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01.10.20 paps runs through his favs real quick (12.07.19 just gonna put this here to remember
07.17.19 On Hip-Hop07.08.19 June 2019 resumé
07.03.19 Actual User Appreciation Thread06.30.19 JULY19 Songs of the Day
06.26.19 Unknown Post-Punk #406.13.19 Papa's Wifey's List of Favs
06.08.19 May 2019 resumé06.07.19 Sputnik R.I.P. list
06.03.19 mid-year metal rundown05.29.19 another one of those bm threads
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05.05.19 April 2019 resumé05.03.19 Sput's 2019 Random-Album-Review 2019 Ga
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Uni's random tourney

So a lot of the time I stumble upon an artist I have never heard of before or I have never considered listening to, but Sputnik seems to be head over heals for. And sometimes my curiosity has the better of me and I listen to them, but sometimes I just skip it. So here I will have a tourney dedicated to those kinds of random finds. And sure, you can recommend me something, but ONLY ONE ALBUM, then I will go through your 5s and pick something myself.
Racecar Is Racecar Backwards

Holy crap, man. I really did not expect to like this as much as I did. It is a damn entertaining and vibrant album, but not as off-the-hook as it tries to seem. It's more of a systematically hard-hitting kind of deal. I was genuinely surprised.
Fav: Freddy Krueger
Checking the rest of discography?: I hope it is as crazy as this.
2Quicksilver Messenger Service
Quicksilver Messenger Service
3James Carr
You Got My Mind Messed Up

Man, this is what I needed! As of late I am trying to avoid stress as much as possible, so albums that are this inherently upbeat in the face of negative themes, well, that's just what might heal my wounded soul. Had this album on repeat for days now.
Fav: Loveable Girl
Checking the rest of discography?: yep
4Benjamin Booker

Well, damn. This has been some really damn great crackling, purposefully heavy-handed, sonically zany alt rock. But not a cheesy cocky one. This one is soulful and versatile, with a strong feeling of soul and blues influences, but still very distinctly rock to the bone. Benjamin's voice might be a little hard to swallow for some, but if you do get into it, the album is fantastic. No joke here.
Fav: Believe
Checking the rest of discography?: gimme gimme gimme
5The Flower Kings
Banks of Eden
6Operation Ivy
Condensed Flesh
8Starflyer 59
Leave Here A Stranger
Eagle Rock

Lefty McRighty
I am rarely the one into Prog, but this just had a genuinely bliddful, naturally likeable nature to it. I loved the songwriting and I loved the laid-back energy, which also knew how to get harder, when it needed to. A pretty fun album fit for dads like myself.
Fav: One Night In Eagle Rock
Checking the rest of discography?: I'm afraid it will turn out the same as any other one of these ancient Prog bands, by which I mean they have a handful of decent records and the rest is incomprehensible mess.
11Dot Allison

As sceptical as I am of trip hop and the like, every now and then an unexpected surprise comes along. Dot Allison was one of them. It is pure serenity and tranquility. I feel like I'm by some oceanside, but not the obnoxiously hot and humid one like in California, more like springtime Italy, when the wind is strong and you can wear a jacket, but it's still warm.
Fav: Close Your Eyes
Checking the rest of the discography?: If I'll ever feel like listening to a tape nobody else did to feel unique again...

13Circle Takes the Square
As the Roots Undo

BlazinBlitzer aka the one who bailed on quality monthly roundups
14He Was Eaten By Owls
Chorus 30 From Blues for the Hitchhiking

I only listened to this because of their newest coming out this month (November) and me putting that on my monthly resumé. That's how the god of randomness works.
This album is really outlandish. It has a great flow and the weirdness is just too charming to criticise. But it does feel a little formless sometimes.
Fav: Most Young Kings Get Their (sic) Head Cut Off
Checking the rest of discography?: already have
15Jacobi Wichita
Bonez Malone

I can't really make heads or tails of this. It is fun, but also quite obnoxious to a certain extent. I definitely enjoyed my time with it, but not that I'll come back to it.
Fav: Hey, Hey, Hey...Take It Easy
Checking the rest of discography?: n...nah
16The Zulus
The Zulus

butcherboy (from another thread)
Had to scrape the internet to find this, but it was ultimately worth it. This is some of that good old-school indie music that balances between regular catchy rock and full-on punk. It is a little dissonant, but still ridiculously fun. Essentially, think of it as less riff-oriented Led Zeppelin, had they been into softer music.
Fav: Kings in the Queen City
Checking the rest of discography?: Well, they have only one other album out, but yeah I'll give it a shot.
17Alanis Morissette
Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie

I'm afraid I'm just not the right audience for this. I found this album to be part obnoxious and part forgettable and boring. I'm sorry.
Fav: The Couch
Checking the rest of discography?: This is yet another major miss for me with Alanis, so I seriously doubt I'll go back to listening to her any time soon, probably ever.
18Pat Metheny
Bright Size Life

from JustJoe's 5s
I personally need a specific kind of mood for this level of smooth calm and relaxation. And I am not always in that mood. And when I am, there are more fitting records to please my senses than this. It's still a great record worth anyone's time really.
Fav: Sirabhorn
Checking the rest of discography?: I... don't think so...
Misplaced Childhood

from bgillesp's 5s
The Inevitable And I

I don't even know why I keep putting this tourney off, because there are a lot of pretty damn strong gems here. HRVRD is far from my favourite post-hardcore record, but it is as strong a one as it gets. Maybe a little too childishly naive and it also does reach into little, little, little whininess, but altogether it is a really strong record of great instrumentation, vocals and song-writing. 14 tracks of solid emo-post-hardcore, nothing more, nothing less.
Fav: Deliverance
Checking the rest of discography?: Whenever I'll feel like listening to just solid-ass emo-post-hardcore (with some sax), yes.
Chicago Transit Authority

Description in Pure Hell Competition...
Fav: Beginnings (but too many to choose)
Checking the rest of discography?: I feel obligated to.
22Brigitte Fontaine
13 Chansons Décadentes et Fa
23Nicole Dollanganger
Natural Born Losers

from CaimanJesus' 5s
It definitely has its own beauty merit, but you can barely see that, honestly, because the execution and everything surrounding it is just obnoxious beyond belief (especially her chipmunk vocals). I really am sorry for hating on this, but I just cannot get into it. Barely survived one full sitting. Repeated sessions had to be cut down into parts.
Fav: Angels of Porn II
Checking the rest of discography?: nope
Modal Soul
Sound Awake

from BlazinBLitzer's 5s
If for nothing else, these kinds of records can always be praised for their instrumental and technical finesse. Karnivool definitey pull a lot of good here, except that they lack dearly in songwriting. That is my real gripe with this record. It could have been great, but it falls short on memorability. All you are really left with is the memory that it was kind of hard-hitting. How unfortunate.
Fav: All I Know
Checking the rest of discography?: Not voluntarily.
Beneath the Remains
Knock Knock

from LeftyMcRighty's 5s
may i just say right now that this might be the single greatest album cover ever?
28In Flames
Burial Songs

definitely not neekafat
Yeah, so this wasn't exactly an energetic ride. I had to adjust myself for that, because at first it more or less bored me. And the first song still feels overbearing, but I am more equipped to handle that now. The more instrumentally wild passages (the second and thrid track especially) do add more of a flavour, but overall I mostly could really get into it when doing something else completely. Don't want to dismiss it as background music, but that's where it set best with me. Still, the mildly ominous atmosphere got to me.
Fav: Tamám Shud
Checking the rest of discography?: individual bands? might as well, but with caution
30X Japan
Art of Life
31Right Away, Great Captain!
The Church of the Good Thief
32Julien Baker
Sprained Ankle

This is going to greatly contribute to the myth that I don't like anything, but I just felt quite annoyed by this album, mostly for its samey and repetative song-writing and lack of musical versatility. Nothing against guitar wielding songstresses, bu your songs must be rock solid to do anything to me. Sorry.
Fav: Brittle Boned
Checking the rest of discography?: y'know, screw it, let's see what else is there
Twice Removed
34The Wrens
The Meadowlands
Moondog 2
Plains Of The Purple Buffalo

I want to love this so much, but I just practically fall asleep every time I try to get through this in one sitting. It is so beautiful and so annoyingly bloated at the same time. My brain hurts from all the conflicting feelings.
Fav: Plains of the Purple Buffalo - Part 2
Checking the rest of discography?: The chances of me checking the rest of their discography are as high as the chances of me skipping their entire music catalogue altogether.
37The Lotus Eaters
No Sense of Sin
En Garde
40Mihai Edrisch
L'un Sans L'Autre

French screamo harshness full of emotional torment and desolative atmosphere. I just wish there was a little more variety to it, especially in vocals. Still a great record, though.
Fav: Et pourtant
Checking the rest of discography?: Sure, I like screamo.
41Disco Inferno
D.I. Go Pop

Perhaps I'm just not in the loop for htis one, cause it missed my head completely. Perhaps there is a grander idea behind it I'm not getting. I don't know. It just didn't do anything for me.
Fav: don't think there are any
Checking the rest of discography?: n..nah...
Who You Are Is Not Enough
43Dizzee Rascal
Boy In Da Corner
44Roots Manuva
Brand New Second Hand
45The Gaslight Anthem
The '59 Sound

This does do a strong impression at first, but that more or less sways away and what you're left with is a cheesy, silly album of Bon Jovi masquerading as Springsteen. BUT it does feel like I will inadvertently be coming back to it and raise my rating...
Fav: The '59 Sound
Checking the rest of discography?: I don't need any more Jovi or SPringsteen in my life, thank you.
46The Cost
If Life Were A Result We'd All Be Dead
48Today Is the Day
Long Season

This album caught me off guard and in different receptions three times in a row. The first time I was bored out of my mind. The second time I was already in a sort of trance state, so the album served as a perfect soundtrack to that. The third time, now expecting the previously experienced tranquility and ease, I was disappointed, because it seemed a little too watery and with a great deal of it being a grand miss on me. And since then it's been sort of jumping from one of these opinions to another. It really is a prime definition of "you need to be in the mood for it", cause whenever I was, I was greatly enjoying myself. So let's leave it at the conditional...
Fav: Part 2
Checking the rest of discography?: gee, I don't know. I guess I need to be in that special state again
50Smoke City
Flying Away

Seeing as I rarely enjoy this sort of overly chill music, I found an unexected amount of enjoyment here, possibly due to the popping instrumentation and sharp production.
Fav: Jamie Pan
Checking the rest of discography?: If I'll ever feel like going for something relaxing, I probably will.
51Biz Markie
Goin' Off
52Grandmaster Flash & Melle Mel
White Lines (Don't Don't Do It)
Grave New World

What a surprisingly enjoyable and all around fun experience this was. I expected a typical 70s prog-rock cheesiness and bloated runtime, but this album does not fall apart like others do. The songs are intricately written and the soft sound keeps on ringing in my ears. It is a pretty album for happy times to turn even happier.
Fav: The Flower and the Young Man
Checking the rest of discography?: Doubt it'll hurt me, so yes.
54Thin Lizzy
Rock And Roll Killing Machine
Two Nuns and a Pack Mule

It is odd that something so profoundly Papa Uni-core ends up being such a strange mess. I want to like this. It has all the means to be liekable and all the aspects of a good noise punk album, but the songs just sort of fall apart half the time, due to their chaotic execution. And chaotic I mean not that they induce chaos, but that they are absolutely disorganised and amateurish.
Fav: Steak and Black Onions
Checking the rest of discography?: I might, I might not...
Todd Rundgren's Utopia
59Youth Lagoon
The Year of Hibernation
60Candy Claws
Ceres And Calypso In The Deep Time

Description in Con X Papa Rec-Off
Fav: Charade (Fern Prairie), Birth of the Flower (Seagreen)
Checking the rest of discography?: I might. Some soft psych pop is always welcome.
Summer Death

I am not sure what to feel. On one hand, this exemplifies nearly everything I hate about whiny emo. It pretends that its angsty and one-dimensional attitude is actually an emotion-filled ride. It relies on nasally vocals and rather unemotive instrumentation. I should hate it with vicious fiery passion, but I don't. There is something oddly calming about it. Really not sure what it is, but let's leave it at that.
"I'm (getting) too old for this shit." from Cinco De May Shit Show is exactly how I feel about htis album.
Fav: Cinco De Mayo Shit Show
Checking the rest of discography?: I'm afraid not.

I'll be honest with you, this is mildly overbearing. But it is also just so ridiculously pretty that it makes me forgive its obnoxiously bloated nature. And the vocals also are so, so close to becoming annoying, but they never are. I think I liked the album, even though it is just one of those situations, where evenrything balances at the edge of a precipice.
Fav: Harmony
Checking the rest of discography?: ugh, fffine, but I am afraid that anything else might as well already fall over that very precipice
63Rx Bandits
...And the Battle Begun

from DinosaurJones' 5s
64The Used
The Used

Oh boy, this was an incredibly tedious experience, which is surprising seeing as this album is generally energetic. The songs are overwhelmingly flat and sound like produced in a broken drill supository. It's just a clashing mess of forgettability and almost sickening blandness.
Fav: Say Days Ago
Checking the rest of discography?: never in a million years
65Vaadat Charigim
The World Is Well Lost
66The Newfound Interest in Connecticut
Tell Me About the Long Dark Path Home
67Ghost Mice
All We Got Is Each Other
68Signals Midwest
Latitudes & Longitudes
69The Ocean
71Fair to Midland
Fables From a Mayfly: What I Tell You Three Times is True

72Pizzicato Five
Happy End of the World
73G. Yamazawa
Shouts to Durham

No entirely sure how to feel about this. I love the production, but I am not entirely sold on the guy's personality and his lyrics. He sure is wordy, but often he just comes off a tad cringy. Still, when it hits home, it hits home.
Fav: Violence
Checking the rest of discography?: If he puts out anything new, I might check.
House of Stone
75Musk Ox
76Ling Tosite Sigure

talking about it over here:
Checking the rest of discography?: yes, fam
The Maldoror Chants: Hermaphrodite

And the Glass Handed Kites

from osmark86's 5s
79Mike Oldfield

80Thy Darkened Shade
Liber Lvcifer I: Khem Sedjet

from Egarran's 5s
82Matthew Good Band
Beautiful Midnight
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