
Reviews 1
Approval 83%

Soundoffs 90
Album Ratings 1145
Objectivity 76%

Last Active 09-12-21 11:15 am
Joined 01-31-15

Review Comments 10,456

07.28.22 Nothing But Thieves ranked06.03.21 2020 - A year in books
06.01.21 2019 - A year in books07.20.20 Ranking Haken correctly
04.05.20 Ranking Rise Against01.05.20 Stuff I got into in 2019
10.31.19 You recommended me uplifting music10.16.19 Rec me some uplifting music
08.05.19 Dream Theater ranked correctly.06.24.19 Ranking The Kingdom Hearts Series
02.19.19 The difference between post rock, shoeg01.31.19 4 years on sput: favourties 1997 - 2018
01.18.19 Stuff I got into in 201801.14.19 kalk's 2018
05.28.18 Enter Shikari: Ranked from worst to bes

You recommended me uplifting music

And I really appreciate what I listend to so far. I'll list my opinions on the music step by step as I go through your recs.

recommended by butt.

I totally get why so many people still see Slowdive as some of the best shoegaze out there. Souvlaki may end on a sad note, but overall the music conveys a certain sense of youth and innocence and that's really resonating with me. This album stands proud with the best stuff by Sigur Ros and Alcest.
Rating: 4.5

recommended my butt.

Pygmalion is a very different beast. It's sad. It's kind of abstract. And it's an ambient record which means it's effectively musical wallpaper - meant to be ignorable yet interesting. And it does a hell of a good job at it. Steven Wilson compared ambient music to a perfume being there and changing the way we perceive a room. Pygmalion does do exactly that. It revolves around empty space constantly and turns it into something meaningful.
Rating: 4.5
3Fleetwood Mac

recommended by butt.

I honest don't know where to start. I just plain enjoyed to a lot. It's catchy, I love the interplay of male and female vocalists, I like the 70s production ... good stuff. Also there are some personal reasons why I liked this so much: my old singing teacher once covered The Chain with her band and when I listened to this the first time it hit me like a brick: It's that album! Nice.
Rating: 4.5
Just for a Day

recommended by butt.

It's kind of like Souvlaki, but not as developed. I'm so glad I checked out this band tbh, I was missing out.
Rating: 4.0

recommended by butt.

It's rather an evolution from Souvlaki than Pygmalion. Slowdive are in Slowdive mode here and they aged gracefully.
Rating: 4.0
6Galaxie 500

recommended by GhandhiLion

I dig this, it's like a bluesy version of shoegaze/post rock. It's the kind of album I would listen to on a late drive home. There is warmth with a nice sense of nostalgia. It didn't grab me as much as Slowdive did, but it's very nice still. I will go on to the next rec though, checking all of Slowdive was kind of a special case.
Rating: 4.0

recommended by budgie

A joyful piece of folk music. I'm not used to this genre, it's actually my first full on folk album. There is a lot going on, fast sections people could probably dance to. I don't see myself listen to it that much in the future, but it's fun.
Rating: 4.0
8Olafur Arnalds

recommended by Josh D.

This is indeed akin to Sigur Ros, in attitude at least. Electeonic beats blend perfectly with strings, synths and piano to a mixture ine could describe as minimal, ambient, neo classical and (most importantly) very human. One eye is crying, but the tears are bittersweet and full of hope. Thank you very much for this warm blanket, Josh!
Rating 4.0
Morbid Stuff

recommended by madrigal30

Looking at the lyrics this shouldn't be uplifting at all. But it's an upbeat, fast paced, bright and colourful album full of gang vocals, catchy choruses and short but sweet songs. I didn't listen to pop punk like this in ages and I think I really missed out. When I thought of pop punk I always thought of Green Day and was turned off immediately. I'm happy to get rid of another prejudice. Thanks a lot for this one!
Rating: 4.5
10John Coltrane
My Favorite Things

recommended by Uzumaki

This isn't an easy one for me. It's probably my first full on jazz album and it's basically endless soloing and jazz standards without a typical structure. And that's not a bad thing at all, but it's so different from what I'm used to listen to it's hard to swallow. It's definitely good, but would I listen to more in that vein? I don't know. An interesting one for sure, that you very much!
Rating 4.0
11Miles Davis
Kind of Blue

recommended by Uzumaki

I really wanted to like this instrumental jazz a lot more, but for some reason it doesn't do that much for me. It's a great noodle from start to finish though and I liked it for that reason. I don't think I will return to this very often, even though it's undeniably good.
Rating: 4.0
12Night Flowers
Wild Notion

recommended by Keyblade

Is this the soundtrack to falling in love? It so nice, cute and comforting like little else I know. A really nice little record that reminds me of a more indie version of Alcest, I guess? I love the sound and it's a nice listen from start to finish. I wished the songs were a little more memorable so I could give a higher rating.
Rating: 4.0
It's All Crazy! It's All False! It's All A Dream! It's Alright!

recommended by nightbringer

You know, even though I'm an atheist religious symbolism can be pretty cool imo. I really enjoy how rhese songs tell little tales while being poetic instead of preachy. There were a few sings here and there that dragged a little imo, but the instrumentation is very solid. These guys must be very competent songwriters.
Rating: 4.0
14Devin Townsend
Ocean Machine: Biomech

recommended by mindleviticus

Now this is a grower. I didn't do that much for me on the first few listens, but slowly I got more and more into it. It definitely has its own atmosphere, kind of like a post rock album, but it's also heavy and demands your attention. An interesting dichotomy. I don't think this record very happy or cheery tbh. In fact many albums here aren't. But I definitely see how one might be cheered up a bit by listening to this. That scream at the end though ... wow.
Rating: 4.5

recommended by nightbringer

Reminds me of Alcest with solos. The drums can be a bit harsh on the ears, but it has a lot of energy and positive vibes which is exactly what I was looking for. Nice one for a few listens.
Rating: 4.0
16Jakub Zytecki
Nothing Lasts, Nothing's Lost

recommended by nightbringer

Oh my god, I simply loved this one. This is what a modern feel good record sounds like. It's like a more relaxed Plini with some, I guess, indie going on? It's relaxing, but the guitars are always fun and tasty. I definetly will check out his first album now before continuing with the other albums.
Rating: 4.5

So the first album actually completely different lul. It's heavy, has DM elements, is all over the place and not uplifting at all. His second album is a great improvement in all these regards. Still a fun listen though.
Rating: 4.0

recommended by nightbringer

I really liked how relaxed and beautiful this was. It was an easy listening, quite upbeat and really groovy. Just damn nice, there isn't much more to say about this. Good stuff, I can see myself returning to this
Rating: 4.0
18Fleet Foxes
Helplessness Blues

recommended by dafon24

Some nice indie folk. I like this stuff. I don't feel like there is much more to say about this, it definitely hit the spot and left me satisfied. I especially dig the more drawn out pieces like The Shrine / An Argument. Indie is a genre that still has a lot for me left to explore.
Rating: 4.0
Midnite Vultures

recommended by dafon24

Alright. This album was challenging for me. I appreciate a good challenge and there was a lot to like here. It has a sense of, yea, fun, but for some reason it doesn't reach me. Idk, this style just isn't for me, I guess. Still, this was something new for me and because of that I'm happy to have listened to it.
Rating: 3.5
Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga

recommended by dafon24

I liked this a lot more. It's still not exactly my thing and not really gripping me idk, but it was less irritating to me than Beck and had lots of interesting sound. Definetly different from what I'm used to, but can't really say much else than that. It's quality stuff, I can say that at least.
Rating 4.0
21Kishi Bashi

recommended by dafon24

Love me some colourful indie pop by a crazy dude with a violin. It's a love letter to ... everything? Love? Live? Does that matter? It's a beautiful love letter! I love you too, Mr. Ishibashi. I will make sure to check his other stuff, this is just so lovely and cute.
Rating: 4.5
22Eagles Of Death Metal
Peace Love Death Metal

recommended by dafon24

So this is like straight hard rock, I guess? For some reason I didn't feel the need to revisit this very much. I'm just not very interested tbh. Like, it's fine, it does it's job, but idk.
Rating: 3.5
23Gang of Youths
Go Farther in Lightness

recommended by dafon24

You know, every now and then you stumble upon an album that's just perfect in almist every way. It's rare, but ut happens. This is one if those instances. From production to songwriting to vocals to instrumentation to interludes that are actually enhancing the experience to the overall mood to the lyrics everything about this is warm and uplifting and feels authentic. Now that's a long ass sentence and rightfully so, because this is a long ass album. But contrary to most albums this length every second here is justified. It tried not to 5 this, but I can't.
Rating: 5.0
24Advantage Lucy

recommended by JohnnyoftheWell

I finally found a way to listen to this. This album brings the summer vibes. It's something for the car, when you get your friends to drive to a lake and have a good time there. There are losts of different vibes here, it's really nice variety for indie rock/pop. All in all this is definitely a strong 4.0 with 4.5 potential in the long run. Awesome!
Rating: 4.0
25Advantage Lucy

recommended by JohnnyoftheWell

Not so strong on the summer vibes, but very cool in a more electronic way? Not sure what else to add t9 the conversation.
Rating: 4.0
Seventh Tree

recommended by JohnnyoftheWell

Very sweet. Chill out music, very relaxed, but catchy. I dig female vocals and I think I need more of them in my life. Something for spring or early summer.
Rating: 4.0
27Ghosts and Vodka
Addicts and Drunks

recommended by Relinquished

This was incredibly fun! It's kinda like that Jakub Zytecki album. It's really relaxing and dreamy, but also very playful. And who needs vocals when the guitars could sing instead? I don't know how to come up with a meaningful label for this tbh. Loved it! It's a shame this isn't available on Spotify, it deserves more exposure.
Rating: 4.5
Journey Through The Hidden Gardens

recommended by mindleviticus

This is so damn good! A very atmospheric, but melodic prog metal album with fluid songwriting, 80s synths that remind me of Kevin Moore era Dream Theater and my good boi Jakub Zytecki on guitar. So damn sweet, could the closing track be any more perfect? It's like a perfect bridge between old and new. I'm so glad I listened to this.
Rating: 4.5
Kill the Moonlight

recommended by DopeFiend

Idk, this surely is some nice stuff, but it's just kinda boring imo. I remember a guy who said something like "is there an indie band with more soul out there?" and I get what he's talking about, but idk, I just don't care enough about this. Time to move on to the next thing.
Rating: 3.5

recommended by SlothcoreSam

It's faster paced Sigur Ros basically and I love it! More pop overall. Don't have more to say about it.
Rating: 4.5
31Kishi Bashi

recommended by SlothcoreSam

This is exactly what I expected it to be: similar to Lighght, but not as refined as his future work. Still very nice of course and a great debut. Bonus points for being so colourful.
Rating: 4.0
Punk in Drublic

recommended by RadioSuicide

Yea, this is punk. It raw, it's nasty, it's got youthful energy. I feel like this deserves a 4.0, but for some strange reason my enjoyment is more like a 3.5 idk. Not feeling this too strongly tbh.
33Three 6 Mafia
Chapter 2: World Domination

recommended by Avagantamos

Okay, I don't know much about Hip-Hop, but gave this a fair chance of course. It's always interesting to go into stuff I'm not into so this was an interesting lesson, but I didn't vibe with it that much as a whole. Idk, but I think it's a good album even though I'm not into it.
Rating: 3.5
Live at Wembley '86

recommended by TheNotrap

Probably as good as a live album can get. Lots of energy, lots of classic songs, improvised sections ... It's fucking Queen, of course I'm gonna love it! Could deserve a 5, but time will tell.
Rating: 4.5
35Four Year Strong
Enemy of the World

recommended by dedex

Now this was fun. It's like Pop Punk and Metalcore mixed and doing everything right. There is no reason to take anything about this seriously and that's exactly what I needed lol. I enjoyed the last days of summer jamming this and it was so good.
Rating: 4.0
36Streetlight Manifesto
Everything Goes Numb

recommended by Coolishtiger

I was never that much into punk or ska tbh. I loved Rise Against in high school, but they're very alt rock (back then I thought I was such a punk lol. I was so wrong). Loved this though! We need more brass is rock, because it absolutely bangs lol. These melodies are catchy af and the nasty vocals may not be my thing anymore, but they're pretty cool here. Loved this and its raw energy.
Rating: 4.5
37Kero Kero Bonito
Bonito Generation

recommended by Coolishtiger

This was unexpected lol. It's shallow and carefree and inoffensive and only kinda boring, but actually charming, and just ... fun. Nothing I would want to revisit very often, but it's was a nice experience nonetheless.
Rating 3.5
38Janelle Monae
The ArchAndroid

recommended by Coolishtiger

I had a good time with this, but it's also out of my system already. It was cool to get in touch with some styles I'm not super familiar with and I had a really great time while it was playing and the artistry was great. Just didn't leave a lasting impression.
Rating: 4.0
None So Vile

recommended by Coolishtiger

It put a big smile on my face with its funny vocals and inherently upbeat instrumentation. Is there a way to make a happier record? I genuinely don't know.
Rating: 4.5
40Snarky Puppy
We Like It Here

recommended by Coolishtiger

Mmmh, this is some crazy and most of the time songoriented jazz-stuff. I'm not well versed in jazz, but I had a lot of fun with this and it's joyful nature. Sometimes it's a bit much though, but apart from that it hits all the right spots. Very very nice.
Rating: 4.5
41Lightning Bolt
Sonic Citadel

recommended by gryndstone

I never had much experience with noise rock and I feel like this is a good entry point! It riffs hard, had lots of great instrumental hooks as well. Lots of fun here, even though I don't dig the vocals. Vocals are kind of a big th8ng for me. They should be good or not there at all for me. Drags this down a little bit, but it was a fun time.
Rating: 4.0
42The Go! Team
Thunder, Lightning, Strike

recommended by gryndstone

I've got to say, this was quite different from anything I've ever listened to. I don't have many words to fathom this style. It felt kinda childlike with brass elements and some (kinda) gang vocals. It does something really cool and idk how to put into words.
Rating: 4.0
43The Armed
Only Love

recommended by gryndstone

This is an interesting case. My first impression was "wow, this is like sunbather-esque blackgaze, but different". That's due to the production that leads to a very dreamy soundscape, even though the music is quite abrasive a lot of the time. It's not black metal or showgaze though. So I guess my initial thought rings true in a way that it does something similar, but is actually quite different. I love me some dreamy stuff, but I had a hard time finding moments I find memorable with my few listens. I feel like I want to move on, even though more listens could make it click. Maybe. It's a quality record and I have a lot of respect for it. It's the kind of thing I'd slap a 4.0 on, because I see the quality, but don't feel the love that would justify a higher rating. If you enjoy post rocky music, but are tired of blackgaze, check this out.
Rating: 4.0
44Sly and The Family Stone

recommended by ArsMoriendi

So this is some cool, old school, bluesy stuff. It's fun, but not the stuff I'm craving for atm. Great musicians, great performances and I just dig the old school production values.
Rating 4.0
Endless Fantasy

recommended by gryndstone

You know, sometimes you just stumble upon something and you see how some people might think it's flawed, it's easy to see actually, but ... you just don't care, because it gives you so much joy? That's what this album is for me. The chip tune sound, the undertale-esque moments, the gameboy nostalgia, the TUNES, this is neither too long nor having any filler (for me at least). There is no rational way to explain this, it's just a 5.
Rating: 5.0
The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway

recommended by Scheumke

Genesis are a special band, but for some reason I always have trouble connecting to their music. The Lamb is a cool concept album, almost like a musical, and it works really well, but I miss the big moments Foxtrot and Selling England have.
Rating: 4.0
47Wilson Tanner

Recommended by garas

An album called 69 must be good! And it is. It's very calm ambient music, very chill and nice. Not much more for me to say, really. Good stuff.
Rating 4.0

Recommended by botb

Oh boi. This is desperation casted into music. NOT uplifting at all. But I actually never listened to this type of Doom Metal and I think it does its thing just awesomely well. I just can't stand so much music with these vibes over a long period of time. I guess I have to move on.
Rating: 4.0
49Indigo Jam Unit

Recommended by Trifolium

It bounces, it grooves and it just plain slaps. The production gives this the appropriate punch and makes these jams really come alive. This band has two drummers. Once you notice that you cannot unhear it, it's fascinating! Honestly, I only have praise for this and am out of words.
Rating: 4.5
50Nine Inch Nails

Recommended by Larkinhill

So, I knew before I got into this, that this is exactly the type of music I wanted to get away from with this list. But I thought: yea, why not? And I was right, this isn't the stuff want to listen to anymore. But it very good too, excellent even. Would he unfair not to give the appropriate rating imo. However, I am moving on from this very quickly.
Rating: 4.0
Happy Songs For Happy Zombies

Recommended by Sinternet

Thanks a lot for this! It's short, sweet and straight to the point. Loved putting this on, it was quite pretty Shoegaze. It's what you expect from the genre, with a fast pace and some energy. Really, I don't have much more to say.
Rating: 4.0
52The Pains of Being Pure at Heart
The Pains of Being Pure at Heart

Recommended by Sinternet

This one was a pleasant listen. Indie isn't usually my style, so some exposure to it is a change of pace for me, that kept me listening even though this felt a little bit bland imo. I guess I won't return to this in the future, but it helped me understanding the genre a bit more.
Rating: 3.5
53Peter Gabriel

Recommended by Scheumke

This is an easy win! Gabriel sang so many great vocal melodies on this, used so many great arrangements, one really wishes more pop music was as interesting as this. The structure is interesting too, as more ambient tracks alternate with louder ones. Personally I prefer the more ambient ones like Mercy Street, Don't Give Up and Red Rain, but one can't deny the impact of the other ones, especially when loud and quiet are paired together both can shine. Awesome wholesome record.
Rating: 4.5
54Guns N' Roses
Appetite for Destruction

Recommended by Scheumke

Yea, idk why, but this one just bored me a bit too much. I mean, it probably nice and I love Sweet Child O Mine, but apart from that I just don't care enough.
Rating: 3.0
55Pijn and Conjurer
Curse These Metal Hands

Recommended by DDDeftoneDDD

I didn't know what to expect and I am not well versed in this sludge kind of thing, but I'll try to articulate my thoughts nontheless. Imagine Gojira didn't go for the thicc midtempo riff, but instead for a lighter rock approach. That's how I see this record. Also there is a soaring, uplifting quality to this Gojira never had. Overall this works well to chill out and just relax, which genuinely surprised me. I would definetly recommend this.
Rating: 4.0
56Elder (USA-MA)
The Gold and Silver Sessions

Recommended by DDDeftoneDDD

This series of jam is some great chilling and reading music. I really appreciate it for these qualities, even if I wasn't greatly moved by it either.
Rating: 3.5
El Cielo

Recommended by sizeofanocean

Similar with this. Sounds nice, it's really smooth. Positive vibes, probably a great album for summer. I know it is well loved, but I "just" really enjoyed it. Good album. Don't really have much to say about it.
Rating: 3.5
The Alchemy Index Vol. IV: Earth

Recommended by Aerisavion
59Will Downing
Will Downing

Recommended by Drifter
60Orchestra of Spheres

Recommended by Wubs
61Stevie Wonder
Songs in the Key of Life

Recommended by aydross121
For Long Tomorrow

Recommended by thedoom
63Violent Femmes
Violent Femmes

Recommended by NorthernSkylark
64Steve Reich
Music for 18 Musicians

Recommended by 50iL
65Sweet Trip

Recommended by AnimalsAsSummit
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