Album Ratings 62 Objectivity 64%
Last Active 01-01-70 12:00 am Joined 01-01-70
Review Comments 4
| Second Listens
These are albums that I didn't like at first listen, but have grown to
really like. No particular
order. | 1 |  | Ratatat LP3
Was expecting Ratatat's old sound. Then I listened to this album a couple weeks later. Very cool album. | 2 |  | Talking Heads Remain In Light
I picked this up cause I heard very good things, but I thought it was too repetitive and kinda boring.
Took a
while but I'm starting to really like this album too. | 3 |  | Arcade Fire Funeral
I actually thought this album was good the first listen, but it grows on me every time I listen to it. | 4 |  | The Dirtbombs Ultraglide in Black
My friend played this while I was in the car once and I wasn't really feeling it. Picked up this album
a year later and it's become a favorite album. Love the motown fuzz feel. | 5 |  | Justice Cross
At first I only listened to D.A.N.C.E, which is an awesome song. Then I realized the rest of the album,
although not like most stuff I listen too, is really cool | 6 |  | Between the Buried and Me Colors
First scream metal (or whatever you want to call it) album I bought. Took a lil while to get used to, but
this albums a beast.
something to do with it but I dont know. | 7 |  | Gorillaz Gorillaz
At first I liked the singles, didn't really listen to the other songs, but they have some really cool sounds
going on in this album | |
11.07.08 | Y'ever think about Grandpas, man? Ya know, like, Mi Viejo. Grandpas man! | Zoo
11.07.08 | I have to admit, "scream metal" is a new one. | StreetlightRock
11.07.08 | 2 and 5 absolutely rock. | HellbillyDeluxe
11.07.08 | bra, Between the Buried and Me is progressive metal.
| jorge22s
11.11.08 | so, everything is "cool" | Monkbo
11.12.08 | looking back, i did say cool alot |