw vocalist sure knows how to add his own disconcerting twist with a voice that sounds broken and defeated. 4.3/5
End Hits

Danielito-Caustic Acrostic

Sorry Dan my man, simply can't get too heavily into this. It's a fun, kind of chaotic track for what it's worth, but it ends rather abruptly and just doesn't feel totally fleshed out imo. I will definitely get a lot of people who disagree but I mean hey that's music man. 3.2/5.
6The Fall of Troy

Joeman82- Act One, Scene One

The guitar work is an absolute mess and I love it. Their are a multitude of rhythm changes here and all of them seem to fit here. I'm also fond of the vocalist for his high-pitched whiny voice that cracks into emotional outbursts very suddenly. 4.3/5
7Arrowhead / Forever Losing Sleep

Conmaniac- Thousand Palms, Sung and Reposed

Post-rock esque hardcore? Maybe a stretch but not quite far-fetch'd. Incredibly cathartic song that ends with the vocalist pouring his heart out with a pounding rhythm section in the back. I also love how it ends very...calmly, birds chirping and all. 4.4/5
Fake History

macman76- Enemigos

The first half of this track is awesome, it's catchy and hella upbeat, but that sudden anthemic break feels very...shoehorned, to say the least. It kills the vibe a bit, but things pick back up quite well, rounding right back to where it started. This track is definitely one of the less vicious hardcore songs out there but it is an extremely fun and uplifting track, so that is hardly a problem. 3.7/5 (coulda been a hard 4 but that break man lol).
9Pierce the Veil
Selfish Machines

bgillesp-The Boy Who Could Fly

The nasally, whiny emo stereotype vocals were really off putting which is unfortunate. The constant arpeggios were fun and energetic and the drums were commendable as well. I can see myself shamelessly enjoying this band to an extent but those vocals will always irk me. 3/5
(for all my negativity, it's still a fairly good track. Instrumental section is a definite strong 4). -ELIMINATED-
10Moss Icon
Lyburnum Wits End Liberation Fly

UniqueUniverse- Mirror

Fuzzy abrasive post-hardcore that much resembles modern day incarnations of post hardcore much less than it does just straight up old school punk. I've said this to death but-it's fun, and really, that's it. Nothing super noteworthy other than the ending having that perfect extra -punch- to it. 3.5/5
(also-spoken word hardcore for like the first minute and a half. It's good enough but it's a little bland. Also the main riff is kind of worth noting as it's a real earworm.)
11Fear Before
The Always Open Mouth

Mort.-Drowning the Old Hag By Fear

That snare build up near the end is pretty damn killer, however what is really fantastic about this track is the vocalists ferocity and diversity (especially in those last few seconds, wew lad). They range from mad-dog snarls to blood-curdling shrieks to soothing gang vocals around 1:40. Not many tracks I would define as bipolar, but this is certainly one of them. 4.2/5
McLusky Do Dallas

pjorn-Lightsaber Cocksucking Blue

Why. does this groove. so fucking. hard.
This song is so goddamn unhinged and it grooves so damn hard. The riffs, the pummeling drums, and those vocals...those vocals are just the most maniacal vocals i've heard. In spite of this, the track isn't nearly as freaky as it is just balls loads of fun. How seriously can you take a song where a man literally shouts "I covered my eyes when she told me the news,turning me on with my lightsabre cocksucking blues"?
13Billy Talent
Billy Talent

Dctarga-Line and Sinker

The instrumentation has a hell of a groove to it and the cleaner punk vocals are actually fairly good, but those INSANELY high pitched wails are absolutely awful. It transcends being "funny" or at least amusing and plunges deep into being absolutely earfucking. When the vocals do change, they alternate between vocals that sounds like someone shoved corks up both nostrils and fairly decent gang shouts, which are extremely good in comparison to the rest of the track. The worst part? This track is so fucking catchy. Goddamn you, dctarga. 2/5 -ELIMINATED-
14Future of the Left
Travels With Myself And Another

demonofthefall- Arming Eritrea
Fuck you Rick 4/5.
15Bitch Magnet
Ben Hur

Nero Corleone- Mesentery

That bass in the beginning is incredible, very thick, heavy, groovy, really fantastic intro and backbone for the music. The fuzzy spoken-word vox are actually well done as they really work with the cavernous echo of the song. Overall pretty damn solid, another 3.8/5.
Ruined Emo


The whole track seems both energetic yet frail, like at any moment the vocalist might just drop the mic and leave. Instead however, he disposes any notion of frailty near the end and lets his heart loose. I don't know what is about the way his voice cracks near the end, but they sound so pained and finished with the world. 4.2/5.
17Funeral for a Friend
Casually Dressed & Deep in Conversation


I feel like i'm being lenient here considering this isn't -quite- post hardcore. This song however is definitely worth stepping on some rules a bit, because it's a beautiful and passionate song. "i'm nothing but a line in your book" the vocalist croons. His heart really sings and it's chill inducing. Everything else is fantastic and gorgeous to, especially that lonesome guitar strumming in the beginning. Not -quite- 5/5 material, but very commendable still. 4/5.
18Eleventh He Reaches London
Hollow Be My Name

ComeToDaddy- I Am The Bearer, I Stand In Need

The marriage of post-rock and post-hardcore is a beautiful thing as is shown here. The whole track is glacier-slow, dark and brooding,and finally, after 8 minutes, it goes off the walls. There is both great restraint and great payoff here, creating something both ugly and beautiful. 4/5
The Moon Is a Dead World

dewinged-Yr Electric Surge Is Sweet

Holy fuck, those drums, those beautiful cymbal crashes, that proggy-wonky guitar work (will I get shot for even mentioning prog???). I love it when hardcore bands do something off the wall and really outside the genres usual limitations, and this track certainly does that. I will admit that there isn't exactly a lot of "hardcore" here, but is that such a problem when the track is so damn good? 4.2/5
20Today Is the Day

Tvc15- Willpower

Incredibly psychotic, unhinged track with an oddly peaceful ending (chimes? bells crashing? who knows). It's really odd to say the least, but I always love a wildcard. The track goes from a murder-inducing rage to what seems like a sociopath feeling elated after claiming his victims life. Really fucked up stuff (honestly, not one I expected from TVC either haha...) 4.1/5
Guilt Regret Embarrassment

Landdiving-Andy Warhol

This was a fairly damn good track, even if it didn't blow me away. It's very structured and simple, and sure as hell catchy. There is a certain amount of fuzz that is far from overbearing but gives the music a very raw atmosphere, being fairly untouched by studio magic. It's a fairly slow moving track, but the way it starts to speed up rambunctiously is a perfect climax. 3.7/5.
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