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06.01.24 Got the flu, send me recs11.02.23 Check out my band’s new/final record
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12.30.21 Got that omicron shit AMA07.16.21 Released some new jams today!
04.11.20 FF7 Remake02.23.20 2019: A Fight Riff Retrospective
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2019: A Fight Riff Retrospective

Hey sputfolks, since 2018's list seemed to get a lot of love, here's a bunch of riffs that got my blood pumping last year. Not listed- Knocked loose because they are bad.
1All Out War
Crawl Among the Filth

Judas Always Crawls - (1:39). All Out War has been pumping out quality NYHC/crossover albums since the 90s and this year's outing was no less furious than any other. They opt to slow things down for the end of this song after setting a furious pace for the first half and it hits.

FFO: Power Trip, Ringworm, NYHC.
2Antichrist Siege Machine
Schism Perpetration

Cleaved From Flesh - (1:42). The self proclaimed war metal duo ASM do what they do best in this song. Pummel you into submission with a wall of riffs.

FFO: Pig's Blood, Caveman Cult, pogo beats
3Chamber (US)

Severed - (2:10). I was initially really on board with the whole 90's metalcore revival thing until everyone started seeing how hard they could ape the dissonance present in Disembodied's music in every. single. riff. By all accounts Chamber doesn't really cut down on the amount of dissonance, in fact they are one of the most frivolous users. But idk man, idk if it's the love that I had for their other bands before this one but this just hits different. Despite my best efforts to hate this, I just vibe with it.

FFO: Disembodied, Martyr AD, breakdowns.
4Creeping Death
Wretched Illusions

Sinner's Torch - (2:50). Another fairly recent fad in heavy music has been the resurgence of the old school death metal/hardcore blend. Rife with reverb and dive-bombs galore, this style has something that I crave in spades even more... fuckin' fight riffs. This song/album is full of them, but slow downs are a very easy way to get people moving.

FFO: Gatecreeper, Outer Heaven, that ol' 80's throwback sound.
The Void

The Devil's Crown - (1:34). NYHC is alive and well in 2019. Combust hits you with a nasty build up into one of my favorite two-steps this year.

FFO: Madball, Skarhead, more traditional hardcore.
Old Star

Alp Man - (0:00). Darkthrone has been writing great fight riffs for as long as they've been a band. Listen to "In The Shadow Of The Horns" and tell me people wouldn't pit to that even now. Even almost 30 years into their legendary career, Darkthrone is unafraid to just right out of the gates catch you with the riff. I gotta call em like I see em.

FFO: Fuckin' darkthrone, what else do they sound like other than them?
7Division of Mind
Division Of Mind

D.O.M. - (0:23). Richmond heavy kings dropped their debut on Triple B late last year and it flew under lots of radars. This is a rerecording of an old song, but the shit just hits so hard I can't even pretend like it's still not one of my favorite moments on this whole album.

FFO: Jesus Piece, Low tuned riffs, chuggy breakdowns.
At The Walls

Civilized Mind - (1:52). This is my favorite band in Richmond right now, no contest. Crossover Thrash done with a different kind of energy than I've heard other people do it. This is another old song that got a new facelift but the entire thing is a headrush. It's just unreal, give it a shot. NO FINGERS CROSSED! PARADISE LOST!

FFO: Power Trip, the Slayer songs someone punched you during when you caught them on their final tour, fucking RIFFS.
Steeping Corporeal Mess

Consumed Periphery - (0:10). I'm gonna be honest with you, this entire record is so heavy that I kind of just ended up just picking a riff I vibed with and sticking with it. Give any songs on this bad boy a shot and I'm sure you'll hear something that makes you want to put your head through a wall.

FFO: Bolt Thrower, Witch Vomit, really the entire 20BS catalogue.
10Friendship (JPN)

Plague - (1:40). Nobody talks about Japanese hardcore on sput and it's really thriving right now. These guys play the kind of power violence/hardcore/grind that Weekend Nachos used to have the market cornered on. It's heavy as shit, and this breakdown has this wild Converge-y feel to it with the bends and feedback. It's just really sick.

FFO: Weekend Nachos, Mind Eraser, Hatred Surge.
11Frozen Soul
Encased in Ice

Merciless - (1:47). Maggot Stomp caught me by surprise this year with a bunch of releases and quickly became one of my favorite labels in death metal. The whole death/doom slow, low tuned chuggy death metal thing is being done right by their entire catalogue and Frozen Soul put out this quick 4 song jammer this year (one of the songs is a Mortician cover!) that blew my mind. I love the way this riff drops in, it builds and builds and then POP. Snare into mosh to survive. Then they bring back the initial buildup riff, just brilliant stuff.

FFO: Bolt Thrower, Mortician, a slow and low death metal assault.
12Full of Hell
Weeping Choir

Thundering Hammers - (0:00). Full Of Hell have the grind game on lock in 2019. Quality release after quality release year after year and this one is no different. The drummer going absolutely nuts doesn't disguise this for what it really is- sludgy and nasty riffing throughout the entire song.

FFO: They're one of the most popular modern grind bands these days. If you know, you know.
13Fuming Mouth
The Grand Descent

The Great Equalizer - (1:19). Another entry into the death metal/hardcore blender of 2019. These guys do it very different than Creeping Death though, instead of reverb they opt for an absolute buzzsaw HM-2 approach. This album is heavy as hell, and I could've picked damn near any of these songs to feature, but as you can probably tell, I'm a sucker for a great build up.

FFO: Nails but slower, Entombed, Hurting your neck headbanging.

Anxiety - (1:30). Yeah yeah this is a bonus track, but it's maybe my favorite song this band has ever written besides Patriarchal Grip. This track is just absolute 10/10 hardcore influenced death metal riffing. Love the way they alternate between tremolo and heavy ass palm mutes in this one.

FFO: Entombed, Genocide Pact, death metal with hooks.
15Ground (USA-NJ)
Mourn Innocence

Plausible Deniability - (0:40). All hail the best band in false grind right now. Some sick infest style PV vocals in this two-step. Slams, two-steps, blast-beats, dumb hardcore tough guy bullshit, this record has it all. It's definitely in the running for the dumbest record on this list but it's fucking fun and you can punch your friends to it, so who cares?

FFO: Weekend Nachos, Mind Eraser, being crowd killed by a very out of breath fat guy that smells like mids.
2019 Promo

Self-Inflicted Mental Terror - (0:00). The "cool-guy" backlash surrounding this band's meteoric rise to popularity doesn't stop them from being one of the most exciting bands in hardcore in 2019. This band really has such a myriad of influences that it's hard to say what they sound like... sometimes I feel like I could be listening to a Hoax record, other times it feels like straight death metal, other times it's almost full of hell-esque. They have a record coming in 2020, check out everything this band has ever done in the meantime. Oh yeah, the riff, just fucking listen to this song dude, it's absolutely nuts.

FFO: Check this band if you like anything in the hardcore, death metal, grind, or punk realms, they have something for you somewhere.
17Hangman (NY)
One by One

Intro - (0:00). Another great modern NYHC band doing their thing. This record rips, and I've just been a sucker for a great hardcore intro track since I heard Bracewar's demo 15 (ugh) years ago.

FFO: Sick Of It All, Rival Mob, NYHC.
When Fear Turns To Confidence

Vagrant - (1:56). Alright I admit it, I slept on this band. Hell of a buildup on this riff and it pays off. I still roll my eyes sometimes at some of the parts this band writes but this song rips.

FFO: Turmoil, Foundation, Occasional discords with your chugs.
19Inter Arma
Sulphur English

Citidel - (4:11). This record was a wild ride. Some cavernous, sludgy death metal mixed with some songs that I could see Pink Floyd writing if they came out 30 years later. This song is amongst the heaviest on the record and this riff is an absolute assbeater, and the next time I see them I don't know how I'm supposed to not make everyone around me very upset if they play this.

FFO: sludge, dm, and prog?
Surface Noise

Karma's Knife - (1:52). Full disclosure, I liked their last record a lot better. It was more memorable and more raw to me. BUT, this song hits. They have kind of crossover thrash meets metalcore vibes on this record. The harmonized guitar between the chugs is really sick.

FFO: Mindforce, later Xibalba, TXHC.
All I Hope For

Hanged - (3:10). John Caution's other post WN band has only gotten better with time. I generally like the straight-forwardness of Spine better but I really like this latest outing from Ledge. Absolutely crushing sludge/doom with a bit of hardcore undertones. This riff goes into a really cool fuzzy almost stoner-y riff that closes out the song, check it out.

FFO: Primitive Man, That one "doom" Weekend Nachos EP, very very sloooowwww riffs.
To Whatever Fateful End

Defy - (0:48). I jumped on board with this band late too, but they've got a really cool 90's metalcore meets modern hardcore thing going on. Almost sounds like something that would've come out of Wilkes-Barre like 5 years ago, but its from NC. I don't normally get down with riding on a china during a chuggy riff these days like I used to but this one is so energetic I can't help but get pumped.

FFO: Dead End Path, Mother of Mercy, very hardcore vocals with a bit of a splash of metal riffing.
23Malignant Altar
Retribution of Jealous Gods

Retribution of Jealous Gods - (0:00). Good god, talk about caving your head in right out of the gate. Another absolutely filthy Maggot Stomp band featuring members of Insect Warfare. Insane drumming and crushing, guttural vocals. This whole demo has me beyond excited to hear what's next for them.

FFO: Maggot Stomp's other bands, Dobber Beverly, death/doom.
24Mortality Rate
You Were the Gasoline

Roses - (1:32). TXHC is putting out *quality* crossover releases in a "post-Power Trip is on a major label now" world. Love how intense the vocals are on this record, and the pace is generally as furious. These guys love to throw you into a memorable two-step. I also really dig how they never overstay their welcome with a nasty riff too, it stays just long enough to get ingrained in your brain and make you hit the play button again.

FFO: Creeping Death, Power Trip, TXHC/crossover.
I Don't Want to Know You

Endless Resistance - (2:30). Todd Jones is a bit of a dork, everyone knows this. But this dude can write a fucking fight riff; in fact, this entire song is basically just a series of great ones. I know it's not "cool" to like Nails in 2019, but this song is an absolute pit anthem. Adding Max Cavalera onto a song that doesn't suck in 2019? You're moshing.

FFO: Fuckin' Nails, Sepultura when they weren't bad, Watching bands with your arms crossed.
26Never Ending Game
Just Another Day

God Forgives... - (1:25). Ok, I take back what I said earlier, THIS is the dumbest thing on this list. NEG plays the blend of knuckle dragging tough guy hardcore that most people turn their nose up at. Only, these guys are only getting bigger responses and more plays, and that's because they're REAL and they're just fucking fun. I don't know the ins and outs of coming from a shitty neighborhood in detroit and having to fight to survive, but they strike me as very authentic. I come for the mosh, stay for the energy, and generally ignore the lyrics hahaha.

FFO: Trapped Under Ice, Stout, Hatebreed
27Pig's Blood
A Flock Slaughtered

Aberration (Submit or Perish) - (2:48). Very much akin to the ASM song/record, this song is a blend of speedy blasts and double bass mixed with crushing riffing. No frills, no nonsense, bang your fuckin head.

FFO: Archgoat, Revenge
28Point Of Contact

Word Is Bond - (1:26). FL HARDCORE IN THE HOUSE. Only this is the record that reminds me the most of Earth Crisis on the whole list, but then FL has been putting out bands doing that style well for a few years now. No bullshit, just great straight edge hardcore.

FFO: Earth Crisis, Ecostrike.
Death Becomes My Voice

Acquiesce - (0:00). Cleveland's finest has been putting out bangers as long as they've been around. This was honestly one of my favorite tracks this year from any band. Just a heater from beginning to end.

FFO: Integrity, All Out War, Ringworm.
Pornographic Seizures

Succulent Decadent - (3:15). If you had told me a death metal band from Ohio with an unspellable, unpronounceable name would put out an EP called "Pornographic Seizures" in 2019 and it would be one of my most played records of the year I probably would've slapped you. But here we are. Some of the heaviest death metal I've heard in years. The way this riff drops in is just fucking nuts. They fake you out with it at first, and then when it comes in the second time with the little fill... if I ever see this band and they play this I'm killing everyone around me and then myself.

FFO: This is probably my favorite fight riff this year. Just listen to the song.
Blood of the Beasts

The Blankest Cheque - (0:00). 3 blistering LPs in 4 years isn't too shabby. Chris Colohan's lyrics continue to be some of the best anyone has ever written on this record too. This band contains members of Cursed, Earth Crisis, Undying, Day of Suffering, and Fall Out Boy. If that's not enough for you to check this out then I'm not sure what is.

FFO: Cursed, Left For Dead, Nails.
32The Great Old Ones

Of Dementia - (2:29). We had to get some blackened death metal on here right? But this band is so much more than that. Elements of sludge, post-metal, black metal, death metal, and everything else in that universe wrapped up in a nice little Lovecraftian-themed package. This particular riff just crushes you out of nowhere, one of the only truly sludgy moments on the record, and one of the only instances I can think of of a black metal band using a "chug breakdown" expertly.

FFO: Der Weg Einer Freiheit, Fall Of Rauros.
Tap Night

Soapbox Sermon - (1:11). Billy Rymer of TDEP fame playing some badass mathy Metalcore that reminds me of the glory days of Scarlet and Spitfire. Really a cool little record, I hope he continues to work with these guys.

FFO: Spitfire, Scarlet, Coalesce.
34Tomb Mold
Planetary Clairvoyance

Cerulean Salvation - (0:52). Tomb Mold continues to be one of the most exciting new death metal bands. While I didn't like the production quite as much on this record as I did Manor, the riffs are still undeniably great. Pick your feet up for this one, we're going to make some metal kids very sad.
Orificial Purge

I On The Knife (Second Wound) - (1:40). 20BS has a really impressive roster. Vastum has been putting nasty death metal out for almost a decade now, but I slept until this past year. Love the way they alternate between slow and sludgy and really fast traditional DM styles on this record. Caveman riffs abound, eat your hearts out.

FFO: Suffocation, Necrot.
36Year of the Knife
Ultimate Aggression

Ultimate Disease - (0:26). New blood in metalcore/hardcore, DE's YOTK has really bulldozed the competition in that NE throwback style. It takes me back to the glory days of bands like Black My Heart, just tough, pissed, and no-holds-barred.

FFO: Black My Heart, Thick As Blood, the resurgence of the Zil-bell.
Gazing in the Dark

Mirages - (0:56). From some of the minds that brought you dead and dreaming, this record is noise rock, it’s grunge, it’s hardcore, it’s an acid trip through tribal lands deep in the jungle. Can’t really describe it other than it’s creative and fascinating and this riff with snap your neck in half.

FFO: KEN Mode, Helmet, absolute insanity.
38Dead and Dreaming

Ego (Creature With An Atom Bomb) - (3:22). Dead and Dreaming have quietly been putting out some of the heaviest sludgy hardcore with southern undertones for years now. But they are more than that. They are creative, fresh, and absolutely deranged. This riff is one of many of this record and their past records that will absolutely snap your neck. The entire thing is more or less a clinic on how drums can reframe and drop into the same simple sludgy riff multiple times. And it’s absolutely fucking nuts.

FFO: Crowbar, Suburban Scum, an unorthodox approach to your hardcore.
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